Immediate Family
About Rodolfo I di Borgogna
Rudolph I, born 859, died October 25, 912, King of (Upper or Transjurane) Burgundy from his election in 888 until his death.
Rudolph belonged to the elder Welf family and was the son of Conrad, Count of Auxerre, from whom he inherited the lay abbacy of St Maurice en Valais, making him the most powerful magnate in Upper Burgundy - present-day western Switzerland and the Franche Comté.
After the deposition and death of Charles the Fat, the nobles and leading clergy of Upper Burgundy met at St Maurice and elected Rudolph as king. Apparently on the basis of this election, Rudolph claimed the whole of Lotharingia, taking much of modern Lorraine and Alsace - but his claim was contested by Arnulf of Carinthia, the new king of East Francia or Germany, who rapidly forced Rudolph to abandon Lotharingia in return for recognition as king of Burgundy. However, hostilities between Rudolph and Arnulf seem to have continued intermittently until 894.
Rudolph's relationships with his other neighbours were friendlier. His sister Adelaide married Richard the Justiciar, duke of Burgundy (the present day Burgundy, part of west Francia), and his daughters, another Adelaide, married Louis the Blind of Provence (Lower Burgundy), and Willa, married Boso of Tuscany.
Rudolph was succeeded as king of Burgundy by his son, Rudolph II. Rudolf I's widow, queen Guilla, married in 912 Hugh of Arles.
This Rudolph is frequently confused with his nephew Rudolph of France, who was the second duke of Burgundy and ninth king of France.
* Pierre Riché, The Carolingians: a family who forged Europe (trans. Michael Idomir Allen, 1993, University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 0-8122-1342-4)
* Timothy Reuter, Germany in the early Middle Ages (1991, Longman. ISBN 0-582-49034-0 )
Rudolph I, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne (1)
M, #8861, d. 25 October 912
Last Edited=15 Jul 2005
Rudolph I, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne was the son of Conrad II, Comte d'Auxerre and Waldrada (?). (1)
He died on 25 October 912.
Rudolph I, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne was a member of the House of Guelph.1 He gained the title of Roi Rudolph I de Jurane Bourgogne in 888.1
Child of Rudolph I, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne
-1. Rudolph II, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne+ d. 937
Forrás / Source:
Rudolf I. († 25. Oktober 912) war König von Hochburgund (Transjurana) von 888 bis 912.
Rudolf entstammt dem burgundischen Zweig der Welfen und war der Sohn des Grafen Konrad von Auxerre.
Nach der Absetzung des Ostfränkischen Königs Karls des Dicken zerfiel dessen Reich, und auf dem Boden seiner burgundischen Landesteile ließ sich Rudolf, der seit 872 hier als Markgraf von Transjuranien regierte, 888 in St. Maurice d'Agaune von den Großen zum König von Burgund ausrufen und wurde auch von Kaiser Arnulf von Kärnten anerkannt. Er starb nach einer friedlichen Regierungszeit.
Das von ihm begründete Hochburgund umfasste die spätere Freigrafschaft Burgund, die Westschweiz, Basel, das Wallis, Aosta und Teile der Zentralschweiz.
Er war verheiratet mit Willa von Burgund, wohl einer Tochter des Boso von Vienne, des Königs von Niederburgund (Cisjuranien), mit der er vier Kinder hatte:
* Rudolf II. († 11. Juli 937) 912 König von Burgund, 912/925 König von Italien, begraben in St. Maurice, ∞ wohl 922 Bertha von Schwaben († nach 2. Januar 966) Tochter des Burchard II. Herzog von Schwaben (Burchardinger)
* Ludwig,. 920/929 Graf im Thurgau, ∞ Edgifa, Tochter des Königs Eduard der Ältere von England
* Waldrada, ∞ zwischen 921 und 17. Juli 923 Bonifacius Herzog und Markgraf von Spoleto († Juli/Dezember 953)
* Judith, 929
Willa heiratete 912 in zweiter Ehe den Grafen Hugo von Vienne, der 924 König von Niederburgund und 926 als Hugo I. König von Italien wurde.
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* genealogie-mittelalter.de
RUDOLF, son of CONRAD II [Welf] Comte d'Auxerre & his wife Waldrada --- (-25 Oct 911). Regino names "Ruodolfus filius Chuonradi, nepos Huggonis abbatis" when recording his occupation of the land between "Iurum et Alpes Penninas…at apud sanctum Mauritium"[112]. He succeeded his father in the latter's territories, with the title "marchio". Emperor Karl III "der Dicke" granted property "in comitatu Waldense" to "vassallo Rudolfi…marchionis" by charter dated 15 Feb 885[113]. He was proclaimed RUDOLF I King of Upper Burgundy at the abbey of Saint-Maurice in Valais in Jan 888 by the nobility of the ancient duchy of Transjurania, his territory consisting of Savoie, Valais, Jura, Franche-Comté and adjacent Swiss territories[114]. He attempted to have himself recognised as king in Lotharingia and was crowned at Toul in Spring 888 by Arnaud Bishop of Toul, but by Jun 888 he was obliged to leave Lorraine and Alsace unconquered[115]. Herimannus records the death in 912 of "Roudolfus rex Burgundiæ"[116]. The Annales Lausannenses record the death "911 VIII Kal Nov" of "Ruodolfus rex"[117].
m ([880/85]%29 as her first husband, WILLA, daughter of --- (-before 924). She is named "Willa regina" in the grant to Cluny by "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" dated 14 Jun 929[118]. Her marriage date is estimated from King Rudolf being recorded as having children in 888[119], although the primary source on which this is based has not been identified and in any case it is not certain that Willa was the mother of those children. Her origin is unknown. Chaume[120] and Hlawitschka[121] suggest that she was Willa, daughter of Boson King [of Provence], the former considering that she was the daughter of King Boson's second marriage while the latter prefers his first wife as her mother. Settipani considers that, if Willa was the daughter of King Boson, it is likely that she was the daughter of his first marriage because of the existence of King Rudolf´s children in 888[122], although as noted above this argument is of little use if Willa was not their mother. Willa's suggested Burgundian origin appears based mainly on the fact that Conrad I King of Burgundy called Charles-Constantin Comte de Vienne "consanguineus noster" in two charters dated 28 Mar 943 and 18 May 943[123], the relationship being explained if Willa's suggested Burgundian origin was correct. However, such a relationship would also be confirmed if the Comte de Vienne was the son of King Louis [de Provence] by Adelais, whose Burgundian origin is suspected but not certain (see above), rather than the Byzantine princess about whose marriage with King Louis there is much uncertainty (see the document PROVENCE). As suggested above, a completely different possibility is that Willa was King Rudolf's second wife (which Chaume assumes), the king's children having been born from an unrecorded earlier marriage. This would be more consistent with Willa's second marriage in 912, when her second husband would have been about 30 years old, while Willa would have been over 50 if her first children had been born in the early 880s. In conclusion, there is too much uncertainty to speculate sensibly on Willa´s origin. Willa married secondly (912) as his first wife, Hugues d'Arles Comte de Vienne, who later succeeded as Ugo I King of Italy. "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…et uxoris quondam meæ Willæ…et præsentis conjugis meæ Hildæ atque fratrum et sororum mearum" in a donation by charter dated 924[124]. Her date of death is fixed by this charter dated 924.
King Rudolf I & his wife had four children:
1. RUDOLF (-[end] 937). Herimannus names "Roudolfus filius eius [=Roudolfus rex Burgundiæ]" when recording his accession[125]. He succeeded his father in 912 as RUDOLF II King of Upper Burgundy.
- see below.
2. LUDWIG (-after 929). He is named "Ludowico nepote [meo]" in the grant of "Adeleydis comitissa" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929[126]. Graf im Thurgau 928. [m [firstly] ---. If it is correct that Ludwig married one of the daughters of Edward King of Wessex, it is chronologically impossible for her to have been the mother of his supposed daughter Willa.] [m [secondly] EADGIFU, daughter of EDWARD King of Wessex & his third wife Eadgifu ([921/23]-). This marriage is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[127] but seems chronologically unlikely if King Rudolf's children were born between 880 and 900. According to William of Malmesbury, Eadgifu married "Louis Prince of Aquitaine"[128], who has not been identified. Another possibility is that Ludwig Graf im Thurgau was the "Duke near the Alps" who, according to William of Malmesbury[129], married Ælfgifu, daughter of Edward King King of Wessex & his second wife Ælfleda.] Louis & his wife had [two] children:
a) HEINRICH . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 943/63. Comte de Vaud.
b) [WILLA ([905/07]-after [967/86]). The Vita of archbishop Thibaut names "coniugem…Burgundionis regis nepotem…Wiltermam" as wife of Hugues and mother of the archbishop[130]. Her name indicates that, assuming that this source correctly records her relationship to the kings of Burgundy, she was almost certainly a descendant of King Rudolf I and his wife of the same name. If this is correct, "neptis" could be interpreted either as granddaughter (in relation to King Rudolf I) or as niece (in relation to King Rudolf II). Chronologically this is also consistent with Willa´s estimated birth date range, which is based on the birth of her two children before 927 and her husband's own estimated birth date range. In either case, she must have been the daughter of Ludwig of Burgundy or of one of his sisters. Both of Ludwig's known or supposed sisters are excluded as they are each already recorded as having a daughter named Willa, neither of whom could have been the husband of Hugues de Troyes. It is of course possible that Willa, wife of Hugues, was the daughter of another sister who is unrecorded elsewhere. "Hugo comes et coniux mea Wila necnon et filius eius Boso" donated property to Montiéramey by charter dated Apr [927], signed by "Hugonis comitis, Wilæ uxoris eius, Bosonis filii eius, Warnerii ipsorum filii"[131]. Willa and her sons Thibaut and Hubert are named in a charter dated to [967/86][132]. m (before 927) HUGUES de Troyes, son of [WARNER [Garnier] Vicomte de Sens & his wife Teutberga d'Arles] ([900/05]-before 948).]
3. [WILLA (-after 936). Willa is named "uxore…Boso Tusciæ provinciæ marchio regis frater" by Liutprand, without giving her origin, when he records the marriage of her daughter Willa in 936[133]. According to Jean-Noël Mathieu, she was the daughter of Rudolf I King of Burgundy, basing this on the fact that she was sent to Burgundy when she was separated from her husband in 936[134], which is recorded by Liutprand[135], but there are presumably other plausible explanations for her destination. m (repudiated 936) BOSO de Vienne, son of THEOTBALD Comte d'Arles & his wife Berta of Lotharingia [Carolingian] ([885]-after 936). Comte d'Avignon et Vaisin 911-931. Comte d'Arles 926-931. Marchese of Tuscany 931.]
4. WALDRADA (-[10 Feb]
). "Waldradam sororem suam [=rex Rodulfus]" is named as wife of "Bonefatio comiti" by Liudprand[136]. The 13th century obituary of the Eglise primatiale de Lyon records the death "IV Id Feb" of "Valdrada comitissa"[137], which may refer to the wife of Bonifacio. m ([921/17 Jul 923]) BONIFAZIO Marchese, Conte di Bologna, son of HUCBALD Conte in Bologna and Romagna & his wife --- (-[Jul/Dec] 953). He was installed as Duke and Marchese of Spoleto in 945.
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BURGUNDY%20KINGS.htm#RudolfIdied912B
RUDOLF, son of CONRAD II [Welf] Comte d'Auxerre & his wife Waldrada --- (-25 Oct 911)... ... ...
Om Rodolfo I di Borgogna (Norsk)
Rudolf, født 859, død 25 oktober 912, konge av øvre Burgund (Transjurane) fra 888 til 912
Rudolf tilhørte den eldste Welf familien og var sønn av Konrad, greve av Auxerre Han arvet stillingen som " lay abbed" av St Maurice og Valais, Som gjorde han til den mektigste mannen i øvre Burgund (I dag vestre Sveits og (Franche-Comté) region i øst Frankrike.
Etter avsettelse og død av Karl den fete, møttes adelsmenn og det ledende presteskapet fra øvre Burgund på St. Maurice og valgte Rudolf som konge i 888. Basert på valget krevde Rudolf hele Lotharingia, som er mye av dagens Lorraine og Alsace. Hans krav ble bestridt av Arnulf av Carinthia, den nye kongen av Øst Francia eller Tyskland, som raskt tvang Rudolf til å forlate Lotharingia for å bli anerkjent som konge av Burgund. Men fiendtlighetene mellom Rudolf og Arnulf synes å ha fortsatt til 894.
Rudolf relasjoner med sine andre naboer var vennlig. Hans søster Adelaide giftet seg Richard Justiciar, hertug av Burgund (dagens Burgund, en del av vest Francia), og hans døtre, en annen Adelaide, gift Louis Blind av Provence (lavere Burgund) og Willa, gift Boso Toscana. Rudolf ble etterfulgt som konge av Burgund av sin sønn, Rudolf II. Rudolf I enke, dronning Guilla, giftet seg i 912 med Hugh av Arles.
Rodolfo I di Borgogna's Timeline
859 |
Bourgogne, France
879 |
890 |
Burgundy, France
Rhone Valley, Burgundy, France
893 |
Bourgogne, France
900 |
La Celle-Saint-Avant, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
911 |
October 6, 911
Age 52
Saint Maurice, Saint-Maurice, VS, Switzerland
October 911
Age 52