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Robert Johnson

Birthplace: James City County, Virginia, American Colonies
Death: May 23, 1733 (89-90)
Isle of Wight, Virginia, American Colonies
Immediate Family:

Son of John Johnson, II, of Jamestown and wife of John Johnson ll
Husband of Katherine Johnson
Father of James Johnson; Elinore Johnson; Robert Johnson; Katherine Council; Priscilla Council and 1 other
Brother of William Johnston and John "The Elder" Johnson

Occupation: Planter
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson

  • Gender: Male
  • Birth: between January 01, 1643 and December 31, 1643 James City County, Virginia, American Colonies
  • Death: May 23, 1733 (89-90) Isle of Wight, Virginia, American Colonies
  • Son of John Johnson, II, of Jamestown and N.N. (unknown) Johnson
  • Husband of Katherine (Allen) Johnson

1. Robert Johnson (1643?-after Oct 1698) married c1668 Katherine, of whom below

There is no documentation of any child other than Eleanor and Mary.

  • 1. Eleanor Johnson (c1670) there is no record of her other than the deed she witnessed in 1691.
  • 2. Robert Johnson (c1672-1733) married Ann. (see below)
  • . 3. Mary Johnson (c1674) m.4 Apr 1692 James Johnston (1662 - 30 Jan 1746) He was a near near relative of some kind, because the DNA of his descendants matches descendants of Robert (1696-1766) son of Mary's brother Robert (see below)


Know all men by these presents that I Robert Johnson planter of the lower parish of the Isle of Wight County doe freely give unto my daughter Mary Johnson a parcell of land to her and her heyres lawfully begotten of her owne body for Ever, the aforesaid land lying and beinge upon the north East side of Corrawake Swamp begining upon the said Swamp at Booths line at the run of said Swamp and soe up the said Booths line north East to a pine, and soe along Thomas Houlders line the same Course to a lightwood stump from thence downe aline of marked trees to the head of a small branch which runs out of the longe branch and soe downe the long branch to Corrawake soe down the run of Corrawacke Swamp to Booths line which land I had my pattent of Sr Henry Chickeley Kt deputy Governor and Lt Generall of Virginia in the Eight and twentieth yeare of our Sovereigne lord King Charles the second his reigne, and if the aforesaid Mary Johnson should depart this world before her husband that now is James Johnson then he is not to be molested soe long as he lives but after his decease the Children is to have it as wittnesse my hand this fourth day of August 1692.


William Duck Robert RE Johnson


Acknowledged by Robert Johnson and Katherine his wife in open Court held for the Isle of Wight County August the 9th 1692 to be theire act and deed.


I Robert Johnson being at present Sick and Weak in Body but perfect in Sence and Memory, Calling to Minde that it is Once Appointed for all men to Die, think fitt to make this my last Will and Testament wherein I give and bequeath my Lands and other Estate in Manner and fform as ffolloweth which it hath pleased Almight God to bestow upon me in this World.

1. I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian like Manner.

2. I give unto my Son Robert Johnson five Shillings Current Money he haveing had his part heretofore.

3. I give unto my Son James Johnson One Hundred Acres of Land on the South Side of the Swamp on the which he now Dwells to come down the Said Swamp to a poplar in the Mouth of a Small Branch and up the Said Branch to a Gumm and then a line of Marked Trees to the head Line to a post white Oak Corner don by my Self. I give it him and his heirs or assigns for Ever Also one Breeding Mare about three years Old.

4. I Give to my Son John Johnson one Breeding Mare about three years ol

5. I give to my Son Abraham Johnson all the Lower part of my Land on the South Side of the Swamp from the Dividing Branch up into the pasture Branch and so out to the Head Line to him and his Heirs or Assigns for Ever Also one Breeding Mare about three years old.

6. I give unto Son Isaac Johnson all the Land that lyes in the fork of the Branch that Divides between me & Thomas Swann on the North Side of the Swamp where I now live up to the Head Line to him and his heirs for Ever or assigns Also one Breeding Mare about three years old.

7. I give unto my Son Jacob Johnson the Remaining part of all my Land which I now Live on to him and his Heirs or assigns, in Case he have Lawfull Heirs Begotten of his Body and in case Such Heirs fail, I give it to my Son Isaac and his Heirs or assigns for Ever after the Death of my Well beloved Wife Ann Johnson.

8. I give unto my Daughter Cathrine Council five Shillings Current Money She haveing had her part heretofore.

9. I give to my Daughter Priscilla Council five Shillings Current Money She haveing had her part heretofore.

10. I give unto my Daughter Ann Griffin five Shillings Current Money she haveing had her part heretofore.

11. I leave all the remaining part of my Estate to the Use of my Well beloved Wife both in Doors and Out Doors Dureing her Naturall Life and afterwards to be Equally Divided between Six of my Children named as followeth, i e, John & Abraham & Isaac & Jacob and my Two younger Daughters Mary & Sarah Johnson, And I appoint my well beloved Wife Ann, my whole and Sole Executrix to Se this my Last Will and Testament performed as is above written Whereunto I have Set my hand and fixed my Seal this Twenty fourth day of September Ann. 1732.

Teste These his

Thomas Drake Junr. Robert (X) Johnson (Sea

his mark

Richard (R) Worell


John Dawson junr.

At a Court held for Isle of Wight County May the 28, 1733. The Last Will and Testament of Robert Johnson Deceased was psented in Court by the Executx therein Named who made oath thereto according to Law and being proved by the Oaths of the Witnesses is Admitted to Record.

Teste Jas: Baker Clr. C

Vera Record: Teste Jas: Baker Clr. Cur29

A COPY TESTE: Ruth E. Holland, Clerk. By s/Katherine E. Edwards, D. C.


From discussion:

"This John Johnson was not the son of an Alice Johnson. He was actually the son of Robert Johnson and his 1st wife Katherine Allen d1693. In fact, he took the inventory of the estate of John Hardy after he died in 1676, but, for some unknown reason, he did not file this inventory until Feb 1707, a few months before he died. His sister Mary Johnson was the mother of Mary JOHNSTON who married William Mayo Jr 1682-1759. Katherine Allen was a sister of Joane Allen who married Robert Burnett, and Isabel Allen who married William Mayo SR d1715, all daughters of Arthur Allen d1669 and Alice Tucker who married next to John Hardy 1613-1676.

John Johnson witnessed the signing of a power of attorney from Alice Tucker Allen Hardy in 1681 along with her son Arthur Allen Jr. to her son in law William Mayo d1715."

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Robert Johnson's Timeline

January 1, 1643
James City County, Virginia, American Colonies
Currowaugh, Isle of Wight, Virginia, United States
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Colonial America
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Colonial America
Isle of Wight, VA, United States
Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Colonial America
May 23, 1733
Age 90
Isle of Wight, Virginia, American Colonies