Immediate Family
About Reginald I of Ivrea, count palatine of Burgundy
Research: Name Spellings
- Authors of books, compendium chapters, and academic journal articles written in English use various name-spellings: Renaud, Rainald, and Reginald. More commonly used in academic works is Renaud followed by Rainald. Rarely do quality sources use the spelling Reginald.
Renaud Ier de Bourgogne (986-1057) fut 2e comte de Bourgogne (1er comte palatin de Bourgogne) de la Maison d'Ivrée au XIe siècle.
Fils de Otto-Guillaume, Comte de Macon & Bourgogne-Comté, et Ermengarde de Roucy
m. Adelais (Judith) de Normandie
- Guillaume de Bourgogne
- Guy de Bourgogne
- Hugues de Bourgogne
- Foulques de Bourgogne
en.Wikipedia: Renaud I, Count of Burgundy (last ed. 12 Oct 2023)
fr.Wikipédia: Renaud Ier de Bourgogne ((last ed. 15 juillet 2023)
Adalbert King of Italy fled to Burgundy after he was expelled from Italy by Emperor Otto I. His widow married Henri Duke of Burgundy [Capet], who adopted their son Otto-Guillaume as his heir. Otto-Guillaume acquired the county of Mâcon, in the duchy of Burgundy, by marrying the widow of the previous count. After Duke Hugues died in 1002, he unsuccessfully claimed the succession to the duchy of Burgundy. After the death in 1032 of Rudolf III last king of Burgundy, one branch of Otto-Guillaume's descendants established themselves to the east of the river Saône in the area around Salins and Besançon. The county of Burgundy developed in this area some time during the 11th century, although it is difficult to be precise about the date. According to Bouchard, the title "Comte de Bourgogne" was purely descriptive in the early years of the century and did not reflect any political reality[5]. The precise origin of the supplementary description "palatine", adopted by the counts, has also not been identified. As the title was usually associated with a function attached to one of the royal palaces, the counts of Burgundy may have held an unidentified position in the palace of the Rektor of Burgundy, who was appointed by the kings of Germany to act as their representative in the kingdom of Burgundy. The county passed into the sphere of influence of the Capetian kingdom of France with the marriage in 1307 of its heiress to the future Philippe V King of France....
RENAUD de Mâcon, son of OTHON GUILLAUME Comte de Mâcon [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9] & his first wife Ermentrude de Roucy ([990]-3/4 Sep 1057, bur Besançon). Rodulfus Glaber names "Rainaldus" as one of the sons of "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" & his wife[6]. His mother's name is confirmed by the charter dated 1029 under which "Reinaldus comes filius Ottonis cognomento Vuilelmi…Yrmengardis coniugis" donated property "ecclesiam sancti Nicolai vallis iuxta Poliniacum" to Cluny, confirmed by "Rodulfus rex"[7]. The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records a donation by "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" with "filii eius Rainaldi" dated 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[8]. "Otto comes et uxor mea Adila" donated property to Saint-Vincent de Mâcon by two charters dated to 1015 or before (during the reign of Robert I King of France) both subscribed by "Rainaldi filii sui"[9]. He succeeded his father in 1026 as RENAUD I Comte de Bourgogne, although at that time the "county of Burgundy" did not yet exist as such, the title being purely descriptive of the area in which Renaud exercised his power[10]. The Chronicle of Saint-Bénigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, records that "filius eius [=comes Otto Guilelmus] comes Rainaldus" succeeded his father in "terram ultra Sagonnam" dividing the territory with his nephew "filius alterius filii eius Guidonis, alter comes Otto"[11]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that comte Renaud was imprisoned by Hugues Comte de Chalon but released with help from his father-in-law Richard II Duke of Normandy[12], dated to 1026. Renaud supported Emperor Konrad II in the latter's struggle with Eudes Comte de Blois for control over the kingdom of Burgundy after the death of the last King Rudolf III in 1032. "Raginaldus comes comitis Guillelmi filius" donated property to the abbey of Flavigny by charter dated 18 May 1037 subscribed by "Iudid comitisse uxoris eius, Guillelmi filii eius, Hugonis filii eius…"[13]. The Herimanni Augiensis Chronicon records that "Ludowicus comes" expelled "Reginoldum principem, reginæ Agnetis avunculum, sed Heinrico regi inimicum" from "castellum…Mons Piligardæ"[14]. Emperor Heinrich III defeated Comte Renaud in battle after the latter besieged Montbéliard, forcing him to swear allegiance to the Comte de Montbéliard at Soleure in 1045. Herimannus records that "Reginolf et Gerolt Burgundiones" submitted to Heinrich III King of Germany "apud Solodurum" [Solothurn] in 1045[15].
m [firstly] (before 1 Sep 1016) ADELAIS [Judith] de Normandie, daughter of RICHARD II Duke of Normandy & his first wife Judith de Rennes [Bretagne] ([1000]-7 Jul [after 1030]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that Duke Richard and Judith had three daughters, of which one named Adelise married "Renaud comte de Bourgogne"[16]. Orderic Vitalis records her marriage and calls her amita of William I King of England[17]. Rodulfus Glaber states that "filiam Richardi Rotomagensis ducis, Adeledam" married Renaud[18]. "Otto comes qui nominatur Willelmus" issued a charter dated 2 Nov 1023 subscribed by "Raynardi comitis, Adheleydis uxoris eius"[19]. "Raynaldi comitis, Adheleys uxoris eius" subscribed the charter dated 1030 by which "Robertus regis Roberti filius et regis Henrici filii eius germanus…Burgundie Dux" restored property to Cluny[20].
[m secondly JUDITH, daughter of --- (-after 18 May 1037). "Raginaldus comes comitis Guillelmi filius" donated property to the abbey of Flavigny by charter dated 18 May 1037 subscribed by "Iudid comitisse uxoris eius, Guillelmi filii eius, Hugonis filii eius…"[21]. "Iudid comitisse" is assumed in traditional genealogies[22] to have been the same person as Adelais. However, it is also possible that she was Comte Renaud's second wife, Adelais having died earlier. This may be corroborated by Renaud's sons being described in the charter as "filii eius" rather than "filii eorum".]
Comte Renaud I & his [first] wife had four children:
1. GUILLAUME de Bourgogne (-12 Nov 1087, bur Besançon). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Guillaume et Gui" as the two sons of "Renaud comte de Bourgogne" and Adelise[23]. He succeeded his father in 1057 as GUILLAUME I "le Grand" Comte Palatin de Bourgogne.
- see below.
2. GUY de Bourgogne (-after 1069). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Guillaume et Gui" as the two sons of "Renaud comte de Bourgogne" and Adelise[24]. His parentage is also given by Orderic Vitalis[25]. The Archbishop of Rouen and the Comte d'Arques proposed Guy as duke of Normandy, his claim being through his mother, in place of his cousin the infant Guillaume le bâtard. Guy remained in Normandy, where he was brought up with his cousin and was given the castles of Brionne and Vernon. Still pursuing his claim, he tried to capture Duke Guillaume in 1046 with the help of Néel de Saint-Sauveur, Renouf vicomte de Bayeux and Haimon le Dentu, but was forced to flee and was finally defeated at Le Val-lès-Dunes in 1047. He was besieged in his castle for three years, pardoned by Duke Guillaume, sought refuge temporarily at the court of Geoffroy Comte d'Anjou, and returned to Burgundy where he continually plotted to dispossess his brother over a period of ten years[26]. Guillaume de Jumièges also records in some detail the rebellion of "Gui fils de Renaud comte des Bourguignons"[27].
3. HUGUES de Bourgogne (-after 1045). "Raginaldus comes comitis Guillelmi filius" donated property to the abbey of Flavigny by charter dated 18 May 1037 subscribed by "Iudid comitisse uxoris eius, Guillelmi filii eius, Hugonis filii eius…"[28].
4. FOULQUES de Bourgogne . He is named in one charter[29]. same person as …? FOULQUES de Joux . He was called princeps in Burgundia by Herman of Laon[30]. Bouchard suggests that this indicates that he may have been the same person as the son of Comte Renaud[31]. m --- de Roucy, sister of EBLES [II] de Roucy, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms this marriage has not yet been identified.
Renaud Ier de Bourgogne
Comté de Bourgogne
Renaud Ier de Bourgogne (986-1057) fut 2e comte de Bourgogne (1er comte palatin de Bourgogne) de la Maison d'Ivrée au xie siècle.
986 : naissance. Fils du Ier comte Otte-Guillaume de Bourgogne et d'Adélaïde Ermentrude de Reims et de Roucy (fille de Renaud de Roucy, comte de Reims et seigneur de Roucy et d'Albérade de Hainaut, fille du duc Gislebert de Lotharingie et de Gerberge de Saxe). Adélaïde de Reims était l'héritière du comté de Mâcon par son premier mariage avec Aubry II de Mâcon († 982).
995 : à l'âge de 20 ans, son père associe le frère aîné de Renaud de Bourgogne Guy Ier de Mâcon, né en 975, au pouvoir du comté de Bourgogne et du comté de Mâcon, en vue de sa succession.
1002 : âgé de 27 ans, Guy Ier de Mâcon devient comte de Mâcon.
1004 : Guy Ier de Mâcon meurt à l'âge de 29 ans. Son fils Otton II de Mâcon lui succède au titre de Comte de Mâcon. Otte-Guillaume partage ses terres : son fils Renaud reçoit les comtés d'Amous, Varais et Portois; Otton, son petit-fils reçoit le Mâconnais et l’Escuens. Otte-Guillaume conserve ses droits sur les comtés de la Bourgogne franque (Beaumont, Fouvent et Oscheret). Les comtes de Bourgogne conserveront pendant longtemps de nombreuses terres ou suzerainetés sur des comtés situés dans le duché de Bourgogne.
1016 : Renaud épouse Adélaïde de Normandie (1002-1038), fille du duc Richard II de Normandie et de Judith de Bretagne.
1026 : Renaud Ier de Bourgogne succède, le 21 octobre 1026, à l'âge de 40 ans, au titre de comte de Bourgogne, à son père qui décède, et à son frère Guy décédé.
L'exploitation des Salines (mines de sel de Salins et de Lons-Montmorot) et le développement des routes commerciales à travers le Jura assurent la prospérité de la région.
1027 : Renaud Ier de Bourgogne est en guerre contre l’évêque-comte d'Auxerre, Hugues de Chalon. Celui-ci le fait prisonnier à Auxerre. Renaud Ier est libéré par les troupes envoyées par son beau-père et menées par le futur duc Richard III de Normandie.
1032 : Rodolphe III de Bourgogne (dernier roi de Bourgogne) meurt sans postérité, le 6 septembre 1032. Il avait désigné son cousin l'empereur germanique Conrad II le Salique en tant qu'héritier. Son neveu Eudes II de Blois, fils de sa sœur aînée Berthe de Bourgogne, suscita contre Conrad le Salique, la révolte des féodaux et des prélats du royaume de Bourgogne. La guerre de succession de Bourgogne (1032-1034) ainsi entamée est soutenue par Renaud Ier de Bourgogne, le comte Gérold II de Genève, l'archevêque de Vienne, l'évêque de Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, ainsi que l'archevêque de Lyon, Burchard II, fils bâtard de Conrad le Pacifique et demi-frère de Rodolphe III de Bourgogne.
Face à eux, Conrad le Salique a l'appui d'Héribert, archevêque de Milan, du marquis Boniface III de Toscane, d'Ermengarde, veuve de Rodolphe III, et d'Humbert de Maurienne, ancien conseiller et vassal de Rodolphe III — aujourd'hui, plus connu sous le nom d'Humbert aux Blanches Mains.
Eudes II de Blois se fait couronner roi de Bourgogne à Lausanne, par ses partisans, mais en janvier 1033, l'empereur se fait aussi couronner à Bâle.
La révolte échoue et le royaume de Bourgogne doit rester dans l'empire. Afin d'échapper aux armées impériales, Renaud de Bourgogne se retire à Dijon, en Bourgogne ducale où il a conservé de nombreux appuis.
1034 : l'empereur germanique Conrad II le Salique prend possession du royaume de Bourgogne (en réalité du comté de Bourgogne) et reçoit le 1er août, l'hommage de ses nouveaux vassaux à Genève.
Conrad II vassalise le comté de Bourgogne sur de nombreuses générations, au détriment du duché de Bourgogne et du royaume de France.
1037 : Renaud Ier de Bourgogne et Eudes II de Blois continuent la lutte contre les troupes impériales menées par Gothelon Ier de Lotharingie et alliées, pour l'occasion, à celles du roi de France Henri Ier. Le 15 novembre, bataille de Hanol, entre Bar-le-Duc et Verdun. Mort de Eudes II de Blois.
L'empereur Conrad II décide de lever les sentences contre ses adversaires d’hier. Renaud Ier de Bourgogne, chef de la coalition, reçoit, à Dijon, une ambassade de l’empereur, qui lui annonce les désirs de réconciliation de celui-ci. Renaud Ier de Bourgogne devient comte palatin (Pfalzgraf) de Bourgogne, titre donné dans l’administration impériale germanique, à ceux qui sont chargés d’administrer les terres et de rendre la justice au nom de l’empereur. Ses successeurs continueront à porter ce titre.
1038 : Conrad II transmet le royaume de Bourgogne à son neveu Henri III. Il le fait couronner roi de Bourgogne à Soleure. Les grands, dont le comte Renaud et l’archevêque de Besançon Hugues Ier de Salins, sont présents à cette cérémonie et doivent prêter hommage à leur nouveau roi.
1039 : l'archevêque de Besançon, Hugues Ier de Salins, devient l'homme de confiance d'Henri III. L'empereur accorde alors une certaine autonomie franche et le droit de s'auto-administrer par son propre gouvernement au comté de Bourgogne. L'archevêque de Besançon est nommé chancelier et récompensé très largement pour sa totale et très dévouée collaboration.
1043 : Henri III vient à Besançon, pour se fiancer avec Agnès d'Aquitaine, nièce de Renaud Ier de Bourgogne, et fille du duc d’Aquitaine, Guillaume V de Poitiers. À cette occasion, l’archevêque de Besançon, Hugues Ier de Salins, obtient des droits régaliens sur la ville de Besançon (droits juridiques, politiques, fiscaux et économiques). Il est nommé prince de l’empire germanique (rang maximum avant empereur) et règne en souverain sur la cité, avec l'empereur et le pape Grégoire VII pour seuls supérieurs. Il échappe ainsi au pouvoir des comtes de Bourgogne.
1044 : Henri III continue à favoriser ceux qui ont soutenu son père. Il donne la ville de Montbéliard au comte Louis de Mousson. Renaud Ier de Bourgogne se révolte à nouveau contre l'empereur. Il assiège le château de Montbéliard, mais le comte Louis défait ses troupes et maintient ainsi l’indépendance de Montbéliard vis-à-vis du comté de Bourgogne. Le comté de Montbéliard prend forme et va vivre sa propre histoire.
1057 : en septembre, le comte Renaud disparaît à l'âge de 71 ans. Son fils Guillaume (1057-1087), lui succède. Il était déjà associé aux décisions comtales depuis plusieurs années, et assurait l’autorité sur le comté de Bourgogne en l’absence de son père. Renaud Ier de Bourgogne est inhumé en la cathédrale Saint-Etienne de Besançon, remplacée au xviiie siècle par la cathédrale St-Jean, où furent transférées les sépultures des comtes de Bourgogne (chapelle du Sacré-Cœur).
De son mariage avec Adélaïde de Normandie, Renaud Ier de Bourgogne a eu quatre fils et deux filles :
- Guillaume Ier de Bourgogne dit le Grand ou Tête Hardie (1020-1087) qui lui succède comme comte de Bourgogne.
- Gui de Brionne ou Gui de Bourgogne (v 1025-1069), élevé à la cour de Normandie, qui voulut succéder au duché de Normandie contre son cousin Guillaume de Normandie (futur Guillaume le Conquérant). Il dut se séparer de ses comtés de Brionne et de Vernon en Normandie, après avoir été à la tête de la coalition des barons de Normandie, qui fut défaite lors de la bataille du Val-ès-Dunes en 1047. Gui de Brionne trouva refuge auprès de son oncle (préciser référence généalogique svp) Geoffroy II Martel, comte d'Anjou. Au décès de Renaud Ier de Bourgogne, il tenta de ravir pendant une dizaine d'années le comté de Bourgogne à son frère Guillaume.
- Hugues de Bourgogne, dit de Superalios (cité en 1037- v 1086), vicomte de Lons-le-Saunier, sire de Montmorot, de Navilly et de Scey, marié à Aldeberge de Scey. Ils eurent pour fils Thibert I de Montmorot, vicomte de Lons-le-Saunier (maison de Montmorot, alias de Montmoret).
- Foulques de Bourgogne, alias Foulques de Joux de Grandson (cité en 1060-1114) (d'après le chroniqueur Herman de Laon), marié à Alix de Roucy (v 1055-?) (maison de Grandson).
Renaud Ier de Bourgogne éleva par ailleurs à sa cour Robert de Nevers (1035-1098), dit "Le Bourguignon", fils de Renaud Ier de Nevers (1000-1040), son neveu. Robert de Nevers est à l'origine de la maison de Craon-Nevers. Son petit-fils Robert de Craon, dit Le Bourguignon également, succéda à Hugues de Payns en tant que second Maître de l'Ordre du Temple.
Voir aussi
- Comté de Bourgogne, Liste des comtes de Bourgogne, Histoire de la Franche-Comté
- Histoire de la Bourgogne, Liste des ducs de Bourgogne
- Liste des rois d'Italie, Maison d'Ivrée
- Guillaume le Conquérant
- Renaud Ier de Craon
Lien externe
- Les quartiers généalogiques d'Otte-Guillaume
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. His maternal grandparents were Reginald of Reims and Roucy and Alberade of Hainaut.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
The family of Renaud Ier de BOURGOGNE and Adelaïs dite Judith de NORMANDIE [133897] BOURGOGNE (de), Renaud Ier (Othon-Guillaume & Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY [133898]), comte de Bourgogne
- married before 1023, from France ? (France) NORMANDIE (de), Adelaïs dite Judith (Richard II & Judith de BRETAGNE [134960])
1) Guillaume Ier dit Tête Hardie, comte de Bourgogne, married about 1040 Étiennette de LONGWY-METZ
Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme); Le Sang de Charlemagne
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaud_I,_Count_of_Burgundy Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the 2nd Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Duke of Burgundy (the 1st Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. His maternal grandparents were Reginald of Reims & Roucy and Alberade of Hainaut.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide: daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany. He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026. Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
[edit] See also Burgundy French history Preceded by Otto-William Count Palatine of Burgundy 1026–1057 Succeeded by William I Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reginald_I,_Count_of_Burgundy" Categories: 986 births | 1057 deaths | House of Ivrea | Counts of Burgundy
Reginald I, Count of Burgundy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Renaud I, Count of Burgundy)
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Duke of Burgundy (the first Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. His maternal grandparents were Reginald of Reims and Roucy and Alberade of Hainaut. In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany. He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026. Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the 2nd Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Duke of Burgundy (the 1st Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. His maternal grandparents were Reginald of Reims and Roucy and Alberade of Hainaut.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. His maternal grandparents were Reginald of Reims and Roucy and Alberade of Hainaut.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaud_I,_Count_of_Burgundy Reginald I, Count of Burgundy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Renaud I, Count of Burgundy) Jump to:navigation, search Reginald I
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057. [edit] See also
* Burgundy
* French history
Preceded by Otto-William Count Palatine of Burgundy 1026–1057 Succeeded by William I This page was last modified on 7 March 2010 at 20:01
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
Reginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. His maternal grandparents were Reginald of Reims and Roucy and Alberade of Hainaut.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
See http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/25067072/person/12798616656
Reginald I, Count of Burgundy
Reginald IReginald I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. Born in 986, he was the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. His maternal grandparents were Reginald of Reims and Roucy and Alberade of Hainaut.
In 1016, Reginald married Adelaide, daughter of Richard II of Normandy and his first wife, Judith of Brittany.
He succeeded to the County on his father's death in 1026.
Reginald was succeeded by his son, William I, on his death in 1057.
Aus dem Haus Burgund (die heutige Franche-Comté)
- Er war der Sohn von Graf Otto Wilhelm und Ermentrude von Roucy.
- Er folgt seinem Vater in 1026 als Graf von Burgund.
- 1032 starb der König Rudolf lll. von Burgund ohne erben und hinterließ Burgund auf grund eines alten Vertrages dem Kaiser Konrad ll., der das Erbe antrat, wodurch auch die Grafschaft Burgund teil des Heiligen Römischen Reiches wurde.
Renaud Ier de Bourgogne (986-1057) fut 2e comte de Bourgogne (1er comte palatin de Bourgogne) de la Maison d'Ivrée au XIe siècle.
Fils de Otto-Guillaume, Comte de Macon & Bourgogne-Comté, et Ermengarde de Roucy
m. Adelais (Judith) de Normandie
Guillaume de Bourgogne Guy de Bourgogne Hugues de Bourgogne Foulques de Bourgogne http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaud_I,_Count_of_Burgundy http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaud_Ier_de_Bourgogne
Adalbert King of Italy fled to Burgundy after he was expelled from Italy by Emperor Otto I. His widow married Henri Duke of Burgundy [Capet], who adopted their son Otto-Guillaume as his heir. Otto-Guillaume acquired the county of Mâcon, in the duchy of Burgundy, by marrying the widow of the previous count. After Duke Hugues died in 1002, he unsuccessfully claimed the succession to the duchy of Burgundy. After the death in 1032 of Rudolf III last king of Burgundy, one branch of Otto-Guillaume's descendants established themselves to the east of the river Saône in the area around Salins and Besançon. The county of Burgundy developed in this area some time during the 11th century, although it is difficult to be precise about the date. According to Bouchard, the title "Comte de Bourgogne" was purely descriptive in the early years of the century and did not reflect any political reality[5]. The precise origin of the supplementary description "palatine", adopted by the counts, has also not been identified. As the title was usually associated with a function attached to one of the royal palaces, the counts of Burgundy may have held an unidentified position in the palace of the Rektor of Burgundy, who was appointed by the kings of Germany to act as their representative in the kingdom of Burgundy. The county passed into the sphere of influence of the Capetian kingdom of France with the marriage in 1307 of its heiress to the future Philippe V King of France....
RENAUD de Mâcon, son of OTHON GUILLAUME Comte de Mâcon [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9] & his first wife Ermentrude de Roucy ([990]-3/4 Sep 1057, bur Besançon). Rodulfus Glaber names "Rainaldus" as one of the sons of "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" & his wife[6]. His mother's name is confirmed by the charter dated 1029 under which "Reinaldus comes filius Ottonis cognomento Vuilelmi…Yrmengardis coniugis" donated property "ecclesiam sancti Nicolai vallis iuxta Poliniacum" to Cluny, confirmed by "Rodulfus rex"[7]. The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records a donation by "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" with "filii eius Rainaldi" dated 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[8]. "Otto comes et uxor mea Adila" donated property to Saint-Vincent de Mâcon by two charters dated to 1015 or before (during the reign of Robert I King of France) both subscribed by "Rainaldi filii sui"[9]. He succeeded his father in 1026 as RENAUD I Comte de Bourgogne, although at that time the "county of Burgundy" did not yet exist as such, the title being purely descriptive of the area in which Renaud exercised his power[10]. The Chronicle of Saint-Bénigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, records that "filius eius [=comes Otto Guilelmus] comes Rainaldus" succeeded his father in "terram ultra Sagonnam" dividing the territory with his nephew "filius alterius filii eius Guidonis, alter comes Otto"[11]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that comte Renaud was imprisoned by Hugues Comte de Chalon but released with help from his father-in-law Richard II Duke of Normandy[12], dated to 1026. Renaud supported Emperor Konrad II in the latter's struggle with Eudes Comte de Blois for control over the kingdom of Burgundy after the death of the last King Rudolf III in 1032. "Raginaldus comes comitis Guillelmi filius" donated property to the abbey of Flavigny by charter dated 18 May 1037 subscribed by "Iudid comitisse uxoris eius, Guillelmi filii eius, Hugonis filii eius…"[13]. The Herimanni Augiensis Chronicon records that "Ludowicus comes" expelled "Reginoldum principem, reginæ Agnetis avunculum, sed Heinrico regi inimicum" from "castellum…Mons Piligardæ"[14]. Emperor Heinrich III defeated Comte Renaud in battle after the latter besieged Montbéliard, forcing him to swear allegiance to the Comte de Montbéliard at Soleure in 1045. Herimannus records that "Reginolf et Gerolt Burgundiones" submitted to Heinrich III King of Germany "apud Solodurum" [Solothurn] in 1045[15].
m [firstly] (before 1 Sep 1016) ADELAIS [Judith] de Normandie, daughter of RICHARD II Duke of Normandy & his first wife Judith de Rennes [Bretagne] ([1000]-7 Jul [after 1030]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that Duke Richard and Judith had three daughters, of which one named Adelise married "Renaud comte de Bourgogne"[16]. Orderic Vitalis records her marriage and calls her amita of William I King of England[17]. Rodulfus Glaber states that "filiam Richardi Rotomagensis ducis, Adeledam" married Renaud[18]. "Otto comes qui nominatur Willelmus" issued a charter dated 2 Nov 1023 subscribed by "Raynardi comitis, Adheleydis uxoris eius"[19]. "Raynaldi comitis, Adheleys uxoris eius" subscribed the charter dated 1030 by which "Robertus regis Roberti filius et regis Henrici filii eius germanus…Burgundie Dux" restored property to Cluny[20].
[m secondly JUDITH, daughter of --- (-after 18 May 1037). "Raginaldus comes comitis Guillelmi filius" donated property to the abbey of Flavigny by charter dated 18 May 1037 subscribed by "Iudid comitisse uxoris eius, Guillelmi filii eius, Hugonis filii eius…"[21]. "Iudid comitisse" is assumed in traditional genealogies[22] to have been the same person as Adelais. However, it is also possible that she was Comte Renaud's second wife, Adelais having died earlier. This may be corroborated by Renaud's sons being described in the charter as "filii eius" rather than "filii eorum".]
Comte Renaud I & his [first] wife had four children:
1. GUILLAUME de Bourgogne (-12 Nov 1087, bur Besançon). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Guillaume et Gui" as the two sons of "Renaud comte de Bourgogne" and Adelise[23]. He succeeded his father in 1057 as GUILLAUME I "le Grand" Comte Palatin de Bourgogne.
- see below.
2. GUY de Bourgogne (-after 1069). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Guillaume et Gui" as the two sons of "Renaud comte de Bourgogne" and Adelise[24]. His parentage is also given by Orderic Vitalis[25]. The Archbishop of Rouen and the Comte d'Arques proposed Guy as duke of Normandy, his claim being through his mother, in place of his cousin the infant Guillaume le bâtard. Guy remained in Normandy, where he was brought up with his cousin and was given the castles of Brionne and Vernon. Still pursuing his claim, he tried to capture Duke Guillaume in 1046 with the help of Néel de Saint-Sauveur, Renouf vicomte de Bayeux and Haimon le Dentu, but was forced to flee and was finally defeated at Le Val-lès-Dunes in 1047. He was besieged in his castle for three years, pardoned by Duke Guillaume, sought refuge temporarily at the court of Geoffroy Comte d'Anjou, and returned to Burgundy where he continually plotted to dispossess his brother over a period of ten years[26]. Guillaume de Jumièges also records in some detail the rebellion of "Gui fils de Renaud comte des Bourguignons"[27].
3. HUGUES de Bourgogne (-after 1045). "Raginaldus comes comitis Guillelmi filius" donated property to the abbey of Flavigny by charter dated 18 May 1037 subscribed by "Iudid comitisse uxoris eius, Guillelmi filii eius, Hugonis filii eius…"[28].
4. FOULQUES de Bourgogne . He is named in one charter[29]. same person as …? FOULQUES de Joux . He was called princeps in Burgundia by Herman of Laon[30]. Bouchard suggests that this indicates that he may have been the same person as the son of Comte Renaud[31]. m --- de Roucy, sister of EBLES [II] de Roucy, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms this marriage has not yet been identified.
Info from Findagrave.com: Birth: unknown Bourgogne, France Death: Sep. 4, 1057 Departement de la Marne Champagne-Ardenne, France
Renaud I, Count Palatine of Burgundy was the second Count of the Free County of Burgundy. He was born in 986, the son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (the first Count) and Adelaide Ermentrude of Reims and Roucy. In 1016, he married Adelaide of Normandy, They had four sons and two daughters: William I de Bourgogne (1020 – 1087), who succeeded him as count of Burgundy. Brionne Gui or Gui de Bourgogne (v 1025-1069), elevated to the Court of Normandy, who wanted to succeed to the Duchy of Normandy against his cousin William of Normandy (future Guillaume the Conqueror). Hugues de Bourgogne, (mentioned in 1037 - v 1086), Viscount of Lons-le-Saunier, Montmorot, Navilly and Scey sire, married to Scey Aldeberge. Fulk of Burgundy, aka Fulk de Joux (cited in 1060-1114) Grandson, married Alix of Roucy (v 1055?)- (House's Grandson). Alberada of Buonalbergo, who married Robert Guiscard Renaud I de Bourgogne was buried in the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne de Besançon, replaced in the 18th century by the Cathedral St-Jean, where the tombs of the counts of Burgundy (Chapel of the Sacred Heart) were transferred.
Family links:
Otto Guillaume de Bourgogne (____ - 1026)
Adelaide de Normandie (1002 - 1038)*
Guilliaume de Bourgogne (1020 - 1087)*
Albereda of Buonalbergo (1033 - 1122)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Cathedrale Saint-Jean de Besancon Besancon Departement du Doubs Franche-Comté, France Plot: Chapel of the Sacred Heart
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Created by: Mad Record added: Jan 11, 2013 Find A Grave Memorial# 103437566
Renaud I de Bourgogne
Sosa : 90,728,384 Born in 986 - Burgundy, France Deceased after 3 September 1057 - Burgundy, France Buried - Besançon, Doubs, Franche-Comté, France
Parents sosa Otte-Guillaume de Bourgogne, born about 958, deceased 21 September 1026 aged about 68 years old , buried - Dijon, Côte-d'Or, Burgundy, France Married after 974, Burgundy, France, to sosa Ermentrude de Roucy, born in 958, deceased 5 May 1005 - Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France aged 47 years old
Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Married 19 September 1016 to sosa Adélaïde de Normandie, born about 1002 - Normandy, France, deceased (Parents : M sosa Richard II "Le Bon" of Normandy ca 970-1026 & F sosa Judith de Bretagne 982-1017) with M sosa Guillaume I de Bourgogne 1020-1087 With sosa Étiennette de Bourgogne ca 1035-1088/ with M Hugues III de Bourgogne, Archbishop of Besançon 1047-1101 F Ermentrude of Burgundy 1058-1104 Married in 1076 to Theodoric I, Count of Montbéliard 1045-1105 with : M Renaud I, Count of Bar-le-Duc Mousson, Brie and Verdun 1076-1149 M Friedric I de Montbéliard 1081-1160 F Agnes de Montbeliard 1082-ca 1147 F Ida Of Nordheim ca 1086-1147/ M Guido Guy von Burgund, Papst Calixt II ca 1060-1124 F Bertha de Bourgogne de Toscane ca 1062-/1096 With Dirk Persijn 1070- F Sybilla of Burgundy x, Duchess of Burgundy 1062-1102 Married after 1070 to Hugh I ? 1057-1102
Sybilla of Burgundy x, Duchess of Burgundy 1062-1102 Married in 1080, Bourgogne, France, to Eudes I Borell Le Roux Red Crusader Bourgogne ca 1058-ca 1103
Sybilla of Burgundy x, Duchess of Burgundy 1062-1102 Married about 1088, Bourgogne, France, to Odo I of Burgundy ca 1060-1103 with : F Helie of Burgundy x ca 1080-1141 F Emma De Bourgogne 1082-1162 F Florine De Boulogne 1083-ca 1097 M Hugh II x, Duke of Burgundy 1085-1143 M Hughes II De Bourgogne-De Bourgogne 1085-1143 M Henri de Burgundy 1087-1130
Sybilla of Burgundy x, Duchess of Burgundy 1062-1102 With William I of Burgundy † F Clémence De Bourgogne 1065-1133 Married in 1092 to Robert Flanders, II ca 1065-1111 with : M Robert of Moray x ca 1085-1111 F Rosamunda Van Vlaanderen ca 1090-1114 M Baldwin VII of Flanders Fleming 1091-1119 M Baldwin VII x, Count of Flanders 1093-1119 M Freskin of Moray x 1107-/1166 F sosa Gisela of Burgundy x, [Marchioness of Montferrat] 1075-1135 With Fernando Perez de Trava Conde de Trastamara †
Gisela of Burgundy x, [Marchioness of Montferrat] 1075-1135 Married in 1090, Chambéry, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France, to sosa Humbert II x, [Count of Maurienne] 1066-1103 with : F Adela Maurienne 1085- M Reginald de Savóie 1091-1150 F Adélaïde de Savoie, Reine des Francs 1092-1154 M William de Savóie, of Liege ca 1094-1130 M Amédée III (Dit Le Croisé) De Savoie-De Bourgogne 1095-1148 M Amadeus III de Bourgogne 1095-1148 M sosa Amadeo III x, Comte de Savoya 1095-1148 M Humbert de Savoy ca 1096-1131 M Guy De Savóie 1098-1130 F Adelaide De Maurienne 1100-1154 F Agnes Maurienne Princess Of Savoy 1102- F Agnès Savoie ca 1103-1183 F Mathilde De Montferrat ca 1115- F Agnes De Savoy dite de Maurienne † F Donella de SAVOIE † M Rinaldo de Savoy, provost of Saint-Maurice d'Aguno † F Berthe x †1095 With Living ? † M Raymond ? †1108 M sosa Raimundo de Borgoña, Conde 1065-1107 Married in 1091, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, to sosa Urraca I de León, Reina 1079-1126 with : F Sancha Raimunda De León 1095-1159 F Sancha Princess Of Castile And Leon 1102/-1159 M sosa Alfonso VII de León, Rey 1105-1157 M Gui de Brionne 1025-1069 F Alberada di Buonalbergo ca 1033-1122 Married after 1051 to sosa Robert Guiscard ca 1025-1085 with M Bohemond d'Antioch, I ca 1054-1111 Married 26 May 1106, Cathedral in Chartre, France, to Constance de France 1078-1124 with : F Elise D'Antioche † M Jean D'Antioche † F Ménilgonde D'Antioche † M Hugues de Bourgogne 1037-1086 With Aldeberga De Scey † M Falcon de Bourgogne †
Siblings F Mathilde de Bourgogne 978-1005 Married in 989 to Landry de Nevers 969-1028 F sosa Gerberga of Burgundy 985-1023 Married about 1002, Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France, to sosa Guillaume II de Provence ca 988-1018 M Guido Guy I Comte Macon De Burgundy ca 994-1006 With Aelis Châlons †
Half-siblings On the side of sosa Ermentrude de Roucy, born in 958, deceased 5 May 1005 - Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France aged 47 years old with sosa Aubry II of Mâcon x, born about 935 - Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France, deceased about 982 - Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France aged about 47 years old , buried - France F sosa Beatrice de Macon, Countess of Macon ca 980-1040 Married about 999 to sosa Hugues Du Perche, Count of Gâtinais ca 979-1046
Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts M sosa Adalberto d'Italia, (Joint King of Italy) 932-971 married (956) F sosa Gerberga of Mâcon ca 940-986/ M sosa Otte-Guillaume de Bourgogne ca 958-1026 married (974) 4 children F Gisela Princess Of Italy 964-1014 with 1, with 2
Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts M sosa Count Renauld De Roucy 920-975 with F sosa Alberade De Lorraine 930-973 F sosa Ermentrude de Roucy 958-1005 married 1(974) 4 children , with 2 1 child
Sources Individual: FamilySearch Family Tree
Reginald I of Ivrea, count palatine of Burgundy's Timeline
986 |
Bourgogne, France
991 |
Age 5
[alternate birth date]
1025 |
Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France
1027 |
Age 41
Count of, BURGUNDY
Age 41
Count of, BURGUNDY
Age 41
Count of, BURGUNDY
1028 |
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
1037 |
Bourgogne, France
1057 |
September 4, 1057
Age 71
Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France