Immediate Family
About Rabbi Yehiel Hilel Gaon II
"In 1066, when his father, Jehoseph HaNagid, was assassinated and a riot broke out against the Granadan Jewish community, his widow, Rahel, and his son Abū Naṣr Azariah, who was a child at the time, fled to Lucena and stayed with Ibn Ghiyyāth. Young as he was, Azariah soon distinguished himself as a Hebrew poet. Moses ibn Ezra and Abraham ibn Da’ud concur that Ibn Ghiyyāth had grand plans for Jehoseph’s son, and wanted to set him up as head of the community of Lucena and other Andalusian towns, but his hopes were in vain, for Azariah died at the age of twenty. The inhabitants of Lucena supported Jehoseph’s widow for the rest of her life."
The foregoing is consistent with one of the more popular scenarios found in the Loeb Family Scroll albeit with no relationship to Hai Gaon : http://www.loebtree.com/yoseph.html#N
Al-Ḥarīzī, Judah. Taḥkemoni, ed. Israel Toporowsky (Tel Aviv: Maḥbarot le-Sifrut and Mosad Harav Kook, 1952).
Ashtor, Eliyahu. The Jews of Moslem Spain, 3 vols. (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1973–84).
Ibn Daʾud, Abraham. Sefer ha-Qabbalah: the Book of Tradition, ed. and trans. Gerson D. Cohen. (Oxford: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2005).
Ibn Ezra, Moses. Kitāb al-Mu ḥ ā ḍ ara wa-l-Mudhākara, ed. and trans. into Spanish Montserrat Abumalham, 2 vols. (Madrid: CSIC, 1986).
Ibn Ghiyyāth, Isaac. The Poems of Rabbi Isaac ibn Ghiyyat: Lucena 1038–Córdoba 1089, ed. Yona David (Jerusalem: ‘Akhshav, 1987) [Hebrew].
Ibn Ghiyyāth, Isaac. “Perush Sefer Qohelet,” in Ḥ amesh Megillot: Shir ha-Shirim, Rut, Qohelet, Esther, Ekhah, trans. and ed. Yosef Kafah (Jerusalem: Aguda le-Haṣalat Ginze Teman, 1961–62).
———. Sha‘arei Sim ḥ a: Hilkhot Rabbenu Yi ṣḥ aq ben Rabbi Yehuda ibn Gi’at ha-Niqra’im be-Shem Me’a She‘arim, ed. Yiṣḥaq Dov ha-Levi Bamberger (Jerusalem: Makhon le-Hotṣa’at Sefarim ve-Ḥeqer Kit. Y. ‘al shem ha-Ḥatam Sofer, 1998).
Katz, Sarah. Rabbi Isaac ibn Gi’at: Monograph (Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1994) [Hebrew].
Marcus, Joseph. “R. Yiṣḥaq ibn Gi’at: Ḥayyav, ve-Goral Ḥibburav vi-Yṣirotav,” Sinai 67, nos. 5-6 (1970), pp. 257-276.
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Sáenz-Badillos, Ángel. “Cinco poemas de Yiṣḥaq ibn Gayat,” Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos 31, no. 2 (1982): 31–52.
———. “Nuevos poemas de Yiṣḥaq ben Gayat, el poeta de Lucena,” Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos 30, no. 2 (1981): 5-35.
Schirmann, Ḥayyim. The History of Hebrew Poetry in Muslim Spain, ed., suppl., and annot. Ezra Fleischer (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1995) [Hebrew].
———. New Hebrew Poems from the Geniza (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences, 1965) [Hebrew].
Schmelzer, Menahem. “The Poetic Work of Isaac ibn Giyat” (Ph.D. diss., Jewish Theological Seminary, 1965).
Ta-Shma, Israel. “Mi-Perushav shel ha-Rav Yiṣḥaq ibn Gi’at le-Masekhet Bava Meṣiʿa,” Qove ṣ‘al Yad 7 (1982): 57–72.
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Esperanza Alfonso. "Ibn Ghiyyāth (Ibn Ghayyāth), Isaac ben Judah." Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World. Executive Editor Norman A. Stillman. Brill Online, 2013. <http://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/encyclopedia-of-jews-...>
Rabbi Yehiel Hilel Gaon II's Timeline
1015 |
1060 |
1080 |
Age 20
???? |