Immediate Family
About Rabbi Chaim ben Betzalel, ABD Friedberg, brother Maharal
R' Chaim (Hayyim) Loew (LOEB). Born: 1506 or 1510 or 1515 in Worms? Died: 1588 in Friedberg, Germany.
"Rabbi Chaim Loeb" one of four brothers about whom the great commentator and posek R' Shlomo Luria "Maharshal" wrote: "I have heard about the wise brothers, the lofty, wise and pious one R' Chaim; the lion of Torah R' Laib; and the 2 shining stars R' Sinai and R' Shimshon. "R' Chaim was a leading sage of his generation, though his legacy is overshadowed by that of his younger brother R' Laib, better known as the Maharal of Prague. When he is quoted, it is usually by the name "R' Chaim, the brother of Maharal". As a young man R' Chaim traveled to study under R' Shalom Shakna of Lublin, one of the leading sages of Poland and the leader of the pilpul school of Torah studies. However, like his fellow student (cousin of Maharshal) R' Moshe Isserles "Rema", R' Chaim apparently rejected the pilpul method. R' Chaim's next teacher was Maharshal, and it was his method of studying halachah that R' Chaim adopted as his own. R' Chaim was reluctant to leave any written works. He encouraged his students to memorize material and study by heart, thus developing their memories and their analytical abilities. That R' Chaim wrote any books is a testimony to the persistent demands of his students, and even so, he postponed his writing until an epidemic forced him to be quarantined and separated from anyone with whom he could "talk in learning." (This happened in 1569 and again in 1579.)"
His works: "Sefer ha-Ḥayyim," Cracow, 1593; "Mayim Ḥayyim," Amsterdam, "Iggeret ha-Tiyyul," Scriptural comments in alphabetical order, Prague, 1605,; "'Eẓ ha-Ḥayyim"; "Be'er Mayim Ḥayyim," supercommentary to Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch.
He probably married first, long before 1572, to Gutle d. 15 Mar 1575 (HO 258) bt Aron (?Schlackenwerth??), and then married about 1575 to Schoenchen d.um 1576? wwe Amschel Neustadt, and married third, about 1579 Iserna LNU, and then - or is this the same person as Iserna?? -Gitle aus Rosheim bt Israel (descendant of Josel of Rosheim).
Rabbi Chaim ben Betzalel, ABD Friedberg, brother Maharal's Timeline
1524 |
Poznań, Poznań County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
1544 |
Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
1550 |
Worms, Darmstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
1555 |
Worms, Darmstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Worms, Darmstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
1588 |
June 1, 1588
Age 64
Friedberg, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany
Age 64
Friedberg, Germany