Harav Shalom Moskowitz was born in Vybranivka, Galicia, on 17 Kislev 5638/1877. His father was Harav Mordechai Yosef Moshe of Sulitza. Named after his mother’s great-grandfather, the Sar Shalom of Belz, he was a fifth-generation descendant of Harav Yechiel Michel of Zlotchov.
After learning in Shotz, he traveled to the famed Maharsham, Harav Shalom Schwadron of Berzhan, to learn; later, he received semichah from his Rebbe. He stayed in the home of the Maharsham for practical experience in psak halachah.
He married the daughter of his father’s brother, Rav Meir.
In 5663/1903, Reb Shalom was appointed Rav in Shotz, a position he held until 5679/1919. Among his talmidim during those years was Harav Meir Shapiro, zt”l, Rav of Lublin and founder of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin.
During World War I, Reb Shalom moved to Cologne, Germany, where a group of Chassidim who had also settled there gathered round him. After the war, he moved to Tarnow, Galicia.
In 5687/1927, Reb Shalom arrived in England, settling in Stamford Hill, a part of London where not many chassidic Jews lived then. He established his beis medrash and became known as the Shotzer Rebbe.
Many of London’s leading talmidei chachamim visited the home of Reb Shalom to discuss Torah and present halachic queries. Reb Shalom was well known for hachnasas orchim; he would host many people at one time.
Reb Shalom was fluent in both the revealed Torah and in Kabbalah. His lifestyle was one of holiness and simplicity.
His sons were Harav Yitzchak, Harav Yaakov and Harav Yechiel Michel, all of whom were niftar in his lifetime. His sons-in-law were Harav Yoel of Shotz-Yerushalayim; Harav Yissachar Ber Rottenberg of Voidislav; and Harav Yaakov Halberstam of Tchakava.
Reb Shalom wrote several volumes of Daas Shalom, which were arranged according to the order of Perek Shirah.
He was niftar in London on 22 Teves 5718/1958, and buried in the Adath Yisrael cemetery in Enfield, where an ohel was built over his grave.
The lines that have become famous in the tzavaah of the Rebbe read: “Should a person be in need of a refuah or any other yeshuah, for himself or on behalf of another person, he should visit my kever, light candles and make his request. He must undertake an addition or improvement in his avodas Hashem. I will then beseech my heilige zeides that they intercede on his behalf before the Kisei Hakavod.”
Many people testify that their tefillos were answered. Every Erev Shabbos, as well as on the day of the Rebbe’s yahrtzeit, the ohel is full of mispallelim.
Zechuso yagen aleinu.
1877 |
November 23, 1877
Vybranivka, L'vivs'ka oblast, Ukraine
1893 |
1898 |
January 1898
Suceava, SV, Romania
1899 |
October 1899
Suceava, SV, Romania
1901 |
August 17, 1901
Suceava, Suceava, Romania
1903 |
July 18, 1903
Suceava, Suceava, Romania
1907 |
1958 |
January 14, 1958
Age 80
London, United Kingdom
January 14, 1958
Age 80
Adath Yisroel Cemetery, Plot G,7,5, 246 Carterhatch Lane, Enfield, Greater London, England, EN1 4BE, United Kingdom