Harav Meir Soloveichik was born in 5689/1929 to his illustrious parents, Harav Yitzchak Ze’ev (Reb Velvel) and Rebbetzin Hendel, in Brisk, Belarus, where his father served as Rav and Rosh Yeshivah following the petirah of his father, Harav Chaim Brisker, zt”l. Growing up in the home of the Torah giants of Brisk left an everlasting impression on Reb Meir.
The Brisker Rav and his family managed to leave Europe and arrived in Eretz Yisrael in 5701/1941, where the Rav reestablished the Brisker Yeshivah in Yerushalayim. Reb Meir was twelve years old at the time. He learned in Yeshivas Eitz Chaim, and later under the tutelage of his father.
The Brisker Rav would fondly call Reb Meir the “iluy” of his sons and would often talk to him in learning.
When he came of age, Reb Meir married, lhbch”l, Rebbetzin Elisheva, the daughter of Rav Yechiel Benedikt, zt”l, of Bnei Brak, a close confidant of the Chazon Ish, zt”l. He was married just a few months before the petirah of his father, the Brisker Rav.
In Yerushalayim, Reb Meir disseminated Torah to hundreds of bachurim and avreichim, teaching them the noted Brisker derech halimud. His yeshivah was on Rechov Reishis Chochmah, in the Zichron Moshe neighborhood.
Reb Meir was noted for his Chumash and Rashi shiurim, in which he would intertwine words of mussar to his talmidim.
He was 87 when he passed away in 3 Apr 2016.
His children;
1. R' Yitzchak Ze’ev, husband of Chana Miller, who succeeded his father as Rosh Yeshivah.
2. R' Yechiel Naftali, husband of Liba Weinberger, who opened a new yeshivah.
3. R' Chaim.
3. R' Avraham, husband of Reichel Kogalsky.
4. R' Yosef Dov.
5. Rebz. Hendel who is married to R' Tzvi Grossbard
Wikipedia page (in Hebrew). https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%9E%D7%90%D7%99%D7%A8_%D7%A1%D7%95...
1929 |
Brest, Brest District, Brest Region, Belarus
2016 |
April 3, 2016
Age 87
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
April 3, 2016
Age 87
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel