RENAUD de Dunstanville
illegitimate son of HENRY I King of England & his mistress Sibyl Corbet ([1110/15]-Chertsey, Surrey 1 Jul [1175], bur Reading Abbey). He is named as son of King Henry by Orderic Vitalis[129]. The Chronicle of Gervase names "fratre suo Reginaldo comite Cornubiæ" as one of the main supporters of Matilda[130]. The Complete Peerage deduces his mother´s identity from the charter under which "Reginaldus, Henrici Regis filius, comes Cornubiæ" granted property to "Willielmo de Boterell, filio Aliziæ Corbet, materteræ meæ" which he had granted to "Willielmo de Boterells in Cornubia, patri…predicti Willielmi" on his marriage, witnessed by "Nicholao filio meo…Herberto filio Herberti, Baldwino et Ricardo nepotibus meis, Willelmo de Vernun, Willielmo fratre meo…Hugone de Dunstanvill…"[131]. His birth date range is estimated on the basis of his marriage in [1141]. According to Domesday Descendants[132], "de Dunstanville" was a label only attributed to him by Orderic Vitalis. He inherited large areas of land in Cornwall, by right of his wife, on his marriage and was created Earl of Cornwall in [Apr 1141] by his half-sister Empress Matilda, after successfully leading a rebellion in her favour in the West Country[133]. The title was later fully recognised by King Stephen. Earl Renaud was a witness to the treaty between King Stephen and Henry Plantagenet in 1153[134]. Sheriff of Devon 1173-1175. "Reginaldus, Henrici Regis filius, comes Cornubiæ" granted property to "Willielmo de Boterell, filio Aliziæ Corbet, materteræ meæ" which he had granted to "Willielmo de Boterells in Cornubia, patri…predicti Willielmi" on his marriage, by charter dated to [1163/75], witnessed by "Nicholao filio meo…Herberto filio Herberti, Baldwino et Ricardo nepotibus meis, Willelmo de Vernun, Willielmo fratre meo…Hugone de Dunstanvill…"[135]. The Chronicle of Gervase records the death "mense Decembrio 1175" of "Reginaldus comes Cornubiæ regi Henrici secundi avunculus" and his burial at Reading[136]. Benedict of Peterborough records the death "Paulo ante Natale Domini" of "Reginaldus comes Cornubiæ avunculus regis Angliæ" at "Certesam" and his burial at "Rediggas"[137]. It is uncertain whether the year is accurate as the 1176/77 Pipe Roll names "comes Reginaldus…de militibus suis de Cornubia et Deuonia" in Devonshire[138].
m ([1141]%29 BEATRICE FitzWilliam, daughter & heiress of WILLIAM FitzRichard FitzTurold Lord of Cardinham, Cornwall & his wife ---. The Gesta Stephani Regis records that "Willelmus filius Ricardi…[in] comitatus Cornubiensis" rebelled against King Stephen and married "filiam suam" to "Reinaldo filio regis Henrici", dated to [1140/42][139]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. She is called Mabilia in Domesday Descendants[140].
Mistress (1): BEATRICE de Valle, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and relationship with Earl Renaud has not yet been identified. The Complete Peerage states that Dugdale "calls her Beatrice de Valle, says she was the mistress of Rainald Earl of Cornwall" and later the wife of William de Briwere, but does not cite a primary source on which this information is based[141]. The chronology does not appear to favour the subsequent marriage of the mistress of Earl Renaud to William de Briwere. The marriages of the latter´s children are recorded in the first decade of the 13th century, their births being therefore estimated to [1180/1195]. Even if Earl Renaud´s mistress gave birth to the earl´s illegitimate son in the last decade of his life (when he would have been in his sixties), it is unlikely that she could have continued bearing children into the mid-1190s.
Richard Earl of Cornwall & his wife had [seven] children:
1. NICHOLAS of Cornwall (-1175 before 1 Jul). "Nicholao filio meo…" witnessed the charter dated to [1163/75] by which "Reginaldus, Henrici Regis filius, comes Cornubiæ" granted property to "Willielmo de Boterell, filio Aliziæ Corbet, materteræ meæ"[142].
2. JOHN of Cornwall (-after 1 Jul 1175). Robert of Torigny records the death in 1175 of "Raginaldus comes Cornubiæ prioris Henrici regis filius naturalis" and the succession of "Johannis filii sui iunioris"[143]. He succeeded his father as Earl of Cornwall. Presumably he died soon after succeeding as no other reference to him has so far been found. On his death, the earldom reverted to the crown.
3. EMMA of Cornwall (-1208 or after, bur Abbaye de Clermont). "Guido Lavallensis dominus" relinquished the parish of la Gravelle to Marmoutier, with the advice of "fratris mei Hamonis, et uxoris mee Agathe et filiorum meorum Guidonis atque Sicilie", by charter dated to [1142/85][144]. "Agathe" in this document is an error for "Emma", as shown by the charter dated 1208 under which "Guido sextus dominus Lavallensis" ratified a donation by "patris mei" to the canons of "castellilo Lavallensi", witnessed by "…Emma matre mea, Hayoisia uxore mea…"[145]. "…Emme uxoris mee" consented to the donation by "Guido de Lavalle" to Sainte-Trinité de Fougères by charter dated 1180[146]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m GUY [V] Sire de Laval, son of GUY [IV] Sire de Laval & his wife Emma --- (-[18 Dec 1180/1185], bur Abbaye de Clermont).
4. DENISE of Cornwall (-after Apr 1162, bur Christ Church, Twynham). Robert of Torigny records the wife of "Richardus de Revers dominus insula Vectæ in Anglia" as "filia Rainaldi comitis Cornubiæ" but does not name her[147]. “Ricardus comes Devoniæ” donated property to Exeter St James, for the soul of “uxoris meæ Dionisiæ…”, by charter dated 1157[148]. m ([1150]%29 RICHARD de Reviers, son of BALDWIN de Reviers Earl of Devon & his wife Adelise --- ([1115/30]-21 or 27 Apr 1162, bur Christ Church, Twynham). He succeeded his father in 1155 as Earl of Devon, Lord of the Isle of Wight.
5. MATILDA of Cornwall. Robert of Torigny records the marriage of "filius eius [Gualeranni comitis Mellenti] Robertus" and "filiam Rainaldi comitis Cornubiensis" but does not name her[149]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. m ([1165]%29 ROBERT [II] de Beaumont, Comte de Meulan, son of WALERAN [IV] de Beaumont[-Le-Roger] Comte de Meulan [previously Earl of Worcester] & his second wife Agnès de Montfort (-Poitiers 16 Aug 1204, bur Préaux).
6. SARAH of Cornwall (-1216, bur Saint-Yrieux de la Perche). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that Henry II King of England arranged the marriage of "Ademarum" and "consanguineam suam Sarram filiam Roberti Comitis de Glocestria"[150], although it is difficult chronologically for Sarah to have been the daughter of Earl Robert. Her paternity is clarified in a later passage of the Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis which records that Henry II King of England returned his territories to Adémar and arranged his marriage to "Sara una ex tribus filiabus Rainaldi Comitis de Cornouailla"[151]. The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death in 1216 of "Sarra vicecomitissa"[152]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records the death "anno 1216" of "Sara" and her burial "in festo S. Columbani…apud S. Aredium"[153]. m (Bordeaux [1156]%29 ADEMAR [V] Vicomte de Limoges, son of ADEMAR [IV] Vicomte de Limoges & his wife Marguerite de Turenne (-1199 after Jul).
7. [URSULA . Her parentage and marriage are included in a manuscript pedigree of Dunstanville, probably dated to [1461/1509], based on an alleged mandate of King John which asserts that in [1196/97] "Reginald late Earl of Cornwall…acknowledged that a moiety of the manor of Colern and a third part of the manor of Addersley" in Wiltshire "were the right of Walter de Dunstanville and Ursula his wife, daughter of the said earl, father and mother of Walter de Dunstanville now living"[154]. Eyton highlights that the document does not exist on any of the surviving rolls of King John and describes it as "a detestable forgery", pointing out that Renaud Earl of Cornwall died in 1175. m [as his first wife,] WALTER de Dunstanville, son of [ALAN de Dunstanville & his wife ---] (-[1195]).]
Renaud Earl of Cornwall had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
8. HENRY FitzCount (-on crusade 1222). The 1194/95 Pipe Roll records "Henrico f comitis…in Cassewelle et Depeford" in Devonshire[155]. Constable of Totnes Castle 1209, Governor of Porchester Castle 1211. The Red Book of the Exchequer records "Henricus filius comitis" holding one half of one knight´s fee in Cornwall, and one in Devonshire and 16 "de honore Braynes" in Devonshire, in [1210/12][156]. Sheriff of Cornwall, Constable of Launceston Castl e and Warden of the Stannaries 1215. He was granted the county of Cornwall by King John in 1215, but not the title of Earl. Henry III King of England granted land in Cornwall held by "Reginaldus comes Cornubie pater suus" to "Henrico filio Comitis" dated 7 Feb 1217[157]. He resigned the county in 1220 when he left on crusade[158].
Renaud Earl of Cornwall had [one illegitimate child] by an unknown mistress:
9. [NICHOLAS (-after 1194). The 1194/95 Pipe Roll records "Nicholaus f comitis" in Dorset & Somerset[159]. The fact that Renaud Earl of Cornwall had a legitimate son named Nicholas suggests that "comitis" who was the father of this Nicholas may have been Earl Renaud.]
Source unknown (possibly Wikipedia) doesn't agree with above from Medlands: Reginald de Dunstanville
(Reginald FitzRoy, Rainald ), 1st Earl of Cornwall (French: Renaud de Donstanville or de Dénestanville )
(c. 1110, Dunstanville, Kent, England – 1 July 1175, Chertsey, Surrey, England), Sheriff of Devon, Earl of Cornwall, was an illegitimate son of Henry I of England and Lady Sybilla Corbet.
Reginald had been invested with the Earldom of Cornwall by King Stephen of England, but having afterwards taken up the cause of the Empress Matilda, his sister, he forfeited his lands and honours. Around 1173 he granted a charter to his free bugesses of Triueru, and he addressed his meetings at Truro to All men both Cornish and English suggesting a continuing differentiation.
He was buried in Reading Abbey.
He married Mabel FitzRichard, daughter of William FitzRichard (who held a number of fiefs in Cornwall) and had the following children:
Nicholas de Dunstanville (1136–1175).
Hawyse (or Denise) de Dunstanville (1138–21 April 1162). Married Richard de Redvers, 2nd Earl of Devon (Richard de Reviers).
Maud FitzRoy de Dunstanville of Cornwall (b. 1143, Dunstanville, Kent, England). Married Sir Robert de Beaumont, Count of Meulan.
Ursula de Dunstanville (b. 1145). Married Walter de Dunstanville Lord Castlecomb.
Sarah de Dunstanville (b. 1147). Married Ademar V, viscount of Limoges.
Reginald de Dunstanville (b. c. 1152).
Joan FitzRoy (b. c. 1150). Married Ralph de Valletort, Lord of Trematon.
He also had illegitimate children by Beatrice de Vaux, who was later married to William Brewer (justice).
Henry FitzCount, Sheriff of Cornwall, Earl of Cornwall (d. 1222).
William FitzCount.
Compressed Pedigree for Raymond John Newcombe to his 79th great-grandparents Adam and Eve
EARLDOM of CORNWALL (I) 1141 to 1175
Reynold de Dunstanville, one of the 14 illegitimate children of Henry I,was the son of Sybil, daughter of Sir Robert Corbet, of Alcester, co.Warwick, and having m. ?Mabel, daughter and (in her issue) heir of William Fitz Richard, a man of huge estates in Cornwall, was created about Apr 1141, Earl of Cornwall, probably by the Empress Maud, but the title was fully recognised subsequently by King Stephen. He was a witness to the compromise between Stephen and Henry, 1153. Sheriff of Devon, 1173-75. He was in command, ex parte Regis, Oct 1173, against the rebellious Barons. He d. spm legit, at Chertsey, Surrey, 1 July 1175,and was buried in the Abbey of Reading, when the Earldom reverted to the Crown. [Complete Peerage, III:429 as corrected by XIV:207]
When I first added Reginald, it was through my mother's side of the family (on the Bartlett side). Before I merged the profiles, he was listed as my 28th great grandfather on my mother's side. Since through King Henry I (Reginald's father) my mother is distantly related to my father, the profile has now changed to list Reginald as my thirteenth great grandfather's second cousin thrice removed on my father's side.
Victoria Poston→Moe Peck (my mother)→Gertrude Albert (her mother)→Frederick (Frank) Bartlett (her father)→George Bartlett (his father)→Eliza Bartlett (his mother)→Daniel Hemenway (her father)→Richard Hemenway (his father)→Samuel Hemenway (his father)→Hannah Hemenway (his mother)→Hannah Winch (her mother)→Matthew Gibbs (her father)→William Gibbs (his father)→Jane Gibbs (his mother)→Thomas Turney (her father)→John Turney (his father)→Joan Turney (his mother)→John Sellinge (her father)→Elizabeth Sellinge (his mother)→Thomas Brockhull (her father)→William de Brockhull (his father)→Ida de Brockhull (his mother)→John de Criol (her father)→Nicholas de Criol (his father)→Nicholas de Criol (his father→Joan de Criol (his mother)→Isabel de Auberville (her mother)→Alice Biset (her mother)→Alice Bassett (her mother)→Alan Reginald de Dunstanville (her father)→Reginald Robert (Reginald FitzRoy) (1st Earl of Cornwall) de Dunstanville (his father)
--Victoria Poston
Rainald fitz Roy, 1st Earl of Cornwall
Rainald fitz Roy, 1st Earl of Cornwall was son of Henry I by his mistress Sibyl Corbet.1 He was misleadingly labelled as "de Dunstanville" by Orderic Vitalis.5 He was born circa 1110. He was the son of Henri I "Beauclerc", roi d' Angleterre and Sibyl Corbet.2,3,4 Rainald fitz Roy, 1st Earl of Cornwall held land in 1130 at Wiltshire, England.6 He married Beatrice FitzRichard, daughter of William FitzRichard.6 Rainald fitz Roy, 1st Earl of Cornwall was created Earl of Cornwall by his half-sister the Empress Maud circa April 1141.6 1st Earl of Cornwall at England between April 1141 and 1175.6,7 He was the predecessor of Jean "Sans Terre", roi d' Angleterre; Earl of Cornwall.8 Rainald fitz Roy, 1st Earl of Cornwall died on 1 July 1175 at Chertsey, Surrey, England. D.s.p.m.s. legit.6 Rainald fitz Roy, 1st Earl of Cornwall was buried in Reading Abbey, England.6
appelé aussi Renaud de Dénestanville
1er Comte de Cornouailles
Shérif du Devon
1110 |
Dunstanville, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1122 |
1135 |
1136 |
1137 |
Cornwall, England
1141 |
Cornwall, England
1142 |
Launceston, Cornwall, England
1143 |
East Cornwall, Cornwall, England (United Kingdom)
1145 |
Dunstanville, Kent, England