Served as a private in Troop D, 1st Alabama Cavalry. Aaron died of typhoid fever at Overton Military Hospital in Memphis during his service as a soldier.
Aaron H. Swims and Elizabeth Caroline Long, daughter of Charles R. and Rutha (Honeycutt) Long, were married in Hall County, Georgia, on 20 Jan 1850.
Aaron was the son of Enoch and Cynthia (Griffes) Swaim.
The surname has several different spellings in records: Swim, Swims, Swain, Swaim.
Aaron and Elizabeth Caroline moved to Winston County, Alabama by 1860.
Shortly after his death, his wife Elizabeth Caroline died (27 Feb 1865).
In Aaron's Union pension file at the National Archives, documents show William R. Long being awarded guardianship of their eight children:
1827 |
Hall County, Georgia, USA
1851 |
September 19, 1851
Union, Union County, Georgia, United States
1852 |
March 9, 1852
Union County, Georgia, United States
September 19, 1852
Union County, Georgia, United States
1856 |
June 19, 1856
Union County, Georgia, USA
December 19, 1856
Union County, Georgia, USA
1859 |
May 25, 1859
Georgia, United States
1861 |
April 15, 1861
Winston County, Alabama, United States
1864 |
March 12, 1864
Age 37
Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, USA