He is kept on this side of the cut with Björn "The Old" Eriksson just because he is the supposed father (no historical evidence of this relationship) to Styrbjörn "The Strong" Olafsson, who has stronger historical evidence because of the fighting with his supposed uncle Erik Segersäll and that relationship should be visible on Geni. Remi Pedersen
http://www.tacitus.nu/svenskhistoria/kungar/vikingatid/index.htm#Olof II
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olof_Bj%C3%B6rnsson Fairytale king, not verified in contemporary sources.
Olof Björnsson (cirka 970 - 975), var en svensk sagokung som ska ha samregerat med sin bror Erik Segersäll och dött av ett ormbett (etter).
Han var gift med Ingeborg Thrandsdotter med vilken han fick barnen Styrbjörn Starke och Gyrithe Olafsdotter. Då tinget efter Olofs död ansåg Styrbjörn Starke som olämplig att vara sveakung, föreslog Erik Segersäll sitt ofödda barn till medregent på villkor att det var en son och det blev Olof Skötkonung.
Olof Björnsson (ca 970 - 975), was a semi-legendary Swedish king, who according to Hervarar saga and the Styrbjarnar þáttr Svíakappa ruled together with his brother Eric the Victorious. He was the father of Styrbjörn Starke and Gyrid by his queen, Ingeborg Thrandsdotter, and he died of poison during a meal. Instead of proclaiming his son Styrbjörn co-ruler, Eric proclaimed his own unborn child co-ruler on condition that it was a son. It was a son who became Olof of Sweden.
Yrke: Sveakung
Far: Björn 'den gamle'
Familj med ?
Barn: Styrbjörn Starke (- 986)
ABT 0900 - ____
BIRTH: ABT 0900, (?)
Father: Björn ERIKSSON
Family 1 :
Styrbjørn OLAVSON
Kilde: nermo.og
Olof Björnsson (reigned ca 970 - 975), was a semi-legendary Swedish king, who according to Hervarar saga and the Styrbjarnar þáttr Svíakappa ruled together with his brother Eric the Victorious. He was the father of Styrbjörn Starke and Gyrid by his queen, Ingeborg Thrandsdotter, and he died of poison during a meal. Instead of proclaiming his son Styrbjörn co-ruler, Eric proclaimed his own unborn child co-ruler on condition that it was a son. It was a son who became Olof of Sweden
Olof (II) Björnsson
Olof Björnsson (ca 970 - 975), ruled together with his brother Eric the Victorious. He was the father of Styrbjörn Starke. He died of venom. Instead of proclaiming his son Styrbjörn co-ruler, Eric proclaimed his own unborn child co-ruler on condition that it was a son. It was a son who became Olof of Sweden.
Noted events in his life were:
• Acceded: King of Sweden, Cir 950.
Cause of his death was venom.
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
See http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/25067072/person/12798748361
Olaf II "The Mighty" - King of Sweden BJORNSSON ERIKSSON (RIN: 7697), son of Bjorn III "Den Gamble" "The Old" King of Sweden ERIKSSON and Ingeborg THRANDOTTER , was born 885 in Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden. He married Queen Anna Ingeborg of Sula, Queen of Sweden BJORNSSON, THRANDSDOTTIR 0902 in Sweden. He died 964 in Fyrisval, Uppland, Sweden. Queen Anna Ingeborg of Sula, Queen of Sweden BJORNSSON, THRANDSDOTTIR (RIN: 7696), daughter of Jarl Thraud 'Thrand' of Sula SWEDEN and Thrand de SULA , was born 08 January 0886 in Upsala, Upsala, Sweden. She died 02 February 0932 in Uppsala, Stockholm, Sweden.
Children of Olaf II "The Mighty" - King of Sweden BJORNSSON ERIKSSON and Queen Anna Ingeborg of Sula, Queen of Sweden BJORNSSON, THRANDSDOTTIR are: 1. Queen Cyrid Gyrithe Gunhilde OLAFSDOTTIR QUEEN OF DENMARK AND SWEDEN (RIN: 7671), b. 11 January 0919 See (King) Herbastus Herfast Forester Arques or Harold DE CREPON, III & Queen Cyrid Gyrithe Gunhilde OLAFSDOTTIR QUEEN OF DENMARK AND SWEDEN OR Harald Herbastus De Crepon-Gunnor I - "Blaatand-Bluetooth", King of Denmark GORMSSON & Queen Cyrid Gyrithe Gunhilde OLAFSDOTTIR QUEEN OF DENMARK AND SWEDEN 2. Gunhild Gyrithe Crepon Gunnor OLAFSDATTER (RIN: 7688), b. abt. 920 See Harald Herbastus De Crepon-Gunnor I - "Blaatand-Bluetooth", King of Denmark GORMSSON & Gunhild Gyrithe Crepon Gunnor OLAFSDATTER OR Harold VIII Herbastus DECREPON & Gunhild Gyrithe Crepon Gunnor OLAFSDATTER 3. Styrbjorn THE STRONG PRINCE OF SWEDEN OLAFSSON (RIN: 7723), b. 930 Marriage/Union Events for Olaf II "The Mighty" - King of Sweden BJORNSSON ERIKSSON\Queen Anna Ingeborg of Sula, Queen of Sweden BJORNSSON, THRANDSDOTTIR:
_FREL: Natural _MREL: Natural _FREL: Natural _MREL: Natural _FREL: Natural _MREL: Natural Notes for Olaf II "The Mighty" - King of Sweden BJORNSSON ERIKSSON:
Birth: 885 in Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden. .
Death: 964 in Fyrisval, Uppland, Sweden. _APID: 1,7249::10779838 _APID: 1,7249::10779838 Sources for Olaf II "The Mighty" - King of Sweden BJORNSSON ERIKSSON:
Millennium File, Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Treehttp://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=54829531&pid=7697 Notes for Queen Anna Ingeborg of Sula, Queen of Sweden BJORNSSON, THRANDSDOTTIR:
Birth: 08 January 0886 in Upsala, Upsala, Sweden. .
Death: 02 February 0932 in Uppsala, Stockholm, Sweden. _APID: 1,7249::10774687 _APID: 1,7249::10774687 Sources for Queen Anna Ingeborg of Sula, Queen of Sweden BJORNSSON, THRANDSDOTTIR:
Millennium File, Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Treehttp://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=54829531&pid=7696 Notes for Styrbjorn THE STRONG PRINCE OF SWEDEN OLAFSSON:
Birth: 930 in Uppsala, Sweden Jellinge, Veije, Denmark. .
Death: 986 or 985 in Killed at Battle of Blackfeld, Fyrisval, Uppsala, Sweden . Sources for Styrbjorn THE STRONG PRINCE OF SWEDEN OLAFSSON:
932 |
Uppsala, Sverige (Sweden)
971 |
Hedeby, Midtjylland, Danmark (Denmark)
???? |
Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden
???? |
Hedeby, Midtjylland, Denmark
???? |
???? | |||
???? |
Hedeby, Midtjylland, Danmark (Denmark)