Immediate Family
About Nocher II, comte de Bar-Sur-Aube
NOCHER [II], son of NOCHER [I] Comte de Bar-sur-Aube & his wife Adelisa --- (-[1019/40]). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, names "alius Nocherius, Wido…clericus, frater eius" as the two sons of "Nocherius comes Suessionem"[18]. His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1011 under which "Fulchone Suessionis episcopo ac comite Notcherio fratribus" supported a donation by "Vualterius Eduorum…episcopus" of property to the abbey of Flavigny, subscribed by "…Notcherii comitis, Notcherii filii eius, Adelise comitisse"[19]. Comte de Bar-sur-Aube.
m ---. The name of Nocher’s wife is not known.
Nocher [II] & his wife had two children:
1. AELIS ([1020/25]-11 Sep 1053). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, records that "Rodulpho (Simonis genitori)" married three wives, firstly "Adela, Nocheri Barrensis ad Albam comitis filia, Notheri comitis Suessionum neptis, Achardi proneptis" who had previously married "Rainaldum de Sinemuro, Rainardum comitem de Jooniaco, Rotgerium de Wangionis ripa"[20]. Considering the date of her first marriage, and that she had several children by her fourth husband, it is unlikely that Aelis was born before [1020/25]. Ctss de Bar-sur-Aube. Her marital history is recorded in the Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois: after the death of her first husband, "Rodulfus comes Calvimontis Vallis Cassini" [identified as her future fourth husband] visited "castellum Barri" who proposed marriage, the ceremony to take place after his return from a pilgrimage to Rome, but as the proposal displeased "primoribus terræ illius" they married her during Raoul’s absence to "Rainardo comiti de Jooniaco". After Raoul returned, he besieged "Jooniacum castellum" and abducted Aelis to "castello Firmitatis", wanting to assure himself that she was not pregnant before marrying her. While there, the inhabitants of Bar-sur-Aube married her again to "Rotgerio de Wangionis ripa", after which Raoul ravaged the countryside until they returned Aelis to him[21]. Her son "Symon comes Barrensium" donated property to the abbey of Molesme for the souls of "parentum suorum Radulfi…comitis et Walterii fratris suis et matris sue Adele" by undated charter[22]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Adala" wife of "comitis Veromandie [error for Valois] Rodolfi" and mother of "Symonem et filiam…Adala", but does not give her origin[23]. "Symon comes Barrensium" donated property to the abbey of Molesme for the souls of "parentum suorum Radulfi…comitis et Walterii fratris suis et matris sue Adele" by undated charter, the entry stating that "Adelina comitissa" died "III Id Sep"[24]. m firstly (1040) RENAUD de Semur-en-Brionnais, son of GEOFFROY I Seigneur de Semur & his first wife --- de Brioude. m secondly ([1040/42], separated) RENARD Comte de Joigny, son of GEOFFROY de Joigny & his wife Alix de Sens. m thirdly ([1041/43], separated) as his second wife, ROGER [I] avoué de Vignory, son of GUY [I] de Vignory & his wife --- (-before 1057). m fourthly ([1041/45]%29 as his first wife, RAOUL [III] Comte de Valois, du Vexin, d'Amiens et de Vitry, son of RAOUL [II] Comte de Valois & his wife [--- de Breteuil] (-Péronne 23 Feb or 8 Sep 1074, bur Montdidier, later transferred to Crépy-en-Valois, église collégiale Saint-Arnoul). The county of Bar-sur-Aube was transmitted to the children of Aelis’s fourth marriage.
2. ISABELLE . The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, names "comitissam…Adelhida et Isabel" as the two daughters of Nocher [II] Comte de Bar-sur-Aube, adding that Isabelle married "Galterius de Clamice" by whom she had "filium Rodulphum" who was strangled "apud Firmitatem jam juvenis"[25]. m GAUTHIER de Clamecy, son of ---. One child:
a) RAOUL de Clamecy (-murdered La Ferté-sur-Aube
). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Saint-Claude, names "comitissam…Adelhida et Isabel" as the two daughters of Nocher [II] Comte de Bar-sur-Aube, adding that Isabelle married "Galterius de Clamice" by whom she had "filium Rodulphum" who was strangled "apud Firmitatem jam juvenis"[26].
Nocher II, comte de Bar-Sur-Aube's Timeline
971 |
Bar-sur-Aube, Aube, Champagne, France
992 |
Champagne, Aisne, Picardie, France
1019 |
June 13, 1019
Age 48
Bar-sur-Aube, Aube, Champagne, France
???? |
Count of Bar-sur-Aube
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Count of Bar-sur-Aube
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Count of Bar-sur-Aube