Immediate Family
About Nibelung IV, comte du Vexin
[NIBELUNG [IV] ([810/20]-after 879). Settipani suggests that Nibelung [IV] was the son of Nibelung [III] but the time span between the only mention of the latter (in 818) and the last mention of the former (879) appears too long for them to have been father and son. Nibelung [IV]'s birth date range is estimated on the basis of his being active in service of the king in early adulthood in 843, and his last known mention in 879. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks granted property "in pago Otisioderinse seu Wastinense…curtem…Hermoldi super fluvium Betus…villa…Villasallum" to "fidelis nostro…Nivelongo" by charter dated 843[357]. A document issued by Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks dated Nov 853 names "Hugo, Gozso, Nivilungus" as missi in "Niverniso, Alciodriso, Avaliso"[358]. Comte in Vexin: Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks donated property "in pago Vulcassino…Pontisaræ" to the abbey of Saint-Denis with the consent of "Nivelongo comite", by charter dated 864[359]. "Heccardus comes" names "…Nivelongo atque Theoderico germano suo" among the executors of his testamentary disposition dated to [Jan 876][360]. Nibelung [IV]'s estimated birth date range as shown above is consistent with his belonging to the same generation as Ekkehard and his brothers, maybe their first cousin. Nibelung subscribed a charter of comte Adelramm, maybe his son-in-law, dated 879[361].
m ---. The name of the wife of Nibelung [IV] is not known.] Nibelung [IV] & his wife had [three] children:
i) THEODERIC [VIII] . "Heccardus comes" names "…Therico filio Nivelongo…Ademare fratre suo…" among the beneficiaries under his testamentary disposition dated to [Jan 876][362]. m ---. The name of Theoderic’s wife is not known. Theoderic [VIII] & his wife had [one child]:
(a) [daughter. Settipani suggests[363] this affiliation for the wife of Pépin in view of the transmission of land in the Vexin to his descendants. m (before [845]%29 PEPIN, son of BERNARD I King of Italy & his wife Cunegundis --- ([815]-after 850).]
ii) ADHEMAR . "Heccardus comes" names "…Therico filio Nivelongo…Ademare fratre suo…" among the beneficiaries under his testamentary disposition dated to [Jan 876][364].
iii) [--- . Settipani speculates that the wife of Adelramn [II] was the daughter of Nibelung [IV] because of the transmission of the name Theoderic to one of the couple's probable sons and the apparent transmission of Vexin, previously held by Nibelung [IV], to their son Adelramn [III][365]. m ADELRAMN [II], son of --
Nibelung IV, comte du Vexin's Timeline
810 |
830 |
879 |
Age 69
???? |