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Elin Ranesdotter By Tönsberg A mystery
Many are the mysteries that sometimes conceal our medieval documents and texts, as well as the number of scientists who have tried to solve these riddles. As for the mysteries surrounding Elin Ranesdatter, there have been countless theories about who she would be. The only thing that the researchers seem to agree on is that she would be the daughter of Fehirden in Tönsberg, Rane Eyvindsson Østby-Snekkestad and his wife the bishop's daughter Aase Salomonsdatter Selvik.
Elin was born in 1340 in Tönsberg, she was the second child in a sibling group of six children. As far as her upbringing is concerned, we really know very little, the data that is documented about her and her life in youth are largely linked to her parents and scant. We do know, however, that she was raised and raised in one of the richest Norwegian families at the time. Fehirden, which was her father's title, was one of the king's closest men, initially one could name him as one of the treasurers of the time.
However, until the beginning of the 14th century, the office was changed from being represented by a fehird for the whole country to several that were located around the districts (Oslo, Bjørgvin-Bergen, Tønsberg and Trondheim). The order of fixed fehirdar was linked to the reorientation of the country's defences that took place.
In 1360, her father dies at the same time as Elin, 20 years old, who she marries is a little unclear. A large number of researchers have claimed that she was married to Peder Nilsson Skanke at Hov in Hackås parish, and that she became the mother of his sons Önd and Karl. Peder Nilsson's son Joen was born in the first marriage to the lawman's daughter Kristina Halvardsdotter, daughter of lawman Halvard Karlsson.
Despite the diligent search, I have not found any documentation to prove that Elin Ranesdotter would have been married to Peder Nilsson Skanke. However, there is a document confirming Elin Ranedotter's marriage to Peder Nikulassøn, Nikulas Eyvindsson's son, that is, her own cousin. This document DN II:527 was published on 25 September 1391 in Bergen, where Philip Gudbrandssön, Kannik in Nidaros and Electus to Færö, together with three others, that Peter Nikulassön gave what he owned in the farm Ramstad in Huseby parish in Skaun in Orkedals-Shire to Nidaros Cathedral chapter, against the cathedral chapter once a year would hold soul mass for him and his wife Elin Ranesdatter. Kilde: After Orig. p. Perg. in Dipl. Arn. Magn. fasc. 11th No. 15 2det og 4de Segl tilovers
Letter text (from the printed edition): Allum monnum þeim sæm þetta bref sæa æða heyra sænða Philippus Gudbrandz son korsbroðr j Niðaros oc electus Farensis. Sighwalðr Jonsson prester a Varnese Jwar Æiriksson ok Einar Eilifsson. quediu gudes ok sina. More vilium jdr kunnikt gera at þer varom mer j hia ok heyrdom vppa j Bergwin a þy aare er lidhit was from burd vars herra Jesu Christi þushundrado. þriuhundrado. nitugta ok fyrsto aare. a þridio aare rikis vyrduligs herra Eirik's mæder gudes naad Noregs konongs. manadagen nestan firir Michials messo dagh erlighen man Peter Nicolasson gaf til kommuns korsbr/oe/dra j Nidaros, seer ok sinne daande kono Eline Rana dottor til æwærdaligs b/oe/nahaldz ok skrasætningh. soil sina. swa myckla sæm han aa j Krokstadum is located j Husabyar kirkiu sokn j Skaun j Orkodals fylki eftir þui sem brefuet þær vm gort vaattar. hueria earth Hakon j Army/oe/yom lauk honom j sculd sina. oc Olafuer tone hafde gefuet honom Hakone, gaf han Peter fyrnemder so mykit sem han aatte j fyrnemdre iord. korsbr/oe/drom allum i Nidaros to bordhaldz ok æwærdaligrar æignar vttan alt after kal ok after lausn; mæder allum þeim lutum ok lunnendom sæm til lies æder leghet hafua fra forno ok nyo. vttan gardz ok jnnan j reet ændamærki a þen maatta. that fyrnemder korsbr/oe/der halde aartiið beggia þeira hiuna æit sinna a hwart aar. þegar god krefuir þeira af þessare verold; adersagd soil falla vndir fyrnemt komun j Nidaros korsbr/oe/drom til bordhaldz. the prince is Peter Nicolasson, j. Ok to þæs mæire visso ok stadfæstingh her world championships. sætte optnemder Peter Nicholasson sit insigle ok more fyrnemder mæn was jnsigli mæder his insigli firir þetta bref. er gort was j stad degi ok aare fyrnemdom.
Tillegg:Bagpaa: Brief vm Krokstader i Orkodals fylki j Skaun.
The fact that this is Fehirden and the Privy Councilpeter Nikulassøn in Tønsberg, born in 1342 in Sandsvar, Buskerud [1.] is beyond doubt. He succeeded his uncle Rane Eivindsson as Fehird in Tönsberg, was appointed compatriot of Vestfold and later sud-halogaland. Mentioned 1363 to 1405 in the following diplomatic ries DN III:344, DN III:407, DN III:481, DN IV:682, all exhibited in Bergen except the latter, which was exhibited in Tönsberg. I have noted that Peter Nilsson Skanke was never or was appointed privy councillor in Norway, but he should have held the post of Foreign Ministry bailiff in Jämtland.
In Vadstena Monastery there is an old tombstone with a coat of arms engraved depicting the Bolt weapon, half a lily and two spurs. Along the edges of the stone you will find a text in Latin describing the following NORWGE NATA / PETRO QUONDAM/ SOCIATA/ PAU SAT CRIPTA/ DE TUNSBERG HELENA DICTA/, which translated means "Born in Norway, consecrated with Peter, rests here Helena from Tönsberg. The tombstone is described by Sölve Gardell in the book "Grave monument from Sweden's Middle Ages " which deals with about 500 known tombs and stones, in Sweden, from the early 11th century to the latter half of the Middle Ages.
This Helena is noted in vadstena monastery's memory book Diarum Vaztenense under II:X 424, which describes that this woman is known no closer. She did not belong to the nuns, but what is told is that based on the husband's name, she was the wife and widow of the Norwegian Privy Councillor Peder Nikulasson according to a will in Vadstena X:430 (DN III:704) dated in Vadstena on February 2, 1430. The memorial book also describes that she was born in Tönsberg and the daughter of the squire Rane Eyvindsson.
According to the result I have received in connection with my research regarding Elin Ranesdotter's background and affiliation, she should have been married to her cousin Peder Nikulasson from Tönsberg omkr. in 1360, 20 years old. In addition to the fact that the marriage is mentioned in "Birger Kirkeby, Bygdebok för Sauherad (Sauherad kommune 1988)", it is also corroborated by Henning Sollied and Finn A. Wang.
Now I know that there are those scientists who say that marriage between cousins was not allowed, which in itself is quite right. However, the Catholic Church, which was the governing body governing the marriage, had a completely different view of this, which is why in some cases marriages between cousins were also approved. The Church considered that the marriage was based on an agreement between the parties. According to this theory of agreement, which was established at the Trient Council and which ultimately prevailed over the theory of copulation, which had previously, according to Roman law, prevailed, marriage was based on the consensual, free will of the bride and groom (consensus facit nuptias). This theory of contractus matrimonialis included a number of external and internal conditions for the conclusion of marriage, including consideration of possible missing consent. (see: Marriage and The Law, Professor W. Müller-Freienfels)
In accordance with the Church's general conception of gender equality, a view that was alien to the Roman mindset, it was not only a matter of equality in the conclusion of the act. The Church also granted all people the right to enter the real estate in principle. Only in a few exceptional cases, the individual was deprived of this right.
A further sign that Elin had no connection to Peder Nilsson Skanke is her will issued on February 2, 1430 in Vadstena, where none of Peder's children are mentioned or occupied, but as heirs to her estate we find a Jon Toressøn. See DN III:704 below. According to Henning Sollied as Finn A. Wang, Peder Nikulasson and Elin Ranesdatter would be parents to the priest in Stokke, Vestfold, Rane Pedersson, father of Nikulas Ranesson, [3.] Neither of these are mentioned in Elin's will. Stokke, which was a neighbouring village to, among other things, Tønsberg which was just east of it.
Diplomatarie DN III:704 Utställt the 2 February 1430. i Vadstena.
Three Men issue an Extract from Wife Elin Ranessdatter's Will, regarding her gifts of Lösöre and Earthgods to Jon Thoressön.
Kilde: After Orig. p. Perg. of 5 April 1439 in the Norwegian Rigsarkiv. The seals are missing and part of the letter is illegible.
Brevtekst (fra den trykte utgaven): Ollum monnum þeim som thettæ bref sea æder høyræ sender Anbiorn Halladsson Thorlæifue Gwnnarsson oc Gwnnar Jonsson q. g. oc sinæ kunnikt gørande at meer sagom oc høyrdom thestæmenthæ bref mæd hæilom oc wskadom insiglom þrykth innan a fyrnæmth thesstæmenthæ bref som ærlighen quinnæ hwstrw Eliin Rana dotter giordhe i Watzstenom a kyndes messo dagh ord fra ordhe som her segir. Jn nomine domini amen.
Jak Eliin Rana dotter sywk til myn lichamæ oc tho allwngis wel helbrigda til min syn oc samwit tha giorde jak thennæ skypan a ytherstæ dagom mynom a sølikom mynom stykkiom gwdh til loff oc hedher oc ..... . kirkio oc allom cristnom salom til roo oc nader oc nokrom mynom vinom til hwgnadz. Jtem fins oc swa i ...... thettæ bref at Joon Thorersson skal æighæ epter hwsstrw Eliino x alnæ clædhe aff got clædhe ok enæ .... sængh ok swa mycla jordh som hon atte j Wllalandhe som ligger j Haugh sokn a Æikiom som thesstæ[menth%C3%A6] wd wisar j thessom gafwom oc allom androm til thes mera wisso sannindæ wm thesso myno gerdh oc skipa[n be]dis jak beskedelighæ manna insigle som ær herra Lafrans Amundsson herra Rangualder Olaffsson som tha ner [wa]ro mæd myno jnsigle fore thettæ mit thesstamentæ bref som war giort i Watzstenoom wm kyndes messo dag anno domini mcdxxx.
Oc til sannidæ ta setto meer war insigle fore thettæ thranskryptæ bref er giort war .. dine a pascæ dagh a x are oc xl rikis warz wyrdelix herræ herræ konungs Erikz.
Vem denna Jon Thoressøn var har inte gått att finna, dock är det min förhoppning att det skall visa sig inom en snar framtid. Hursomhelst så visar det sig nu att vi kanske får tänka om vad beträffar Peder Nilsson Skankes söner Joen, Ønd och Karl. Det troliga är nu att alla tre var barn till Peder Nilsson och Kristina Halvardsdotter vilket skulle innebära att
vi nu får en helt annan bild av när dessa tre söner är födda eftersom vi med ganska stor säkerhet vet att Kristina Halvardsotter dog omkr, år 1360. Vad som var dödsorsaken vet vi dock inte, tidsmässigt så skulle det ligga i parentel med sonen Karls födelse, samtidigt vet vi också att pesten härjade och skördade ett stort antal liv i det jämtländska landskapet där närmaretvå tredjedelar av befolkningen dog i farsoten.
Gällande Elin Ranesdotter så finner vi henne omnämnd i två diplomatarier efter hennes död, dessa två är DN XXI:537 utställd 11. september 1463 och DN XXI:544 utställd den 9 januari 1464, båda i Sande se nedanstående kopior..
DN XXI: 544
Sammendrag: 2 lagrettemenn vitner at Torleiv Tolvsson, tidligere prest på Sande, og Smid Ormsson, prest på Haug på Eiker, overfor Andres Tordsson, prest på Sande, avla vitnesbyrd om at hustru Margrete Ormsdotter 10 år i forveien hadde gitt Nørdre Selvik i Sande sokn, som hun hadde fått av hustru Eline Ranesdotter, i sjelegave til Sande kirke. Jfr. nr. 537 her ovenfor.
Kilde: Original på papir i Riksarkivet (Danske Selskabs Papirbreve). 2 seglhenger ved; nr. 2 defekt.
Nummer: 544.
Dato: 9. januar 1464. Sted: Sande.
Brevtekst (fra den trykte utgaven): Allom mannom som thetta breff sea eller høira sendher biørn tormotzsson oc tordh alffsson laurettismæn Q. g. oc sina kunnocht gorande at manadaghen næsth æpther epyphaniam dnj. Anno dinj. Mo cdo lxiiij tha ware mit j prestastughone a sandene saghom oc hørdom aa at ther hederligha mæn hiollo handom saman aff enne halffuo syre andres tordrsson presther a forda sandene kyrkio æn aff andra halffuo syre torleff tolffsson fordom presther at athernemdo
b.XXI s.417 kyrkio sandene oc syre smith ormsson presther a haughe a eekiom medh them skilorrdom at forder mæn syre torleff oc syre smith hand sældo sire andres 1
sanden vitnisbyrdh oc rætthin om theth testament ther hustrv margith *omrbsdotter gaff sandene kyrkio swaludande ordh fraa orde sem her æpther følier at ther sagdes vara i hoffuudønne nw for x arum hørdo vppa at hustrv margitth forda lysthe for them at hon haffude giffuith til sandene kyrkio nordre sielwicha allan gaardin som liggher i forde sandene sokn som hustrv elin rana dotter haffde geffuit henne. thettj haffuer iach giffuit kyrkionne til vphellis oc sagde hustrv margitta for them at hon loffuade theth hustrv eline rana dottor som hon kallade systor sine. iach loffuade henne theth at tagher hon gaff mich forda godhz at hende theth swa at iach dødde barnløs tha skulle iach giffua theth godzs medh allom lutom oc lunnindom til lighat haffuer eller till ligger fraa forna oc nyo vthan gardzs oc Jnnan epther ty som hon haffde mich giffuith oc breff ther om giorth wattar at iach skulle theth giffua vndher then helie kyrkio fore beggis wara solæ oc foreldre solæ Thera godha manna solæ som gozith atthe oc afflade oss gudhi til hedhers oc then helie kyrkio til vphellis oc oss allom til saala hielpar. Til sanninde hær om sætthie2
mith ockar Jnsigle for thetta breff som giort war aare oc daghi som saght ær. Tillegg: Bakpå, 15. h.å.: Kerligha Humilima mea subiectione in eo a quo omnis oritur virtus filialiter Bakpå, 18. h.å.: Vidnisbyrd om Nørdre Selvig til Sanden Kirche. 1564 Bakpå, 18. h.å.: Foræret af Hr. Wiel 1750. 1
sire andres tilskr. ovenfor linjen med samme hånd. - tilbake 2
Det følgende sub plica. Med hänsyn till ovan nämnda bakgrund får vi nu följande bild gällande Peder Nilsson Skanke och hans barn.
Barn till Peder Nilsson Schancke och Kristina Halvardsdotter:
i. Bonde Joan Pedersson Skanke, född omkr. år 1345 på Hov i Hackås socken, död omkr. år
1410 i Sanne på Frösön (Z). Vigdes med NN. (se 162824. i ”Präster och häxor”, släkten Jonsson-Sehlin) ii. Lagman Ønd Pedersson Schanke, född omkr. år 1355 på Hov i Hackås socken, död den 13 mars 1397 i Hackås socken. Ønd var lagman och fogde över Jämtland 1393-1397. Hans sätesgård var Västerhus på Frösön, gravstenen efter honom finns ännu bevarad i Frösö kyrka. Enligt gravhällen bar han en sköld med en bepansrad skank med sporre.
iii. Bonden Karl Pederson Schanke, född omkr. år 1360 på Hov i Hackås socken, död den 15 maj 1430 på Hov i Hackås socken, begravd vid Hackås kyrka. Karl vigdes med Radgerd Kjetilsdotter, född i Hegled, Sunne socken, död år 1445 på Hov i Hackås socken. Det skall också tilläggas gällande Karl och hans profession, ett flertal forskare har benämt honom som riddare, jag har sökt men inte funnit någon dokumentation som styrker att han skulle ha dubbats som riddare. Däremot vet vi att han var väpnare i egenskap av sin ekonomiska ställning som bonde och därför hade belagts med s.k. ledungsplikt.
[1]] Birger Kirkeby. Village book for Sauherad, gards and ættesoge. (Sauherad: Published by Sauherad municipality, 1980-1988), 4:517, Atta from Soum and Reine in Sandsvar.
[2.] Henning Sollied and Finn A. Wang believe that the priest in Stokke, Rane Petersson, was the son of The Privy Councillor Peder Nikulasson and wife Elin, and the father of a son named Nikolas.
[3.] Along the Law : Local historical reading book for the villages and villages along numedalslagen, (Kongsberg: Kvarnum Forlag), no. 3:89, pag 140.
1345 |
Hov, Hackås, Jämtland, Sweden
1360 |
Hov, Hackås, Jämtland, Norway
1365 |
Hov, Hackås, Berg, Jämtland, Sweden
1390 |
Frösö, Jamtland County, Sweden
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