MUSA ibn Musa, son of MUSA ibn Fortun & his second wife --- (-Tudela 26 Sep 862).
Ibn Hazm names "Musa ibn Musa, Mutarrif, Yunus, Yuwartas, Lubb y Garsiya" as the sons of "Musa ibn Fortun"
His parentage is confirmed by Al-Udri when he names his descendant "Muhammad ibn Lubb ibn Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Musa ibn Fortun ibn Garsiya".
Al-Udri records that "Musa ibn Musa" rebelled against "el imam Abd al-Rahman", who had named "Abd Allah ibn Kulaybe wali de Zaragoza" and "Amir ibn Kulayb [wali] de Tudela",
Al-Udri records that "Musa ibn Musa" rebelled against "Al-Mutarrif, hijo de Abd al-Rahman ibn Hakam…en el castillo de Arnedo" and sent "su hijo Fortun ibn Musa" to lead the cavalry.
He rebelled against Emir Abd al-Rahman II, defeated the emir's troops in 843 but was in turn defeated in 844 by troops led by Muhammad, the emir's son.
The Arab historian ibn Hayyân records that "Lubb ibn Musa et Galind ibn Wannaqo" defected to the Arabs in 844.
The Chronicle of Alfonso III records that "Musa a Goth by birth but deceived by the Muhammadan rite along with all of his family which the Chaldeans call the Banu Qasi rebelled against the Cordoban king [and] took Zaragoza…Tudela and Huesca and…Toledo" and "demanded that his men call him the third king of Spain"
Wali [governor/king] of Tudela, Wali [governor/king] of Zaragoza 852: Al-Udri records that "Musa ibn Musa" was named "wali de Tudela" in A.H. 238 [852] and "en el mismo año 238, el viernes a cuatro días por andar de rabi II" [14 Oct 852] "wali…de Zaragoza"[427]. The Chronicon Sebastiani records that "Muza" invaded southern France [in Oct 853] and captured "duos…Francorum magnos Duces…Sancionem et…Epulonem"[428]. The Chronicon Sebastiani records that "pater Muza [et] filius Lupus" captured "ex Chaldeis duos…magnos tyrannos, unum ex genere Alkorexi nomine Ibenamaz, alium militum nomine Alporz cum filio suo Azeth", dated to the context to the mid-850s[429]. Planning to attack the kingdom of Asturias, he was defeated by King Ordoño I at Monte Laturce in 859[430]. Al-Udri records that "el imam Muhammad" [Muhammad Emir of Córdoba] named him "gobernador de la Marca" but withdrew the appointment in A.H. 246 [860/61][431]. Al-Udri records that "Musa ibn Musa" fought together with "Azraq ibn Mantil ibn Salim yerno suyo, marido de su hijo" at Guadalajara and died "el sábado, a tres días por andar de rayab" A.H. 248 [26 Sep 862] at Tudela from wounds received during the battle[432]. A different angle emerges from Ibn al-Qutiyya, who records the marriage of "Musa ibn Musa…una…hija" and "Azraq ibn Mantil, sahib de Wadi l-Hiyara", undated, Azraq´s rebellion against his father-in-law, and the death of the latter "antes de llegar a Tutila" from injuries inflicted personally by Azraq[433]. This latter version is partially confirmed by Ibn Idari who records that "Musa ibn Musa" fought "ibn Salim en Wadi l-Hiyara" and was mortally wounded, in A.H. 248 [862/63][434].
m (x) ASSONA Íñiguez, daughter of ÍÑIGO "Arista" King of Pamplona & his wife [Oneca ---]. The Codex de Roda names "Garsea Enneconis et domna Assona…et domna ---" as the children of "Enneco cognomento Aresta", stating that Assona married "domno Muza qui tenuit Borza et Terrero"[435].
" His father, Musa ibn Furtun, appears in scattered accounts of the late 8th century, and was apparently assassinated in Musa's youth. His mother, whose name is unknown, was also mother by another husband of Basque tribal chieftain Íñigo Arista, Musa’s half-brother."
"Musa ibn Musa is reported by the Roda Codex to have married a daughter of his half-brother Íñigo Arista.[5] She was not his only wife, as he also married a cousin Maymuna (Arabic: ميمونة), daughter of his paternal uncle Zahir ibn Furtun and mother of his younger son Isma'il. No source reports the mother of his other sons: Lubb, Mutarrif and Furtun. He had at least two daughters; Auria (Arabic: اوْرية, Awriyah), wife of Basque prince Garcia, killed at Mount Laturce, and by him having a son Musa ibn Garshiya; and another daughter, "the most beautiful girl in Al-Andalus", married to Azraq ibn Mantil."
Gobernador de la Marca Superior de al-Ándalus. Emparentado con los Arista de Pamplona y al servicio de los emires de Córdoba, llegó a reunir en sus manos un enorme poder que le hizo autodenominarse «el tercer Rey de España». Cuando en el año 822 Abderramán se convirtió en emir de Córdoba con el nombre de Abderramán II, Musa ibn Musa, jefe a la sazón de su familia, recibió el cargo de gobernador de Tudela y su comarca.
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Arnedo, La Rioja, Spain
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September 26, 862
Age 72
Tudela, Navarre, Spain
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