Muhammad ibn Muhammad, valí de Toledo

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Muhammad ibn Muhammad, valí de Toledo

Arabic: عبد الله بن محمد, والي توليدو
Also Known As: "Wali of Toledo"
Immediate Family:

Son of Muḥammad b. Lubb b. Mūsā b. Mūsā ibn Ḳasī al-Zarquza, valí de Toledo and N.N.
Husband of Amulina --
Father of Urraca bint Abdullah

Occupation: Valí de Toledo, Wali of Toledo, Walí de Tudela (de los Banu Qasi).
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Muhammad ibn Muhammad, valí de Toledo

from Medlands:,%20LEON.htm

FROILA ([875]-Jul 925). The Chronicon de Sampiro names “Garseanum, Ordonium, Froilanum et Gundisalvum” as the four sons of “Adefonsus filius Domini Ordonii” and his wife “Xemena”[222]. The Cronica de Sampiro records the accession of "Froylanus frater eius" after the death of King Ordoño II, commenting that he gained no victories because of his short reign[223]. "Adefonsus rex et Exemena regina" donated property near Lanzada which had belonged to "Hermegildus filius Petri et uxor sua Yberia", who has rebelled against the king, to Santiago de Compostela by charter dated 24 Jun 886, subscribed by "Exemena regina, Garsea, Hordonius, Froila"[224]. "Adefonsus rex et Exemena regina" donated "ecclesiam sce. Marie…in villa…Arenosium" to Santiago de Compostela by charter dated 25 Jul 893, subscribed by "Exemena regina, Veremudus, Garsia, Ordonius, Froila, Gundisaluus"[225]. King Alfonso III and his wife "Ximena regina" donated property to Sahagún by charter dated 30 Nov 904, subscribed by "Garsia, Ordonius, Froila, Ranimirus, Gundisalvus", presumably their sons although this is not stated in the document[226]. "Adefonsus rex" donated property to Sahagún by charter dated 28 Apr 909, subscribed by "Vimara Froilani, Garsea, Ordonius, Gundisalvus, Froila, Ranimirus, Dunninus"[227]. The Chronicon Regum Legionensium names "King Fruela" as the son of "Alfonso and Jimena", when reporting his reburial in light of the threatened invasion of the kingdom of León and Asturias by Al-Mansur, incorrectly naming his wife "Queen Mummadonna"[228]. He succeeded his father in Oviedo in 910, and his brother in 924 as FROILA II "el Leproso" King of Asturias and León, at León. "Froila" confirmed donations to Santiago de Compostela by charter dated 17 Sep 924, subscribed by "Urraca regina"[229]. The Cronica de Sampiro records that King Froila II reigned for one year and two months, dying "era DCCCCLXIII"[230]. His death from leprosy triggered a succession crisis[231]. m firstly (before 911) NUÑILO Jimenez, [daughter of JIMENO Garces de Pamplona & his wife Sancha Aznárez de Larraún] (-after 25 Nov 913). Pérez´s history of Sahagún monastery, published in 1782, records that Froila and his wife "Doña Nunilo Ximenez" made a donation to Oviedo Cathedral 25 Nov 913, subscribed by his brothers Ramiro and Gonzalo, but does not cite the precise source reference[232]. m secondly ([913]%29 --- binti Abdullah, daughter of ABDALLAH ibn Muhammad, Wali of Toledo, Head of the Banu Qasi family. She was baptised URRACA on her marriage. Her origin is discussed by Salazar y Acha[233]. Her parentage is confirmed by Ibn Hazam and Ibn Khaldun[234]. Al Udrí names “Urraka con la que casó el rey Furuwila ibn Idfuns, al que dio dos hijos, Rudmir y Urdunni”[235]. "Froila" confirmed donations to Santiago de Compostela by charter dated 17 Sep 924, subscribed by "Urraca regina"[236]. A document of Otero de las Dueñas dated 976 names “domna Urraca regina et filios suos Ordonio et Ranimirio”[237]. King Froila II & his first wife had one child:

a) ALFONSO Froilaz (-932 or after). The Cronica de Sampiro records that King Ramiro II invaded Asturias and captured "filios Froylani, Adefonsum…Ordonium et Ramirum", commenting that Alfonso had succeeded his father and reigned seven years and seven months[238]. Titular King of León 925-932.