Matti Ensio Nykänen

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Matti Ensio Nykänen (1963 - 2019)

Also Known As: "Matti Nykaenen"
Birthplace: Jyväskylä, Finland
Death: February 04, 2019 (55)
Joutseno, Lappeenranta, Finland
Place of Burial: Jyväskylä, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Hilmeri Ensio Nykänen and Private
Ex-husband of Private; Private; Private and Mervi Tapola
Ex-partner of Private
Father of Private and Private
Brother of Private and Private
Half brother of Jorma Nykänen

Occupation: Mäkihyppääjä, viihdetaiteilija, Backhoppare, artiste - Ski jumper, entertainer
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

    • Private
    • Private
    • Private
    • Private
    • Private
    • ex-wife
    • Private
    • Private
    • Private
    • Private
    • Private

About Matti Ensio Nykänen

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  • Suomi - Finnish: Jos et ole GENI:n käyttäjä, avautuu tämä oletuskielivälilehti (English). Jos haluat päästä lukemaan myös suomenkielisen välilehden, voit luoda ilmaisen Basic-käyttäjän tilin. Omaan profiiliin päästyäsi voit klikata oikeasta yläkulmasta nimeäsi, jolloin avautuu alasvetovalikko, josta klikkaat 'Change Language' ja valitse 'Suomi-Finnish'. Kielen vaihduttua kirjoita ylälaidan hakuruutuun Matti Nykänen => Enter. GENI:ssä elävien henkilöiden profiilit ovat suljettuja <yksityinen> / <privat> / <private>.
  • FIS Biography of Matti Nykaenen
  • Wikipedia: Matti Ensio Nykänen was a Finnish former ski jumper who competed from 1981 to 1991. Widely considered to be the greatest male ski jumper of all time, he won five Winter Olympic medals (four gold), nine World Championship medals (five gold), and 22 Finnish Championship medals (13 gold). Most notably, he won three gold medals at the 1988 Winter Olympics, becoming, along with Yvonne van Gennip from the Netherlands, the most successful athletes at their events.
  • Nykänen was the only ski jumper in history to have won all five of the sport's major events: A gold medal at the Winter Olympics (three times), the Ski Jumping World Championships (once), the Ski Flying World Championships (once), four World Cup overall titles, and the Four Hills Tournament (twice). His four World Cup titles is an all-time record shared with Adam Małysz and Sara Takanashi. Nykänen was also the only male five-time ski flying world record holder in history.


  • Since the 1990*s, Nykänen's status as a celebrity has mainly been fueled by his colorful personal relationships, his career as a pop singer, and various incidents often related to heavy use of alcohol and violent behavor. He was sentenced to 26 months in prison following an attempted manslaughter in 2004, and again for 16 months following an aggravated assault (stabbing) on his wife in 2009. He was released from jail 29 December 2009 after charges of attempted manslaughter were dropped.
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  • When Nykänen's ski jumping career was draining down, a group of businessmen suggested making him a singer. His first album Yllätysten yö (The Night of Surprices) was released in 1992 and sold over 25,000 copies. Nykänen became the second Olympic gold medalist after Tapio Rautavaara, who was nominated for a gold record in Finland. The next album Samurai (1993) was not as successful.
  • At the end of the 1990's, due to serious financial problems, Nykänen worked as a stripper in a Järvenpää restaurant. The restaurateur was accused of exploiting Nykänen.
  • In 2002 Nykänen made a comeback as a singer and released the single Ehkä otin, ehkä en. He also gave his name to a cider brand with the same advertisement slogan. In 2006 Nykänen released his third studio album Ehkä otin, ehkä en. Most of his musical career Nykänen has worked with professional musician Jussi Niemi. Nykänen toured in Finland performing 2 to 3 times a week with the Samurai ensemble led by Niemi.
  • Many of Nykänen's singles are named after some (in)famous quotes by Nykänen, such as Elämä on laiffii ('Life is life'), Jokainen tsäänssi on mahdollisuus ("Every chance is an opportunity"), and Ehkä otin, ehkä en ('Maybe I did [drink], maybe I didn't', so not, as long as I jump well.). He has, thus, gained great deal of attention as one of the most eminent philosophers of Finland.
  • In November 2009 Nykänen began to present his own cooking web series: Mattihan se sopan keitti - It was Matti who cooked the soup. The name of web series was citing an old Finnish saying, when someone messed up something. It describes his level for humor and self irony.
  • In 1988 DPR Korea issued a postage stamp depicting Matti Nykänen in flight following his success in Calgary.


About Matti Nykänen (suomi)

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Matti Ensio Nykänen's Timeline

July 17, 1963
Jyväskylä, Finland