He [Lemuel (Mason)(2)] married Ann Sewall, who was born circa 1634, a daughter of Captain Henry Sewall, who was born about 1610, and who resided at Elizabeth City and Lower Norfolk.
This Henry Sewall represented the "Upper Parish of Elizabeth City" in the House of Burgesses of Virginia for the Sessions 4 September, 1632; in the Lower Norfolk, at Sessions 6 January, 1639, and died about 1644, as per the settlement of his estate 'Shown at Orphans' Court, 25 February, 1649.
Sewall's Point, at the mouth of the Elizabeth River, was named in his honor.
Captain Sewall's wife, Alice, survived him, and married Matthew Phripp.
Her will, dated 30 October, 1705, was proven 15 March, 1705-6.[cross]
There is some confusion as to whether this person's surname was PHILLIPPS, PHILLIPS or PHRIPP, and as to whether his given name was Mathew or Matthew.