The family of Pierre VALLIÈRE and Anne LAGOUE
[1759] VALLIÈRE, Pierre (Louis & Perrine FOURNIER [3338]), born about 1647 Segonzac (Saint-Pierre) (Charente : 160366), France, died peu before 1681-10-24
LAGOUE, Anne (Pierre & Marie BOISCOCHIN [4492]), born about 1652 (sép. 1728) Le Mans (Saint-Étienne) (Sarthe : 720181), France, died 1728-12-16, buried 1728-12-17 Saint-Augustin (Qc)
1) Jean, married Saint-Pierre, Î.O. (Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul) (Qc) 1700-02-22 Claire BAUCHER dit MORENCY, married Saint-Pierre, Î.O. (Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul) (Qc) 1707-11-07 Suzanne MARANDA
2) Marie Anne, married Neuville (Qc) 1693-10-12 François BOUCHARD
3) Marie Madeleine, born about 1670 (sép. 1744), died 1744-04-12, buried 1744-04-13 Saint-Augustin (Qc), married Neuville (Qc) 1696-07-20 Robert PETIT dit MILHOMME
4) Pierre1, born about 1676 (sép. 1726), died 1726-08-27, buried 1726-08-28 Saint-Augustin (Qc), married Saint-Augustin (Qc) 1698-11-04 Marguerite GABOURY
5) Pierre2, married Neuville (Qc) 1705-01-22 Marie Anne CAILLÉ dit PICARD
6) Rémi, married Beaumont (Qc) 1701-01-18 Catherine LACASSE
also source; by mike kiraly Alternate name: Marie Anne LAGUE; LAGOU Source: Date: Sulte, 1681 census \H.T. Valyear Article, 1937\38 Date 3-15-97 aka Langou and LaGou
Anne Lagou is found in the book, " Les Filles Du Roien Nouvelle- France" Etude historique avec repertoire Biographique par Silvio Dumas, La Societe Historique De Quebec, Quebec 1972". Found George E. Myers at the Vermont French-Canadian Genealogical Society in October, 1996.
1. I found out that Anne Lagou was a " daughter of the King". It was in a book at the Vt. French- Canadian Genealogical Society, it was in french but the translation is Lagou, Anne [1670], born in the of Mans [Maine] France in 1649, daughter of deceased Pierre Lagou and of Marie Boiscochin. She married [1st] Pierre Valiere, on September 8, 1670, at Quebec [contact 25, August, M. Becquet] and bringing goods [dowry] estimated at 200 livres and a gift of 50 livres from the king[ FILLE DU ROI],[ 2nd] RENE DUPILLE, the January 8, 1682, at POINTE-AUX TREMBLES of Quebec [East end of Montreal]."
[Livres; an old French money of account, originally equal in value to a pound of silver or English pound].
She had at least 7 children with her s econd husband REMI DUPIL (Also known as RENE DUPILLE. They were Augusti n,, Jeanne-Angelique (Dite Marie-Rene), Marie-Genevieve, Francoise, Mar ie-Madeleine, Therese and Marie-Francoise .MARIE-ANNE VALLIERE with he r first husband and MARIE-GENEVIEVE DUPIL with her second husband relat e to this genealogy. Birth: ABT 1650 _SDATE: 1 JUL 1650 in Sarthe, Maine, France Death: 16 DEC 1728 in St. Augustin de Des Maures, Portneuf, P. Q. Burial: 17 DEC 1728 St. Augustin de Des Maures, Portneuf, P. Q.
Fille du Roi - Daughter of the King.
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