MARGUERITE de Bourgogne (-27 Aug 1277). The marriage contract between “Guillelmus dominus Montis Sancti Johannis...Guillelmo filio meo primogenito” and “dominum meum Hugonem ducem Burgundiæ...Margaretam filiam suam” is dated [4] Jun 1239[426]. Dame de Molinot, by grant of her father as dowry, in return for her first husband transferring his rights to Vergy to her father. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Margarita filia Ducis Burgundiæ" as wife of "Guidonem Probem"[427]. Her subjects at Molinot rebelled against her in 1265, her father helping her to crush the revolt[428]. The testament of “Hugo dux Burgundiæ”, dated Sep 1272, bequeathed property to “Margaretam filiam meam vicecomitissam Lemovicensem”[429]. An anonymous Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records that "Margarita filia ducis Burgundie et vicecomitissa Lemovicensis" subjugated the castle of Limoges in 1274[430]. A fragment written by Bernard Guidonis records that "domina Margarita vicecomitissa Lemovicensis, filia ducis Burgundiæ, relicta...domini Guidonis vicecomitis Lemovicensis" founded the monastery "locum Sancti Pardulphi in Petragoricensi diœcesi, in confinio Lemovicensi"[431]. An anonymous Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records the death "mense Augusti die Veneris pos festum beati Bartholomei" of "Margarita vicecomitissa Lemovicensis"[432].
m firstly (after 4 Jun 1239) GUILLAUME [III] de Mont-Saint-Jean Seigneur de Mont-Saint-Jean, Salmaise, Thoisy and part of Vergy, son of GUILLAUME [II] Seigneur de Mont-Saint-Jean & his wife Marie des Barres (-[1256]).
m secondly (1258) as his second wife, GUY [VI] Vicomte de Limoges, son of GUY [V] Vicomte de Limoges & his second wife Ermengarde --- (-Brantôme, Dordogne 13 Aug 1263, bur Limoges, église Saint-Martial).
1233 |
1239 |
1240 |
1241 |
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1277 |
Age 44
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