public profile
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberto_I - È il capostipite della nobile famiglia italiana dei Malaspina e della Casa d'Este.
-https://sites.rootsweb.com/~dearbornboutwell/fam6711.html (c. 915-975)
Lamberto, Guido's other brother, followed him as marquess of Tuscany and count of Lucca. On April 13, 945, a sentence appointed Oberto, Lamberto's descendant, duke of Spoleta, marquess of Milan, count of Luni and count Palatine, the highest title then, granted only to the most faithful combatants, which made these lords direct representatives of the imperial authority. Oberto's territory stretched upon entire Lombardia, a portion of Switzerland, Emilia, a portion of Piemonte, of Liguria and of Tuscany, as well as Lunigiane. In 951, Oberto was raised to the dignity of lord of the eastern March of Liguria and sent to Otho I by the pope, in order to ask him to free Italy from King Berenger II. Eventually Otho I, first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, granted him many privileges, among which the right to mint coins. Oberto was later sent to Constantinople to escort Theophania, niece of John I, emperor of the East, to Saint Peter Cathedral for her wedding with Otho II. Oberto was the first of the Obertenghi caste, who won fame in many sovereigns' opinion in the course of the centuries. A few centuries later, the different branches of the caste became the Houses of Este, Massa - and Massa Corsica – Parodi, Gavi, Pallavicino, Cavalcabo, and of the princes of Brunswick and Hanover, whose several descendants reign nowadays over Europe.
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mentre Lamberto, l’altro fratello di Guido, gli successe come Marchese di Toscana e Conte di Lucca. Il 13 aprile del 945, il Conte palatino Franfranco emise a Pavia una sentenza che nominava Oberto - discendente di Lamberto - Duca di Spoleto, Marchese di Milano, Conte di Luni e Conte palatino, il più alto titolo dell’epoca, riservato ai più fedeli combattenti. Cosĭ, fece di quelli signori i rappresentanti dell’autorità imperiale. Il territorio d’Oberto si estendeva sull’intera Lombardia, l’Emilia, una parte della Svizzera, del Piemonte, della Liguria e della Toscana ed anche la Lunigiana. Nel 951, Oberto fu elevato alla dignità di signore della Marca di Liguria Orientale e mandato dal Papa presso Ottone I per chiedergli di liberare l’Italia dal Re Berengario II. Ottone I, primo imperatore del Santo Impero romano germanico, gli concesse allora numerosi privileggi, tra cui il diritto di battere moneta. Oberto fu mandato dopo a Costantinopoli per scortare Teofania, nipote dell’ Imperatore d’Oriente Giovanni I, fino alla cattedrale San Pietro dove doveva sposare Ottone II. Con Oberto nacque la dinastia degli Obertenghi che si distinse durante secoli presso numerosi sovrani, e di cui vari rami diedero dopo origine alle casate d’Este, di Massa – e di Massa Corsica – Parodi, di Gavi, di Pallavicino, di Calvacabò e dei principi di Brunswick e Hannover.
a) OBERTO OBIZZO [I] (-before 975). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Marchese in the Eastern March 962. Conte di Luni 951. "Hotberti marchio comes palatii" approved a charter confirming the privileges of the church of Asti, by charter dated 27 Sep 962[317]. "Odbertus marchio et comes palacio" heard a lawsuit recorded in a charter dated 964[318].
m ---. The name of Oberto Obizzo's wife is not known. Oberto Obizzo [I] & his wife had six children:
Оберто I Обиццо (итал. Oberto I Obizzo; умер ранее 975) — граф Луни, маркграф Восточной Лигурии (Милана) с 951 года, пфальцграф Италии в 953—960, 962 — 975 годах, сын маркграфа Адальберта I.
Winkhaus, Eberhard. Ahnen zu Karl dem Grossen und Widukind, Ennepetal-Altenvoerde (Westfalen) [u.a.] : Eigenverl. des Verf., 1953, pages 77-78, and Plantagenet Ancestry, pages 60-62 and 167 … http://cybergata.com/roots/422.htm … "Otberto I of Este; dead 15 Oct 975; Margrave of Este, 960; Count Palatine of Lucca, 962-972."
"Oberto I." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online Library Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2013. Web. 8 Aug. 2013. … http://library.eb.com/eb/article-9056642 … "Oberto I … died Oct. 15, 975 … also called Otbert marquis of eastern Liguria and count of Luni, powerful feudal lord of 10th-century Italy under King Berengar II and the Holy Roman emperor Otto I. His descendants, the Obertinghi, founded several famous Italian feudal clans. He was a Lombard and probably not directly descended from a family that arrived in Italy in the 9th century with Charlemagne and had traditionally ruled the region. Oberto acquired Genoa and Luni (east of Genoa) in 951, when Berengar seized Liguria and gave the eastern section to Oberto. Nine years later Oberto, dissatisfied with Berengar's rule, went to Germany with the bishop of Como and the archbishop of Milan to ask Otto to intervene in Italy. After Otto's conquest and coronation as Holy Roman emperor (962), he made Oberto count palatine, second only to himself in Italy. Four great families, the Este, Malaspina, Pallavicini, and Massa Parodi, are believed to have descended from Oberto's sons."
Oberto Obizzo. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Marchese in the Eastern March 962. Conte di Luni 951. "Hotberti marchio comes palatii" approved a charter confirming the privileges of the church of Asti, by charter dated 27 Sep 962. "Odbertus marchio et comes palacio" heard a lawsuit recorded in a charter dated 964.
915 |
Milan, Lombardy, Italy
925 |
975 |
October 15, 975
Age 60
Milan, Lombardy, Italy
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