Margaret Maria de Saint Omer, princess of Hungary

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About Margaret Maria de Saint Omer, princess of Hungary



2. MARGIT (1175-after 3 Mar 1229). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Haymericum et Andream…et duas reginas Constantiam de Boemia et Margaretam de Grecia" as children of "rex Bela de Hungaria" & his wife Agnes[789]. Niketas Choniates records the marriage of Emperor Isaakios and "Belæ Hungariæ regis filiam", commenting that she was only ten years old at the time[790]. She brought Beograd, Braničevo/Barancs and probably Niš as part of her dowry for her first marriage[791]. The special wedding tax levied by Emperor Isaakios II to finance their elaborate nuptial ceremonies may have contributed to attracting support for the rebellion in Bulgaria by the brothers Ivan Asen and Tedor[792]. She adopted the name MARIA in Byzantium. The Cronica Fratris Salimbene de Adam records the marriage of "Bonifacius marchio" and "Margaritam imperatricem condam Ysachii, sororem Aimerici regis Ungari"[793]. Villehardouin records that the wife of Emperor Isaakios, and stepmother of his son, was "the king of Hungary's sister", in a later passage naming her "the Empress Marie"[794]. Georgius Akropolites records that "rex Thessalonicæ" married "Mariam Ungaram", widow of "imperatori Isaacio"[795]. Villehardouin records the marriage of "the Marquis Boniface de Montferrat" and "the lady who had been the Emperor Isaac's wife…the king of Hungary's sister"[796]. Her second marriage was arranged by Bonifazio to advance his claim to be installed as emperor of the new Latin Empire of Constantinople[797], but he was outmanoeuvred by Enrico Dandolo Doge of Venice who secured the appointment of Baudouin Count of Flanders who was considered a less powerful candidate. Her second husband installed her as regent of Thessaloniki while he was on campaign to conquer Thessaly[798]. She was also regent for her infant son after the death of her husband, but in the face of opposition from local nobles was replaced by Uberto di Biandrate. The primary source which confirms her third marriage has not yet been identified. She was restored as regent by Henri Latin Emperor of Constantinople to whom Uberto refused to swear allegiance, after the latter was captured in Euboea by the emperor in 1209[799]. Pope Gregory IX confirmed that "[Margaretha] soror…regis Ungarie" acquired "terram…ulterior Sirmia" by bull dated 3 Mar 1229[800].

m firstly (1185) as his second wife, Emperor ISAAKIOS II, son of ANDRONIKOS Dukas Angelos & his wife Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa ([1155]-Constantinople in prison [28 Jan/12 Apr] 1204).

m secondly (1204) as his third wife, BONIFAZIO I Marchese di Monferrato King of Thessaloniki, son of GUGLIELMO V "il Vecchio" Marchese di Monferrato & his wife Judith of Austria [Babenberg] (1150-killed in battle 4 Sep 1207). King of Thessaloniki 1204.

m thirdly (after Sep 1207) NICOLAS de Saint-Omer Lord of Thebes, son of GUILLAUME IV Châtelain de Saint-Omer, Seigneur de Fauquembergues & his first wife Ida d'Avesnes (-[1217/19]).

Géza I King of Hungary (1074-77); *1044/5, +25.4.1077; 1m: ca 1062 Sophie von Looz (+ca 1065); 2m: 1065-74 Synadena (+after 1077), dau.of Theodulus Synadenos and niece of Emperor Nikophorus III of Byzantium. He had issue:

  • ...
  • A3. [1m.] Álmos, King of Croatia (1091-95), which his father had seized from his brother-in-law King Zwonimir, *ca 1068, +1.9.1127; m.21.8.1104 Predslava of Kiev
    • ...
    • B2. Béla II "Vak" (the Blind) King of Hungary (1131-41) -cr 28.4.1131, *1108/10, +13.2.1141, bur Székesfehérvár; m.28.4.1127 Jelena of Serbia (+after 1146)
      • C1. Géza II King of Hungary (1141-62) -cr 16.2.1141, *Tolna 1130, +31.5.1162, bur Székesfehérvár; m.1146 Eufrosina of Kiev (+ca 1193)
        • * ...
        • D2. Béla III King of Hungary (1172-96) -cr 13.1.1173, King of Dalmatia and Croatia, *ca 1148, +23.4.1196 Székesfehérvár; 1m: (div 1169) Maria of Byzantium (*1152 +1182), dau.of Emperor Manuel I Komnenos of Byzantium [actually, the couple was engaged in 1163/4, Bela moved to Byzantium as heir to Manuel, but after Manuel had a son in 1169 the relationship, presumably never consummated, was dissolved; 2m: 1172 Anna (+1184), dau.of Renaud de Chatillon-sur-Loing, Pr of Antioch; 3m: ca 1185 Theodora Komnena; 4m: 1186 Marguerite of France, Cts de Vexin (*1158, +1197), dau.of King Louis VII of France. All Béla's kids were by 2m.
          • E1. Imre (Emmerich) King of Hungary and Croatia (1196-1204) -cr 1182, *1174, +30.11.1204, bur Eger; m.1198 Constance d'Aragon (+23.6.1222)
            • ...
          • E2. Margit, *1175, +after 1223; 1m: 1185 Emperor Isaac II Angelos of Byzantium (*ca 1155 +12.4.1204); 2m:1204 Mgve Boniface I of Montferrat, King of Thessalonica (*1150 +4.9.1207); 3m: ca 1210 Nicolas de Saint-Omer (+1217/19)
          • E3. András II King of Hungary and Croatia (1205-35) -cr 29.5.1205, *1176, +21.9.1235, bur Egres; 1m:before 1203 Gertrude von Andechs (+murdered 8.9.1213); 2m: 1215 Yolande de Courtenay (*1200 +1233); 3m:Székesfehérvár 14.5.1234 Beatrice d'Este (*1215 +1245)
            • ...
          • E4. Salomon, +young
          • E5. István, +young
          • E6. Konstancia, *ca 1180, +6.12.1240; m.1198 King Przemysl Ottakar I of Bohemia (*ca 1155, +15.12.1230)
          • E7. [2m.] a daughter
          • E8. [illegitimate ?] Erzsébet; m.Bökény Cseklészi (fl 1236)
        • ...


Margaret of Hungary

! Not to be confused with Saint Margaret of Hungary. !

Margaret (Margit) (born 1175, living 1223) was the Empress consort of Isaac II Angelos, Byzantine Emperor.


Margaret was the eldest daughter of Béla III of Hungary and his first wife Agnes of Antioch. She was a younger sister of Emeric of Hungary. Her younger siblings were Andrew II of Hungary and Constance of Hungary. Two other siblings, Solomon and Stephen, are mentioned in the "Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten" (1878) by Detlev Schwennicke. They reportedly died young.[1]

Her paternal grandparents were Géza II of Hungary and Euphrosyne of Kiev.[2] Her maternal grandparents were Raynald of Châtillon and Constance of Antioch (joint princes of Antioch).[3]

First Marriage

In Jan 1186, Margaret married the Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos, who wanted a politically strategic alliance with Hungary in order to strengthen his claim to the throne. Upon this marriage, Margaret took the baptismal name "Maria".

  • With Isaac, she had two sons:
  1. Manuel Angelos ( – d. 1212), he was evidently the elder son, being contemplated in 1205 to ascend the Byzantine throne[4]
  2. John Angelos (b. ca. 1193 – d. 1259). He migrated to Hungary and ruled over Syrmia and Bacs (1227–42) as a vassal of king Béla IV of Hungary.

Isaac had been deposed and blinded in 1195 by his brother Alexios III Angelos who then assumed the throne. Isaac was imprisoned, but it's not yet clear if Margaret was also. Her step-son Alexios IV Angelos had escaped and went to join the military discussions which were shortly to launch the Fourth Crusade. There, he and others convinced the Crusaders to attack Constantinople in order to depose this false uncle and restore his imprisoned father and himself to the throne. This was done, but this restored reign was short-lived.

Second Marriage

Margaret's husband died in February, 1204, "whose end was accelerated by the fate of his son" "strangled in his dungeon after poison had failed to do its work".[5] When Boniface of Montferrat, commander of the land forces at the taken of Constantinople, took the palace Vukoleon, it was found that Margaret had taken refuge there.[6] Boniface was one of only two contenders put forth to be elected the next Emperor, but he lost to Baldwin IX, Count of Flanders. As compensation, he was granted "all the territories on the Asiatic side of the Bosphorus as well as the Ille de Griesse [the Peloponnese]."[7] The coronation of the new Emperor took place in the church of St Sophia on 16 May 1204. Later that year, in Constantinople the widowed Margaret, dowager Empress, married Boniface of Montferrat, and returned to the rites of the Latin church.

Boniface had just conquered that city in the Fourth Crusade, and was soon to become king of Thessalonica. Evidently in this same year of 1204, but after his new marriage, Boniface requested that he be allowed to exchange his lands in Asia for the Kingdom of Thessalonica which he considered to be better suited for a political alignment with his new brother-in-law Andrew, then Regent of Hungary who would then be his neighbor, and the new Emperor agreed to this exchange.[8] Boniface however did not enjoy his domains in peace, being engaged in almost constant warfare until his death. Margaret's step-daughter Agnes of Montferrat was married to the new Emperor Henry of Flanders in Feb 1207. That same year, Boniface was returning to Thessalonica when attacked by a Bulgarian ambush. He was taken alive and decapitated, his head being sent to Kaloyan of Bulgaria.[9]

  • With Boniface, Margaret had a son:
  1. Demetrius of Montferrat in 1207, he wed a sister of the Lord of Athens but they had no children Boniface left a will in which, he had designated Demetrius as his successor in Thessalonica, under the regency of his mother. His son William, by an earlier marriage, succeeded to the Marquisate of Montferrat. The barons however, knowing that a strong government was necessary, constituted themselves a council of regency for the infant.

Third marriage

In 1207, on his father's death, Demetrius became king of Thessalonica, at least in title. The Emperor visited Thessalonica to receive the homage, in the infant's name but was barred from the city by the bailiff Biandrate until he would agree to outrageous demands.[10] Margaret, now in the Emperor's presence, put herself in his hands and revealed the plot against the infant. At this time the Emperor crowned the new infant King of Thessalonica.[11]

Biandrate fled, but conspiring at a distance, returned once more in 1216 to claim the Regency. "In response to Queen Margaret's appeal the Emperor hurried to her assistance, but arrived on the scene only to die with mysterious suddenness in the flower of his age."[12] About 1216 Margaret fled to Hungary apparently leaving her son Demetrius in Thessalonica.

  • She married thirdly Nicholas de St Omer, who had accompanied his uncle on the Crusade and was granted a fief in Doris. He is also called "Lord of Boetia".[13][14] The Santameri hills in this area owe their name to a corruption of "St Omer".[15]
  • With Nicholas, Margaret is apparently the mother of his two known sons:
  1. Bela de St Omer (From Hungarian version: két fiúgyermek született, Béla, 1208 után Saint-Omertban, meghalt 1240 után. - was born two sons, Bela born after 1208, in Saint-Omerta, died after 1240.)
  2. Guillaume de St Omer, who married but died childless. (From Hungarian version: A második, Vilmos -Gulliaume született 1210 körül Flandriában, 1230 után elvette Margareta de Wavrint, meghalt 1242. április 20-24 között Trauban. - The second, William - Gulliaume was born around 1210 in Flandria, after 1230 he married with Margareta de Wavrin, died 20-24 April 1242 in Traun.)
  • Margaret was still living in 1223. Her exact death date and place, and burial location are apparently unknown.
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Margaret Maria de Saint Omer, princess of Hungary's Timeline

Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
Brundale, Norfolk, England
Byzantium (Constantinople), Istanbul, Turkey
Byzantium (Constantinople), Istanbul, Turkey
Thessaloniki, Greece
Norfolk, England, United Kingdom