Immediate Family
About Malahulc
When Malahulc Eysteinsson de Norway was born in 0845, in Norway, his father, Eystein Ivarsson, was 35 and his mother, Ascrida Aseda Rognvaldsdatter, Countess of Oppland Rognvaldsdatter, was 33. He married Maud de Boulogne in 0894, in Mære kirke, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. They were the parents of at least 3 sons. He died in 0912, in his hometown, at the age of 67.
Malahulc may have been an uncle of Rollo of Normandy, the tenth century founder and first ruler of the principality now known as Normandy.[1]
Reaching France in 911, Rollo and his men besieged Paris and Chartres. Reaching a compromise with King Charles the Simple, they were granted the fiefdom of Normandy in exchange for an agreement to defend the shores of the Seine river against all invaders.
Malahulc is first heard of when Roger de Toeny is described by William of Jumièges as de stirpe Malahulcii, qui Rollonis patruus fuerat, et cum eo Francos atterens, Normanniam fortiter acquisierat, that is, he was of the stock of Malahulc.
According to, "Charters and Records of Neales of Berkeley, Yate and Corsham," By John Alexander Neale, pp 149–151, "Malahulc had three sons: (1) Richard of St. Sauveur, [b. c. 912], ancestor of the Viscounts of the Cotentin and of the Albinis, Earls of Arundel; (2) Hugh, [b. c. 914], Sire of Cavalcamp, ancestor of the families of Toeni and Conches; (3) Rodolph, [b. c. 916], Count of Bayeux, ancestor of the Earls of Chester, and the father (?) of Bothon, Count of Bessin and Bayeux."
John Alexander Neale refers to him as, "Malahulc, called Halduc de Tresny or Toesni, descendant of Thor, father of Richard St. Sauveur". He also says Richard received a grant from Rollo of half the Isles of La Manche, and his brother Hrolf, called Rodolph, received the other half. By 933, Richard de St. Sauveur, Viscounte of the Cotentin is said to have holdings of nearly a third of Normandy.
Malahulc (erroneously called Malahule, Malahue or similar) is mentioned by historian Orderic Vitalis as the paternal uncle of Rollo (Ganger-Rolf). He could be the father of Robert and Hugo described below, but there is great uncertainty, since primary sources are not identified.
If Rollo's ancestry is as described by Snorre, this would make him the brother of Ragnvald Mørejarl, but no direct mention of this relationship exists.
Norman historian André Davy (Les Barons du Cotentin, Marigny: Editions Eurocibles, 2009, p. 55) lists among his children Richard de Cotentin (ancestor of the barons of Saint-Sauveur), Hugues de Cavalcamp and Ralph de Bayeux.
Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands database: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#RogerConchesd...
1. MALAHULC . His family origin is confirmed by Guillaume of Jumièges who names “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat”[2841], suggesting that Malahulc was ancestor of the later Tosny family. Orderic Vitalis (writing in [1113]%29 names Malahulc as an uncle of Rollo and ancestor of the Tosny family[2842]. He is not mentioned in the Sagas.
1. HUGUES de Calvacamp, son of --- . He is named only in the Acta Archiepiscorum Rothomagensium which names his son "Radulfo…filio Hugonis de Calvacamp"[2843]. No source has been found which names him in his own capacity. Guillaume of Jumièges names [his great-grandson] “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat”[2844], which suggests that Malahulc was the ancestor of Hugues de Calvacamp, Hugues´s wife, or the wife of Raoul [I] de Tosny. m ---. The name of Hugues's wife is not known. Guillaume of Jumièges names [his great-grandson] “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat”[2845], which suggests that Malahulc was the ancestor of Hugues de Calvacamp, Hugues´s wife, or the wife of Raoul [I] de Tosny. Hugues & his wife had two children:
a) RAOUL [I] (-after 1 May 991). The Acta Archiepiscorum Rothomagensium record that "Hugo" archbishop of Rouen granted "Todiniacum…in dominicatu archiepiscopi" to "fratri suo Radulfo…filio Hugonis de Calvacamp"[2846]. m ---. The name of Raoul's wife is not known. Guillaume of Jumièges names [his great-grandson] “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat”[2847], which suggests that Malahulc was the ancestor of Hugues de Calvacamp, Hugues´s wife, or the wife of Raoul [I] de Tosny. Raoul & his wife had one child:
i) RAOUL [II] de Tosny . "…Rodulphi filii Rodulphi de Todeniaco…" subscribed the undated charter under which "Richardus…Normannorum comes" confirmed property of Lisieux[2848].
- see below.
b) HUGUES (-10 Nov [989/90]). Monk at Saint-Denis before 942. Archbishop of Rouen 942. The Acta Archiepiscorum Rothomagensium record that "Willelmus filius Rollonis dux Normannorum" appointed "Hugo…monachus apud sanctum Dyonisium" as archbishop of Rouen, adding that he was "prosapia clarus, sed ignobilis cunctis operibus", had "filios…quamplures", and granted "Todiniacum…in dominicatu archiepiscopi" to "fratri suo Radulfo…filio Hugonis de Calvacamp"[2849]. The dates of his appointment and death are ascertained from Orderic Vitalis who records the death of his predecessor in 942, and that Hugues held the position for 47 years[2850]. Gallia Christiana records the death "IV Id Nov" of "Hugonis archiepiscopi"[2851]. [m ---.] Hugues [& his wife] had children:
i) children . Their existence is confirmed by the Acta Archiepiscorum Rothomagensium which record that "Hugo…monachus apud sanctum Dyonisium" had "filios…quamplures"[2852]. Their is no indication of their number, their names or the identity of their mother(s).
Some Medlands soruces:
- [2841] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Du Chesne, 1619), Liber VII, III, p. 268.
- [2842] GND, ii, 94-5.
- [2843] Veterum Analectorum, Tome II, Acta Archiepiscoporum Rothomagensium, p. 437.
- [2844] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Du Chesne, 1619), Liber VII, III, p. 268.
- [2845] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Du Chesne, 1619), Liber VII, III, p. 268.
- [2846] Veterum Analectorum, Tome II, Acta Archiepiscoporum Rothomagensium, p. 437.
- [2847] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Du Chesne, 1619), Liber VII, III, p. 268.
- [2848] Le Prévost, A. ´Pouillés du diocèse de Lisieux´, Mémoires de la Société des antiquaires de Normandie, 2e Série, 3ème Volume (1842-43), p. 9, footnote 5.
- [2849] Veterum Analectorum, Tome II, Acta Archiepiscoporum Rothomagensium, p. 437.
- [2850] Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. II, Liber V, IX, p. 362.
- [2851] Gallia Christiana, XI, col. 26.
- [2852] Veterum Analectorum, Tome II, Acta Archiepiscoporum Rothomagensium, p. 437.
Om Malahulc (Norsk)
Malahulc (Haldrick) Hulc Høvding i Normandie ?
Malahuc er nevnt i franske kilder som en onkel av Rollo, som igjen er identifisert med Ganger-Rolf, sønn av Ragnvald Mørejarl. Han er således ikke direkte koblet til Eystein Glumra i kildene.
Malahulc hørte en første gang om når Roger de Toeny er beskrevet av William av Jumièges som de stirpe Malahulcii, qui Rollonis patruus fuerat, et cum eo Francos atterens, Normanniam fortiter acquisierat, Det betyr at han var i familie med Malahulc.
Ifølge «Charter og registreringer av Neales Berkeley, Yate og Corsham,» av John Alexander Neale, pp 149-151, "Malahulc hadde tre sønner:
- 1 Richard av St. Sauveur, f,. c. 912, stamfaren til Viscounts av Cotentin og Albinis, jarlene av Arundel;
- 2 Hugh, f . c. 914, Sire av Cavalcamp, stamfaren til familiene til Toeni and Conches
- 3 Rodolph, f. c. 916, greve av Bayeux, forfar til jarlene av Chester, og far (?) av Bothon, greve av Bessin og Bayeux."
John Alexander Neale refererer til ham som «Malahulc, kalt Halduc de Tresny eller Toesni, etterkommer av Thor, far til Richard St. Sauveur». Han sier også at Rollo gav halvparten av øyene av La Manche til Richard , og hans bror Hrolf, kalt Rodolph, fikk den andre halvparten. I 933 eier Richard de St. Sauveur, Viscounte av Cotentin nesten en tredjedel av Normandie.
Hvis Rollos opphav er slik det beskrevet av Snorre er Malahulc bror av Ragnvald Mørejarl
Malahulcii eller Malahulc.er et spesielt navn skrevet av en forfatter to århundrer senere. Ingen steder i historiske nedtegnelser finner vi navnet Malahulc ikke fransk eller skandinavisk eller i noen andre kulturer. Men det er en veldig enkel, mulig forklaring: Mael er bretonsk ordet for høvding eller prins og Hulc var et svært vanlig engelsk navn på tiden, hvis en legger dem sammen blir det Maelhulc. (Mael Hulc ble trekt sammen etter 200 år) Dette ville bety at Hulc eller prins Hulc eller Mael Hulc måtte har noen forbindelse til Bretagne
Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands database: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#RogerConchesd...
Malahulc's Timeline
855 |
Oppland, Norway
890 |
Nord-Trøndelag, Norge (Norway)
Tosny, Eure, Upper Normandy, France
895 |
Saint Sauveur Le Vicomte, Manche, Normandy, France
920 |
Age 65
???? | |||
???? |
raided Neustria with nephew Ganger Hrolf
???? |