Historical records matching Julius Guenzburger
Immediate Family
About Julius Guenzburger
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
- Günzburger, Julius geboren am 04. Februar 1875 in Emmendingen/Baden
- wohnhaft in Bochum
- Internierung/Inhaftierung 28. November 1938 Sachsenhausen, Konzentrationslager Emigration Niederlande Deportation ab Westerbork 01. Februar 1944, Bergen-Belsen, Konzentrationslager
- Todesdatum 20. Januar 1945
- Todesort Bergen-Belsen, Konzentrationslager für tot erklärt
cf.: https://www.bochum.de/C125830C0042AB74/vwContentByKey/W29Z4G9D706BO...
&: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Stolpersteine_in_Bochum-Mitte
Sophie and Julius were cousins, during the Shoa they fled to Holland, but were eventually deported to Bergen Belsen. This was reported by Elsa Jonas.
from www.yadvashem.org
Julius Guenzburger was born in Emmendingen in 1875. Julius perished in 1945 in Bergen Belsen, Camp. This information is based on a List of victims from the Netherlands found in the In Memoriam - Nederlandse oorlogsslachtoffers, Nederlandse Oorlogsgravenstichting (Dutch War Victims Authority), s-Gravenhage (courtesy of the Association of Yad Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam).
Julius Günzburger, a furniture merchant, lived at No. 18 Karl-Friedrich-Strasse, between the lower gate of Emmendingen and Lower Emmendingen. This was a largely Jewish area.
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Aug 4 2022, 17:19:17 UTC
Julius Guenzburger's Timeline
1875 |
February 4, 1875
1897 |
May 19, 1897
Berlin, Germany
1900 |
May 30, 1900
1902 |
August 8, 1902
Mönchengladbach, NRW, Germany
1911 |
August 7, 1911
Zwickau, SN, Germany
1945 |
January 20, 1945
Age 69
KZ Bergen Belsen, NDS, Germany
January 20, 1945
Age 69
Holocaust Martyr