John Quisenberry, Sr.

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John Quesenberry (Quesenbury), Sr.

Also Known As: "Quesenberry", "Quisenberry", "Quesenbury"
Birthplace: Virginia, United States
Death: November 27, 1717 (89-90)
Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Questenbury and Joan or Jesse Quesentenbury
Husband of Anne Queensenberry
Father of William Quisenberry; Elizabeth Mothershead; Sarah Quisenberry; Mary [Batchelder] Mothershead; John Quesenbury, Jr. and 4 others
Brother of Francis Questenbury; William Quesentenbury; Joane Quesenberry; Mildred Questenbury; Humphrey Questenbury and 1 other

Occupation: His Majesty's Justice of the Peace, Planter
Managed by: "Melvin" Earl Quesenberry
Last Updated:

About John Quisenberry, Sr.

Memorials of the Quisenberry family in Germany, England and America, edited by Anderson Chenault Quisenberry

pg. 7

The following descent lacks absolute confirmation in only a few instances and the presumptive evidence even in those instances is so strong as to render their correctness practically certain ...

10 John Quessenbury of Westmoreland county, Virginia, born in 1627, died 1717. Married Anne Pope and had . . .

11 Humphrey Quesenbury, born in Westmoreland county, Virginia not later than 1674; died in King George county, Virginia not later than 1727. Married and had ...

pg. 54 - John Quessenbury died in 1717. The name of his [wife] believed to have been Anne Pope and she was, no doubt, a no cousin of that other Anne Pope who married John Washington, the great-grandfather of George Washington. John Quessenbury and Anne his wife had three three children - John who died childless and William and Humphrey.

All Quisenberrys in the US (with slightly various name spellings ) most likely descend from John - the name was never common in England, from which John immigrated. It was totally obsolete there early on. John is listed in "Emigrants to Virginia 1623 -1666" as John Quesenbury, sponsored by Richard Turney to Northumbeland county in 1651. Turney had sponsored several immigrants and received 600 acres of land (see records). Westmoreland county was formed from Northumbeland county in 1653. Because John was "sponsored" he received no land. John managed to buy a plantation by 1665.

John was a neighbor of the Washingtons and the Lees . They worshiped together in the same church. John and John Washington , Georges Washington's great grandfather, both married a girl named Anne Pope. They were probably cousins.

The famous 19th century genealogist A C Quesenberry has much to say about John and the Quesenberrys of northern neck, He actually traces the name back to 1300's through England and Germany. A.C indicates that John's father was Thomas who came to America in 1634 , fathered John and returned to England. A,C. obliviously never found the ship passenger record that showed John coming to this country in 1651, A.C was a great genealogist and anyone who is interested in Quesenberry history should read his books on the Quesenberry family (written around 1900) They are available online. Perhaps John was related to Thomas - but A.C. got the date and details of Johns arrival wrong.

Coming to Virginia in 1651 was no picnic - it could be fraught with great horrors and tribulations. There is a rare travel narrative written in 1649 by Colonel Norwood "A Voyage To Virginia" which describes Norwood's incredible Journey, Hopefully at some point it can be posted online.

Court Records:

Son William all land and if he die without issue to my son Humphrey to whom I leave one gun and a horse;
wife Anne rest of personal property. Witnesses, Frances Quisenberry, William Griffin, Humphrey Pope.

Written 23 Nov 1711 Proven 27 Nov 1717

In the name of God, Amen! I, John Quisenberry of the parish of Washington & County of Westmoreland, being sick of body but of perfect mind & memory doe make ordain & appoint this my last Will & Testament in manner following , evoking & disannulling all & every Will & Wills & Testaments by me heretofore made & declared either by word or writing & this to be taken only for my last Will & Testament & none other: & being penitent & sorry for my past sins & humbly praying forgiveness for them, I give my soul unto almighty God my saviour & redeemer & believe myself to be assuredly saved & that my soul with my body at the Generall Day of resurrection shall rise again with joy & Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his Elect; & my executors manner & form following: It is my will that all my just debts be paid by my executors hereafter named. I give unto my son William Quisenberry all my lands in generall to him & his heirs of his body lawfully begotten & in case of no such heir, then to my son HUMPHREY Quisenberry & to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten & in case of no such heir, then to the next heir at law. I give unto my son HUMPHREY Quisenberry 1 gunn now in his possession & 1 horse, to him & his heirs forever. I give unto my l loving wife Anne Quisenberry by whole & sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seale this 23 November 1711.

ESTATE of JOHN QUISENBERRY---INVENTORY & APPRAISEMENT Westmoreland County, ss-17 January 1717/18-In obedience to an order of said Court held for the said county 27 November 1717, the subscribers have mett at the home of John Quisenberry, dec'd, & being sumond & sworn before Augustine Higgins, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said county, have valued & appraised the personal estate as followeth;

John Frederick Dorman, Westmoreland County Virginia Deeds, Patents, etc Part 4, 1665-1677 (Washington DC. 1975. Privately published.)
Pages 75-76. 31 Jan. 1707 [1708]. Deposition of John Quisenberry, aged 80 years or thereabouts

1650-1652 Deed-Will Book Northumberland Co Va; Antient Press: Pg 79
November 1652 According to sufficient proofe made to this Court that there is due to Mr. RICHARD TURNEY Six hundred acres of Land due for the transportacon of the following p:sons into this Colony, Vitt, PERCY HAMEN, THO: JONES, THOMAS PLUNKETT, JOHN QUESENBERY, THO: GRIFFITH, JOHN BLITTO, SAMUEL WELDING, ELIZA: WOOTON, Sgon, the Turk, Manual the Negro, Jorie the Negro

Contributed by: James Hughes

Genealogical Memoranda of the Quisenberry Family and other Families, Page 172
Note: 13.) John Butler to John Quisenberry, deed.

Be it known unto all men by these presents that I, John Butler, of the County of Westmoreland, in Virginia, planter, for a full and valuable consideration in hand paid before the signing and sealing hereof, by John Quisenbury, of the same place, planter, wherewith I acknowledge to be fully satisfied, have bargained, aliened, sold, enfeoffed and confirmed, and doe by these presents bargain, alien and sell, assign, enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Quisenbury a certain parcell of land containing one hundred acres, being part of a dividend of land of three hundred and fifty-nine acres of land granted unto me, the said John Butler, by patent from the Governor and Council, which said 359 acres I, the said John Butler, am now seated on; the said 100 acres of land being bounded as followeth, to wit: Beginning at a marked dogwood tree standing on the east side of a run, and in the line of the land of Mr. Thomas Pope, and extending along the said Pope's line E. 100 poles, thence S. 80 poles, then SW. to the aforesaid run, finally down said run to the said dogwood tree--to have and to hold the said 100 acres of land to him, the said John Quisenbury, his heirs or assigns forever, with all rights and privileges thereunto belonging in as large and ample manner to all intents and purposes as is to me granted by said patent, yielding and paying unto me, the said John Butler, my heirs or assigns, yearly, at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, the fee of two shillings. And furthermore, I, the said John Butler, doe hereby, for me and my heirs, warrant the sale of the said land to the said John Quisenbury, his heirs or assigns, against the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever, as also to acknowledge this sale of land at the next term of Court. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17th of January, 1666.

JOHN BUTLER. Teste: William Horton, John Bell.

12th February, 1666-7, this bill of sale was acknowledged in court and then recorded.

(14.) Malachy Peale to John Quisenbury, assignment.

I, the subscriber, do assign to John Quisenbury, senr., his heirs or assigns, the remaining part of the within pattent, being two hundred acres. more or less, to the said John Quisenbury, his heirs or assigns forever; as witness my hand and seal this 25th November, 1691.

MALACHY PEALE. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Joshua Davis, John Sanford.

Westmoreland sct.--At a court held for the county the 25th day of November, 1691, Mr. Malachy Peale came into court and acknowledged the above assignment to be his proper act and deed, and the land and premises conveyed thereby to be the just and rightful property of the above-named John Quisenbury, which, together with the said instrument, is entered on the records of the said county.

JAMES WESTCOMB, C. W. C. (Note.--The patent to Malachy Peale is not of record in this county. In the deed from said Peale to Francis Williams for 300 acres of land (part of

Page 173

this patent) it is stated that said Peale's patent is dated November 29, 1678, for 843 acres of land. After making one other conveyance of his land (part of this patent) said Peale makes the within assignment to John Quisenbury.--M. L. Hutt.)

1682-1684 Westmoreland Co VA Order Book; Pg 63: Att a Court held July ultimo [31] 1684
Upon petition of Mrs. Sarah Butler the last will of John Butler is proved by John Jones, Elizabeth Pope and Charles Baldridge and administration of the estate with the will annext comitted to Sarah Butler, the relict and executrix of John. It is further ordered that on 2 August next John Questenbury, Alexander Gallant and John Jones take a true inventory of the estate of John Butler and apprayse the same. John Jones and Alexander Webster doe assume with Sarah Butler in 30,000 pounds of tobacco for the true performance of the contents of the will.

WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA ORDER BOOK 1679-1682; John Frederick Dorman; Page 164 [ 8 Oct 1679]
Upon the petition of Jno Taylor he is ordered guardian to Wm Knight and to take into his posssession Knights cattle, giveing security and bringing inventory. Jno Quessinborough and Richard Steele security in 500 pounds of tobacco Hump Pope, Allex Galland and Jno Quessinborough appraisers


Contributed by: James Hughes

Genealogical Memoranda of the Quisenberry Family and other Families, Page 175
Note: Deposition of John Quisenbury.

Westmoreland county, Virginia, ss.--John Quisenbury, aged eighty years or thereabouts, being examined and sworn on the Holy Evangelist of God, doth say that about fifty years ago Mrs. Wingate, a nigh relation to old Mrs. Vaulx, her husband (that first took up the said land called Vaulxland), being in England, came up to the said Wingate's with surveyors and seated the plantation now called Vaulx Quarter. Your deponent desired the said Wingate to speak to Mrs. Vaulx to sell him part of the said land, who seemed to be willing, and sent up the patent with orders to Mr. William Horton to lay out the same, who did forthwith lay out the same at the time aforesaid, and your deponent went with the said surveyor in laying out the said land, and well remembers yt yr. Deponent did help to make the line next to Potomac River, or part thereof, which took in the plantation of Vaulx Quarter, and likewise the line of fifteen hundred poles, and the next line, next to Rappahannock River which included a plantation formerly seated by one Mr. Lane, since Allen Mounjoy, and further saith not.

JOHN QUISENBURY. In obedience to an order of the Westmoreland County Court we have taken the above deposition at the place and time appointed in the said order. Given under our hands this 31st day of January, 1707.

LEWIS MARKHAM. CALEB BUTLER. ANDR. MUNROE. The within deposition was entered on the records of Westmoreland County the 25th day of February, 1707. J. A. WESTCOMB, Cl. Com. Prd.

Contributed by: James Hughes

Genealogical Memoranda of the Quisenberry Family and other Families, Page 165

(The following deposition was not taken until 1734, but as it establishes the fact that John Quisenberry helped to survey certain lands "when they were first taken up," and as that was in the year 1651, this paper fixes the earliest known date of a Quisenberry being in Virginia; and it is therefore given first place here in my transcript of Virginia records.--A.

C. Q.) (1.) The deposition of Humphrey Pope, of the county of Westmoreland, aged 60 years, or thereabouts, taken at the request of the Honorable Thomas Lee, Esquire, concerning the bounds of his land, in the presence of Matthew Bean and Thomas Osborn, now in possession of the land adjoining to and binding on the land of said Thomas Lee: the said deponent saith that about thirty years ago one John Sturman, now dead, who acted as the attorney of one Joanna Pope, then in England, the widow of one Thomas Pope, deceased, made a survey of a certain patent granted to one Nathaniel Pope for 1,050 acres of land in the county of Northumberland, now Westmoreland, bearing date the 19th day of May, 1651, which land the said Joanna Pope claimed in right of her son, Richard Pope, under whom the said Thomas Lee claims; and this deponent saith as the said survey was then made there was neither line nor corner tree to be found, except one marked tree, which this deponent was informed by one John Quisenberry was marked to know where some hogs lay; that when survey was made the said Sturman caused lines to be marked, which this deponent hath often seen and believes are still to be seen; and this deponent saith that, holding land adjoining to the aforesaid patent and thinking the said survey was not right, about two or three years after he made inquiry concerning the bounds of the aforesaid patent, particularly of the aforesaid Quisenbury, then near 80 years of age, and the said Quisenberry told this deponent that he was a chain-bearer and helped mark the aforesaid 1,050 acres of land when the same was first taken up, and further tould this deponent that the survey made by the said Sturman was not right, and sayed there was a black walnut tree standing at the head of a valley leading to Johnny Green's Run, that falls into Pope's Creek Beaver Dams, which black walnut tree the said Quisenbury said was a corner tree of the said patent, and that he had either marked it himself or was present when the same was marked, at the time! the land was first surveyed; and this deponent afterwards went to the said valley, where he found a black walnut tree, as the said Quisenberry had tould him, which appeared to have been ancieatly marked as a corner tree. &c., &c.

(The remainder of this deposition is of no interest in connection with this history. This Humphrey Pope was the second of the name, and was, as I believe, John Quisenberry's wife's nephew.)

Westmoreland County Court 27th of November 1717 - QUISENBURY's Will proved The Last Will and Testament of JOHN QUISENBURY, deced. was presented into Court by ANN QUISENBURY, his Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of FRANCIS QUISNEBURY and HUMPHREY POPE, two of the wittnesses thereto, is admitt to Record; And upon motion of ANNE and her performing what is usuall in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereofin due form; And it is ordered JOHN MOTTERSHEAD, HUMPHREY POPE, CHRISTOPHER BUTLER and DANIEL FIELD or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Testator's Estate in money and make due report thereof being first sworn according to Law

WILLS OF Westmoreland County, Virginia 1654-1800 BY AUGUSTA B. FOTHERGILL: Pg 27
BUTLER, TOBIAS, 17 February 1687; 31 August 1698. My wife and two children one not as yet in being; son James to friends John Quinsberry and his wife, estate at 20 years of age; wife and John Quinsberry exs.


ined by Mike Marshall.

Husband of Ann Pope

John is the son of Thomas Quesenbury b. 16 Mar 1608 Bromley Kent County England and died 1672 in Canterbury Kent County England Quesenbury (95946741)

Suggested edit: I have the burial information for you taken from the book Genealogical Memoranda of the Quisenberry Family and Other Families, by Anderson Chenault Quisenberry published in 1897. It states, "He and his family were communicants of the Anglican or Episcopalian Church, and were members of the famous old Pope’s Creek Church, one of the two original churches in the Washington Parish of Westmoreland county. The ancient records of this church, em¬ bracing, of course, the registers of marriages, births, and deaths, have long ago perished, else much valuable information of a genealogical character might have been secured from them for use in this work. It is safe to infer, however, that the ashes of John Quisenberry and many of his descendants rest in the consecrated soil of old Pope’s Creek churchyard, which, in colonial times, was adorned with many memorial stones. At this time, however, and for many years past, its numerous graves have been wholly unmarked, and it would, therefore, be quite impossible to identify the grave of any person who there lies interred." This information is also included in the book The Life and Times of Hon. Humphrey Marshall: Sometime an Officer in the Revolutionary War by Anderson Chenault Quisenberry published in 1897, "as his grand-father, John Quisenberry, had been of the first Thomas Marshall ; and they were all buried in the Pope's Creek Cemetery, an old colonial burying ground in Westmoreland County, where inscribed tombstones once abounded, but where not one is now to be seen." I only ask that you add a link to my page so that I may help others if they need further information. Enjoy and have a great night! Contributor: Shelby (49233874) •

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John Quisenberry, Sr.'s Timeline

Virginia, United States
Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
Westmoreland, Westmoreland, Virginia, United States
Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
November 23, 1714
Age 87
Wesrmoreland Co., VA