Matching family tree profiles for Jedidiah Jackson
Immediate Family
About Jedidiah Jackson
Jedidah Judath "Judith" Jackson formerly Higby
Born about 1655 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut Colony
Daughter of Edward Higby Sr. and Jedidah (Skidmore) Higby
Sister of Thomas Higbee, Edward Higby Jr., Mary (Higby) Oakley, John Higby, Patience (Higby) Phillips, Nathaniel Higby [half], Lydia (Higby) White [half], Sarah (Higby) Raynor [half], Samuel Higby [half] and William Higby [half]
Wife of Samuel Jackson — married 1671 in Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut
Mother of Samuel Jackson Jr, Joshua Jackson, Nathaniel Jackson, Hannah (Jackson) Lyon, Henry Jackson, Daniel Jackson, Rachel (Jackson) Lyons, Abigail (Jackson) Bronson, Jonathan Jackson, Ebenezer Jackson and Bethia Jackson
Died after 11 Nov 1701 in Stratfield, Fairfield, Connecticut Colony
Profile last modified 29 Oct 2019 | Created 1 Mar 2016
Name: Judith\Jedidah /Higbee/ Name: Judith\Jedidiah /Jackson/ Birth
Jedidah was born in 1655. She was the daughter of Edward Higby and Jedidah Skidmore. [1] [2]
Note: "The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley and his Wife, Emma Arabell Bosworth" by N. Grier Parke II, 1960, p. 236, (based on Jacobus' explanation) says: "Besides one child by Phebe, Samuel had by previous wives thirteen children born between the late 1660's or the early 1670's and 1701, a spread of nearly thirty years, which suggests that he may have had two wives, before he married Phebe (his widow). It is suspected that the mother of the younger children, beginning with Henry (b. 1679) and including Abigail b. say 1696) was named Jedidah, for both Henry and Abigail, although they lived in different towns after marriage, gave to their respective first-born daughters the unusual name of Jedidah. This name is found at the period in only one of the Fairfield-Stratford families. Thomas Skidmore (d. at Fairfield, 1684) had a daughter Jedidah who married Edward Higbee and had four children by 1660; his grandso John Skidmore (d. at Stratford, 1741/1) had a son Thomas Skidmore of Newtown CT, who named a daughter Jedidah, suggesting that the name may also have been used in the intervening Skidmore generations where the family groups are not completely known. This is entirely theoretical, but the mother of Henry Jackson may have been named Jedidah and may have been a granddaughter of Thomas Skidmore, either a Skidmore or a Higbee." The above is really very "iffy" and it's quite possible that in the years since 1960, someone has been able to verify the name, but if so, I have not heard of it.[3] Marriage
Husband: Edward Higbee Wife: Jedidah Skidmore Child: Judith\Jedidiah Higbee Marriage: ABT 1647 Piquot Harbor, Long Island, NY[4][5] Death
She passed away in 1701.[6] [7] [8]
↑ Family Data Collection - Births about Jedidah Higbee ↑ Millennium File about Jedidah Judath Higbee ↑ Source: #S546 Page: 11 June 1999 ↑ Source: #SM1007 ↑ U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 about Jedidah Higbee and Samuel Jackson ↑ Family Data Collection - Individual Records about Jedidah Higbee ↑ Family Data Collection - Deaths about Jedidah Higbee ↑ History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, Vol. I-page 325 Joshua, Samuel, Hannah, Nathaniel, and Deborah Source: S546 Title: Email from Madeline Dodd Abbreviation: Dodd, Madeline - email Source: SM1007 Title: Connecticut, Church Record Abstracts 1630-1920 ; Author: Ancestry.com; Publication: On-line database (http://interactive.ancestry.com/3032/41107_620303988_0299-00172/686...; Provo, UT; 2013 Source: S3 Repository: #R-1791414286 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository: Ancestry.com, http://www.Ancestry.com Text: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees, http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=45909769&pid... No REPO record found with id R-1791414286.
Source: S-1489406764 Repository: #R-2138414240 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=14394649&pid... Repository: R-2138414240 Name: Ancestry.com Address: http://www.Ancestry.com Note: Acknowledgements
Record Created by Nalani Marie Kupau Briggs, Thursday, June 19, 2014. Higbee-14 created through the import of EBENSTEIN-GRANGER.GED on Aug 19, 2011 by Merryann Palmer. Kay Tryon, firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Kay and others. Higbee-83 was created by Rich Howard through the import of Rich Howard Ancestors.ged on Jan 9, 2014. Higbee-111 was created by Deborah Rickert through the import of Solomon_Cole_Line_and_Allied_F.ged on Mar 3, 2015.
Samuel Jackson [Parents] 1 was born 2 about 1645 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT. He died 3 in 1714/1715 in Straton, Fairfield, CT. He married Jedidah Higbee on 24 Oct 1672 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT.
Jedidah Higbee [Parents] was born in 1647 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT. She died before 1701 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT. She married Samuel Jackson on 24 Oct 1672 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT.
They had the following children:
F i Abigail Jackson
F ii Hannah Jackson was born about 1675. [Notes]
M iii Joshua Jackson was born about 1677. He died in 1698 in Fairfield, CT. [Notes]
M iv Henry Jackson
F v Deborah Jackson was born in 1681 in Fairfield, CT. She died in 1753. [Notes]
M vi Daniel Jackson was born about 1684 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. He died in Dover, Dutchess, NY. [Notes]
M vii Deacon Ebenezer Jackson Sr
F viii Rachel Jackson was born about 1686 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. [Notes]
M ix Jonathan Jackson was born in 1694. [Notes]
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~greenefamily/greene/pafg68... Samuel Jackson [Parents] 1 was born 2 about 1645 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT. He died 3 in 1714/1715 in Straton, Fairfield, CT. He married Jedidah Higbee on 24 Oct 1672 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT.
Jedidah Higbee [Parents] was born in 1647 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT. She died before 1701 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT. She married Samuel Jackson on 24 Oct 1672 in Fairfield, Fairfield, CT.
They had the following children:
F i Abigail Jackson
F ii Hannah Jackson was born about 1675. [Notes]
M iii Joshua Jackson was born about 1677. He died in 1698 in Fairfield, CT. [Notes]
M iv Henry Jackson
F v Deborah Jackson was born in 1681 in Fairfield, CT. She died in 1753. [Notes]
M vi Daniel Jackson was born about 1684 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. He died in Dover, Dutchess, NY. [Notes]
M vii Deacon Ebenezer Jackson Sr
F viii Rachel Jackson was born about 1686 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. [Notes]
M ix Jonathan Jackson was born in 1694. [Notes]
Jedidiah was born in 1655. She was the daughter of Edward Higby and Jedidah Skidmore. She passed away in 1701.
: Name: Judith\Jedidiah /Higbee/ : Name: Judith\Jedidiah /Jackson/ Found multiple versions of NAME. Using Judith\Jedidiah /Higbee/ .
Note ===: Note: "The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley and his Wife, Emma Arabell Bosworth" by N. Grier Parke II, 1960, p. 236, (based on Jacobus' explanation) says: "Besides one child by Phebe, Samuel had by previous wives thirteen children born between the late 1660's or the early 1670's and1701, a spread of nearly thirty years, which suggests that he may have had two wives, before he married Phebe (his widow). It is suspected that the mother of the younger children, beginning with Henry (b. 1679) and including Abigail b. say 1696) was named Jedidah, for both Henryand Abigail, although they lived in different towns after marriage, gave to their respective first-born daughters the unusual name of Jedidah. This name is found at the period in only one of the Fairfield-Stratford families. Thomas Skidmore (d. at Fairfield, 1684) had a daughterJedidah who married Edward Higbee and had four children by 1660; his grandso John Skidmore (d. at Stratford, 1741/1) had a son Thomas Skidmore of Newtown CT, who named a daughter Jedidah, suggesting that the name may also have been used in the intervening Skidmore generations where the family groups are not completely known. This is entirely theoretical, but the mother of Henry Jackson may have been named Jedidah and may have been a granddaughter of Thomas Skidmore, either a Skidmore or a Higbee." The above is really very "iffy" and it's quite possible that in the years since 1960, someone has been able to verify the name, but if so, I have not heard of it.<ref>Source: #S546 Page: 11 June 1999</ref>
: Husband: Edward Higbee
: Wife: Jedidah Skidmore : Child: Judith\Jedidiah Higbee : Marriage: :: Date: ABT 1647:: Place: Piquot Harbor, Long Island, NY<ref>Source: #SM1007</ref>
- Source: S546 Title: Email from Madeline DoddAbbreviation: Dodd, Madeline - email
- Source: SM1007 Title: Connecticut, Church Record Abstracts 1630-1920 ; Author: Ancestry.com; Publication: On-line database (http://interactive.ancestry.com/3032/41107_620303988_0299-00172/686...; Provo, UT; 2013
<references />
- Higbee-14 created through the import of EBENSTEIN-GRANGER.GED on Aug19, 2011 by Merryann Palmer.
- Kay Tryon, firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Kay and others. This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>Higbee-83 was created by Rich Howard through the import of Rich Howard Ancestors.ged on Jan 9, 2014. This comment and citation can be deleted after the biography has been edited and primary sources are included.</ref> It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.
User ID
: User ID: 1423D99FC9C24C479241E6926C604CA6D61A
- Source: S3 Repository: #R-1791414286 Title:Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository: Ancestry.com, http://www.Ancestry.com Text: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees, http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=45909769&pid... No REPO record found with id R-1791414286. Jedidah was born in 1647. Jedidah Higbee ... She passed away in 1700.<ref>First-hand information as remembered by Nalani Marie Kupau Briggs, Thursday, June 19, 2014. Replace this citation if there is another source.</ref>
<references />
Family Data Collection - Births about Jedidah Higbee
[http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=millind&h=10212586&ti...] Millennium File about Jedidah Judath Higbee
Marriage===[http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=NewEnglandMarriages&h...]U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 about Jedidah Higbee and Samuel Jackson
Family Data Collection - Individual Records about Jedidah Higbee [http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=genepoold&h=1235388&i...] Family Data Collection - Deaths about Jedidah Higbee [http://interactive.ancestry.com/48014/FamFairfieldI-003090-165/1613...]History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, Vol. I-page 325 Joshua, Samuel, Hannah, Nathaniel, and Deborah This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>Higbee-111was created by Deborah Rickert through the import of Solomon_Cole_Line_and_Allied_F.ged on Mar 3, 2015. This comment and citation can be deleted after the biography has been edited and primary sources are included.</ref> It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.
- Source: S-1489406764 Repository: #R-2138414240 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text:http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=14394649&pid... * Repository: R-2138414240 Name: Ancestry.com Address: http://www.Ancestry.com Note:
Jedidiah Jackson's Timeline
1647 |
Fairfield, (Present Fairfield County), New Haven Colony (Present Connecticut)
1669 |
Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut Colony, (Present USA)
1671 |
March 17, 1671
Probably Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut Colony
1673 |
June 19, 1673
Of Fairfield, Fairfield, Conn
1675 |
March 6, 1675
Of Fairfield, Fairfield, Conn
1678 |
February 8, 1678
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Province of Connecticut
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut Colony, (Present USA)
1680 |
Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, British Colonial America
1694 |
June 17, 1694
Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, United States