Jeanne Giisis était une amérindienne Nippising.
Son nom véritable était Bahmahmaadjimowin Giisis.
Source internet : Dominique Ritchot
(et Biographie de Jean Nicolet)
Nipissirine Indian
During his stay among the Nipissings, Jean and a native woman had a daughter, who would have been one of the first metis, or mixed blood, in Canada
More information:
Karrie Anderson Welborn, added 23 June, 2024
dead_end http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=image&guid=89b0cd3e-84b1-4b2c-aae3-9...
Merger: Jeanne-Gisis Kwen
"Jeanne" became Jean Nicolet's country wife in 1623. She was from the Nipissing tribe, part of the Algonquin peoples. She mothered a daughter by Nicolet, Madeleine Euphrosine Nicolet (~1628-1689), perhaps named after for a sister of her father named Euphrosine Madeleine Nicolet.[1]
↑ Citing on p. 3 from (l'abbé) Gosselin 1893 : « Enfin, on trouve aussi à Québec, en 1643, le nom d'Euphrasie-Madeleine Nicolet, native de Cherbourg, probablement la sœur de Jean Nicolet, elle épousa le 21 novembre, Jean Le Blanc, et vingt ans plus tard, en seconde noces, Elie Dusceau. » Find A Grave: Memorial #146505885 - Gisis “Jeanne” Bahmahmaadjimiwin Nicolet Gosselin, abbé August (1893). Jean Nicolet 1618-1642. mnoc.ca / Métis Nation of Canada. Jean Nicolet, Sieur de Belleborne & Nipissing woman/femme Nipissing Nicol-Quillivic, Jocelyne / migrations.fr (2015). Jean NICOLET sieur de Belleborne Maritourinuou mon ancêtre Nos Origines, Jean Nicolet : Fichier, Biographie.
societehistoriquenipissingouest.com / Société historique de Nipissing-ouest. Généalogie de la famille Piché soumis par Roch Davidson
Wikipedia articles : Alquonquian peoples, Nipissing First Nation.
Jean Nicolet, Sieur de Belleborne, was born in 1598 in France and died on 22 Oct 1642 in N.D.Quebec, Qc. He married twice:
(M1) about 1625, to a Nipissing women sometimes referred to as Jeanne Gisis-Bahmahdjimiwin. She was born about 1602 around North Bay, Ont., (On Lake Nipissing's shores), and died in Oct 1637. (M2) 07 Oct 1637, to Marguerite Couillard, daughter of Guillaume Couillard and M-Guillemette Hébert on in N.D. Quebec, Qc. She was born about 1600.
Jean & his Nipissing wife had one known child: Euphrosine Madeleine Nicolet, born about 1632 in Lake Nipissing, Ont., and died on 30 Sep 1689 in Hôtel Dieu de Québec, Qc. She married twice.
Euphrosine Nicolet & Elie Dusault-Dusceau (M2) 22 Feb 1663 in N.D. Québec, Qc., Euphrosine Nicolet & Elie Dusault-Dusceau, (1635-1692) son of Francois DuSceau and Marie De Launay. Children :
1. Louis (1663-) 2. Pierre (1665-) m. 1687, Marie Rouleau 3. Jean-Francois (1668-) m. 1692, M-Madeleine Bourassa (Doc. on file) 4. Charles (1673-) m. 1693, Henriette Balan
1602 |
Lac Nipissing, Ontario
1628 |
North Bay, Nipissing District, Ontario, Canada
1637 |
Age 35
Québec, Quebec, Canada
???? |
Québec City, Capitale-Nationale, QC, Canada