Matching family tree profiles for Jeanne De Liercourt (Liecour)
Immediate Family
About Jeanne De Liercourt (Liecour)
Décès: Y
!BIRTH: Information on date and place of birth in France not found; approximate year based on year of christening of daughter, Antoinette. !CHRISTENING: Information on date and place of christening in France not found; approximate year based on year of christening of daughter, Antoinette. !MARRIAGE: Information on date and place of marriage in France not found; information that this person is a parent of Antoinette DeLiercourt is found in a letter from Dolores Desjardins, Montreal, on behalf of La Societe Genealogique Canadienne-Francaise, Montreal; letter dated 4 October 1983 enclosing a number of pedigree charts, written in French, in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle. !DEATH: Date and place of death not found, but place is assumed to be at this person's residence in the parish of Ste. Marguerite, city of Beauvois; information from a letter from Dolores Desjardins, Montreal, on behalf of La Societe Genealogique Canadienne-Francaise, Montreal; letter dated 4 October 1983 enclosing a number of pedigree charts, written in French, in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle. !BURIAL: Date and place of burial not found, but place is assumed to be at this person's place of residence in the parish of Ste. Marguerite, city of Beauvois, Ile de France, France.
!MCHGS Vol 25, #3, p. 103.
!Birth-Marriage: Tanguay's Genealogical Dictionary Vol 1 page 329. Line 203899 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CONT Ren- Jett- Genealogical Dictionary page 613. They were from Ren- Jett- Genealogical Dictionary page 613. They were from the parish of Ste Marguerite of Beauvais.
Line 2349 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE ! 1-Jette, p. 613. ! 1-Jette, p. 613. ! 2-Marriage contract of Blaise & Anne: Line 2351 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CONT Repertoire des actes de bapteme, Mariage, sepulture et des recensements Repertoire des actes de bapteme, Mariage, sepulture et des recensements Line 2352 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE ! 2-Marriage contract of Blaise & Anne: CONT du Quebec ancien. Hubert Charbonneau et Jacques Legare, Univ. de Montreal). du Quebec ancien. Hubert Charbonneau et Jacques Legare, Univ. de Montreal).
!Christening: IGI and Tanguay papers. Marriage: Philippe Liercourt, about 1625 of st Marguerite de Beauvois, Avignon, Fr.
Jeanne De Liercourt (Liecour)'s Timeline
1610 |
Ste Marguerite de Beauvais, Oise, Hauts-de-France, France
1627 |
Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
1633 |
Ste-Marguerite, Beauvais, Picardie, France
1651 |
February 2, 1651
Age 41
Beauvais, Oise, Hauts-de-France, France
February 1651
Age 41
Oise, Picardie, France