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Johan Julius Christian Sibelius (1865 - 1957)

Russian: Ю́хан Ю́лиус Христиа́н Сибелиус
Also Known As: "Jean", "Janne"
Birthplace: Hämeenlinna, Finland
Death: September 20, 1957 (91)
Ainola, Järvenpää, Finland (Cerebral haemorrhage)
Place of Burial: Järvenpää, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Christian Gustaf Sibelius and Maria Charlotta Borg
Husband of Aino Sibelius
Father of Eva Paloheimo; Ruth Snellman; Kirsti Maria Sibelius; Katarina Elisabeth Ilves; Jeanne Margareta Jalas and 1 other
Brother of Linda Maria Sibelius and Christian Sibelius

Occupation: Suomalainen kansallisromanttisen taidemusiikin säveltäjä., composer, Säveltäjä, professori
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Jean Sibelius

Jean Sibelius, born Johan Julius Christian Sibelius (8 December 1865 – 20 September 1957), was a Finnish composer and violinist of the late Romantic and early-modern periods. He is widely recognized as his country's greatest composer and, through his music, is often credited with having helped Finland to develop a national identity during its struggle for independence from Russia.

The core of his oeuvre is his set of seven symphonies, which, like his other major works, are regularly performed and recorded in his home country and internationally. His other best-known compositions are Finlandia, the Karelia Suite, Valse triste, the Violin Concerto, the choral symphony Kullervo, and The Swan of Tuonela (from the Lemminkäinen Suite). Other works include pieces inspired by nature, Nordic mythology, and the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala, over a hundred songs for voice and piano, incidental music for numerous plays, the opera Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower), chamber music, piano music, Masonic ritual music, and 21 publications of choral music.

Sibelius composed prolifically until the mid-1920s, but after completing his Seventh Symphony (1924), the incidental music for The Tempest (1926) and the tone poem Tapiola (1926), he stopped producing major works in his last thirty years, a stunning and perplexing decline commonly referred to as "The Silence of Järvenpää", the location of his home. Although he is reputed to have stopped composing, he attempted to continue writing, including abortive efforts on an eighth symphony. In later life, he wrote Masonic music and re-edited some earlier works while retaining an active but not always favourable interest in new developments in music.

The Finnish 100 mark note featured his image until 2002, when the euro was adopted. Since 2011, Finland has celebrated a Flag Day on 8 December, the composer's birthday, also known as the "Day of Finnish Music". In 2015, the 150th anniversary of the composer's birth, a number of special concerts and events were held, especially in the city of Helsinki.

About Jean Sibelius (suomi)

Johan Julius Christian ”Jean” Sibelius (8. joulukuuta 1865 Hämeenlinna – 20. syyskuuta 1957 Ainola, Järvenpään Kauppala. Kaupungiksi Järvenpää muuttui vuoden 1967 alussa. HUOM Järvenpään seurakunta on nuori seurakunta ja se on perustettu vuonna 1952 seurakuntajaossa Tuusulan seurakunnasta)

Syntynyt 8.12.1865 Hämeenlinnan kaupunkiseurakunnan arkisto - Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1850-1874, jakso 176, sivu 347-348: Födde och Döpte/Syntyneet ja Kastetut 1865 Dec ; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 19.9.2020

Music "Finlandia": _ YLE kunnioittaa Sibeliuksen 150. juhlavuotta säveltäjälle omistetuilla sivuilla. _ The composer Jean Sibelius anniversary - 150 y. / 2015

О Яне Сибелиусе (русский)

Ян Сибелиус — финский композитор. Видный представитель «золотого века» финского искусства конца XIX — начала XX вв.

Om Jean Sibelius (svenska)

Jean Sibelius, born Johan Julius Christian Sibelius (8 December 1865 – 20 September 1957), was a Finnish composer and violinist of the late Romantic and early-modern periods. He is widely recognized as his country's greatest composer and, through his music, is often credited with having helped Finland to develop a national identity during its struggle for independence from Russia.

The core of his oeuvre is his set of seven symphonies, which, like his other major works, are regularly performed and recorded in his home country and internationally. His other best-known compositions are Finlandia, the Karelia Suite, Valse triste, the Violin Concerto, the choral symphony Kullervo, and The Swan of Tuonela (from the Lemminkäinen Suite). Other works include pieces inspired by nature, Nordic mythology, and the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala, over a hundred songs for voice and piano, incidental music for numerous plays, the opera Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower), chamber music, piano music, Masonic ritual music, and 21 publications of choral music.

Sibelius composed prolifically until the mid-1920s, but after completing his Seventh Symphony (1924), the incidental music for The Tempest (1926) and the tone poem Tapiola (1926), he stopped producing major works in his last thirty years, a stunning and perplexing decline commonly referred to as "The Silence of Järvenpää", the location of his home. Although he is reputed to have stopped composing, he attempted to continue writing, including abortive efforts on an eighth symphony. In later life, he wrote Masonic music and re-edited some earlier works while retaining an active but not always favourable interest in new developments in music.

The Finnish 100 mark note featured his image until 2002, when the euro was adopted. Since 2011, Finland has celebrated a Flag Day on 8 December, the composer's birthday, also known as the "Day of Finnish Music". In 2015, the 150th anniversary of the composer's birth, a number of special concerts and events were held, especially in the city of Helsinki.

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Jean Sibelius's Timeline

December 8, 1865
Hämeenlinna, Finland
March 10, 1893
Helsinki, Finland
November 23, 1894
Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland
November 14, 1898
Helsinki, Finland
January 12, 1903
Helsinki, Finland
September 10, 1908
Helsinki, Finland
July 20, 1911
Tuusula, Finland
September 20, 1957
Age 91
Ainola, Järvenpää, Finland
September 30, 1957
Age 91
Ainola Garden, Järvenpää, Finland