Jean Baptiste Seguin (10 Nov 1688, Boucherville, Quebec - 13 May 1728, Montreal, Quebec) married Genevieve Barbeau dit Boisdore (21 Jul 1689, Boucherville, Quebec - 13 Sep 1773, Oka, Quebec) on Tuesday, 17 Jun 1710, at the Church of Ste Famille, Boucherville, Quebec.
Jean Baptiste Seguin, born on 10 Nov 1688 at approximately four o'clock in the afternoon at Boucherville, Quebec, was baptized on 12 Nov 1688 at the parish of Ste Famille in Boucherville. His godfather was Jean Baptiste Menard, an inhabitant of Longueuil, and the godmother was Catherine Menard of Ste Famille (Holy Family) parish.
Julien Beaussault was also present and was a witness.
The future bride of Jean Baptiste was Genevieve Barbeau dit Boisdore, daughter of Jean Barbeau dit Boisdore and Marie de Noyon. An extract from the Ste Famille parish register of her baptism by the Rev de la Saudrays is recorded below, and identifies her godparents as Jean LaFond and Marguerite de Noyon:
In late 1704, Jean Baptiste, who at the time is 16 years old, sees his older brother Francois, age 26 and named for their father, become involved in a protest against a tax on salt. The protest had its origins in the early governorship of Philippe Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil. The irregularity of ships crossing the Atlantic and the high price of salt brought about the crisis. The colonists depended on salted meat and fish to get them through the winter. Fearing famine, a large crowd went to the home of a wholesale dealer who was known to have a large reserve of salt. Fr Belmont, the superior of the Sulpician order, went to meet the protestors to calm them. They had a petition asking the state to establish a lower price of salt, that other products from France be taxed to raise
money as opposed to or in addition to salt, and that the wholesaler be punished.
The Governor of Montreal, Mr de Ramesay, who was away at the time of occurrence, called on the wholesalers upon his return and convinced them to adopt a fair price. Fr Belmont sent a letter to all parish priests instructing them to read the letter at all masses, informing parishioners of the wrongfulness of mutiny. When General Governor de Vaudreuil learned of Ramesay’s action, he told him he had exceeded his authority in fixing a lower price of salt. He rescinded Ramsesay’s order with the salt merchants but did order the wholesale dealers to give back to the colonists any overcharge for salt. Vaudreuil was inclined to punish the protestors but he relented in this action after being persuaded by Ramesay and Fr Belmont to exercise forgiveness and leniency. Instead, Vaudreuil issued an order on 12 Dec 1704, prohibiting all residents from having meetings or they would face prosecution for sedition. The seigneurs and captains of militia were charged with ensuring the order was followed.
In the Fall of 1705, the same situation and fears arose again and a new demonstration occurred. Vaudreuil ordered the arrest of the noisiest protestors, and Ramesay executed the order. Consequently, Jean Baptiste’s brother, Francois, a resident of Lachenaye, was arrested and placed in the Montreal jail. He apparently was released though, pending the commencement of an official inquiry.
On 26 Oct 1705, the Intendant, Mr Raudot, instructed his subordinate in Montreal, Sieur Fleury dit Deschambault to begin proceedings against the “rebels.” Five days later, in a new order, he authorized an inquiry into the actions of Francois Seguin. Under the law, Francois was considered guilty unless he could otherwise prove his innocence, and was not allowed to be represented by a lawyer. On 31 Oct 1705, Deschambeault interrogated his prisoner, and also learned of an accomplice, Jean Baptiste Lapointe. Francois was questioned again on 25 Nov 1705. The following day, Intendant Raudot commanded that
Francois and Lapointe be arrested and taken to prison for further questioning. Francois, father of an 18 month old daughter, had to take leave of his wife, Marie Louise (Feuillon) Seguin, who was expecting their second child. On 8 Dec 1705, the two accused men were transferred to Quebec City to repeat their depositions asserting their innocence. In this system, Francois’ two older brothers, Pierre (age 33) and Simon (age 31) were compelled to act as prosecution witnesses.
Christmas passed and on 4 Jan 1706, the proceedings resumed when Intendant Raudot ordered nine other witnesses to appear at the request of the prosecutor, Paul Dupuy. Finally, on 9 Jan 1706, the court rendered its verdict, concluding that both Francois and Lapointe were guilty of holding meetings to present a request to contravene the Governor General’s ordinance of 1704. The court blamed Francois in particular as having “held seditious speeches which could entice those hearing them to revolt.” Both men were fined 30 pounds sterling and were forbidden to violate the ordinance again. The punishment, imposed while Vaudreuil was governor, was considered light, and would likely have meant being sent to the king’s galleys under the previous governor,
Frontenac. The Minister de Pontchartrain reproached Vaudreuil even as late as 20 Jun 1707 in a letter. He accused Vaudreuil of mildness and that more of an example should have been made of the two men, otherwise, the government would be seen as weak by the “rebels,” who would likely continue such activities.
Thus ended the prosecutorial action of Jean Baptiste’s brother. Was Francois a troublemaker or just a leader who did not hesitate to put his liberty in jeopardy to help his fellow citizens in their claim for what was fair and just? Such were the conditions and times that our direct ancestor, Jean Baptiste Seguin, lived in as he approached adulthood.
Four years later, on 7 Jun 1710, Jean Baptiste Seguin and Genevieve Barbeau were married in a ceremony performed by Fr Pierre Rodolphe de la Saudrays, at Ste Famille parish in Boucherville, Quebec. Together this couple forms Generation III of the Seguin family line. Their entry in the parish register is recorded:
On the seventh day of June 1710, having obtained dispensation of the banns from Mr. Colombiere, the grand Archdeacon and Vicar General of the Monsignor Bishop of Quebec, I the undersigned priest of Boucherville, married in the Boucherville church of Holy Family of Boucherville, Jean Baptiste Seguin, age 22 years, the son of deceased Francois Seguin dit Laderoute, and of Jeanne Petit his living spouse dwelling at Boucherville, with Genevieve Barbot Boisdore, age 21 years, the daughter of Sir Jean Barbot and of Marie de Noyon his spouse, inhabitants of Boucherville, and having given to them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Sir Boisdore the father of the bride, of Mr LaBaume, cirugien and royal notary, of Mr Tetro, school master, and Nicolas du Bray, witnesses and friends of the husband who have signed with me according to the ordinance.
R. de la Soudrays, priest
/s/ Barbot, Taillandier, Louyse de Noyon
On 25 Mar 1725, the first census of Vaudreuil conducted by Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis of Vaudreuil, counted 38 families, eight of which never settled to work and farm the land. Thirty families, however, settled on their concessions. Jean Baptiste was one of these first settlers and the date of his possession (Concession #15 of l’Anse) was prior to that of the Leger and the Poirier families, making Jean Baptiste’s family the oldest of Vaudreuil Township.
He died 13 May 1728 at the Hotel of God at age 45 and was buried 14 May 1728 in an area east of Montreal called Chambly. Name mentioned in the burial register: M. Falcoz priest, Simon Monginos
(Mongeneau) bedeau and M. Julien priest.
Genevieve remarried on 18 Apr 1730 in Montreal to Charles Philippe Rolland, and they had a daughter, Genevieve Marguerite Rolland who died at the age of 2 (16 Dec 1730 - 26 Dec 1732). Genevieve at age 55, had a third marriage, to Jean Besnard on 3 Feb 1744 at Montreal. She passed away on 26 Dec 1732 and was buried at Oka, QC.
ID No: 37363
Prénom: Jean-Baptiste
Nom: Seguin
dit Laderoute
Sexe: M
Occupation: Fermier de Giasson
Naissance: 10 novembre 1688
Paroisse / ville: Boucherville
Pays: Canada
Décès: 13 mai 1728 - âge: 40
Paroisse / ville: Montreal, Hotel-Dieu
Pays: Canada
n 10 b 12-11-1688 Boucherville QC (Ste-Famille)
d 13 s 14-05-1728 Montréal QC (Notre-Dame)
m 07-06-1710 Boucherville QC (Ste-Famille)
cm 07-06-1710 notary Tailhandier
c Geneviève Barbeau dit Boidoré (Jean & Marie De Noyon)
Born: 10 Nov 1688, Boucherville, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Marriage: Genevieve BARBEAU-BOISDORE on 7 Jun 1710 in Sainte Famille, Boucherville, Québec, Canada
Died: 13 May 1728, Montréal, , Québec, Canada at age 39
The Family of Jean Baptiste Seguin and Genevieve Barbeau dit Boisdore
Jean Baptiste Seguin (10 Nov 1688, Boucherville, Quebec - 13 May 1728, Montreal, Quebec) married Genevieve Barbeau dit Boisdore (21 Jul 1689, Boucherville, Quebec - 13 Sep 1773, Oka, Quebec) on Tuesday, 17 Jun 1710, at the Church of Ste Famille, Boucherville, Quebec.
Jean Baptiste Seguin, born on 10 Nov 1688 at approximately four o'clock in the afternoon at Boucherville, Quebec, was baptized on 12 Nov 1688 at the parish of Ste Famille in Boucherville. His godfather was Jean Baptiste Menard, an inhabitant of Longueuil, and the godmother was Catherine Menard of Ste Famille (Holy Family) parish.
Julien Beaussault was also present and was a witness.
The future bride of Jean Baptiste was Genevieve Barbeau dit Boisdore, daughter of Jean Barbeau dit Boisdore and Marie de Noyon. An extract from the Ste Famille parish register of her baptism by the Rev de la Saudrays is recorded below, and identifies her godparents as Jean LaFond and Marguerite de Noyon:
In late 1704, Jean Baptiste, who at the time is 16 years old, sees his older brother Francois, age 26 and named for their father, become involved in a protest against a tax on salt. The protest had its origins in the early governorship of Philippe Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil. The irregularity of ships crossing the Atlantic and the high price of salt brought about the crisis. The colonists depended on salted meat and fish to get them through the winter. Fearing famine, a large crowd went to the home of a wholesale dealer who was known to have a large reserve of salt. Fr Belmont, the superior of the Sulpician order, went to meet the protestors to calm them. They had a petition asking the state to establish a lower price of salt, that other products from France be taxed to raise
money as opposed to or in addition to salt, and that the wholesaler be punished.
The Governor of Montreal, Mr de Ramesay, who was away at the time of occurrence, called on the wholesalers upon his return and convinced them to adopt a fair price. Fr Belmont sent a letter to all parish priests instructing them to read the letter at all masses, informing parishioners of the wrongfulness of mutiny. When General Governor de Vaudreuil learned of Ramesay's action, he told him he had exceeded his authority in fixing a lower price of salt. He rescinded Ramsesay's order with the salt merchants but did order the wholesale dealers to give back to the colonists any overcharge for salt. Vaudreuil was inclined to punish the protestors but he relented in this action after being persuaded by Ramesay and Fr Belmont to exercise forgiveness and leniency. Instead, Vaudreuil issued an order on 12 Dec 1704, prohibiting all residents from having meetings or they would face prosecution for sedition. The seigneurs and captains of militia were charged with ensuring the order was followed.
In the Fall of 1705, the same situation and fears arose again and a new demonstration occurred. Vaudreuil ordered the arrest of the noisiest protestors, and Ramesay executed the order. Consequently, Jean Baptiste's brother, Francois, a resident of Lachenaye, was arrested and placed in the Montreal jail. He apparently was released though, pending the commencement of an official inquiry.
On 26 Oct 1705, the Intendant, Mr Raudot, instructed his subordinate in Montreal, Sieur Fleury dit Deschambault to begin proceedings against the "rebels." Five days later, in a new order, he authorized an inquiry into the actions of Francois Seguin. Under the law, Francois was considered guilty unless he could otherwise prove his innocence, and was not allowed to be represented by a lawyer. On 31 Oct 1705, Deschambeault interrogated his prisoner, and also learned of an accomplice, Jean Baptiste Lapointe. Francois was questioned again on 25 Nov 1705. The following day, Intendant Raudot commanded that
Francois and Lapointe be arrested and taken to prison for further questioning. Francois, father of an 18 month old daughter, had to take leave of his wife, Marie Louise (Feuillon) Seguin, who was expecting their second child. On 8 Dec 1705, the two accused men were transferred to Quebec City to repeat their depositions asserting their innocence. In this system, Francois' two older brothers, Pierre (age 33) and Simon (age 31) were compelled to act as prosecution witnesses.
Christmas passed and on 4 Jan 1706, the proceedings resumed when Intendant Raudot ordered nine other witnesses to appear at the request of the prosecutor, Paul Dupuy. Finally, on 9 Jan 1706, the court rendered its verdict, concluding that both Francois and Lapointe were guilty of holding meetings to present a request to contravene the Governor General's ordinance of 1704. The court blamed Francois in particular as having "held seditious speeches which could entice those hearing them to revolt." Both men were fined 30 pounds sterling and were forbidden to violate the ordinance again. The punishment, imposed while Vaudreuil was governor, was considered light, and would likely have meant being sent to the king's galleys under the previous governor,
Frontenac. The Minister de Pontchartrain reproached Vaudreuil even as late as 20 Jun 1707 in a letter. He accused Vaudreuil of mildness and that more of an example should have been made of the two men, otherwise, the government would be seen as weak by the "rebels," who would likely continue such activities.
Thus ended the prosecutorial action of Jean Baptiste's brother. Was Francois a troublemaker or just a leader who did not hesitate to put his liberty in jeopardy to help his fellow citizens in their claim for what was fair and just? Such were the conditions and times that our direct ancestor, Jean Baptiste Seguin, lived in as he approached adulthood.
Four years later, on 7 Jun 1710, Jean Baptiste Seguin and Genevieve Barbeau were married in a ceremony performed by Fr Pierre Rodolphe de la Saudrays, at Ste Famille parish in Boucherville, Quebec. Together this couple forms Generation III of the Seguin family line. Their entry in the parish register is recorded:
On the seventh day of June 1710, having obtained dispensation of the banns from Mr. Colombiere, the grand Archdeacon and Vicar General of the Monsignor Bishop of Quebec, I the undersigned priest of Boucherville, married in the Boucherville church of Holy Family of Boucherville, Jean Baptiste Seguin, age 22 years, the son of deceased Francois Seguin dit Laderoute, and of Jeanne Petit his living spouse dwelling at Boucherville, with Genevieve Barbot Boisdore, age 21 years, the daughter of Sir Jean Barbot and of Marie de Noyon his spouse, inhabitants of Boucherville, and having given to them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Sir Boisdore the father of the bride, of Mr LaBaume, cirugien and royal notary, of Mr Tetro, school master, and Nicolas du Bray, witnesses and friends of the husband who have signed with me according to the ordinance.
R. de la Soudrays, priest
/s/ Barbot, Taillandier, Louyse de Noyon
On 25 Mar 1725, the first census of Vaudreuil conducted by Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis of Vaudreuil, counted 38 families, eight of which never settled to work and farm the land. Thirty families, however, settled on their concessions. Jean Baptiste was one of these first settlers and the date of his possession (Concession #15 of l'Anse) was prior to that of the Leger and the Poirier families, making Jean Baptiste's family the oldest of Vaudreuil Township.
He died 13 May 1728 at the Hotel of God at age 45 and was buried 14 May 1728 in an area east of Montreal called Chambly. Name mentioned in the burial register: M. Falcoz priest, Simon Monginos
(Mongeneau) bedeau and M. Julien priest.
Genevieve remarried on 18 Apr 1730 in Montreal to Charles Philippe Rolland, and they had a daughter, Genevieve Marguerite Rolland who died at the age of 2 (16 Dec 1730 - 26 Dec 1732). Genevieve at age 55, had a third marriage, to Jean Besnard on 3 Feb 1744 at Montreal. She passed away on 13 Sep 1773-[this is correct] and was buried at Oka, QC.
Noted events in his life were:
• Occupation: Farmer of Giasson, 1717.
About Seguin, Jean-Baptiste
From La Seguiniere: the facts known about Jean Baptiste and Genevieve according to the registers and other archived documents
are listed in more detail in my ‘Stories’ section (see Jean Baptiste Seguin 1688-1728)..... 1) on the 12th of November 1688 at Boucherville, Jean Baptiste was baptised in the parish of Ste Famille, he was born at 4pm 2 days earlier on the 10th, son of Francois Seguin and Jeanne Petit, Godparents were Jean Baptiste Menard (Longeuil) and Catherine Menard (Boucherville) ; signed by Francois Seguin, Jean Baptiste Menard, Julien Beaussault. Francois Seguin his father signed...... 2) on the 7th of June 1710 (Marien Tailhandier), contract of marriage raised at the presbytary in Boucherville, between Baptiste Ceguin Laderoute, son of the late Francois Ceguin and Jeanne Petit, and Genevieve Barbot, daughter of Jean Barbot dit Boisdore and Marie de Noyon
. Jean Barbot gave them a cow, a two-year-old filly, two small pigs, suits and clothing. Jeanne Petit was present... 3) on the same day, 7th of June 1710 at Boucherville, the marriage took place between Jean Baptiste Seguin aged 22 years and resident of Boucherville, son of Francois Seguin and Jeanne Petit, and Genevieve Barbot Boisdore, aged 21 years, daughter of Jean Barbot Boisdore and Marie de Noyon... 4) on the 28th of March 1711 at Boucherville, Baptism of their first child Marie Josephe born the same day... 5) on the 9th of April 1712 at Boucherville, Baptism of their second child Louis, born the previous day... 6) on the 2nd of February 1713 ( Marien Tailhandier), a Loan of 160 pounds (cinq cartes de 32 livres), by Pierre Chaperon to Baptiste Ceguin, payable 8 days after the next St Michel
, endorsed by his brother Simon Seguin... 7) on the 5th of February 1713 ( Nicholas Senet), Purchase by Jean-Baptiste Seguin of Boucherville, a piece of land 3 x 20 acres, situated on lIle Jesus from Jean-Baptiste Leclerc. (Cette terre est situee par-devant sur la Riviere de Jesus, par-derriere par des terres non concedees et entre les terres de Rene Estie et (en blanc)), Price 200 pounds, 150 pounds paid in cash (en monnaie de cartes) and the sum of 50 pounds payable in one year.... 8) on the 15th of May 1714 at Boucherville, Baptism of their son Jean Baptiste Seguin, born the previous day... 9) on the 15th of September 1715 ( Marien Tailhandier), Jean Baptiste Rents an area of farm (metairie) for 3 years from Jean Giasson who lived in Montreal ("a moitie profit de tous grains et escrois"), the land was situated between the lands of "fief de Montbrun", it consisted of a house, a bakery, a barn, a stable and living quarters... 10) on the 2nd of January 1716 at Boucherville, Baptism of Pierre Seguin born the same day... 11) on the 11th of October 1717 at Boucherville (Marien Tailhandier), Sale by Baptiste Ceguin dit Laderoute of Boucherville, to Pierre Ceguin dit Laderoute, his brother, of land 3 x 20 acres in front of the Chenay River at l’Ile Jesus, consisting of small log cabin and 3 or 4 acres of cultivated land. Price 350 pounds paid in cash (en monnaie de cartes). 12) on the 24th of November 1717 at Boucherville, Baptism of Joseph Seguin born the previous day 13) Between 1717 and 1718 (Account ledger of Alexis Lemoine-Moniere), from the 3th of November 1717 up til the 6th of March 1718, Jean Baptiste Seguin visited Alexix Lemoine-Moniere, Montreal Merchant, no less than 8 times...He obtained in cash (en cartes) 352 pounds and merchandise valued at 432 pounds and 10 sols – This sum of 784 pounds in total was repaid in ‘wheat’ on the 5th of May 1718 ; Jean Baptiste is usually accompanied by his brother Joseph who himself borrowed 660 pounds in cash and a value of 108 pounds and 10 sols in trade-merchandise , for a voyage to Detroit ; Their brother-in-law Gabriel Barbot sometimes accompanied them and himself borrowed merchandise to the value of 447 pounds ; In the autumn of 1719 Jean Baptiste revisists Alexis again on 3 occasions and borrows merchandise to the value of 48 pounds. 14) on the 24th of September 1719 at Boucherville, Baptism of Marie-Louise, born the day before yesterday 15) on the 11th of October 1719 (Marien Tailhandier), ‘Baptiste Ceguain and Genevieve Barbot’ residents of the borough of Boucherville in the house of Widow Dufort, swear that they owe Sieur Gille Papin, merchant, the sum of 105 pounds (“prix du pays”) for the value of merchandise for their urgent need...They promise to repay this sum on the next St Michel 29th of September 1720. 16) on the 18th of June 1720 (Marien Tailhandier), Baptiste Ceguin Rents area of farm (metairie) (“a moitier profit de tous grains et escrois”) for 3 years starting from the last St Michel, from Pierre Boucher. The land is near the borough of Boucherville, with a barn, stable, chicken coop, and arable land, there is also a horse, 4 cows, 4 pigs and 24 chickens. According to an agreement made three days later between Pierre Boucher and Nicolas Laframboise, the latter would become Jean Baptiste’s neighbour. 17) on the 14th of March 1722 at Boucherville, Baptism of their son Jean Seguin, born the previous day at around 11pm, Godparents were Jean Baptiste Cicot and Marguerite Reguindeau. 18) on the 31st of October 1722 (Marien Tailhandier), Sale by Rene Boucher of the ‘Perriere’ to Baptiste Ceguin, of a land 2 x 25 acres being forestland and meadows located at Boucherville (3rd Rang – Cote St Jean). Price 400 pounds, one hundred pounds payable in one year and the balance of 300 pounds is subject to an annual rent of 15 pounds which can be bought back by the payment of the said sum. 19) on the 6th of March 1723 at Boucherville, Baptism of their daughter Charlotte born yesterday 20) on the 21st of March 1724 (Marien Tailhandier), Sale by Jean Baptiste of the land purchased on the 31st of October 1722, to Joseph Guibord for the price of 415 pounds, payable to Sieur de la Perriere, including reimbursement of the amount due by the vendor for the cost of the land and unpaid rents. 21) on the 29th of November 1724 at Boucherville, Baptism of their son Jean-Louis, born the previous day at around 8pm, Godparents were Jean Louis Bougret Dufort and Marie Benard (wife of M. Papin) 22) on the 25th of January 1725 at Boucherville, Louis Seguin is present in the parish of Ste-Famille-de-Boucherville at the funeral of P. Boucher, deceased at the age of 2. He signs with Brother Antoine ‘Hospitalier’ and School Headmaster 23) on the 2nd of September 1725 at Chambly, Jean Baptiste Seguin dit Laderoute is named Godfather to Joseph Saint-Onge at his Baptism in the parish of Saint-Louis-de-Fort-Chambly 24) on the 17th of June 1726 at Chambly, Baptism of their daughter Marie Francoise Agathe Laderoute born the same day, in the parish of Saint-Louis-du-Fort-Chambly. She is the said daughter of Jean Baptiste La Deroute and Genevieve Barbeau Boisdore. Godparents were Jean Saintonge and Marguerite Dusson (wife of La Fores) all of whom are residents of this parish. 25) on the 1st of July 1727 at Chambly, Louis Laderoute is named Godfather in the parish of Saint-Louis-du-Fort-Chambly at the Baptism of Louis, son of...Sauvage and Louise Sauvagesse. Louis Laderoute is resident of the same parish and declares unable to sign. 26) on the 11th of November 1727.... According to a statement made by Genevieve Barbot, Jean Baptiste acquired land without a contract ; 3 x 30 acres on the Chambly Basin from Louis Hertel from St-Louis. 27) on the 14th of May 1728 at Montreal, Burial in the cemetery outside the city centre in Montreal, of Jean Baptiste La Deroute, aged around 45, resident of the parish of Chambly, deceased the previous day at the hospital in this city. Witnesses were M Falioz priest and Simon Mongino ’Bedeau’ who signed along with Julien priest............................. From the Register of Boucherville Quebec on the 7th of June 1710, Jean Baptiste aged 22 years, son of the Late Francois Seguin dit Laderoute and Jeanne Petit, and Genevieve Boisdore aged 21 years, daughter of (Sir?) Jean Baptiste Boisdore and Marie de Noyon.....................According to Les Seguins D
Amerique, Jean Baptiste and Genevieve had 10 children.................Further Information from DS tells us that on the 25th of March 1725, the first Census of Vaudreuil took place, it was conducted by Philippe de Rigaud Marquis de Vaudreuil and it counted 38 families - 8 of which had not yet established themselves to cultivate their land. Thirty families however were established on their concessions... Jean Baptiste was one of the first colonists and the date he took possesion of concession #15 de L
Anse was even earlier than the Leger and Poirier families, making Jean Baptistes family the oldest in the county of Vaudreuil. - FROM: http://theseguintree.tribalpages.com
@R-1574695084@ Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes (Collection Tanguay), 1608 à 1890 Ancestry.com Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Données originales - Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 18 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 157 1,2177::283598
@R-1574695084@ Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes (Collection Tanguay), 1608 à 1890 Ancestry.com Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Données originales - Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 18 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 157 1,2177::283598
@R-1574695084@ Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes (Collection Tanguay), 1608 à 1890 Ancestry.com Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Données originales - Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 18 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 157 1,2177::283598
@R-1574695084@ Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes (Collection Tanguay), 1608 à 1890 Ancestry.com Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Données originales - Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 18 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 157 1,2177::283598
@R-1574695084@ Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes (Collection Tanguay), 1608 à 1890 Ancestry.com Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Données originales - Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 18 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 157 1,2177::283598
@R-1574695084@ Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes (Collection Tanguay), 1608 à 1890 Ancestry.com Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Données originales - Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 18 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 157 1,2177::283598
@R-1574695084@ Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes (Collection Tanguay), 1608 à 1890 Ancestry.com Publication en ligne - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Données originales - Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 18 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 157 1,2177::283598
1688 |
November 10, 1688
Boucherville, Nouvelle FR (QC CA)
November 12, 1688
At the parish of Ste Famille, Boucherville, Quebec, Canada
November 12, 1688
Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada
November 12, 1688
Sainte-Famille-de-Boucherville, Chambly, Québec, Canada
1712 |
April 8, 1712
Boucherville, Nouvelle FR (QC CA)
1714 |
May 14, 1714
1716 |
January 2, 1716
Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada
1717 |
November 23, 1717
Boucherville, Lajemmerais, Quebec, Canada
1719 |
September 22, 1719
Boucherville, Lajemmerais, Quebec, Canada