Retrieved from on 23 April 2024; addition to existing profile.
Isabel/Elizabeth (they could be variations of the same first name in this period) was the daughter of William Staveley of Bignell, Buckinghamshire and [a daughter of Sir Francis Esse.] Her husband William Tanfield was born in about 1488 (see his profile) and Francis, her second son, was born in about 1512:[1][2]
Isabel married William Tanfield[1][2][3] Their marriage date has been estimated as about 1510, bearing in mind the birth year of their second son Francis. They had the following children:
- Humphrey,[1][2] who died without issue and who is said in Bridges' History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire to have been their eldest son[4]
- Francis,[3] born in about 1512[1][2]
- Robert[3][1][2]
- William,[3][1][2] named in the January 1557/8 will of his brother Francis[5][6]
- Elizabeth, who married John Ashby[1][2][4]
- Ursula, who married William Purcell[1][2][4]
- Agnes, who married Peter Molle[1][2][7]
Isabel's first husband William Tanfield died on 6 April 1529.[1][2] She survived him, and in 1531 married Richard Humphrey.[1][2][8]
She is named as Isabel Humphrey in the January 1557/8 will of her son Francis Tanfield. The terms of the will indicate that she was deceased by then.[9][10]
William Staveley (1460-1498) of Bignell married Alice FRANCES, daughter and coheir of John Frances, Knight. William and Alice had the following children:
- Mary Staveley1 b. Bignell, Oxfordshire
- George Staveley1 b. Bignell, Oxfordshire
- Isabell Staveley1 b. Bignell, Oxfordshire
- John Staveley b. Bignell, Oxfordshire
- William Staveley b. Bignell, Oxfordshire
William and Alice's daughter Mary married Thomas GIFFORD of Twyford, Buckinghamshire, and had a daughter Ursula. Daughter Isabell married first Sir Francis [sic: William] TANFIELD of Geyton, and second Richard HUMPHREY of Barton Seagrave.
A copy of William's last will and testament survives, and the following is a partial transcript:
… Also I bequethe to Isabell Staveley my daughter of ? and my ? gowne of ? furred with white Also I bequethe to ? ? my friende CC ? And my tawny gowne and a blak doblet Also I bequeth to John Lambert my friende my tawny gowne furred with white Lambe. Also I make with my herty wille the said Alice my lovying wife my chefe executur …
Research Notes
Previously-shown Daughter
Catharine Gylbert has previously been shown on WikitTree as a daughter of William Tanfield and Isabel/Elizabeth Staveley. The source given was Gary Boyd Roberts' The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants. Gary Boyd Roberts' later The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants has no daughter called Catherine Tanfield.[14]
Catherine's profile lacks any good sourcing (as at 20 November 2023), and she is attributed a son born before she was.
Notable descendants
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America is Isabel (Stavely) Humphrey's 7th great grandson. (relationship path)
Supporting data
- Isabel (Elizabeth) Staveley1,2,3,4,5
- F, #84659, b. circa 1488, d. before 12 January 1547
- Father William Staveley, Esq.3,4,5 b. c 1448
- Mother (Miss) Esse3,4,5 b. c 1457
- Isabel (Elizabeth) Staveley was born circa 1488 at of Bignell, Buckinghamshire, England.1,2 She married William Tanfield, Esq., son of Robert Tanfield, Esq. and Katherine Neville, circa 1509; They had 4 sons (Humphrey; Francis, Esq; Robert, Esq; & William) and 3 daughters (Elizabeth, wife of John Ashby; Ursula, wife of William Purcell; & Agnes, wife of Peter Molle).1,2,3,4,5 Isabel (Elizabeth) Staveley died before 12 January 1547 at of Barton Segrave, Northamptonshire, England; She married (2) in 1531 to Richard Humphrey, Esq. (d. 7 May 1557).2,3,4,5
- Family William Tanfield, Esq. b. c 1488, d. 6 Apr 1529
- Child
- Francis Tanfield, Esq.+1,2,3,4,5 b. c 1512, d. 21 Nov 1558
- Citations
- [S9673] The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants, by Gary Boyd Roberts.
- [S5] Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 601.
- [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. IV, p. 176-177.
- [S6] Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry: 2nd Edition, Vol. III, p. 59.
- [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. V, p. 129.
- From:
The visitations of Northamptonshire made in 1564 and 1618-19 : with Northamptonshire pedigrees from various Harleian mss
by Harvey, William, d. 1567; Vincent, Augustine, 1584?-1626; Metcalfe, Walter C; England. College of arms
Pg 49
Tanfield of Harpoole.
ROBERT TANFIELD of Gayton, co. North'ton, Esq., mar and had issue, - WILLIAM, his eldest son.
WILLIAM TANFIELD of Everton, co. Hunts, Esq., eldest son and heir to Robert, mar. Isabelle, dau. of .... Staveley of Bignell, co. Bucks, Esq., and by her hath issue, Humfry, that died young; Francis; Robert; and WILLIAM; Elizabeth, mar. to John Ashbey of Lowsbey, co Leic., Esq.; Ursula, mar. to William Pucell of Gayton.
WILLIAM TANFIELD of Harpoole, co. North'ton, Esq., fourth son to William, mar. Elizabeth, da. and one of the heirs of Thomas Clovile of Clodhall otherwise called Coptfoldhall (in Margaretting), co. Essex, Esq., and by her had issue, - John, his eldest son; William, second son; Clovile, third son; and Robert, fourth son; Bridget; Margaret; Wilgeford; Mary; Jane, Elizabeth; and Anne.
Pg 140
Tanfield of Gayton.
Robert Tanfield. = .... da. of Lumley, 1 ux. ch: Katherine or Ann = .... Fayrfax; William, 2. Thomas. = .... da. and heir of Lovell, 2 ux. ch: Elizabeth = Sir Robert Shorditch, Kt ; Sir Robert = Elizabeth Brooke; Mary = Clement Vincent.
Pg 141
- William Tanfiled, eldest son. = ....
- Sir Robert Tanfield, Kt. = Elizabeth, da. of Edward, Lord Cobham, and sister to John Brooke, Lord Cobham, who died 1500. ch: Robert = Katherine Nevill
- Robert Tanfield of Gayton, co. Northampton, Esq. = Katherine, da. of Edward Nevill of Abergavenny. Harl. MS. 1553.] ch: William = Isabell Staveley
- William Tanfield of Everton, co. Hunts, Esq., 1 son. = Isabell, da. of .... Staveley of Bignell, co. Oxon, Esq. ch: William = Elizabeth Clovile; 3. Robert = .... Fitzharbert; Humfrey eldest son, died young, s.p.; Francis = Bridgett Cave; Elizabeth, ux. John Ashby of Losbey, co. Leic.; Ursula, ux. William Purcell of Gayton.
- William Tanfield of Harpole, co. North'ton, 4th son. = Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Thomas Clovile of Coptfold Hall, co. Essex. (Issue as at p. 49.)
- 3. Robert Tanfield. = .... da. of .... Fitzharbert. ch: Sir Lawrence Tanfild, Kt., Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
- Francis Tanfield, 2son and heir. = Bridgett, dau. of Richard Cave and sister to Sir Ambrose Cave, Kt. ch: Abraham, ob. s.p.; Clement = Ann Mordaunt; Margaret, ux. Maurice Tresham of Newton. Dorothey, ux. Bartholomew Tate of Delapre.; 3. John = Mary, da. of John Steward of Pateshall.; Ann, ux. Clement Vincent of co. Leic.; 2. Robert = Dorothey Tate.
- Clement Tanfield of Gayton, co. Northampton, eldest son. = Ann, da. of John, Lord Mordaunt. ch: Sir Francis = Elizabeth Lane.
- Sir Francis Tanfield of Gayton, Kt. = Elizabeth da. of Sir Robert Lane of Horton, Kt. ch: William, on and heir, 1618; Elizabeth; Frances.
- 2. Robert Tanfield of Gayton. = Dorothey, da. of Bartholomew Tate of Delapre. ch: Sarah, ux. Richard Midlemore of co. Warwick.; Bartholomew, ob. s.p.; Robert = Sarah Chibnall; Bridgett, ux. Sir Parr Lane, Kt.; Ann, ux. Francis Vachell of co. Berks.
- Robert Tanfield of Gayton, 1618. = Sarah, dau. of Godfrey Chibnall of Orlingbury, co. Northampton. ch: Mary.
- The Oxfordshire Staveley line was founded by William Staveley 1460-1498 who settled in Bignell, near Bicester in Oxfordshire. This line is believed to be directly connected to the Staveleys of Stainley and Ripon. The family later spread out into a large family group who latterly moved to a village near Market Harborough in Leicestershire. Additional branches of the Oxfordshire line appear to have settled in London (the City), Essex.
- William Staveley (1460-1498) of Bignell married Alice FRANCES, daughter and coheir of John Frances, Knight. William and Alice had the following children:
- Mary Staveley1 b. Bignell, Oxfordshire. Married Thomas Gifford
- George Staveley1 b. Bignell, Oxfordshire. married Isabell STRELLEY of Lynby, Nottinghamshire the sister of Sir Nicholas Strelley, Knight.
- Isabell Staveley1 b. Bignell, Oxfordshire. Married first Sir Francis TANFIELD of Geyton, and second Richard HUMPHREY of Barton Seagrave.
- John Staveley b. Bignell, Oxfordshire.
- William Staveley b. Bignell, Oxfordshire
- William died October 10, 1498 and the following memorial is reported to be at "Byssitur Chirch In a Tombe of Marble":
- Willm. Saveley2, Esqr, somtyme lord of Bygnell & Alce his wyffe, daughtr & on of theyres of John ffraunces, knight, & of dame Isabell his wyff, daughter & heire of Sr henry plesyngton, knight, wch Willm. ob. Xth of October, mccccxcviii. & Alic, ob. the XX of Octobr, mv.
- Visitations of Northamptonshire < Archive.Org >
- Cites
- Weis, Frederick Lewis, The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215 (5th ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999.), pp. 71-11, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.273 W426 1999.
- Richardson, Douglas, Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2005.), p. 812, Family History Library, 942 D5rdm.
- Richardson, Douglas, Plantagenet Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2004.), p. 601, Family History Library, 942 D5rd.
- Staveley's of Bicester, Oxfordshire -
- WikiTree contributors, "Isabel (Staveley) Humphrey (abt.1490-bef.1558)," WikiTree: The Free Family Tree, ( : accessed 23 April 2024). Cites
- Douglas Richardson. Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 4 vols, ed. Kimball G. Everingham, 2nd edition (Salt Lake City: the author, 2011), Vol. IV, pp. 176-177, TANFIELD 14
- Douglas Richardson. Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 5 vols, ed. Kimball G. Everingham (Salt Lake City: the author, 2013), Vol. V.p. 130, TANFIELD 20
- The Visitations of Essex, Part I, Harleian Society, 1878, pp. 294-295, Internet Archive
- John Bridge's. The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, Vol. I, 1791, p. 263, Familysearch (image page 282)
- The National Archives, PROB 11/42A/100, Discovery Centre catalogue entry
- Digest of will of Francis Tanfield, Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, Vol. VII, John Bowyer Nichols and Son, 1841, pp. 45-46, Internet Archive: wrongly gives the date of the will as 1547
- George Baker. History And Antiquities Of The County Of Northampton, Vol. II, 1844 reissue, p. 276, Internet Archive
- Select cases before the King's Council in the Star Chamber, Vol. II, 1509-1644, Selden Society (for the year 1910), p.65, footnote 35, Internet Archive
- The National Archives, PROB 11/42A/100, Discovery Centre catalogue entry
- Digest of will of Francis Tanfield, Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, Vol. VII, John Bowyer Nichols and Son, 1841, pp. 45-46, Internet Archive: wrongly gives the date of the will as 1547
- "International Genealogical Index (IGI)," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2015-03-08), entry for Isabel Stavely