Immediate Family
About Ingeltrude de Bourgogne, Comptess
ROBERT, son of --- (-after 952). same person as…? ROBERT (-[958/60]). Bouchard suggests that Robert was the same person as the witness of the charter of Rodolfe Comte de Dijon dated Jun 952[362]. Vicomte d'Autun. Vicomte de Dijon. 940. "Rotbertus…vicecomes et coniunx mea Ingeltrudis" donated property to Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire for the soul of "Ramgardis" by charter dated Dec 958 subscribed by "Lanberti filii eorum, Wichardi, Ugonis, Letaldi, Waloni"[363].
m INGELTRUDE, daughter of ---. 940. "Rotbertus…vicecomes et coniunx mea Ingeltrudis" donated property to Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire by charter dated Dec 958 subscribed by "Lanberti filii eorum, Wichardi, Ugonis, Letaldi, Waloni"[364]. The origin of Ingeltrud is unknown. Jackman[365] suggests, for onomastic reasons only, that she may have been Ingeltrud, daughter of Eberhard Graf im Oberlahngau, Pfalzgraf [Konradiner] & his wife ---. However, this appears unlikely from a geographical perspective. In addition, no strikingly typical Konradiner names feature among this couple's descendants. Settipani suggests that Ingeltrud may have been the daughter of Eberhard's younger brother Otto[366]. It is more likely that she was related to the comtes de Mâcon, which would explain why Letald Comte de Mâcon names her son as "Lanbertus consanguineus meus" in his charter dated 944[367]. Robert & his wife had three children:
1. LAMBERT (-22 Feb 979). "Lanbertus consanguineus meus" was named by Letald Comte de Mâcon in a charter dated 944[368], although any relationship between the early comtes de Chalon and the comtes de Mâcon has not been established unless it was through Lambert´s mother as suggested above. "Lanberti filii eorum…" subscribed the charter dated Dec 958 under which "Rotbertus…vicecomes et coniunx mea Ingeltrudis" donated property to Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire[369]. [m firstly ---. There is no evidence that Comte Lambert had a first wife before he married Adelais. However, if Gerberge was Lambert's daughter (which is far from certain, as explained below), it is extremely unlikely from a chronological point of view that her mother could have been Adelais.] m [secondly] as her first husband, ADELAIS, daughter of --- (-after 18 Oct 984). "Lanbertus comes [et]…Adeleydis uxor mea" made a joint donation of "capellam beati Martini in villa Vigoseto" to Cluny by charter dated 978[370]. If Adelais was the mother of all of Comte Lambert's children, she could not have been born later than [930/32]. This is early for her also to have given birth to her son by her second marriage after 978. The date would of course be later if Adelais was Comte Lambert's second wife, as suggested above. The origin of Adelais has been the subject of much speculation. Settipani has suggested[371] that she was the daughter of Hugues Comte en Bourgogne and his wife Willa von Thurgau. Chaume suggested that Adelais was the daughter or granddaughter of Charles Constantin Comte de Vienne[372]. Bouchard sets out several different theories concerning Adelais's origin, with the aim mainly of explaining Lambert's accession to Chalon by inheritance through his wife. However, none appears to be based on any primary documentation and Bouchard concludes that she prefers "to leave Adelais's origins unknown"[373]. An earlier theory was that Adelais was the sister of "Wera" Ctss de Meaux[374], which would mean that she was Adelais, daughter of Giselbert Duke of Burgundy & his wife Ermengarde [of Burgundy]. Duchesne[375] suggested that she was the daughter of Robert Comte de Meaux et de Troyes, although this would mean that the two wives of Geoffroy I Comte d'Anjou were sisters, no mention of which has so far been found in contemporary sources. Another suggestion is that Adelais Ctss de Chalon was the same person as Wera-Adelais Ctss de Meaux. However, this is even more unlikely from a chronological perspective considering the estimated birth date of Wera-Adelais and the fact that Adelais de Chalon gave birth to at least one child by her second husband, Geoffroy Comte d'Anjou, after her marriage in 979. It would also mean that Comte Geoffroy married, as his second wife, his first wife's mother which is unlikely to have been accepted by the church. In 1619, Duchesne[376] suggested that Adelais was the sister of Guillaume I Comte d'Arles. Adelais married secondly (2 or 9 Mar 979) as his second wife, Geoffroi I "Grisegonelle" Comte d'Anjou, who acted as Comte de Chalon until his death in 987. ...
2. ROBERT . "Rodbertus vicecomes Cabilonensis frater domni Lamberti comitis" donated property to the abbey of Paray-le-Moniale by an undated charter[393]. Vicomte de Chalon. m ELISABETH, daughter of ---. "Robertus vicecomes Cabilonis civitate" donated property to Saint-Marcel-lès-Chalon by charter dated to [994/99], subscribed by "Hugonis comitis…ipsius Roberti uxoris eius Helisabeth"[394].
3. RAOUL (-13 Nov ----) Vicomte de Dijon. The Chronicle of Saint-Bénigne de Dijon records the installation of "Rudolph Albus…antequam…vicecomes Divionensis" as prior of Bèze and his death "Id Nov"[395].
Ingeltrude de Bourgogne, Comptess's Timeline
910 |
Autun, Saône-et-Loire, France
924 |
Autun, Loire, Rhone-Alpes, France
933 |
Montreuil, France
934 |
Montreuil, France
967 |
August 19, 967
Age 57
Châlons-sur-Marne, Marne, France
1991 |
November 6, 1991
Age 57
November 12, 1991
Age 57
???? |