Ingeborg Eriksdotter, född någon gång mellan sina föräldrars giftermål 1210 och sin fars död 1216. Död 17 juni 1254, var en svensk prinsessa, dotter till kung Erik Knutsson och drottning Rikissa, gift med jarlen Birger Magnusson och stammoder för kungaätten Bjälboätten.
BIRGER Magnusson, son of MAGNUS "Minnesköld" [Folkunga%C3%A4tten] & his second wife Ingrid [Ylva] '([1200]-20/21 Oct 1266, bur Varnhem Abbey). The Icelandic Annals record that "dominus Birgerus Magni filius" was made "comes in Svecia" in 1248[173]. Jarl at Bjälbo. Regent of Sweden. Founder of Stockholm. “B…Dux Sueorum” donated property to Eskilstuna Kloster by charter dated 16 Jul 1266 which names “filiorum nostrorum…W…Regis Sueorum, Magni Ducis…Ericj ac Benedictj Scolaris”[174]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1265 of "Birgerus dux Sveciæ"[175].
m firstly ([1235]%29 INGEBORG of Sweden, daughter of ERIK Knutsson King of Sweden & his second wife Richeza of Denmark ([1212]-17 Jun 1254). Her marriage is confirmed by a charter dated 4 Nov 1246 in which “Ericus…rex Swethie” names “domino Birgero genero nostro”[176]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. m secondly (1261) as her second husband, MECHTILD von Holstein, widow of ABEL King of Denmark, daughter of ADOLF IV Graf von Holstein und Stormarn & his wife Hedwig zur Lippe (1225-1288, bur Varnhem Abbey). The Annales Stadenses record the marriage "1237 VII Kal Mai" of "dux Abel" and "filiam comitis Adolfi de Scowenborch", naming her "Mechtildem" and recording her second marriage to "ducem Sueciæ" in a later passage[177]. The Icelandic Annals record the marriage in 1261 of "Bergerus Sveciæ dux" and "Mathildam reginam Daniæ"[178]. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Birger's mistress is not known.
Birger Magnusson & his first wife INGEBORG had eight children:
- a) ERIK Valdemarsson (-1261, bur Sigruna Abbey). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
- b) INGEBORG Valdemarsdotter (-[1290]). The Annales Lubicenses refer to the first wife of "Gherardi comitis Holtzatiæ" as "filia Woldemari Regis Sweciæ"[188]. “Waldemarus…Rex Sveorum” confirmed a grant to Hamburg by “pater noster Dominus Byrgerus felicis memoriæ Dux Sveorum” by charter dated 12 Dec 1275 “in nuptiis filiæ nostræ…et comitis Gerardi…de Holsatia”[189]. The Icelandic Annals note the presence of "Sophia regina Valdimari regis, eorumque filio Erico domicello et filiabus Ingeburga quæ nupsit Gerhardo filio Gerhardi comitis Holsatiæ et Catharina virgine" at the reconcilation between "reges Valdemarus et Magnus"[190]. m (12 Dec 1275) as his first wife, GERHARD II Graf von Holstein in Plön, son of GERHARD I Graf von Holstein in Itzehoe & his first wife Elisabeth von Mecklenburg (1254-Plön 28 Oct 1312, bur Hamburg Cathedral).
- c) KATARINA Valdemarsdotter (-1283). The Icelandic Annals record a visit to "Konúngahellam…festo martyris Albani" by "rex Valdemarus Sophiaque regina cum filio domicello Erico annos quinque nato" in 1276[191].
- d) ERIK Valdemarsson [Folkunga%C3%A4ttens Valdemarsgren] ([1271/72]-1330). The Icelandic Annals record a visit to "Konúngahellam…festo martyris Albani" by "rex Valdemarus Sophiaque regina cum filio domicello Erico annos quinque nato" in 1276[192]. The Icelandic Annals record a visit to "Konúngahellam…festo martyris Albani" by "rex Valdemarus Sophiaque regina cum filio domicello Erico annos quinque nato" in 1276[193]. The Icelandic Annals record that "domicellus Ericus filius Valdemari" was released from prison in 1302[194]. Norwegian High Councillor 1308. Swedish High Councillor 1322. m INGEBORG Knutsdotter, daughter of KNUT Jonsson [Aspen%C3%A4s%C3%A4tten] & his wife Katharina Bengtsdotter [Folkunga%C3%A4ttens lagmansgren]. 1333. Erik & his wife had one child:
- i) VALDEMAR Eriksson . 1345/69. m firstly (before 1347) INGEGÄRD Karlsdotter [F%C3%A4rla], daughter of [KARL Orestason [Färla] & his wife Helena Magnusdotter [Folkunga%C3%A4ttens oäkta gren]]. m secondly as her first husband, HELGA Anundsdotter [Balk av Strand], daughter of ANUND Röriksson [Balk av Strand] & his wife Cecilia Magnusdotter. She married secondly (before 1379) Ya Königsmarck, Vogt of Stockholm Castle. Valdemar & his wife had one child:
- (a) ERIK Valdemarsson (-[1388/96]). m ERMEGARD --- (-[1402/03].
- e) RIKISSA Valdemarsdotter (-[1 Sep 1288/19 Apr 1293]). The Annales Polonorum record the marriage "1285 in octavis sancti Francisci" of "filiam regis Swecie nomine Rithcam" and "dux Primislius maioris Polonie"[195]. m (1285) as his second wife, PRZEMYSŁ Prince of Greater Poland, son of PRZEMYSŁ I Prince of Poznan, Kalisch and Gniezien [Piast] & his wife Elisabeth von Schlesien [Piast] (14 Oct 1257-murdered Rogoźno 8 Feb 1296, bur Posen Cathedral). He succeeded in 1295 as PRZEMYSŁ II King of Poland.
- f) MARIANNA Valdemarsdotter . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. 1299. m (Nyköping 1285) as his second wife, RUDOLF von Diepholz, son of --- (-1303 or after).
- g) MARGARETA Valdemarsdotter . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Nun at Skänninge Convent 1288.
King Valdemar had one possible illegitimate son by Mistress (1): h) [ERIK Valdemarsson ([1273]-). Brenner doubts his existence, saying he is likely confused with King Valdemar's legitimate son Erik[196].]
Source Product MedLands,, Chapter 3. KINGS of SWEDEN 1250-1412 (FOLKINGAÄTTEN) - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWEDEN.htm#BirgerMagnussondied1266B
Med Birger fick hon följande barn:
Hon var Erik läspes syster.
Förnamn Ingeborg Förnamn (svenska) Ingeborg Förnamn (Danska) Ingeborg Efternamn Eriksdotter Efternamn (svenska) Eriksdotter Efternamn (Danska) Eriksdatter Födelsedatum efter 1210 1212 Födelseort Sverige Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden Dödsdatum 17 Juni 1254 1254 17 Juni 1254
Ingeborg Eriksdotter, född någon gång mellan sina föräldrars giftermål 1210 och sin fars död 1216. Död 17 juni 1254, var en svensk prinsessa, dotter till kung Erik Knutsson och drottning Rikissa, gift med jarlen Birger Magnusson och stammoder för kungaätten Bjälboätten.
Med Birger fick hon följande barn:
Hon var Erik läspes syster.
1210 |
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
1238 |
1239 |
1241 |
Sverige (Sweden)
1245 |
1248 |
Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sverige (Sweden)
1250 |
Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sweden, Sverige (Sweden)
1253 |
Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige (Sweden)
1254 |
June 17, 1254
Age 44