980 as death year of Hereswint comes from here: https://gw.geneanet.org/spazbruhl?n=graf+van+betuwe+count+in+the+be...
but it is much more likely that she died around 940.
RICFRIED [Dodo] (-before 950). The Memorial of "Ricfridus hoc nomine Dodo vocatus…comes" names "presul Baldricus…preses Rodolphus…rector Yrimfredus pariterque comes Nevelongus" as his children and "Herisindæ" as their mother, recording that she was buried with her husband[626]. Graaf van Betuwe: "Zuendeboldus…rex" gave "villam ex nostra abbatial Capremons dicta Ren…ex sua proprietate in pago Battauui in comitatu Dodonis" to "nostro comiti Folcberto" by charter dated 11 Jul 897[627]. m HERENSINDA, daughter of ---. The Memorial of "Ricfridus hoc nomine Dodo vocatus…comes" names "presul Baldricus…preses Rodolphus…rector Yrimfredus pariterque comes Nevelongus" as his children and "Herisindæ" as their mother, recording that she was buried with her husband[628]. Ricfried & his wife had five children:
875 |
890 |
905 |
De Betuwe, Nederland (Netherlands)
940 |
Age 65
Betuwe,, Netherlands
???? | |||
???? |
uit Betuwe, Nederland, Heilige Roomse Rijk
???? |