Matching family tree profiles for Henry Howland, Jr. of Duxbury
Immediate Family
About Henry Howland, Jr. of Duxbury
Henry "The Quaker" Howland (1605 –1671), was born in 1605 in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England, the son of Henry Howland of Fen Stanton by his wife Margaret. He died at the age of 66 on 17 January 1671 at Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.
He married Mary, whose maiden name is unknown. No marriage record has been found; it is assumed that they married in England prior to emigration. There is an apparent conflict between the supposed 1629 birth of their eldest child in England, and the records placing Henry in Massachusetts by 1624. Further research is warranted.
Children of Henry and Mary Howland
- Abigail Howland (born 1629 England – 7 April 1692 Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts), married John Young on 13 December 1648
- John Howland (16 November 1633 Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts - 18 August 1687 Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts). William Davis says John married Mary Walker on 12 January 1684/5 Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts; other sources say he never married
- Joseph Howland (born c1635 Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts – 15 June 1691/2), married 4 April 1683 Rebecca Huzzey, daughter of John Huzzey of Hampton, New Hampshire. Rebecca married (2) Samuel Collins on 6 March 1695
- Zoeth Howland (31 January 1636 Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts – 1 January 1675/6 Puncatest, Newport County, Rhode Island killed by Indians), married 10th month 1656 to Abigail at Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts. Abigail married (2) 2 December 1678 to Richard Kirby, Jr.
- Mary Howland (c1640 Duxborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts – after 4 November 1699 Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts), married James Cudworth of Duxbury before 1665 at Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
- Samuel Howland (born c1646 Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachussetts – 7 May 1716 Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts), married (1) Mary Sampson before 2 June 1681, (2) Mary Merrihew on 17 July 1708
- Elizabeth Howland (1647 Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts – after 15 September 1711 Shrewsbury, Monmouth, New Jersey), married Jedediah Allen in 1668 at Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. He was probably son of George Allen.
- Sarah Howland (c1650 Duxborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts – 2 October 1712 Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island), married 16 November 1672 Robert Dennis of Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Wakefield published an article on Henry Howland in the National Genealogical Quarterly ca. 1998 which stated that Henry did not marry Mary Newland, and that she married someone else. Henry married a Mary, last name unknown. It is believed that Henry married in England prior to coming to the colony. He first shows up in Plymouth records in 1634.
Henry is the son of Henry of Fen Stanton, England. We know this from the will of his brother, Humphrey a draper in London. Humphery mentions his brother John, Arthur and Henry in his will. Humphery's will was discovered in 1955, and is the cite to the relationship of the three.
Biographical Sketch
Henry Howland is thought to have come to Massachusetts with his brother Arthur aboard the Fortune in 1621, or the Anne in 1623. Their brother John had preceded them to Plymouth as one of the Mayflower Pilgrims in 1620. A fourth brother, Humphrey Howland, a draper of the parish of St. Swithin, London, whose will was proved on 10 July 1646, left bequests to his three brothers, Arthur, John and Henry, in New England. Henry had been apprenticed to Humphrey prior to emigrating.
Still another brother, George, was of St. Dunstan's parish. The family's original home in England was unknown until 1957, when a will for Humphrey Howland was discovered. Extensive research has failed to reveal the parentage of the brothers.
The earliest Massachusetts record for Henry Howland is in the allotment of cattle in Plymouth in 1624, where he appears as owner of the "black cow."
In 1633 he became a freeman, and indentured a servant, Walter Harris. On the 25th of March of the same year he is taxed "s.9 for the publike vse...rated in corne at vi s p bushell." One year later he was taxed 18 shillings. He was among the earliest settlers of Duxbury, where he was chosen constable in 1635, and was described as "one of the substantial landholders and freemen."
In 1640 he purchased five acres of upland and an acre of marsh meadow in Duxbury, the price paid being "twelve bushells of Indian Corne." For several years he was surveyor of highways in the town, and for nine years served on the grand jury. But in 1657 he refused to serve further on the grand inquest, apparently because he had become a Quaker and could not conscientiously perform the duties required of him.
The law against heretics in general was first enforced against the Friends, and then special laws were enacted against them. A fine of 5 pounds or a whipping was the penalty for entertaingin them, and for attending their meetings one was liable to a fine of 2 pounds. At this time the laws against the people of this society were being enforced, and Henry being one of them, he could not conscientiously sit on the jury before which his own brother Arthur, who had joined the society, his brethren in the faith, and himself, were liable to be brought as transgressors of the civil laws of the colony.
Thereafter he was persecuted by the authorities of the Colony. On the 3rd of June 1657, Ralph Allen, Sr. of Sandwich refused to serve on the grand jury, and at the next session of the court three days later he was brought before the jury for entertaining Quakers, fined and imprisoned. Within a few weeks Henry Howland, his brother Arthur, and his son Zoeth met the same fate. Henry entertained Nicholas Upsall, an earnest and courageous defender of the Friends, who visited the area in 1657. Public proclamation was made that for every hour Nicholas Upsall was entertained "a severe fine was to be exacted" from his host.
At the court of October 1657, Henry "was summonsed to appear at the next March Court to answare for intertaining Quakers meetings in his house." He appeared and was fined 10 shillings.
In March 1659, his wife; their son Zoeth and his wife; and Arthur Howland and wife, were fined ten shillings each for "frequently absenting themselues from the publicke worship of God." At the October court of 1659, "William Newland and Henry Howland appeared, being summoned, and were convicted by law and sentanced by the court to bee disfranchised of theire freedome of this corporation...for theire being abettors and entertainors of Quackers."
In May and again in October 1660, Henry was fined for "p'rmitting a quaker meeting in his house twise... and for entertaining a forraigne Quaker contrary to order of the court." He was also charged with entertaining another man's wife in his house at the May court, which he stiffly denied, and the court noted that the evidence 'did not appeer to make it out,' but he was convicted on the Quaker charges. Once, when refusing to pay his fine, his house and lands were seized by the marshal.
In 1652 Henry Howland was among the original purchasers of Dartmouth, where his son Zoeth and four of his six grandsons became settlers. He was the owner of half a share, or one sixty-eighth of the purchase, which was acquired from the Indians.
On the 2nd of April 1659, together with twenty-six others, he bought from Wamsutta and Pattapanum what was then called Assonet [present Freetown], for which they paid 20 coats, 2 rugs, 2 iron pots, 2 kettles and one little kettle, 8 pairs shoes, 6 pairs stockings, 1 dozen hats, 2 dozen hatchets, and 2 yards broadcloth. At the division of this purchase in 1660 of "ye ffreeman's land att Taunton River," he received for his share the sixth lot.
Roger Williams, who had already been banished from Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth Colonies, had established in Rhode Island a government the charter of which guaranteed that everyone should be free to enjoy his own opinions, as long as they did not mitigate against the general good. Into and on the borders of this land of religious liberty the Friends fled. Henry's property was near the boundary line of that state, but within the jurisdiction of Plymouth Colony. On the land he owned at Freetown his son Samuel settled probably as early as 1665, as his last appearance in Plymouth Colony records is in 1664.
In 1664 Henry bought a large tract of land at Swansea. It is probable that he lived for a time at Apponegansett, on his share of the Dartmouth purchase, as his will of 1670 gave to two of his children his horses and cattle "now running" there, and his wife's will, four years later, made this bequest: "Unto my son John Howland my house at Apponegansett." His old homestead at Duxbury was left to his son Joseph, excepting the "new room," which was reserved for his widow.
He made his will 28 November 1670, and he named his wife Mary (her surname is not known; they were possibly married in England), his sons Zoeth, Joseph, John, and Samuel, and his daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Abigail. He died in Duxbury on 17 January 1671,and his will was probated on 8 March 8, 16771.
Although her surname is not recorded, his wife may have been Mary Newland, a sister of William Newland, who came from Lynn in 1637 and settled in Sandwich. Mary died in Duxbury on 17 June 1674. Their four sons and four daughters were all mentioned in the wills of both parents.
Inventory of Henry Howland
[Note: Probate] A true Inventory of the estate viz: of the goods and Chattles of Henery Howland of Duxborrow: late deceased exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth the eight of March 1670; on the oath of Joseph Howland the sonne of the said Henery Howland.
Impr: To 4 oxen att 18 00 00
Item To two steers 06 00 00
Item To 3 Cowes 09 00 00
Item To 5 heiffers 13 00 00
Item To 1 old mare att Ponagansett 02 00 00
Item To 1 younge mare and a Colt att Ponagansett 03 10 00
Item To 1 horse att home and a smale mule 06 00 00
Item To 10 swine 04 00 00
Item To Cart plow & plow Irons with 2 Cheines 2 boxes & yoakes 02 10 00
Item To goods in the new Rome as 2 beds 1 feather bed and a flocke bed with the Couerings 06 00 00
Item to six paire of sheets 05 00 00
Item To 1 Chest 1 Table 3 Chaires and stooles 01 00 00
Item To his wearing Clothes with his purse 10 04 00
Item To new cloth with silke and buttons (that was to make him a Coate) 02 10 06
Item To 23 yards of New Cloth of theire owne makeing 05 15 00
Item To one bed in the middle Rome 05 00 00
Item To 3 beds aboue in the Chambers 10 10 00
Item To one warming pan 00 04 00
Item To 2 old Chestes & 2 old boxes 00 12 00
Item To Table linnine 02 10 00
Item To pewter and some earthen potts & Cups & other smale things 01 05 00
Item To brasse and Iron 03 00 00
Item To earthen and wooden thinges 01 05 00
Item To 2 guns with one old Rapier 02 15 00
Item To 10 barrells of Sider 04 00 00
Item To 15 bushells of Mault 16 bushells of Indian Corne fiue bushells of wheate and 7 bushells of peases 07 14 06
Item To meat as beife porke bacon 03 00 00
Item To 1 old Cannooe & axes wedges old barrells hogsheds and other smale lumber as hoes sythes &c: 02 00 00
Item to a bridle saddle and a pannell 00 12 00
Item To a fier shouell Tonges gridjron Chaffing dish and one smoothing Iron 00 12 00
Item To bookes 00 10 00
Item To about 20 pound of feathers 01 00 00
Taken and aprised the 14 day of the 11th month 1670) by Constant Southworth, Samuell Nash, Iohn Soule;
Henry married a woman named Mary whose last name remains unknown. It is believed that they married in England prior to coming to the colony. Although the wife of Henry Howland is often called Mary Newland, no evidence has been found to verify this maiden name. Neither Wakefield and Sherman in the NGSQ articles on Henry Howland and his descendants, nor Robert Charles Anderson in his "The Great Migration Begins" accept Mary Newland as proven to be the wife of Henry Howland.
Wakefield published an article on Henry Howland in the National Genealogical Quarterly about 1998 which stated that Henry did not marry Mary Newland, and that she married someone else.
Notable Descendants
- U.S. President Richard Nixon
- U.S. President Gerald Ford
Sources and Further Information
- American Historical Society, Inc. (AHS). The History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: Biographical, 1920. For an unknown reason there are several copies of the book with the same title page, but with different contents.
- From pages 118-20 of one edition, "Henry Howland, the founder, appeared early in Plymouth Colony, being first of record in 1624. He was made a freeman in 1633; was an early settler in Duxbury, Mass., and was there chosen constable in 1635; owned land in Dartmouth in 1652; was one of the twenty-seven purchasers of what is now Freetown, Mass., and finally ended his days in the Duxbury homestead. He married Mary Newland, and reared a large family, this branch tracing through Zoeth, their second son."
- Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: immigrants to New England 1620-1633, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1995, three volumes.
- "Eastham Mass., Vital Records," transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, Mayflower Descendant, various volumes, Also printed in Vital Records of the Towns of Eastham and Orleans, with index, edited by Leonard H Smith Jr & Norma H. Smith, 1976.
- William T. Davis, Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families, (2nd Edition; Boston: William T. Davis, 1899), pg. 150, 327
- pg. 154, "SAMUEL, Freetown, son of 1st Henry, by wife Mary ..."
- Appendix p.328, [Howland] Samuel, 1st in text, 1678, m., Mary Merihew
- Samuel Deane, History of Scituate, Massachusetts, from Its First Settlement to 1831.
- Leon Clark Hills, History and Genealogy of the Mayflower Planters and First Comers to Ye Olde Colonie, pg 161.
- Franklyn Howland, A Brief Genealogical and Biographical History of Arthur, Henry, and John Howland & their Descendants, of the USA & Canada,1885, pg. 69.
- SAMUEL HOWLAND, b. ABT 1646, Duxbury, Plymouth Co, MA; d. 1716, Freetown or Middleborough, Bristol Co, MA.
- "Sarah, m. 16,11,1672 Robert Dennis of Portsmouth, RI."
- "Joseph, b. in Duxbury, d. 15/6/1691, m. 4/3/1683 Rebecca, dau. of John Huzzey of Hampton, NH."
- "John, Davis' Plymouth says this John m. Mary Walker. My belief is he never married."
- "Mary, m. James Cudworth of Duxbury."
- "Abigail, m. John Young 2/9/1678; He was probably son of John Young who was maried unto ... 13 Dec 1648 .."
- "Zoeth, b. in Duxbury, d. 31,1,1676, killed by Indians, m. 10th month 1656 to wife Abigall. Abigail m. 2d, 2/12/1678 to Richard Kirby, Jr ..."
- "Elizabeth, m. Jedediah Allen in 1691. He was probably son of George Allen..."
- Mary Louise M. Hutton, compiler. "Seventeenth Century Colonial Ancestors of Members of the National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century," pg.133.
- "Howland, Henry (_-1671) Mass.; m. Mary Newland; juror; landowner."
- New England Historical and Genealogical Register (NEHGR), "Mayflower Source Record", Genealogical Publicating Co, Inc Baltimore 1986, pg 30, extracted from the early probate Records of Bristol County, with note from the Registry of Deeds and Town Records.
- "Samuel, John and Zoeth, were the sons of Henry Howland, of Duxbury, said Henry being one of the 26 origional proprietors of Freetown. Henry Howland died in 1670, and Mary his wife died June 16, 1674."
- National Genealogical Society Quarterly; September, 1987, Vol. 75, No. 3; p.105-116.
- Records of the Colony of New Plymouth - Vol. 8, pg 5.
- Society of Friends, Records at Newport, Rhode Island
- Records of the Society of Friends of Pembroke, now in the possession of the Society at New Bedford.
- Robert S. Wakefield and Robert M. Sherman, "Henry Howland of Duxbury, Mass, 1633." National Genealogical Society Quarterly (NGSQ), June 1987: 75:105.
- "Will of Henry Howland January 14, 1670/1671." Plymouth Colony Wills, vol. III, p. 27.
- 1624 - His name first appeared in the records of Plymouth, MA.
- 1635, 5 January- Chosen Constable of Duxbury, MA.
- He was one of the earliest settlers of Duxbury, MA.
- He was Surveyer of Highways and served on the Grand Jury for several years.
HENRY HOWLAND, the pioneer, with his brother Arthur, came to this country in either the Fortune, 1621, or the Ann, 1623.
When some researchers listed passengers on these two ships they went by land ownership. Henry and Arthur did not own land until later so they do not show up on ship lists. So going by the lists they may have come on the Fortune 1621 or Charity in 1624.
Henry Howland, the founder, appeared early in Plymouth Colony, being first of record in 1624. He was made a freeman in 1633; was an early settler in Duxbury, Mass., and was there chosen constable in 1635; owned land in Dartmouth in 1652; was one of the twenty-seven purchasers of what is now Freetown, Mass., and finally ended his days in the Duxbury homestead. He married Mary Newland, and reared a large family.
- Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees by SmartCopy: Nov 13 2015, 23:54:40 UTC
'Source: Henry Howland Found 10 Records, 10 Photos and 1,137,384 Family Trees Born in Essex, England on 1602 to Henry Howland and Alice Aires.
Henry married Mary Newland and had 14 children. He passed away on 1671. Family Members
Henry Howland 1569-1656
Alice Aires 1570-1629
Spouse(s) Mary Newland 1603-1674
Elizabeth Howland 1640-1712
John Howland Unknown-1687
Joseph Howland 1638-1695
Sarah Howland 1643-1675
Zoeth Howland 1635-165
Samuel Howland 1624-1716
Abigail Howl and 1624-1692 John Howland
1643-1687 Mary Howland 1652-1699 Samuel Howland 1650-1715 Mary Howland 1651-99 Wrong
Other trees show a wife born Mary Sarah Newland, daughter of William and Agnes (Greenway) Newland, and list additional children. Joseph Howland, Zoar Howland, Arthur Howland (none verified). His master tree indicates a previous wife.
'Henry Howland
Born in Essex, England on 1602
to Henry Howland and Alice Aires.
Henry married Mary Newland and had 14 children.
He passed away on 1671.
Family Members
Henry Howland 1569-1656
Alice Aires 1570-1629
Mary Newland 1603-1674
John Howland
John Howland Unknown-1687
John Howland
John Howland
Samuel Howland 1624-1716
Abigail Howland 1624-1692
John Howland 1643-1687
Elizabeth Howland 1640-1712
Zoeth Howland 1635-1656
Joseph Howland 1638-1695
Mary Howland 1652-1699
Sarah Howland 1643-1675
Samuel Howland 1650-1715
Mary Howland 1651-99
'Henry Howland Jr (1604 - 1671)
Henry Howland Jr
Born 25 Nov 1604 in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, , England
Son of Henry Howland Sr. and Margaret (Unknown) Howland
Brother of Arthur Howland [half], Humphrey Howland, John Howland Sr.,
Margaret Howland, Hannah Howland, Simon Howland,
George Howland and William Howland [half]
Husband of Mary (Newland) Howland — married 16 Jun 1624 in Duxbury, Plymouth, MA
Father of Abigail Howland, John Howland, Zoeth Howland,
Mary (Howland) Cudworth, Samuel Howland, Sarah Howland,
Elizabeth (Howland) Allen and Joseph Howland
Died 17 Jan 1671 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Profile managers: Katherine Patterson [send private message],
Carroll Woods [send private message], K Clark [send private message],
Merry Ann Palmer [send private message], Liz Duffy [send private message],
and Eileen Cogan [send private message]
Howland-77 created 12 Sep 2010 | Last modified 23 Feb 2017
Categories: Puritan Great Migration | Quakers.
Henry Howland Jr migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1620-1640).
Per Mayflower records in "Plymouth Colony Its History and People 1620 - 1691" by ,
Eugene Aubrey Stratton, he was in Plymouth as early as 25 Mar 1633 when
he appears on tax list also on original freeman list. Quaker. Highway surveyor for Duxbury.
WILL made 28 Nov 1670, inventory 14 Jan 1671, named wife, Mary, sons Zoeth,
Joseph, John, and Samuel, and daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Abigail.
In 1985, Wakefield & Sherman wrote about Henry's family, correcting previously
published errors and providing new evidence, including:[1]
He was born before 1613, probably at Fenstanton, Huntingdon, England, son of Henry; he died at Duxbury, Massachusetts on 1 Jan 1670/1. He was apprenticed 1 Oct 1623 to his brother Humphrey Howland in London He married, prob. in England, Mary ______; she d.d in Duxbury 6 Aug 1674. No evidence of the surname "Newland" has been found. His earliest Plymouth Colony record was a tax list dated 25 Mar 1633 at which point he must have been at least 21. By 5 Jan 1635/6, removed to Duxbury where he was constable. He was not involved in the 1627 division of cattle in Plymouth. Freeman in Duxbury 7 Mar 1636/7 Served on juries through 1653 Around 1656 became permanently involved with the Quakers, as did brother Arthur; various family members penalized for their faith. Will dated 28 Nov 1670, probated 8 Mar 1670/1; inventoried 14 Jan 1670/1; bequests to son Joseph, Zoeth, dau Sarah; son John; dau Elizabeth; son Samuel; daus Mary and Abigail; wife Mary Will of Mary "sometimes wife of Hennery Howland now deceased," written 8 May 1675; bequests to dau Abigail Young, sons Zoeth and John, dau Mary Cudworth, son Samuel; dau Sarah Denis and Elizabeth Allin, son Joseph. Chronology
He was born about 1603 probably in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England[2] Siblings included John Howland (profiled by Anderson) and Arthur Howland.
1 Oct 1623 Apprenticeship London, England[3] Note: The source for this information suggests that it is likely that Henry did not finish his apprenticeship to his brother, Humphrey.
1627: erroneous claim that he participated in the Plymouth Colony Division of Cattle.[4]
About 1632/3: Immigration to Plymouth Colony.[5]
25 March 1633: tax list, Plymouth Colony[6]
1633 Freemen list, Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts[6] There is no place listed, but the context of it suggests the likelihood that he was still living in Plymouth. As he was listed on a freemen list, it stands to reason that he was born before 1613 as a man had to be at least 21 to be considered a free man.
Mar 1634: Tax List, Plymouth Colony[6] There is no location listed, but it seems likely that he was still living in Plymouth as the context suggests this is the case.
1636-1653: frequently served on Duxbury grand inquest or other juries after being listed in the freemen list.[6]
7 MAR 1636/7, Freeman list, Duxbury, Plymouth[6]
26 Jul 1638: supposedly shared cattle among the poor, Plymouth Colony[6] The source for this suggests there may be a mistake as at the time of this event, Henry had relocated from Plymouth previously.
1643: listed as able to bear arms, Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts[6]
2 Mar 1657/8: fined for entertaining a meeting of Quakers in his house.Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts[6]
6 Oct 1659: He and William Newland were sentenced by the court for "being abettors and entertainers of Quakers" in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts[6] sentenced "to be disfranchised of their freedome of this corporation....for their being abettors and entertainers of Quakers."
1 May 1660: fined for permitting a Quaker meeting in his house and "entertaining a forraigne Quaker..." in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts[6] Henry was again fined on 1 May 1660, for permitting a Quaker meeting in his house and for "entertaining a forraigne Quaker contrary to the order of the Court," and again fined on 2 October 1660 for entertaining two Quaker meetings.
3 Jun 1668 - Surveyor of highways; suggests that there must have been a change in sentiment for Henry with his reappointment as surveyor in 1668.
8 Mar 1670/1: Will Probated, Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts[6]
He died 17 JAN 1671 in Duxbury, Massachusetts[7]
Last Will & Testament
Hennery Howland being week of body, yet a good and perfect memory makes and ordains this to be his last will and Testament as followeth: Imprimis. I give and bequeath all my housing, both dwelling house barne with all my lands both vpland and meddow land now lying and being within the Township of Duxburrow unto my sonne Joseph Howland only during my wife's life she shall have and injoy the new Room to herself for her owne self 2 I give and bequeath to my son John Howland five oxen and two heifers and one horse with all the trappings belonging there to as also a bed with things belonging there to as also my fowling piece. 3 My will is that my son Joseph Howland out of the fore mentioned houses & lands & cattle shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son Zoeth Howland 20 pounds that is to say 5 pounds by the year till the 20 pounds be paid; as alsoe twelve pence apiece to all his brothers and sisters and their children sviving. 4 Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah two heifers and two sheep and one mare now running at Apponogansett; as alsoe one bed and bedding there unto belonging 5 Item I give unto my son John one muskett 6 Item I give unto my Elizabeth one cow7 Item I give my old mare now running at Apponogansett unto my son Samuel Howland. 8 Item I give unto my son Joseph Howland ten acres of meadow land now lying and being at a place commonly known by the name of the Garnetts Nose Marsh 9 I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary, 10 shillings to be paid out of my estate as yet undisposed of 10 Item I give unto my daughter Abigail 10 shillings to be paid by my son Joseph who is to sell a barrel of syder and to pay it out of that 11 I give unto my two sons John and Samuel both of them a barrel of syder 12 Lastly I give and bequeath unto my loving wife all the rest of my estate both movables and chattelsthat this is my last Will and Testament I here unto sett my hand and seale this 28th day of Nov 1670 Signed and sealed in the presence of: Samuel Nash Henery Howland [A Seal] and John Sprague.[8] "Howland, Henry, born England; died Duxbury, Mass., Jan 17, 1671; married Mary Newland; died Duxbury, June 16, 1674. She was a sister of William Newland who came from Lynn in 1637 and settled in Sandwich. She and her brother were Quakers. Henry resided for a while in Plymouth, but became an early settler in Duxbury ?by the bayside, near Love Brewster.' He was a surveyor of highways, and was able to bear arms in 1643. As a Quaker he suffered the persecutions of the times. On April 2, 1659 Henry with 26 others bought of the Indians what is now Freetown, for a few old coats, rugs, iron pots, etc. including "one little kittle. In 1664 he purchased a large portion of land in Mattapoisett (Swansea). Henry was owner of the sixth lot in Freetown. However, his sons, John and Samuel, really became the actual settlers."[9] Children
Abigail Howland m in Plymouth 13 Dec 1648 John John (see PCR 8:5) Zoeth Howland, m 1656 Abigail
Samuel, b abt 1638; m bef 2 Jun 1681 (and prob bef 1673) to Mary Sampson John Howland, b abt 1641; m in Duxbury 29 Jan 1684/5 Mary Walker; d Freetown bef 8 Aug 1687, apparently widowed as administration of his estate was granted to his brother Samuel and the inventory included women's apparel". See BrPR 1:2. Mary, b abt 1643 m bef 1665 James Cudworth. See NGSQ 75:110. Elizabeth, m abt 1668 Jedidiah Allen Sarah b abt 1645, d in Portsmouth 2 Oct 1712; m in Portsmouth, RI 19 Nov 1672 Robert Dennis (NGSQ 75:216) Joseph, b abt 1649 (not a minor when father wrote his will); m in Hampton 4 MAy 1683 Rebecca Hussey. See NGSQ 75:217. Sources
↑ Robert S. Wakefield & Robert M. Sherman, "Henry Howland of Duxbury, Massachusetts, 1633, His Children and His Grandchildren," in NGS Quarterly, 75(June 1987):105-113 ↑ Robert Charles Anderson, Great Migration Begins, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 1995, p 1018 ↑ TAG Vol 14:214-215. ↑ on line at Division of Cattle] Henry Howland had not yet immigrated as he was not listed here. Later sources erroneously list him as sharing cattle in 1627. ↑ Great Migration Begins Vol 2 p. 1016 ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 Message Board ↑ Howland Quarterly Magazine: Vol XXVIII, Jan-April 1964, page 6 ↑ Howland of Huntingdonshire, England, and Plymouth, Massachusetts ↑ Leon Clark Hills, History and Genealogy of the Mayflower Planters and First Comers to Ye Olde Colonie, pg 161 New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial: A Record of the Achievements of her People in the Making of commonwealths and the Founding of a Nation, Volume 1, pages 184 to 186; compiled under the supervision of William Richard Cutter, A.M.; Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1913 Wilbur-403 14:24, 15 February 2017 (EST) See also:
Robert Charles Anderson, "Henry Howland", in The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Vol II, Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society 1995 p. 1016 - 1022. Clarence Almon Torrey, "The Howland Ancestry," in The American Genealogist, Vol 14, (1937-8) p 214 - 215.This article cites Boston Evening Transcript, Dec. 16, 1908. 105 - 113 Ann Smith Lainhart, Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Volume 23,Part 1, Family of John Howland, General Society of Mayflower Descendents, Plymouth, MA., 2004 Hubert KInney Shaw, Families of the Pilgrims - John Howland, Boston, MA: Massachusetts Society on Mayflower Descendants, 1955. Mayflower History .com RootsWeb for Henry Howland born 1564
- Savage, James. A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1862)
- Pope, Charles H. The Pioneers of Massachusetts (Charles H. Pope, Boston, MA, 221 Columbus Ave., 1900) Howland Quarterly Magazine, The Pilgrim John Howland Society records Caleb Johnson, ; The Mayflower Passenger List]," 1998 William Richard Cutter, A. M., Genealogy - Boston and Eastern Massachusetts, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1908 Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts (J. H. Beers & Co., 1912) Emery, William M. The Howland Heirs (E. Anthony and Sons, Inc., New Bedford, Mass., 1919) Jackson, Ron V, Massachusetts Census, 1790-1890. Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes Message Board., "RE: wife of Zoeth Howland & early Howland line," Eileen McKinnon-Suggs (, Our Kingdom Come; Last updated October 10, 2004; Accessed December 2, 2005) "Plymouth Colony Its History and People 1620 - 1691" by , Eugene Aubrey Stratton
Category: Massachusetts Quakers
Per Mayflower records in "Plymouth Colony Its History and People1620 - 1691" by , Eugene Aubrey Stratton, he was in Plymouth as early as 25 Mar 1633 when he appears on tax list also on original freeman list. Quaker. Highway surveyor for Duxbury. WILL made 28 Nov 1670, inventory 14 Jan 1671, named wife, Mary, sons Zoeth, Joseph, John, and Samuel, and daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Abigail.
In 1985, Wakefield & Sherman wrote about Henry's family, correcting previously published errors and providing new evidence, including:<ref>Robert S. Wakefield & Robert M. Sherman, "Henry Howland of Duxbury, Massachusetts, 1633, His Children and His Grandchildren," in NGS Quarterly, 75(June 1987):105-113</ref>* He was born before 1613, probably at Fenstanton, Huntingdon, England, son of Henry; he died at Duxbury, Massachusetts on 1 Jan 1670/1. * He was apprenticed 1 Oct 1623 to his brother Humphrey Howland in London* He married, prob. in England, Mary ______; she d.d in Duxbury 6 Aug 1674. No evidence of the surname "Newland" has been found.* His earliest Plymouth Colony record was a tax list dated 25 Mar 1633at which point he must have been at least 21.
- By 5 Jan 1635/6, removed to Duxbury where he was constable.
- He was not involved in the 1627 division of cattle in Plymouth.
- Freeman in Duxbury 7 Mar 1636/7
- Served on juries through 1653* Around 1656 became permanently involved with the Quakers, as did brother Arthur; various family members penalized for their faith.* Will dated 28 Nov 1670, probated 8 Mar 1670/1; inventoried 14 Jan 1670/1; bequests to son Joseph, Zoeth, dau Sarah; son John; dau Elizabeth; son Samuel; daus Mary and Abigail; wife Mary* Will of Mary "sometimes wife of Hennery Howland now deceased," written 8 May 1675; bequests to dau Abigail Young, sons Zoeth and John, dauMary Cudworth, son Samuel; dau Sarah Denis and Elizabeth Allin, son Joseph.
He was born about 1603 probably in Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England<ref>Robert Charles Anderson, Great Migration Begins, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 1995, p 1018</ref> Siblings included John Howland (profiled by Anderson) and Arthur Howland. 1 Oct 1623 Apprenticeship London, England<ref>TAG Vol 14:214-215.</ref> Note: The source for this information suggests that it is likely that Henry did not finish his apprenticeship to his brother, Humphrey. (Henry Howland of Huntingdonshire, a son of Henry Howland, yeoman, of Fenny Stanton, Huntingdonshire, was a new apprentice under Master Humphrey Howland, clothworker, of Thames St, London at the Drapers' Companyon October 1st, 1623 with the bond of 7 years).<ref>Institute of Historical Research. “Event Details of Humphrey Howland.” Records ofLondon's Livery Companies Online, Institute of Historical Research,2018,</ref> See also: The Drapers' Company. 1627: erroneous claim that he participated in the Plymouth Colony Division of Cattle.<ref>on line at [ Division of Cattle]] Henry Howland had not yet immigrated as he was not listed here. Later sources erroneously list him as sharing cattle in 1627.</ref> About 1632/3: Immigration to Plymouth Colony.<ref>Great Migration Begins Vol 2 p. 1016 </ref> 25 March 1633: tax list, Plymouth Colony<ref name=ACMB>#ACMB| Message Board</ref> 1633 Freemen list, Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts<ref name=ACMB/> There is no place listed, but the context of it suggests the likelihood that he was still living in Plymouth. As he was listed on a freemen list, it stands to reason that he was born before 1613 as a man had to be at least 21 to be considered a free man. Mar 1634: Tax List, Plymouth Colony<ref name=ACMB/> There is no location listed, but it seems likely that he was still living in Plymouth asthe context suggests this is the case. 1636-1653: frequently served on Duxbury grand inquest or other juries after being listed in the freemen list.<ref name=ACMB/>
7 MAR 1636/7, Freeman list, Duxbury, Plymouth<ref name=ACMB/> 26 Jul 1638: supposedly shared cattle among the poor, Plymouth Colony<ref name=ACMB/> The source for this suggests there may be a mistake asat the time of this event, Henry had relocated from Plymouth previously. 1643: listed as able to bear arms, Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts<ref name=ACMB/> 2 Mar 1657/8: fined for entertaining a meeting of Quakers in his house.Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts<ref name=ACMB/> 6 Oct 1659: He and William Newland were sentenced by the court for "being abettors and entertainers of Quakers" in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts<ref name=ACMB/> sentenced "to be disfranchised of their freedome of this corporation....for their being abettors and entertainers ofQuakers." 1 May 1660: fined for permitting a Quaker meeting in his house and "entertaining a forraigne Quaker..." in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts<ref name=ACMB/> Henry was again fined on 1 May 1660, for permitting a Quaker meeting in his house and for "entertaining a forraigne Quaker contrary to the order of the Court," and again fined on 2 October 1660 for entertaining two Quaker meetings. 3 Jun 1668 - Surveyor of highways; suggests that there must have been a change in sentiment for Henry with his reappointment as surveyor in 1668. 8 Mar 1670/1: Will Probated, Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts<ref name=ACMB/>
He died 17 JAN 1671 in Duxbury, Massachusetts<ref>#HQM|Howland Quarterly Magazine: Vol XXVIII, Jan-April 1964, page 6</ref>
Last Will & Testament
:Hennery Howland being week of body, yet a good and perfect memory makes and ordains this to be his last will and Testament as followeth: :::Imprimis. I give and bequeath all my housing, both dwelling house barne with all my lands both vpland and meddow land now lying and being within the Township of Duxburrow unto my sonne Joseph Howland only during my wife's life she shall have and injoy the new Room to herself forher owne self :::2 I give and bequeath to my son John Howland five oxen and two heifers and one horse with all the trappings belonging there to as also a bed with things belonging there to as also my fowling piece. :::3 My will is that my son Joseph Howland out of the fore mentioned houses & lands & cattle shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son Zoeth Howland 20 pounds that is to say 5 pounds by the year till the 20 pounds be paid; as alsoe twelve pence apiece to all his brothers and sisters and their children sviving. :::4 Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah two heifers and two sheep and one mare now running at Apponogansett; as alsoe one bed and bedding there unto belonging :: :5 Item I give unto my son John one muskett :::6 Item I give unto my Elizabeth one cow7 Item I give my old mare now running at Apponogansett unto my son Samuel Howland. :::8 Item I give unto my son Joseph Howland ten acres of meadow land nowlying and being at a place commonly known by the name of the GarnettsNose Marsh :::9 I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary, 10 shillings to be paid out of my estate as yet undisposed of :::10 Item I give unto my daughter Abigail 10 shillings to be paid by myson Joseph who is to sell a barrel of syder and to pay it out of that :::11 I give unto my two sons John and Samuel both of them a barrel of syder :::12 Lastly I give and bequeath unto my loving wife all the rest of my estate both movables and chattelsthat this is my last Will and Testament I here unto sett my hand and seale this 28th day of Nov 1670 :: :Signed and sealed in the presence of: Samuel Nash :: Henery Howland [A Seal] and:: John Sprague.<ref>Howland of Huntingdonshire, England, and Plymouth, Massachusetts</ref> :"Howland, Henry, born England; died Duxbury, Mass., Jan 17, 1671; married Mary Newland; died Duxbury, June 16, 1674. She was a sister of William Newland who came from Lynn in 1637 and settled in Sandwich. She and her brother were Quakers. Henry resided for a while in Plymouth, but became an early settler in Duxbury ?by the bayside, near Love Brewster.' He was a surveyor of highways, and was able to bear arms in 1643. As a Quaker he suffered the persecutions of the times. On April 2, 1659 Henry with 26 others bought of the Indians what is now Freetown, for a few old coats, rugs, iron pots, etc. including "one little kittle. In 1664 he purchased a large portion of land in Mattapoisett (Swansea). Henry was owner of the sixth lot in Freetown. However, his sons, John and Samuel, really became the actual settlers."<ref>Leon Clark Hills, History and Genealogy of the Mayflower Planters and First Comersto Ye Olde Colonie, pg 161</ref>
- Abigail Howland m in Plymouth 13 Dec 1648 John Young (see PCR 8:5)
- Zoeth Howland, m 1656 Abigail
# Samuel, b abt 1638; m bef 2 Jun 1681 (and prob bef 1673) to Mary Sampson# John Howland, b abt 1641; m in Duxbury 29 Jan 1684/5 Mary Walker; d Freetown bef 8 Aug 1687, apparently widowed as administration of his estate was granted to his brother Samuel and the inventory included women's apparel". See BrPR 1:2. - Mary, b abt 1643 m bef 1665 James Cudworth. See NGSQ 75:110.
- Elizabeth, m abt 1668 Jedidiah Allen# Sarah b abt 1645, d in Portsmouth 2 Oct 1712; m in Portsmouth, RI 19Nov 1672 Robert Dennis (NGSQ 75:216)# Joseph, b abt 1649 (not a minor when father wrote his will); m in Hampton 4 MAy 1683 Rebecca Hussey. See NGSQ 75:217.
:Footnotes and citations: <references />
:Source list:* Robert Charles Anderson, "Henry Howland", in The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Vol II, Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society 1995 p. 1016 - 1022.
- Clarence Almon Torrey, "The Howland Ancestry," in The American Genealogist, Vol 14, (1937-8): 214-215. This article cites Boston Evening Transcript, Dec. 16, 1908. 105-113. LINK
- Cutter, William Richard . New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial: A Record of the Achievements..., volume 1. (New York, 1913): 184-186.
- Lainhart, Ann Smith. Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Volume 23, part 1, Family of John Howland, (General Society of Mayflower Descendents: Plymouth, 2004).
- Hubert KInney Shaw, Families of the Pilgrims - John Howland, Boston, MA: Massachusetts Society on Mayflower Descendants, 1955.
- L. M. Howland, "A Sketch of the Howlands," NEHGR; vol 34 (April 1880)pp. 192-194.
- Mayflower History .com * RootsWeb for Henry Howland born 1564* * Savage, James. Space:A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England|A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston, Little, Brown andCompany, 1862) * * Pope, Charles H. Space:The Pioneers of Massachusetts|The Pioneers of Massachusetts (Charles H. Pope, Boston, MA, 221 Columbus Ave., 1900)
- Howland Quarterly Magazine, The Pilgrim John Howland Society,
vol. 1 no. 3 (January 1937): 1. Ancestry of the Pilgrim John Howland. LINK
- records
- William Richard Cutter, A. M., Genealogy - Boston and Eastern Massachusetts, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1908 * Space:Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts|Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts (J. H. Beers & Co., 1912)* Emery, William M. Space:The Howland Heirs|The Howland Heirs (E. Anthony and Sons, Inc., New Bedford, Mass., 1919)
- Jackson, Ron V, Massachusetts Census, 1790-1890. Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes
- Message Board., Our Kingdom Come; Last updated October 10, 2004; Accessed December 2, 2005)
- "Plymouth Colony Its History and People 1620 - 1691" by , Eugene Aubrey Stratton
Came to Plymouth Colony in 1632
The Wood family is twice descended from the Howland family through: pilgrim John Howland and his brother Henry Howland Jr. The branches are joined Ira Wood, son of Samuel Wood and Abiah (Pierce) Wood
Henry Howland, Jr. of Duxbury's Timeline
1604 |
November 24, 1604
Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England (United Kingdom)
November 25, 1604
Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire, England
November 25, 1604
Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England
1620 |
- 1623
Age 15
Drapers Co., London, England (United Kingdom)
1629 |
November 29, 1629
Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America
1632 |
Age 27
1633 |
November 16, 1633
Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
1635 |
Duxbury, Plymouth Colony