Helen Maxwell of Pollok

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Helen Maxwell of Pollok (1300 - d.)

Birthplace: Pollock, Strathclyde, Scotland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Sir Robert Maxwell, 2nd of Pollok and Robert Maxwell of Pollok's wife
Wife of Sir John Maxwell, Lord of Caerlaverock
Mother of Sir Eustace Maxwell, Kt.; Sir Herbert Maxwell, Lord of Caerlaverock; Sir John Maxwell, Kt. and Robert Maxwell
Sister of Sir John Maxwell, 3rd of Pollok

Managed by: Tabitha Sue Sakik Drone
Last Updated:

About Helen Maxwell of Pollok

From Maxwell Society

Sir John Maxwell was with King David at his defeat at Nevilles Cross in October 1346 and was taken prisoner with his king. He died in captivity within the year and his son Sir Herbert became Lord of Maxwell.  Herbert was restored to Caerlaverock by the English king in 1347 having first sworn fealty. In 1353 William, Lord Douglas invaded Galloway and crushed the Balliol supporters finally. Sir Herbert quickly reversed his loyalty to the captive King David and died a few weeks later. He was succeeded by his brother Sir John and the Maxwell Lords were ever loyal to the line of Bruce thereafter. The Balliols then disappear from history and the Douglas family became the principle power in the south-west with an adherent Maxwell family in their train.

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Helen Maxwell of Pollok's Timeline

Dumfriesshire, Scotland
Pollock, Strathclyde, Scotland
Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
Dumfries, Dumfries-shire, Scotland