public profile
Hawise PAYNEL or PAGANEL (1129-1208)
Daughter of Ralph PAYNEL/PAGANEL (1100-1153) and prob. dau. of Robert de FERRERS. She was sister of Gervase Paynel.
b. ABT 1129, Dudley, Worcester, Eng. d. 1208/1209
Married Sir John de SOMERY (1125-1195) and Roger FitzNicholas de Berkeley
from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/enguntps.htm#HawisePaynellM2RogerBe... (April 2020)
HAWISE Paynell (-after 1210). “Hawys Paganella” confirmed donations to Tykford Priory by "Johannes de Sumeri vir meus" by undated charter, witnessed by “Radulfo de Sumeri filio meo”[166]. Smyth records that Roger paid a fine to marry "Hawisia mother of Raph de Somery" in [1196/97][167]. “Hawis Paynel” donated property to Tykford Priory, with the consent of “domini mei Rogeri de Berkele”, for the soul of “Gervasii Paynel fratris mei”, by undated charter[168]. Hawise must have survived her son Ralph [II] de Somery, as shown by a plea in Staffordshire dated 1240 which records that certain land was inherited from "Gervasio Paenel cuidam Hawisie sorori et heredi", and passed from her to her grandsons: "…de iste Radulpho cuidam Willelmi et fratri et heredi, et de Willelmo cuidam Nicholao…filii et heredi, et de Nicholao isti Rogero ut avunculo quia non habuit heredem de corpore sua"[169]. m firstly JOHN de Somery, son of --- (-[1191/92]). m secondly ([1196/97]%29 ROGER de Berkeley, son of NICHOLAS de Berkeley & his wife Alice [de Teckenham] (-1230).
Source. "Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came
to America before 1700",
Frederick Lewis Weis, 1992, seventh edition.
The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of
sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650"
Hawise was also called Hadvisa Paganel. She was the sister of Gervase Paynel.
She was born after 1150. She married Sir John I de Somery before 1180
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p54.htm#i8403 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Roger de Berkeley (-1230) married "Hawisia mother of Raph de Somery" in [1196/97]. “Roger de Berkele” rented a meadow “at Gosintun called Luclemede” to “Maurice de Berkele his nephew” who paid a falcon to Roger and a besant to “Hawise Painel his wife”, by charter dated to the early years of the reign of King Henry III, witnessed by “Robert de Berkele, Eustace and Oliver brothers of the grantor...William de Berkele”. m ([1196/97]%29 as her second husband, HAWISE Paynell, widow of JOHN de Somery, daughter of RALPH Paynell of Dudley & his wife --- (-after 1210). “Hawys Paganella” confirmed donations to Tykford Priory by "Johannes de Sumeri vir meus" by undated charter, witnessed by “Radulfo de Sumeri filio meo”. “Hawis Paynel” donated property to Tykford Priory, with the consent of “domini mei Rogeri de Berkele”, for the soul of “Gervasii Paynel fratris mei”, by undated charter[1372]. Hawise must have survived her son Ralph [II] de Somery, as shown by a plea in Staffordshire dated 1240 which records that certain land was inherited from "Gervasio Paenel cuidam Hawisie sorori et heredi", and passed from her to her grandsons: "…'de iste Radulpho cuidam Willelmi et fratri et heredi, et de Willelmo cuidam Nicholao…filii et heredi, et de Nicholao isti Rogero ut avunculo quia non habuit heredem de corpore sua'". Roger & his wife had one child NICHOLAS de Berkeley (-before 26 May 1262)
1129 |
Dudley Castle Warwickshire, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
1156 |
Dudley, Worcestershire, England, United Kingdom
1208 |
September 1208
Age 79
Dudley Worcestershire, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
1929 |
June 11, 1929
Age 79
June 11, 1929
Age 79
June 11, 1929
Age 79
October 9, 1929
Age 79
October 9, 1929
Age 79