Hélvis, of Rama

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About Hélvis, of Rama

HELVIS of Rama ([1115]-> 1158)
d/o BAUDOUIN Lord of Rama & Stephanie
x c1130 BALIAN [II] (-[1150/52])

  • ERMENGARDE of Ibelin
  • HUGUES of Ibelin
  • BAUDOUIN [I] of I
  • BALIAN of I

xx 1152 Manassès de Hierges, Constable of Jerusalem

  • HELVIS de Hierges ([1153/54]-)
  • ISABELLE de Hierges ([1153/54]-)



d) HELVIS ([1115]-after 1158). The Lignages d'Outremer name "Helvoys" as the daughter of "mesire Baudoyn" & his wife, recording that she married "Belleem a la Barbe"[769]. Another manuscript of the Lignages expands by naming her "Helvis, la seur Phelipe de Naples de mere, qui estoit dame de Rames, fille de Bauduin seignor de Rames"[770]. “Reinerius de Ramis”, fearing death, donated property to “infirmis Sancti Lazari secus muros Jerusalem”, in the presence of “...me Barisano, Hugone...ac Balduino filiis meis, nepotibus ipsius...atque muliere mea, sorore eius”, confirmed by “Barisanus et Hugo ac Balduinus filii mei”, by charter dated 1148[771]. "Balduinus…in sancta Iherusalem Latinorum rex quartus" confirmed the donation by "Hugo de Hybelino et…fratris sui Balduini et sororis sue Hermengardis domine Tiberiadis et matris sue Helois…" to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem by charter dated 14 Jan 1155[772]. The Lignages d'Outremer record her second marriage to "le conestable Manassier" after the death of her first husband[773]. Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1160 under which "Hugo de Ybelino…Ramathensis domino" names "Balduini avi mei"[774], which can only refer to his maternal grandfather as his paternal grandfather's name is deduced as Balian from other sources. William of Tyre describes her as "domini Baliani senioris viduam" when recording her second marriage, and names her brothers "Hugonis, Balduini et Baliani Ramatensium"[775].

m firstly ( [1130] ) BALIAN [Barisanus], son of BALIAN Constable of Jaffa & his wife Helvis --- (-[1150/52]). He built the castle of Ibelin in 1141.

m secondly ( [1152] ) as his first wife, MANASSES de Hierges, son of HERIBRAND de Hierges & his wife Hodierne de Rethel (-[Brogne Abbey] 8 Jan 1176). Constable of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.


Barisan of Ibelin

Around and before 1122 (probably in 1120), his services were rewarded with a marriage to Helvis of Ramla, daughter of Baldwin I of Ramla.

With Helvis, Barisan was the father of:

  • Hugues d'Ibelin, Lord of Ramla
  • Baudoin d'Ibelin, Lord of Mirabel and Ramla
  • Barisan d'Ibelin the Younger (who was known as Balian from the 1160s), Lord of Nablus
  • Ermengardis d'Ibelin (1160/1167), Lady of Tiberias, unmarried and without issue
  • Stephanie d'Ibelin (d. after 1167), unmarried and without issue


  1. Murray, Allan V. The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, a dynastic history 1099-1125. Oxford University Press: 2000. Page 187-188. < Archive.Org > (free ID needed to borrow.)
  2. WikiTree contributors, "Hélvis (Ramla) de Hierges (1110-abt.1158)," WikiTree: The Free Family Tree, (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ramla-1 : accessed 28 February 2025). cites
    1. Étiennette de Naplouse article (in French) on Fr.Wikipedia
    2. Balian's origins are uncertain but he was a European nobleman and Crusader knight. See: Balian d'Ibelin (mort en 1151) article, in French, on Fr.Wikipedia.
    3. See preceding Note.
    4. The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Dynastic History 1099-1125, by Alan V. Murray, pp. 187-188 < GoogleBooks >
    5. Evelyn, Helen. The History of the Evelyn Family (Eveleigh Nash, London, 1915) page 540. < Archive.Org > Balian acquitted himself with much honour and skill in the defence of this place, as did his children after him, up till the time when the town of Ascalon was conquered and temporarily held by the Christians. Balian died in the year 1155. His wife was Helvis, daughter and heiress of Baldwin, Seigneur of Rama and Mirabel.