public profile
The historical Burgundian king Gunther corresponds to the fictional Gunther in the Nibelungenlied and to the fictional Gunnar in Volsunga saga.
Gunther (Gundahar, Gundahari, Latin Gundaharius, Gundicharius, or Guntharius, Old English Gūðhere, Old Norse Gunnarr, anglicised as Gunnar, d. 437) was a historical King of Burgundy in the early 5th century. Legendary tales about him appear in Latin, medieval Middle High German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, especially concerning his relations with Siegfried (Sigurd in Old Norse) and his death by treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
[GUNDAHAR, son of --- (-after [436]). Gundobad King of Burgundy, in the Lex Gundobada, names as his predecessors "Gebicam, Godomarem, Gislaharium, Gundaharium, patrem quoque nostrum et patruum"[1]. It is assumed that this passage should be interpreted as referring to four named individuals and the king´s unnamed father and paternal uncle. The precise relationship with the four named individuals is unknown. It is even possible that there was no family relationship at all. Assuming for the moment that they were related, it is probable that the four are named in chronological order, starting from Gebica as the earliest predecessor. If this hypothesis is correct, Gundahar could have been King Gundobad´s grandfather. However, it is also possible that the four named individuals were contemporaries and not successors, maybe leaders of different Burgundian sub-groups which were later united under the common leadership of King Gundobad´s father after the Burgundians were settled by the Romans near Lake Geneva. Such a situation would recall the likely reality of Frankish leadership at the time the Franks first moved into Gaul (further discussed in the document MEROVINGIAN KINGS), and there appears no reason to suppose that the Burgundian model would in that respect have been any different. If that is correct, the regal title accorded in modern secondary sources to early Burgundian leaders would in practice have reflected few of the attributes which were subsequently linked to kingship. As can be seen there are many uncertainties relating to Gundahar, although he is known to history as GUNDAHAR [King] of the Burgundians. From a chronological point of view, it is probable that the rule of Gundahar was contemporary with the Burgundians´ first crossing into territory west of the River Rhine. Sécretan suggests that the Burgundian settlements at that time extended from Mainz to Strasbourg, with their capital at Worms[2]. However, it is unlikely that the Burgundians imposed any form of centralised administration on this territory. There is little evidence to suggest that any of the so-called barbarian peoples organised themselves into states, and imposed their authority on the indigenous populations, when they first migrated into western Europe. In this respect, Jordanes´s History of the Goths makes an interesting comment when naming “...Burgundiones...” among those who provided soldiers to the Roman army (“Franci, Sarmatæ, Armoriciani, Liticiani, Burgundiones, Saxones, Ripari, Olibriones, quondam milites Romani”)[3]. This passage suggests that the case of the Burgundians was similar to that of the other peoples who lived on the periphery of Roman jurisdiction and who provided many of the military volunteers who served in the Roman army with the later prospect of acquiring Roman citizenship. Idatius records that the rebellion of “Burgundiones” was suppressed by “Romanis duce Aetio”, dated to 436 from the context[4]. The Burgundians were defeated and dispersed by the Huns. The dating of events involving the early Burgundians presents extreme difficulties, the near contemporary primary sources rarely specifying dates. Sécretan discusses the different theories which place the Burgundian defeat by the Huns, and their dispersal into Gaul, anywhere between 436 and the mid-450s[5].
m ---. The name of King Gundahar´s wife is not known.
[King Gundahar & his wife] had [two or more] children:
1. [GUNDIOC [Gondion] (-473).
2. [son%28s%29 . The existence of a paternal uncle or uncles of Gundobad King of Burgundy is confirmed in his Lex Gundobada, which refers to predecessors "...patrem quoque nostrum et patruum"[39].]
Basic Information:
Birth: Unknown. (One user placed his birth at c350 between the Oder and the Vistula in present Western Poland, another suggested Borbetomagus, or present Worms, on the Rhine River. Neither suggestion was backed by a source.)
Baptism: Not applicable, he was pagan.
Marriage: Unknown date and location. Could probably be presumed as Borbetomagus or present Worms.
Death: Borbetomagus, or present Worms, Burgundian Kingdom. He died while defending his capital, as had most of the leadership of the Burgundian kingdom.
Burial: Unknown. Died in battle, so may not have been buried.
Occupation: King of the Burgundians up to 437, succeeding his brother Giselher (whose death date is not known)
Alternate Names: Gundahar, Gundicaire, Gunther, Gundahari, Gundaharius, Gundicharius, Gūðhere, Gunnarr, or Gunnar
Godomar de Bourgogne Roi de Bourgogne was born about 350 in Bourgogne, Marne, Champagne-Ardennes, France. He was married about 370 in France.
He had the following children:
King of the BURGUNDS
Roi des Burgondes -
Koning der Bourgondiërs -
King of the Burgundians
Nació en la actual Borgoña hacia el año 375. Tal parece que se trata de Gunther, el que después quedaría inmortalizado en la Canción de los Nibelungos (ver breve resumen del argumento), y murió a manos de Atila el año 435. Durante su reinado los burgundios estaban instalados en Worms y Spira. A su muerte, se trasladaron a la actual Borgoña.
Birth: abt 0385 Older Vistuala River Region of Germany
Death: abt 0436 Burgundy, Marne, France
Gebicca, ook bekend als Gjúki, Gifica, Gifica, Gibica en Gebicar, was een Bourgondische hoofdeling (koning) vanaf eind 4e eeuw tot zijn dood rond 407. Hij was de vader van Godomar, Giselher en Gundahar
Ten tijde van Gebicca woonden de Bourgondiërs aan de bovenloop van de Main. Zij waren door middel van verdragen verbonden met het Romeinse rijk en leverden soldaten voor het leger.
Gebicca en variaties van zijn naam worden in een aantal gedichten / bronnen genoemd.
From the English Wikipedia page on Gundahar:
Gunther (Gundahar, Gundahari, Latin Gundaharius or Gundicharius, Old English Gūðhere, Old Norse Gunnarr, anglicised as Gunnar) is the German name of a semi-legendary king of Burgundy of the early 5th century. Legendary tales about him appear in Latin, medieval Middle High German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, as well as JRR Tolkien's The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun. All of these sources concern his relations with Siegfried (Sigurd in Old Norse) and his death by treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
Historical information
In 406 the Alans, Vandals, the Suevi, and possibly the Burgundians crossed the Rhine and invaded Gaul. In 411, the Burgundian king Gundahar or Gundicar set up a puppet emperor, Jovinus, in cooperation with Goar, king of the Alans. With the authority of the Gallic emperor that he controlled, Gundahar settled on the left or western (i.e. Roman) bank of the Rhine, between the river Lauter and the Nahe, seizing Worms, Speyer, and Strasbourg. Apparently as part of a truce, the Emperor Honorius later officially "granted" them the land. Olympiodorus of Thebes also mentions a Guntiarios who was called "commander of the Burgundians" in the context of the 411 usurping of Germania Secunda by Jovinus. (Prosper, a. 386)
Despite their new status as foederati, Burgundian raids into Roman upper Gallia Belgica became intolerable and were ruthlessly brought to an end in 436, when the Roman general Flavius Aetius called in Hun mercenaries who overwhelmed the Rhineland kingdom (with its capital at the old Celtic Roman settlement of Borbetomagus, now called Worms) in 437. Gundahar was killed in the fighting, reportedly along with the majority of the Burgundian tribe. (Prosper; Chronica Gallica 452; Hydatius; and Sidonius Apollinaris)
In legend
The destruction of Worms and the Burgundian kingdom by the Huns became the subject of heroic legends that were afterwards incorporated into many works of medieval literature such as the Middle High German epic poem, the Nibelungenlied, where King Gunther and Queen Brünhild hold their court at Worms, and Siegfried comes to woo Gunther's sister Kriemhild. (In Old Norse sources the names are Gunnar, Brynhild, Sigurd and Gudrun as normally rendered in English.)
In the Waltharius, Gibicho and his son Guntharius are kings of the Franks, whereas the king of the Burgundians is named Heriricus who is father to Hiltgunt, the heroine of the story. Hagen appears here as a kinsman of Gibicho and Guntharius, but the relationship is not made explicit. In their combats with Waltharius, Guntharius loses a leg, Hagen loses half his face and one eye, and Waltharius loses a hand. But there is no hint in later tales that Gunther is in any way maimed. Another version of the story of Waltharius and Hiltgunt appears in the Norse Thidreks saga, but in this account Gunther plays no part at all.
Gunther otherwise only appears in tales relating to Siegfried and the fall of the Niflungs. In most texts, such as the Nibelungenlied, Gunther/Gunnar seeks to make Brünhild his wife, but can win her and master her only because the hero Siegfried/Sigurd aids him and takes his place. Siegfried marries Gunther's sister Kriemhild/Gudrun. An impassioned debate between Brünhild and Kriemhild about their respective status leads to the secret that Siegfried had taken Gunther's place being revealed. Gunther then agrees to assist in Siegfried's murder. After Siegfried is murdered, Gunther and his brothers, despite deep suspicions of treachery, accept an invitation from Etzel, or Atli in Old Norse (i.e. Attila the Hun), to visit his court. There Gunther and his brothers were betrayed. In some versions of the story, they were thrown in a snake pit to die, while in others they were killed fighting the Huns and their allies.
According to the Norse poem Atlamal Gunnar remarried after Brynhild's death to a woman named Glaumvor.
King of Burgundy (?–437)
From the English Wikpedia page on Gjúki (apparently Gundahar or Gunther's father):
Gjúki (also Gebicca, Gifica, Gibica, Gebicar, Gibicho or Gippich) was the King of the Burgundians in the late 4th century until his death in or around 407. He was the father of Gundomar I, Giselher, and Gunther.
He is mentioned in Widsith as Gifica and as Gjúki in the eddic poem Atlakviða, where he was the father of Gunnar (see Gunther). As one of the earliest kings of the Nibelungs, the clan is called the Gjúkungar.
In the Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson says that Gjúki was the father of sons Gunnar and Hogni and a daughter Gudrun. Gotthorm (slayer of Sigurd) is his stepson from his wife Grimhild's previous marriage.
The Prose Edda mentions Gudny, a second daughter of Gjúki and Grimhild. In the Gudrunarkvida, this second daughter is named Gullrond.
Gundicar Gebica de Bourgogne King of Burgundy [1]
Hrothildis of the West Goths was born about 373. She married
They had the following children:
ID: I5451Gu16a
- Wagner 1975 "Burgundians, Visigoths, Franks and Lombards":pedigree#27:p#186
PKD RU6-5451Gu16a 2008Oc28
Father: Gundevech Burgundians,king-of-the
Mother: ? Suevi,of-the
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Forrás / Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pkd&id=I5...
Gundohar (? - 436) was tussen 407 en 436 koning van de Bourgonden, een Germaanse stam. Zijn naam wordt ook wel weergegeven als Gundahar, Gundahari, Gundacar (gereconstrueerde namen).
Gundohar was de zoon van Gebicca en volgde deze op als koning. De Bourgonden hadden in 407, toen diverse Germaanse volken de Rijn–grens overschreden de zijde gekozen van de Britse usurpator Constantijn III in plaats van de wettige keizer Honorius. Toen Constantinus III in 411 bij Arles verslagen werd steunde zij aanvankelijk ook de nieuwe usurpator Iovinus, maar onderwierpen zich aan Honorius toen Ivoinus in 413 verslagen werd. Honorius wist de Bourgonden aan zich te binden middels een fouderati verdrag. De Bourgonden werden belast met de verdediging van de Rijn–grens vanaf de Alpen tot Metz en mochten zich blijvend vestigen langs de bovenloop van de Rijn in de Romeinse provincie Germania Superior. Gundobar beschikte over een grote mate van autonomie. Hij stichtte nabij Worms het Bourgondische Rijk toen de Romeinse macht verder in betekenis afnam.
Uiteindelijk zegde Gundohar in 435 het verdrag met de Romeinen en viel het omringende Romeinse gebied binnen. Als reactie hierop zond de Romeinse veldheer een strafexpeditie naar de Bourgonden, voornamelijk bestaande uit Hunnen. Koning Gundohar sneuvelde in de buurt van Worms in een veldslag tegen de Hunnen. Een groot deel van Gundohars volk en zijn gehele familie werd uitgemoord.
Verhalen over hem zijn verschenen in Latijnse, oud Noorse, Germaanse en oud Engelse teksten. De bekendste verhalen waarin Gunther voorkomt zijn het Nibelungenlied en de Thidrekssaga. Hierin staat zijn relatie tot de held Siegfried centraal en zijn uiteindelijke dood aan het hof van Attila de Hun.
Het verhaal dat Gundohar verraden zou zijn door Flavius Aetius of Attila de Hun werd een populair onderwerp voor latere sagen en werd deel van de Siegfriedlegende, verwerkt in het Nibelungenlied en de Thidrekssaga.
Gonthaires Gunderic de Bourgogne King of Burgundy was born 2 about 390 in Bourgogne, France. He died 3 in 473 in Bourgogne, France. He married Caratene de Suevi about 419.
Caratene de Suevi 1 was born 2 about 390 in España. She married 3 Gonthaires Gunderic de Bourgogne King of Burgundy about 419.
They had the following children:
Painting: Gunther orders Hagen to drop the hoard into the Rhine in the Nibelungenlied (by Peter von Cornelius, 1859)
Gunther may not be the ancestor for this line?
Gunther (Gundahar, Gundahari, Latin Gundaharius or Gundicharius, Old English Gūðhere, Old Norse Gunnarr, anglicised as Gunnar) is the German name of a semi-legendary king of Burgundy of the early 5th century. Legendary tales about him appear in Latin, medieval Middle High German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, especially concerning his relations with Siegfried (Sigurd in Old Norse) and his death by treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
Killed by Huns in battle (The Lost Kingdom of Burgundy, by Christopher Cope, Constable & Co,London, 1986).
Killed in battle with Huns, Rhine Valley, Germany
The Lost Kingdom of Burgundy, by Christopher Cope, Constable & Co, London
Roi des Burgondes -
Koning der Bourgondiërs -
King of the Burgundians
Alternative birth dates from merges: 375 / 400
Alternative death dates from merges: 475
Father: Gjúki (also Gebicca, Gifica, Gibica, Gebicar, Gibicho or Gippich), King of the Burgundians (d. 407, named in Widsith and Prose Edda) Mother: Unknown ("the sorceress Grimhild" in legend) Siblings:
1. Gundomar I (d. 411), King of the Burgundians 2. Giselher (d. before 436), King of the Burgundians Spouse:
Unknown (Brunhild in the Nibelungenlied legend) Children:
1. Gundioc or Gundion (d. 473, m. possibly sister of Ricimer), King of the Burgundians Basic Information:
Birth: Unknown. (One user placed his birth at c350 between the Oder and the Vistula in present Western Poland, another suggested Borbetomagus, or present Worms, on the Rhine River. Neither suggestion was backed by a source.)
Baptism: Not applicable, he was pagan.
Marriage: Unknown date and location. Could probably be presumed as Borbetomagus or present Worms.
Death: Borbetomagus, or present Worms, Burgundian Kingdom. He died while defending his capital, as had most of the leadership of the Burgundian kingdom.
Burial: Unknown. Died in battle, so may not have been buried.
Occupation: King of the Burgundians up to 437, succeeding his brother Giselher (whose death date is not known)
c250: Burgundians leave Bornholm in the Baltic Sea and settle in present Pomerania. 369: Emperor Valentinian I pays the Burgundians to attack the Alemanni from their homeland on the Vistula. Shortly after, Fastida, King of the Gepids, attacked from Dacia, driving the Burgundians westward from the Vistula River to the Rhineland. 375: The Hun Empire defeats the Goths, seizing Scythia (present Ukraine). The Gepids likewise submit to the Huns, indicating that Fastida likely carried out his invasion of the Vistula before this time. 406: The Alans, Suevi, and Vandals cross the Rhine River, invading the Roman Empire with intent to seize all of Gaul. Gjuki, King of the Burgundians, might also have taken part in this invasion. 407: Gjuki, King of the Burgundians, dies, possibly in Borbetomagus (present Worms). He is succeeded by his eldest son, Gundomar. 411: Gundomar dies and is succeeded by his brother Giselher. Gundohar of the Burgundians and Goar, King of the Alans, set up Jovinus as a puppet Emperor of Gaul at Mainz wihtin Germania Secunda. 413: Ataulf and Honorius capture Jovinus at Valentia (present Valence), and the would-be Emperor of Gaul is executed at Narbonne. The Burgundians retain their capital at Borbetomagus (present Worms). 435: Flavius Aetius becomes the protector of Roman Gaul. Among his first tasks is to deal with Burgundian raids into Belgica Secunda. 436: Flavius Aetius pays Hun mercenaries to attack the Burgundian Kingdom on the Rhine River. 437: Borbetomagus (present Worms) falls to Hun mercenaries, and Gundahar dies in the fighting. His death marks the end of the first Kingdom of the Burgundians. Flavius Aeitius moves the Burgundians from the Rhineland to Sapaudia, the upper Rhone River basin, present Burgundy. Alternate Names: Gundahar, Gundicaire, Gunther, Gundahari, Gundaharius, Gundicharius, Gūðhere, Gunnarr, or Gunnar
Godomar de Bourgogne Roi de Bourgogne was born about 350 in Bourgogne, Marne, Champagne-Ardennes, France. He was married about 370 in France.
He had the following children:
1. M i Gundicar Gebica de Bourgogne King of Burgundy
King of the BURGUNDS
Roi des Burgondes -
Koning der Bourgondiërs -
King of the Burgundians
Nació en la actual Borgoña hacia el año 375. Tal parece que se trata de Gunther, el que después quedaría inmortalizado en la Canción de los Nibelungos (ver breve resumen del argumento), y murió a manos de Atila el año 435. Durante su reinado los burgundios estaban instalados en Worms y Spira. A su muerte, se trasladaron a la actual Borgoña.
Birth: abt 0385 Older Vistuala River Region of Germany
(Ben M. Angel notes: Oder Vistula region is actually western Poland today. The Oder marks the border between Germany and Poland, and the Vistula (or Wisla) flows through the center of the country to near Gdansk (former Danzig) Death: abt 0436 Burgundy, Marne, France
Gebicca, ook bekend als Gjúki, Gifica, Gifica, Gibica en Gebicar, was een Bourgondische hoofdeling (koning) vanaf eind 4e eeuw tot zijn dood rond 407. Hij was de vader van Godomar, Giselher en Gundahar
Ten tijde van Gebicca woonden de Bourgondiërs aan de bovenloop van de Main. Zij waren door middel van verdragen verbonden met het Romeinse rijk en leverden soldaten voor het leger.
Gebicca en variaties van zijn naam worden in een aantal gedichten / bronnen genoemd.
in het Angelsaksische gedicht Widsith als Gifica en als Gjúki. In het gedicht Atlakviða van de Poëtische Edda werd hij genoemd als de vader was van Gunnar (zie Gundahar) in Proza-Edda, zegt Snorri Sturluson dat Gjúki de vader was Gunnar, Hogni en Gudrun. Hij had ook een vrouw uit een vorig huwelijk, Grimhild en een stiefzoon Gottorn (de doder van Sigurd) en een dochter Gudny, zij wordt ook Gullrond genoemd. in het Nibelungenlied is Gebicca een van de eerste koningen van de Nibelungen, de volk wordt genoemd de Gjúkungar. en zijn naam in de wet van de Bourgonden (Lex Burgundionum)
From the English Wikipedia page on Gundahar:
Gunther (Gundahar, Gundahari, Latin Gundaharius or Gundicharius, Old English Gūðhere, Old Norse Gunnarr, anglicised as Gunnar) is the German name of a semi-legendary king of Burgundy of the early 5th century. Legendary tales about him appear in Latin, medieval Middle High German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, as well as JRR Tolkien's The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun. All of these sources concern his relations with Siegfried (Sigurd in Old Norse) and his death by treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
Historical information
In 406 the Alans, Vandals, the Suevi, and possibly the Burgundians crossed the Rhine and invaded Gaul. In 411, the Burgundian king Gundahar or Gundicar set up a puppet emperor, Jovinus, in cooperation with Goar, king of the Alans. With the authority of the Gallic emperor that he controlled, Gundahar settled on the left or western (i.e. Roman) bank of the Rhine, between the river Lauter and the Nahe, seizing Worms, Speyer, and Strasbourg. Apparently as part of a truce, the Emperor Honorius later officially "granted" them the land. Olympiodorus of Thebes also mentions a Guntiarios who was called "commander of the Burgundians" in the context of the 411 usurping of Germania Secunda by Jovinus. (Prosper, a. 386)
Despite their new status as foederati, Burgundian raids into Roman upper Gallia Belgica became intolerable and were ruthlessly brought to an end in 436, when the Roman general Flavius Aetius called in Hun mercenaries who overwhelmed the Rhineland kingdom (with its capital at the old Celtic Roman settlement of Borbetomagus, now called Worms) in 437. Gundahar was killed in the fighting, reportedly along with the majority of the Burgundian tribe. (Prosper; Chronica Gallica 452; Hydatius; and Sidonius Apollinaris)
In legend
The destruction of Worms and the Burgundian kingdom by the Huns became the subject of heroic legends that were afterwards incorporated into many works of medieval literature such as the Middle High German epic poem, the Nibelungenlied, where King Gunther and Queen Brünhild hold their court at Worms, and Siegfried comes to woo Gunther's sister Kriemhild. (In Old Norse sources the names are Gunnar, Brynhild, Sigurd and Gudrun as normally rendered in English.)
In the Waltharius, Gibicho and his son Guntharius are kings of the Franks, whereas the king of the Burgundians is named Heriricus who is father to Hiltgunt, the heroine of the story. Hagen appears here as a kinsman of Gibicho and Guntharius, but the relationship is not made explicit. In their combats with Waltharius, Guntharius loses a leg, Hagen loses half his face and one eye, and Waltharius loses a hand. But there is no hint in later tales that Gunther is in any way maimed. Another version of the story of Waltharius and Hiltgunt appears in the Norse Thidreks saga, but in this account Gunther plays no part at all.
Gunther otherwise only appears in tales relating to Siegfried and the fall of the Niflungs. In most texts, such as the Nibelungenlied, Gunther/Gunnar seeks to make Brünhild his wife, but can win her and master her only because the hero Siegfried/Sigurd aids him and takes his place. Siegfried marries Gunther's sister Kriemhild/Gudrun. An impassioned debate between Brünhild and Kriemhild about their respective status leads to the secret that Siegfried had taken Gunther's place being revealed. Gunther then agrees to assist in Siegfried's murder. After Siegfried is murdered, Gunther and his brothers, despite deep suspicions of treachery, accept an invitation from Etzel, or Atli in Old Norse (i.e. Attila the Hun), to visit his court. There Gunther and his brothers were betrayed. In some versions of the story, they were thrown in a snake pit to die, while in others they were killed fighting the Huns and their allies.
According to the Norse poem Atlamal Gunnar remarried after Brynhild's death to a woman named Glaumvor.
King of Burgundy (?–437)
Preceded by Giselher Succeeded by Gunderic
From the English Wikpedia page on Gjúki (apparently Gundahar or Gunther's father):
Gjúki (also Gebicca, Gifica, Gibica, Gebicar, Gibicho or Gippich) was the King of the Burgundians in the late 4th century until his death in or around 407. He was the father of Gundomar I, Giselher, and Gunther.
He is mentioned in Widsith as Gifica and as Gjúki in the eddic poem Atlakviða, where he was the father of Gunnar (see Gunther). As one of the earliest kings of the Nibelungs, the clan is called the Gjúkungar.
In the Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson says that Gjúki was the father of sons Gunnar and Hogni and a daughter Gudrun. Gotthorm (slayer of Sigurd) is his stepson from his wife Grimhild's previous marriage.
The Prose Edda mentions Gudny, a second daughter of Gjúki and Grimhild. In the Gudrunarkvida, this second daughter is named Gullrond.
Gundicar Gebica de Bourgogne King of Burgundy [1]
was born [2] about 371 in Bourgogne, France. He died [3] in 436 in Bourgogne, France. He married [4] Hrothildis of the West Goths about 389. Hrothildis of the West Goths was born about 373. She married
1 Gundicar Gebica de Bourgogne King of Burgundy about 389. They had the following children:
1. M i Gonthaires Gunderic de Bourgogne King of Burgundy
ID: I5451Gu16a
Name: Gundobad Burgundians,king-of-the Given Name: Gundobad Surname: Burgundians,king-of-the Sex: M Death: 0516A Note:
- k. of the Burgundians ; 0473A - 0516A
- Wagner 1975 "Burgundians, Visigoths, Franks and Lombards":pedigree#27:p#186
PKD RU6-5451Gu16a 2008Oc28
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [paulkdavis@earthlink.net] Fremont CA Father: Gundevech Burgundians,king-of-the
Mother: ? Suevi,of-the
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
-1. Sigismund Burgundians,king-of-the -2. Godomar Burgundians,king-of-the Forrás / Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pkd&id=I5...
Gundohar (? - 436) was tussen 407 en 436 koning van de Bourgonden, een Germaanse stam. Zijn naam wordt ook wel weergegeven als Gundahar, Gundahari, Gundacar (gereconstrueerde namen).
Gundohar was de zoon van Gebicca en volgde deze op als koning. De Bourgonden hadden in 407, toen diverse Germaanse volken de Rijn–grens overschreden de zijde gekozen van de Britse usurpator Constantijn III in plaats van de wettige keizer Honorius. Toen Constantinus III in 411 bij Arles verslagen werd steunde zij aanvankelijk ook de nieuwe usurpator Iovinus, maar onderwierpen zich aan Honorius toen Ivoinus in 413 verslagen werd. Honorius wist de Bourgonden aan zich te binden middels een fouderati verdrag. De Bourgonden werden belast met de verdediging van de Rijn–grens vanaf de Alpen tot Metz en mochten zich blijvend vestigen langs de bovenloop van de Rijn in de Romeinse provincie Germania Superior. Gundobar beschikte over een grote mate van autonomie. Hij stichtte nabij Worms het Bourgondische Rijk toen de Romeinse macht verder in betekenis afnam.
Uiteindelijk zegde Gundohar in 435 het verdrag met de Romeinen en viel het omringende Romeinse gebied binnen. Als reactie hierop zond de Romeinse veldheer een strafexpeditie naar de Bourgonden, voornamelijk bestaande uit Hunnen. Koning Gundohar sneuvelde in de buurt van Worms in een veldslag tegen de Hunnen. Een groot deel van Gundohars volk en zijn gehele familie werd uitgemoord.
Verhalen over hem zijn verschenen in Latijnse, oud Noorse, Germaanse en oud Engelse teksten. De bekendste verhalen waarin Gunther voorkomt zijn het Nibelungenlied en de Thidrekssaga. Hierin staat zijn relatie tot de held Siegfried centraal en zijn uiteindelijke dood aan het hof van Attila de Hun.
Het verhaal dat Gundohar verraden zou zijn door Flavius Aetius of Attila de Hun werd een populair onderwerp voor latere sagen en werd deel van de Siegfriedlegende, verwerkt in het Nibelungenlied en de Thidrekssaga.
Gonthaires Gunderic de Bourgogne King of Burgundy was born 2 about 390 in Bourgogne, France. He died 3 in 473 in Bourgogne, France. He married Caratene de Suevi about 419.
Caratene de Suevi 1 was born 2 about 390 in España. She married 3 Gonthaires Gunderic de Bourgogne King of Burgundy about 419.
They had the following children:
1. M i Gondobad Gondioc de Bourgogne King of Burgundy
Painting: Gunther orders Hagen to drop the hoard into the Rhine in the Nibelungenlied (by Peter von Cornelius, 1859)
Gunther may not be the ancestor for this line?
Gunther (Gundahar, Gundahari, Latin Gundaharius or Gundicharius, Old English Gūðhere, Old Norse Gunnarr, anglicised as Gunnar) is the German name of a semi-legendary king of Burgundy of the early 5th century. Legendary tales about him appear in Latin, medieval Middle High German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, especially concerning his relations with Siegfried (Sigurd in Old Norse) and his death by treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
Killed by Huns in battle (The Lost Kingdom of Burgundy, by Christopher Cope, Constable & Co,London, 1986).
Killed in battle with Huns, Rhine Valley, Germany
The Lost Kingdom of Burgundy, by Christopher Cope, Constable & Co, London
Roi des Burgondes -
Koning der Bourgondiërs -
King of the Burgundians
Alternative birth dates from merges: 375 / 400
Alternative death dates from merges: 475
http://gw2.geneanet.org/index.php3?b=lrenouard&lang=fr;p=gondahar+o... -------------------- About Gundahar I Gjukungar, Leader of the Burgundians He led the Burgundians across the Rhine in the early 5th century, establishing a kingdom at Worms. The Romans transferred control of the stronghold of Worms—which they called Augusta Vangionum—to the Burgundians, a Germanic tribe immortalized in the Nibelungenlied, or Song of the Nibelungs. King of the Burgunds in Worms, between 413 and 436. Killed in battle against the Huns and Aëtius. This is part of the 12th-century German epic "Nibelungenlied." He became a hero of medieval legends.
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385 |
(Present Germany)
410 |
Kingdom of the Burgundians [Rhineland, Germany]
430 |
436 |
Age 51
Borbetomagus (Present Worms), Kingdom of the Burgundians (Present Germany)
437 |
Age 52
???? |