-http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/normacre.htm#GuillaumeArquesMBeatri... {updated May 2020}
GUILLAUME d'Arques (-[1090]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gunnor" had “excepta Sainfria...duas sorores Wewam et Avelinam”, adding that “tertia...sororum Gunnoris comitissæ” [Aveline, from the context] married “Osberno de Bolebec”, by whom she had “Galterium Giffardum primum et Godefridum patrem Willelmi de Archis”[48]. "Guillelmus et Gislebertus filii Godefredi Archarum vicecomitis" donated land in Montvilla to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated 1059[49]. Vicomte d'Arques. Lord of Folkestone[50]. A charter dated 1080 relates that "Gozelinus vicecomes de Archis…cum coniuge sua et filiis" founded Sainte-Trinité de Rouen and donated property, and that "Willelmus de Archis heres defuncti…avi sui Gozelini" confirmed the donation[51]. [Orderic Vitalis records “Edgarus Adelinus et Robertus Belesmensis atque Guillelmus de Archis monachus Molismensis” as the advisers of Robert [III] Duke of Normandy, dated to [1089][52]. It is possible that the third named person was Guillaume Vicomte d’Arques but no other record has been found that he became a monk at Molesme in Burgundy before he died.]
m BEATRIX Malet, daughter of GUILLAUME [I] Malet & his wife Esilia [Crespin]. “Beatrix soror Roberti Malet” donated property to Eye priory, for the souls of “fratrum meorum Roberti Maleth et Gilberti Malet”, by undated charter[53]. Brown indicates that Beatrix donated Redlingfield to Eye by undated charter which confirms her as husband of "William vicomte of Arques"[54]. “Willielmus de Abrincis miles dominus de Folkestan” confirmed donations to Folkestone priory, including the donations made by "Beatrix post mortem domini sui Willielmi de Archis" of "terram dotis suæ de Newenton" by undated charter[55]. Guillaume & his wife had two children:
Ben M. Angel notes: A large number of the existing online profiles for Guillaume seem to refer to "The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families":
William of Arques has been the subject of an exhaustive study by Professor D. C. Douglas in the introduction to his edition "The Domesday Monacharum of Christ Church Canterbury", where full references are given to the authorities; and it is unnecessary to go over the ground again. Briefly he held Folkestone, Kent, and was the son of Godfrey Vicomte of Arques. The identity of the tenant of Folkstone is established by the fact that it passed to Nigel de Monville who had married his daughter and coheiress Emma. He must not be confused with William of Arques, a monk of Moleme who was a counsellor of Robert Curthose, and still less with William, count of Arques, the uncle of William the Conqueror. The ruined castle of Arques-la-Bataille is well known.
I've tried to "go over that ground again" and seek out D.C. Douglas' "Domesday Monacharum of Christ Church Canterbury," but it isn't available (for free) online. It seems like the passages related to Guillaume would be vital in determining his participation in the Conquest and his relationship with Osbern, who is presumed to be son of Guillaume d'Arques and Beatrice de Bolbec.
The Foundation for Medieval Genealogy's Medlands project has an entry for Guillaume (son of Godfroi, married to Beatrix), but it shows that he had only two daughters (son Osbern is not listed). From the page on Normandy Nobility:
GODEFROI Giffard, 1059, Vicomte d'Arques, married --- de Rouen, daughter of GOZELIN Vicomte de Rouen & his wife Emmeline ---.
Godefroi & his wife had [four] children:
i) GUILLAUME d'Arques .
Guillaume de Jumièges names Guillaume d'Arques as son of Godefroi[527].
"Guillelmus et Gislebertus filii Godefredi Archarum vicecomitis" donated land in Montvilla to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated 1059[528].
Vicomte d'Arques. Lord of Folkestone[529].
A charter dated 1080 relates that "Gozelinus vicecomes de Archis…cum coniuge sua et filiis" founded Sainte-Trinité de Rouen and donated property, and that "Willelmus de Archis heres defuncti…avi sui Gozelini" confirmed the donation[530].
m BEATRIX Malet, daughter of ---. She is named in Domesday Descendants[531] as the mother of Emma d'Arques but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.
Guillaume & his wife had two children:
(a) MATHILDE d'Arques .
Guillaume de Jumièges names Mathilde as daughter of Guillaume d'Arques and wife of "Guillaume de Tancarville le Camérier", and adds that they were parents of one son Rabel[532].
m GUILLAUME de Tancarville, son of RAOUL de Tancarville & his wife Avicia --- (-1129).
(b) EMMA d'Arques (-after 1140).
“Manasses Gisnensis comes et Emma uxor eius…filia Willielmi de Arras” founded Redlingfield priory by charter dated 1120, witnessed by “Widonis fratris mei, Rosæ filiæ meæ”[533]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Emmam filiam Roberti camerarii de Tancarvilla in Normannia, viduam Odonis de Folkestane in Anglia" as wife of "Manasses"[534], which appears to be incorrect. "Manasses Gisnensium comes et Emma comitissa" granted the administration of the church of Saint-Léonard to Saint-Bertin by charter dated 1129[535].
According to Domesday Descendants she became a nun at Saint-Leonard de Guines after the death of her second husband[536].
m firstly NELE de Muneville (-1103). Lord of Folkestone.
m secondly (before 1106) MANASSES Comte de Guines, son of BAUDOUIN Comte de Guines & his wife Adela [Christina] [of Holland] (-Ardres 1137).
3. Guillaume D' ARQUES Vicomte d'Arques (Godfrey DES Viscomte des Arques 2, Godfrey 'des Arques' DE Viscomte des Arques 1) was born about 1035 in Arques, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died about 1086 in Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England about age 51. Guillaume married Beatrice DE BOLBEC (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of Geoffrey DE BOLBEC and Wife of Geoffrey DE (BOLBEC) UNKNOWN, circa 1055. Beatrice was born circa 1035 in Bolbec, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died circa 1060 in Prob Arques-la-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France at age 25.
The Child from this marriage was:
4. i. Osbern D' ARCHES was born about 1059 in Arques, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died about 1116 in Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England about age 57.
Guillaume next married Beatrice 'Beatrix' MALET (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of William I MALET Sheriff Of York, Seigneur de Graville and Hesilia 'Elise' CRISPIN, circa 1065. Beatrice was born circa 1047 in Graville, St Honorine, Normandy, France and died of Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England.
The Child from this marriage was:
5. i. Emma D' ARQUES Heiress of Folkstone was born circa 1070 in Prob Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England and died of Folkstone, Kent, England
Geoffrey DE BOLBEC (Osbern II DE 1) was born about 1015 in Bolbec, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died in Bolbec, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France. Geoffrey married Wife of Geoffrey DE (BOLBEC) UNKNOWN circa 1034. Wife was born circa 1015 and died of Bolbec, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France.
Children from this marriage were:
3. i. Beatrice DE BOLBEC (Geoffrey DE 2, Osbern II DE 1) was born circa 1035 in Bolbec, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died circa 1060 in Prob Arques-la-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France at age 25. Beatrice married Guillaume D' ARQUES Vicomte d'Arques (See Link for Ancestry), son of Godfrey DES ARQUES Viscomte des Arques and Amelie DE ROUEN, circa 1055. Guillaume was born about 1035 in Arques, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died about 1086 in Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England about age 51
4. ii. Hugh DE BOLBEC was born about 1036 in Bolbec, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died after 1086 in Hartwell, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England.
See the Guillaume D' ARQUES Vicomte d'Arques Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
1035 |
Arques-la-Bataille, Département de la Seine-Maritime, Région Haute-Normandie, France
1075 |
Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1080 |
Arques La Bataille, Seine Inferieure, Normandie, France
1086 |
October 14, 1086
Age 51
Thorp Arch, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, (Present UK)