Immediate Family
About Georges de Bettencourt
En 1402 redescubrió las Islas Canarias. Volvió a España con Jean de Bethencourt y se estableción en Valladolid.
Georges de Bethencourt (Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean). Genea Portugal traces this line back differently, indicating that Georges' (or Jorge's) father was an unknown Bettencourt, son of João III de Bettencourt and Maria de Braquemont. He was also known as Dom Jorge Betancur. He was also known as Jorge de Bettencourt. He was also known as Jorge de Bethencourt. He was born circa 1390 at France. In 1402 he discovered (or more properly re-discovered) the Canary Islands with his kinsmen. On 9 May 1405 he left with his kinsman Jean de Bethencourt on the second journey to the Canary Islands, but did not remain there long. He returned to Spain with Jean de Bethencourt and settled in Valladolid, taking care of the interests of the Canary Islands with the king. He married Elvira Gonçalvez de Avilla, daughter of Estevan Dominguez de Ávila and Ximena Blasquez, at Valladolid, Castile. He and Elvira Gonçalvez de Avilla were the ancestors of the Bethencourt Àvila line.
Elvira Gonçalvez de Avilla listed with the name Maria in the Nobiliário as the daughter of Gil Gonçalvez de Avilla and listed again with the name Elvira as the sister of Gil Gonçalvez de Avilla; both names are listed as the wife of Dom Jorge Betancur. She was also known as Elvira d' Ávila.55 She was also known as Dona Elvira de Ávila. Information on the descendants found in the genealogical manuscript by Coelho Borges on fol. 19v.28 She was also known as Maria Gonçalvez de Avilla. She was also known as Elvira Gonçalves de Ávila. She was born circa 1390 at Castile. She and Gil Gonçalvez de Avilla were apparently brother and sister although the Nobiliário de Famílias lists them as father and daughter with the possibility of being brother and sister.
Children of Georges de Bethencourt and Elvira Gonçalvez de Avilla were as follows:
- + 41 i. João Sanchez Ávila de Bethencourt was born circa 1410 at Ávila, Castile. He married Maria Vaz de Badilho at Ávila, Castile.
- 42 ii. António Alvarez de Avilla was born circa 1420 at Castile.
in: Bettencourts 1200-2000 - Generation Eight. <http://web.meganet.net/bettenco/bett0008.htm#id19464>
Notas individuais:
Georges de Bethencourt passou em Castela com seu tio e seu irmão, parece ter permanecido em Valladolid para tratar dos assuntos de seu tio, e casou-se com Elvira de Ávila, filha de Esteban Dominguez de Ávila, senhor de Navas e Cespedoza , na Galiza . Teve descendentes do ilustre Bettencourt nas ilhas da Graciosa e Terceira.
Livro "Clerigos Rocha de Borba" de Liduino Borba e Joao de Brito Meneses
Georges de Bettencourt's Timeline
1389 |
January 9, 1389
França (France)
1400 |
Ávila, CL, Spain
1410 |
Ávila, Ávila, Castile and León, Spain
1440 |
???? |
???? |
Segovia, Castile and León, Spain
???? |
Segovia, Segovia, Castile and León, Spain