GALIENA de Dammartin
(-after 1220). She was heiress of her paternal grandfather's estates by 1197. King John confirmed that "Johannes Briewerr" held "terram q fuit Willi de Danmartin…cum Galiena filia eiusdem" by charter dated 28 Feb 1200[50]. King John confirmed "feod i militis in Meldesham…" held by "Johs Briwerr…cum filia et herede Willi de Danmartin" to "Willelmo Briw" by charter dated 22 Mar 1205[51]. The Testa de Nevill includes a writ of King John dated 1212 which records that King Henry I granted "Mendlesh" in Suffolk to "Odoni de Danmartin" and that it was then held by "Roberto…de Burgate…cum uxore sua heredi Willelmi de Danmartin"[52]. King John granted "feodum uni militis in Heldesham quod Johannes Briwer teneit cum predicta filia et herede Willelmi de Danmartin" to "Willelmo Briwerr" on the marriage of "Roberto de Burgat" and "Galienam filiam et heredem Willelmi Danmartin" dated 16 Mar 1215[53].
m firstly (before 28 Feb 1200) JOHN Briwere, son of --- (-before 22 Mar 1205).
m secondly ([16 Mar 1215]) ROBERT de Burgate, son of --- (-1220).
m thirdly ERNALD de Mandeville, son of ---.
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Stoke, Devonshire, England