public profile
ID: I6898 Name: Caius Julius I of Rome Caesar Given Name: Caius Julius I of Rome Surname: Caesar Sex: M _UID: C70B2AFA5118D811BE490080C8C142CC6612
Change Date: 26 Nov 2005 Death: Y Father: Sextus Julius Caesar
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown Children Caius Julius II of Rome Caesar
Forrás / Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jdp-fam&i...
Lucius Julius Caesar I
Son of Numerius Julius Caesar and father to Sextus Julius Caesar I. Lucius was a great-grandson to Lucius Julius Libo.
Gaius Julius Caesar I was the son of Sextus Julius Caesar I, and the father of Gaius Julius Caesar II. He was Praetor in 166 BC under the nomen Lucius.
biographical and/or anecdotal:
notes or source: HBJ
-205 |
Rome, Itlay
-166 |
Age 38
Rome, Itlay
-163 |
Rome, Rome, Latium, Roman Empire
???? |