Immediate Family
About Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians
Birth year 949 seems too late.
- From Hungarian version: Géza nagyfejedelem
- Született kb. 949, Elhunyt 997
- Édesapja Taksony fejedelem, Édesanyja Tonuzoba fejedelem lánytestvére (?)
- Testvére: Mihály
- ∞Sarolt, Gyula vajda lánya (a Varsói Krónika szerint ∞ Adelhaid esetleg 2. házasság, de a magyar tört. tud. nem tartja helytállónak)
- Gyermekei
- Judit ∞ Vitéz Boleszláv
- N∞ Gavril-Radomir
- I. István († 1038)
- Ilona Orseolo Ottó velencei dózse, gyerekük I. Péter király
- Sarolt ∞ N kabar – főember, gyerekük Aba Sámuel
- From English version: Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians
- Lived: (c. 945 – 997)
- Father: Taksony, Mother: Unknown relative of -Pecheneg- Tonuzaba; or a Bulgar woman
- ∞972: Sarolta (He repudiated his first wife Sarolta shortly after 975)
- Margareth (? – after 988), wife of the future Tsar Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria
- King Stephen I of Hungary (967/969/975 – 15 August 1038)
- ∞∞ c. 985 Adelajda sister of Prince Mieszko I of Poland
- Judith (about 977 – ?), wife of the future King Boleslaw I of Poland
- Gizella (about 980 – after 1026), wife of Otto Orseolo, Doge of Venice
- Sarolta (about 983 – ?), wife of the future King Samuel Aba of Hungary
from thePeerage
Geisa Arpád, King of Hungary d. 997
- Geisa Arpád, King of Hungary was created King Geisa of Hungary circa 970. (1)
- Children of Geisa Arpád, King of Hungary
- -1. unknown daughter Arpád+ (1); her son Peter, King of Hungary1 d. c 1047
- -2. unknown daughter Arpád (1); ∞ Samuel Aba, King of Hungary
- -3. St. Stephen I Arpád, King of Hungary+ b. bt 969 - 975, d. 1038 (1)
Géza ∞ Sarolt(a) gyermekei:
- ism. lány ∞ Vitéz Boleszló
- ism. lány ∞ Gavil Radomir
- Vajk, I. (SZENT) ISTVÁN ∞ Gizella
- ism. lány ∞ Orseolo Péter
- ism. lány ∞ Aba Sámuel
Magyar Katolikus Lexikon > G > Géza Géza, Geyza, Gyeücsa (940 táján-997): magyar nagyfejedelem (ur. kb. 970-997). - Taksony nagyfejedelem fia. Apját még pogány szert-sal temették el, de ~ uralkodása elejétől megkezdte Mo. népének római katolikus hitre téríttetését. Házasságaiból (1. felesége Sarolt, a 2. Zjemomysl lengy. fejed. leánya, Adelhaid, ~ öccse, Mihály özvegye) 5 leány és Vajk (a keresztségben István) fia született. 973. III: ... Pelcz, Johannes: Hungaria sub Geisa, sive historica de rebus Gesiae... Sopron, 1769. - Pauler I:16. - Századok 1907:585. (Fiók Károly: ~ fejed. neve és az Árpád-család névlajstroma Konstantinos Porphyrogenetosnál); 758. (Bleyer Jakab: Néhány megjegyzés Fiók K-nak „~ fejed. nevéről” szóló ért-éhez); 862. (Fiók Károly: ~ fejed. nevéről. Feleletül Bleyer J. megjegyzéseire); 865. (Bleyer Jakab: Végszó) - Bibó István: Nomád népek lángelméi. ~ és Sarolt. Szeged, 1933. - Csóka J. Lajos: A m-ok és a kerség ~ fejed. korában. Bp., 1938. (Klny. Szt István emlékkv.) - Vajay Szabolcs: Grossfürst Geysa von Ungarn. Familie u. Verwandtschaft. München, 1962. - MÉL I:594. - Dümmerth 1977:125. - Kristó-Makk 1988:26.
Géza of Hungary
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Géza (c. 945 – 997), Grand Prince of the Magyars (before 972 - 997)[1].
Géza was the son of Taksony of Hungary, Grand Prince of the Magyars and his Pecheneg or Bulgar wife[2]. Géza's marriage with Sarolt, the daughter of Gyula of Transylvania, was arranged by his father.
After his father's death (before 972), Géza followed him as Grand Prince of the Magyars. Shortly afterwards, a Benedictine monk of the Abbey of Sankt Gallen, Bruno, who had been ordained Bishop of the Magyars, arrived to his court where he baptised Géza. His Christian name was Stephen (Hungarian: István).
Although Géza probably never became a convinced Christian, during his rule Christianity began to spread among the Magyars. According to Thietmar of Merseburg, Géza continued to worship pagan gods; a chronicle claims that when he was questioned about this he stated he is rich enough to sacrifice to both the old gods and the new one.
In 973, twelve illustrious Magyar envoys, whom probably Géza had assigned, participated in the Diet held by Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.
In 983, when Henry II, Duke of Bavaria rebelled against the then child Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor, the Magyars occupied Melk. However, Melk was reoccupied, already in 985, by Leopold I, Margrave of Austria. When Henry II lead his armies to the Vienna Basin in 991, the Magyars were obliged to evacuate the territories West of the Leitha (Hungarian:Lajta) River.
Géza arranged the marriage of his son Stephen I of Hungary to Giselle of Bavaria, the daughter of Henry II. He started the construction of the Abbey of Pannonhalma.
Marriage and children
before 972: Sarolt, a daughter of kangar Gyula of Transylvania (? – after 997)
- Judith (? – after 988), wife of the future King Boleslaw I of Poland
- Margareth (? – after 988), wife of the future Tsar Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria
- King Stephen I of Hungary (967/969/975 – 15 August 1038)
- Maria (? – after 1026), wife of Otto Orseolo, Doge of Venice
- Gizella (? – ?), wife of the future King Samuel Aba of Hungary
Kristó, Gyula - Makk, Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996)
Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon (9-14. század), főszerkesztő: Kristó, Gyula, szerkesztők: Engel, Pál és Makk, Ferenc (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1994)
^ His name was possibly "Gyeücsa" or "Gyécsa" in Old Hungarian.
^ The Gesta Hungarorum mentions that Géza's father married a woman "of the territories of the Cumans", but the Cumans had not crossed the Volga River before the 11th century.
from EuWeb
The Magyars were a nomadic tribe who plundered Europe in late 9th/early 10th centuries
One Ügyek; m.Emese, dau.of Pr Önedbelia of Dentümoger; they had a son:
Álmos, *820, +Transylvania ca 895, had a son:
Árpád, Prince of Hungary, +907; he settled in what is now Hungary in about 900, though they continued to ravage western Europe til their defeat by Emperor Otto I in 955. He had issue:
- ...
- A5. Zaltas (Zoltán), Prince of Hungary (907-948)
- B1. Taksony, Prince of Hungary (955-ca 972), *ca 905, +ca 972
- C1. Géza, Great Prince of Hungary (ca 972-997), *ca 945, +1.2.997; 1m: ca 967 Sarolta (repudiated shortly after 975, +after 988), dau.of Prince Gyula of Transylvania; 2m: ca 985 Adelajda (+after 997), widow of his brother Michael
- D1. [1m.] Judith, +after 987; m.985 (div 987) King Boleslav I of Poland (*967 +17.6.1025)
- D2. [1m.] a daughter; m.shortly before 985 Sizzo, Count in Thuringia
- D3. [1m.] a daughter, +after 988; m.987 (he repudiated her 988) Gabriel-Radomir, Tsar of the Bulgarians
- D4. [1m.] Saint István I (Stephen I), Prince of Hungary (997-1000), in 1000 became King of Hungary (1000-38) and the first Hungarian ruler to become a Christian, cr 25.12.1000/1.1.1001, canonised 20.8.1083, *969/75, +15.8.1038, bur Székesfehérvár; m.996 Gisela of Bavaria (*985, +7.5.1065)
- ...
- D5. [2m.] Skolasztika, a nun
- D6. Maria, +1026; m.1009 Otone Orseolo, Doge of Venice
- D7. [2m.] a daughter; m.1005/10 Sámuel Aba, King of Hungary (1041-44), +murdered 1044, bur Abasár
- ...
- C2. Mihály (Michael), Duke between March and Gran, +ca 978/before 997; m.Adelajda of Poland (+after 997) dau./sister of Pr Mieszko I of Poland
- C1. Géza, Great Prince of Hungary (ca 972-997), *ca 945, +1.2.997; 1m: ca 967 Sarolta (repudiated shortly after 975, +after 988), dau.of Prince Gyula of Transylvania; 2m: ca 985 Adelajda (+after 997), widow of his brother Michael
- B1. Taksony, Prince of Hungary (955-ca 972), *ca 905, +ca 972
from MedLands
GÉZA, son of TAKSONY Prince of Hungary & his wife --- [Pss of the Kumans] ([940/45]-1 Feb 997). The Chronicon Varadiense names "dux Geisa, pater B. Stephani, secundus…Michael dux" as the two sons of "Toxin"[275]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska names "Geyzan, Mychlemum et caluum Ladislaum" as the three sons of "Thoxon"[276]. The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "Geysam, quantum ducem Hungarie" as son of "dux Tocsun"[277]. He succeeded his father in [970] as Prince of Hungary. He sent ambassadors to the court of Emperor Otto I, with whom he established friendly relations. Géza was baptised in 974 as ISTVÁN [Stephen] by priests sent by Pilgrim Bishop of Passau, although he appears to have adopted Christianity more for political expediency than religious conviction as he never renounced his pagan beliefs entirely, declaring himself, according to Macartney, "rich enough to afford two gods" (although this alleged quote may represent an inaccurate report of comments by Thietmar, see below)[278]. He continued to use his pre-baptismal name Géza. He centralised Magyar government, based at Esztergom, where his bodyguard consisted of Bavarian knights. The alliance with Bavaria was confirmed after the accession in 985 of Duke Heinrich II, and sealed by the marriage of Duke Heinrich's daughter to Géza's heir in 996[279]. Thietmar names "Deuvix" as father of King István, describing him as "very cruel…when becoming a Christian…he turned his rage against his reluctant subjects [and] sacrificed both to the omnipotent God and to various false gods. When reproached by his priest for doing so, he maintained that the practice had brought him great wealth and power"[280]. The Chronicon Posoniense records the death in 998 of "Geyza princeps Ungarorum"[281].
m firstly ([967], repudiated shortly after 975) SAROLT of Transylvania, daughter of GYULA Prince of Transylvania & his wife --- ([954]-after 988). The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "una…Caroldu et altera Saroltu" as the two daughters of "Geula", specifying that the Sarolt was mother of "sancti regis Stephani"[282]. Thietmar names "Beleknegini, the name means beautiful lady in Slavonic" as wife of "Deuvix", commenting that she "drank immoderately and rode a horse like a warrior" adding that "once in a fit of anger she killed a man"[283]. The primary source which confirms her name and parentage has not yet been identified. She had been baptised into the Orthodox faith by Bishop Hierotheos at her father's court[284]. Her marriage may have been arranged by her father to build an alliance against the more powerful Bulgars[285].
m secondly ([985]%29 as her second husband, ADELAJDA [Adleta] of Poland, widow of his brother MIHÁLY of Hungary Duke between March and Gran, daughter of [ZIEMOMYS%C5%81 Duke in Poland] & his [second wife ---] ([950/60]-after 997). The Annales Kamenzenses record that "Mesco…rex Polanorum…sororem…Atleydem" married "Iesse rex Ungarie" by whom she was mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie"[286]. The Breve chronicon Silesiæ names "Adilheidem" as sister of "primo dux Mesco", adding that she married "Jesse rex Ungarie" and that she was the mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie" born in 975[287]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska records that "Iesse" married "sororem Meschonis ducis…Athleitam", adding that she was a Christian and converted her husband to Christianity[288]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[289], Adelajda was the daughter not sister of Mieszko I Prince of Poland, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. If this is correct, she was an otherwise unrecorded daughter by his first wife (name not known), assuming that Prince Mieszko's marriage to Dobroslawa of Bohemia is correctly dated to 965. Adelajda's birth date range is estimated from the supposed dates of birth of her two sons by her first husband (before his death in [976/78]) and of her three known daughters by her second marriage after [985]. The date range appears chronologically more consistent with her having been the daughter, rather than sister, of Mieszko, but this would be in direct contradiction to the sources quoted above. If she was Mieszko's sister, it is likely that they did not share the same mother, assuming that the estimated birth dates of Mieszko and Adelajda are both accurate. It is probable that her second marriage was arranged in accordance with the Magyar tradition that the oldest male relative should marry the widow of a deceased relative (originally polygamously) and take care of his children.
Prince Géza & his first wife had [three] children:
- 1. [daughter ([969]-after 987). ... m (end 985, divorced [986/87]%29 as his second wife, BOLESŁAW of Poland, son of MIESZKO I Prince of Poland & his second wife Dobrava [Dobroslawa] of Bohemia ([967]-17 Jun 1025).
- 2. [daughter ([971]-). ... m (shortly before 985) [SIZZO] Graf in Thuringia & his wife ---.]
- 3. daughter ([973]-after 988). ... m (987, repudiated 988) as his first wife, GAVRIIL RADOMIR of the Bulgarians, son of SAMUIL Tsar of the Bulgarians & his wife Agatha Chryselia (-murdered Autumn 1015). Prince Géza & his [first/second] wife had one child:
- 4. VAJK (Esztergom [967/75]-Buda 15 Aug 1038, bur Székesfehérvár). ... István received a royal crown from Pope Sylvester II and was crowned ISTVÁN I King of Hungary 25 Dec 1000 or 1 Jan 1001. - see below. Prince Géza & his second wife had [three] children:
- 5. daughter ([987]-). ... m SHABA [leader of the Kabars], son of ---. Comes palatii [Palatine][297] of King István in 1001. Shaba & his wife had one known child:
- a) ABA (-murdered Feldebrö [Jul/Aug] 1044, bur Sáros Abbey). ...
- 6. daughter ([989]-1026). ... m (1009) PIETRO OTTONE Orseolo, son of PIETRO Orseolo II Doge of Venice & his wife Maria --- ([989]-Constantinople 1031). - see below (after the descendants of King István I).
- 7. [daughter . ... She became a nun as SCHOLASTICA. Abbess of Somlóvàsárhely.]
KRISTÓ GYULA SZENT ISTVÁN KIRÁLY (összefoglaló a hosszú tanulmányból) 'A felmenők' részből
- Géza apja: Taksony; Taksony felesége volgai bolgár (esetleg besenyő vagy kazár) nő lehetett. (Bolgár betelepülőkről és Tonuzoba vezérről is említést tesz a cikk, de nem foglal állást G. anyja személyéről)
- Géza felesége Sarolt, Gyula leánya. Géza és Sarolt valamikor a 970-es években köthetett házasságot.
- Gyerekek:
- ism. lány (sz.~970) ∞ 988 Vitéz Boleszló (a lányt nem tekinti a cikk Géza és Sarolta lányának)
- ism. lány (sz.~980) ∞ Gavril Radomir
- Vajk
- ism. lány (sz.~990) ∞ 1009 Orseolo Ottó
- ism. lány ∞ Aba Sámuel
- ism. lány ∞ N (Günther apja) - István Günthernek esetleg anyai nagybátyja volt, de lehet hogy István feleségén Gizellán keresztül voltak rokonok (István nagyobbik legendája) is szól Güntherről, de csak mint István társát említi a mennyek országában, a köztük levő esetleges szoros rokoni kapcsolatról hallgat. Ez azt sugallja, hogy Günther ereiben nem folyt magyar vér.
See also:
tytuł - książę węgierski około 970 r.
urodzony - około 950 r. zmarł - 01.02.0997 r. dynastia - Arpadowie
Gejza przyjął chrzest w 974 r.
Rodzice :
ojciec - Toksys
matka - Kumanka
1 . żona - Sarolta od : przed 0972 r. Potomstwo z tego związku 1 . syn - Stefan I Święty 2 . córka - Węgierka 3 . córka - Maria
2 . żona - Adelajda od : 0974 r. (nie wszystkie źródła podają te małżeństwo) Potomstwo z tego związku 1 . córka - NN
GÉZA 970-997
GÉZA, son of TAKSONY Prince of Hungary & his wife --- [Pss of the Kumans] ([940/45]-1 Feb 997). The Chronicon Varadiense names "dux Geisa, pater B. Stephani, secundus…Michael dux" as the two sons of "Toxin"[275]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska names "Geyzan, Mychlemum et caluum Ladislaum" as the three sons of "Thoxon"[276]. The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "Geysam, quantum ducem Hungarie" as son of "dux Tocsun"[277]. He succeeded his father in [970] as Prince of Hungary. He sent ambassadors to the court of Emperor Otto I, with whom he established friendly relations. Géza was baptised in 974 as ISTVÁN [Stephen] by priests sent by Pilgrim Bishop of Passau, although he appears to have adopted Christianity more for political expediency than religious conviction as he never renounced his pagan beliefs entirely, declaring himself, according to Macartney, "rich enough to afford two gods" (although this alleged quote may represent an inaccurate report of comments by Thietmar, see below)[278]. He continued to use his pre-baptismal name Géza. He centralised Magyar government, based at Esztergom, where his bodyguard consisted of Bavarian knights. The alliance with Bavaria was confirmed after the accession in 985 of Duke Heinrich II, and sealed by the marriage of Duke Heinrich's daughter to Géza's heir in 996[279]. Thietmar names "Deuvix" as father of King István, describing him as "very cruel…when becoming a Christian…he turned his rage against his reluctant subjects [and] sacrificed both to the omnipotent God and to various false gods. When reproached by his priest for doing so, he maintained that the practice had brought him great wealth and power"[280]. The Chronicon Posoniense records the death in 998 of "Geyza princeps Ungarorum"[281].
m firstly ([967], repudiated shortly after 975) SAROLT of Transylvania, daughter of GYULA Prince of Transylvania & his wife --- ([954]-after 988). The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "una…Caroldu et altera Saroltu" as the two daughters of "Geula", specifying that the Sarolt was mother of "sancti regis Stephani"[282]. Thietmar names "Beleknegini, the name means beautiful lady in Slavonic" as wife of "Deuvix", commenting that she "drank immoderately and rode a horse like a warrior" adding that "once in a fit of anger she killed a man"[283]. The primary source which confirms her name and parentage has not yet been identified. She had been baptised into the Orthodox faith by Bishop Hierotheos at her father's court[284]. Her marriage may have been arranged by her father to build an alliance against the more powerful Bulgars[285].
m secondly ([985]%29 as her second husband, ADELAJDA [Adleta] of Poland, widow of his brother MIHÁLY of Hungary Duke between March and Gran, daughter of [ZIEMOMYS%C5%81 Duke in Poland] & his [second wife ---] ([950/60]-after 997). The Annales Kamenzenses record that "Mesco…rex Polanorum…sororem…Atleydem" married "Iesse rex Ungarie" by whom she was mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie"[286]. The Breve chronicon Silesiæ names "Adilheidem" as sister of "primo dux Mesco", adding that she married "Jesse rex Ungarie" and that she was the mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie" born in 975[287]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska records that "Iesse" married "sororem Meschonis ducis…Athleitam", adding that she was a Christian and converted her husband to Christianity[288]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[289], Adelajda was the daughter not sister of Mieszko I Prince of Poland, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. If this is correct, she was an otherwise unrecorded daughter by his first wife (name not known), assuming that Prince Mieszko's marriage to Dobroslawa of Bohemia is correctly dated to 965. Adelajda's birth date range is estimated from the supposed dates of birth of her two sons by her first husband (before his death in [976/78]) and of her three known daughters by her second marriage after [985]. The date range appears chronologically more consistent with her having been the daughter, rather than sister, of Mieszko, but this would be in direct contradiction to the sources quoted above. If she was Mieszko's sister, it is likely that they did not share the same mother, assuming that the estimated birth dates of Mieszko and Adelajda are both accurate. It is probable that her second marriage was arranged in accordance with the Magyar tradition that the oldest male relative should marry the widow of a deceased relative (originally polygamously) and take care of his children.
Prince Géza & his first wife had [three] children:
1. [daughter ([969]-after 987). ... m (end 985, divorced [986/87]%29 as his second wife, BOLESŁAW of Poland, son of MIESZKO I Prince of Poland & his second wife Dobrava [Dobroslawa] of Bohemia ([967]-17 Jun 1025). 2. [daughter ([971]-). ... m (shortly before 985) [SIZZO] Graf in Thuringia & his wife ---.] 3. daughter ([973]-after 988). ... m (987, repudiated 988) as his first wife, GAVRIIL RADOMIR of the Bulgarians, son of SAMUIL Tsar of the Bulgarians & his wife Agatha Chryselia (-murdered Autumn 1015). Prince Géza & his [first/second] wife had one child:
4. VAJK (Esztergom [967/75]-Buda 15 Aug 1038, bur Székesfehérvár). ... István received a royal crown from Pope Sylvester II and was crowned ISTVÁN I King of Hungary 25 Dec 1000 or 1 Jan 1001. - see below. Prince Géza & his second wife had [three] children:
5. daughter ([987]-). ... m SHABA [leader of the Kabars], son of ---. Comes palatii [Palatine][297] of King István in 1001. Shaba & his wife had one known child: a) ABA (-murdered Feldebrö [Jul/Aug] 1044, bur Sáros Abbey). ... 6. daughter ([989]-1026). ... m (1009) PIETRO OTTONE Orseolo, son of PIETRO Orseolo II Doge of Venice & his wife Maria --- ([989]-Constantinople 1031). - see below (after the descendants of King István I). 7. [daughter . ... She became a nun as SCHOLASTICA. Abbess of Somlóvàsárhely.]
About Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians (Hungarian)
- From Hungarian version: Géza nagyfejedelem
- Született kb. 949, Elhunyt 997
- Édesapja Taksony fejedelem, Édesanyja Tonuzoba fejedelem lánytestvére (?)
- Testvére: Mihály
- ∞Sarolt, Gyula vajda lánya (a Varsói Krónika szerint ∞ Adelhaid esetleg 2. házasság, de a magyar tört. tud. nem tartja helytállónak)
- Gyermekei
- Judit ∞ Vitéz Boleszláv
- N∞ Gavril-Radomir
- I. István († 1038)
- Ilona Orseolo Ottó velencei dózse, gyerekük I. Péter király
- Sarolt ∞ N kabar – főember, gyerekük Aba Sámuel
- From English version: Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians
- Lived: (c. 945 – 997)
- Father: Taksony, Mother: Unknown relative of -Pecheneg- Tonuzaba; or a Bulgar woman
- ∞972: Sarolta (He repudiated his first wife Sarolta shortly after 975)
- Margareth (? – after 988), wife of the future Tsar Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria
- King Stephen I of Hungary (967/969/975 – 15 August 1038)
- ∞∞ c. 985 Adelajda sister of Prince Mieszko I of Poland
- Judith (about 977 – ?), wife of the future King Boleslaw I of Poland
- Gizella (about 980 – after 1026), wife of Otto Orseolo, Doge of Venice
- Sarolta (about 983 – ?), wife of the future King Samuel Aba of Hungary
from thePeerage
Geisa Arpád, King of Hungary d. 997
- Geisa Arpád, King of Hungary was created King Geisa of Hungary circa 970. (1)
- Children of Geisa Arpád, King of Hungary
- -1. unknown daughter Arpád+ (1); her son Peter, King of Hungary1 d. c 1047
- -2. unknown daughter Arpád (1); ∞ Samuel Aba, King of Hungary
- -3. St. Stephen I Arpád, King of Hungary+ b. bt 969 - 975, d. 1038 (1)
Géza ∞ Sarolt(a) gyermekei:
- ism. lány ∞ Vitéz Boleszló
- ism. lány ∞ Gavil Radomir
- Vajk, I. (SZENT) ISTVÁN ∞ Gizella
- ism. lány ∞ Orseolo Péter
- ism. lány ∞ Aba Sámuel
Magyar Katolikus Lexikon > G > Géza Géza, Geyza, Gyeücsa (940 táján-997): magyar nagyfejedelem (ur. kb. 970-997). - Taksony nagyfejedelem fia. Apját még pogány szert-sal temették el, de ~ uralkodása elejétől megkezdte Mo. népének római katolikus hitre téríttetését. Házasságaiból (1. felesége Sarolt, a 2. Zjemomysl lengy. fejed. leánya, Adelhaid, ~ öccse, Mihály özvegye) 5 leány és Vajk (a keresztségben István) fia született. 973. III: ... Pelcz, Johannes: Hungaria sub Geisa, sive historica de rebus Gesiae... Sopron, 1769. - Pauler I:16. - Századok 1907:585. (Fiók Károly: ~ fejed. neve és az Árpád-család névlajstroma Konstantinos Porphyrogenetosnál); 758. (Bleyer Jakab: Néhány megjegyzés Fiók K-nak „~ fejed. nevéről” szóló ért-éhez); 862. (Fiók Károly: ~ fejed. nevéről. Feleletül Bleyer J. megjegyzéseire); 865. (Bleyer Jakab: Végszó) - Bibó István: Nomád népek lángelméi. ~ és Sarolt. Szeged, 1933. - Csóka J. Lajos: A m-ok és a kerség ~ fejed. korában. Bp., 1938. (Klny. Szt István emlékkv.) - Vajay Szabolcs: Grossfürst Geysa von Ungarn. Familie u. Verwandtschaft. München, 1962. - MÉL I:594. - Dümmerth 1977:125. - Kristó-Makk 1988:26.
Géza of Hungary
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Géza (c. 945 – 997), Grand Prince of the Magyars (before 972 - 997)[1].
Géza was the son of Taksony of Hungary, Grand Prince of the Magyars and his Pecheneg or Bulgar wife[2]. Géza's marriage with Sarolt, the daughter of Gyula of Transylvania, was arranged by his father.
After his father's death (before 972), Géza followed him as Grand Prince of the Magyars. Shortly afterwards, a Benedictine monk of the Abbey of Sankt Gallen, Bruno, who had been ordained Bishop of the Magyars, arrived to his court where he baptised Géza. His Christian name was Stephen (Hungarian: István).
Although Géza probably never became a convinced Christian, during his rule Christianity began to spread among the Magyars. According to Thietmar of Merseburg, Géza continued to worship pagan gods; a chronicle claims that when he was questioned about this he stated he is rich enough to sacrifice to both the old gods and the new one.
In 973, twelve illustrious Magyar envoys, whom probably Géza had assigned, participated in the Diet held by Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.
In 983, when Henry II, Duke of Bavaria rebelled against the then child Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor, the Magyars occupied Melk. However, Melk was reoccupied, already in 985, by Leopold I, Margrave of Austria. When Henry II lead his armies to the Vienna Basin in 991, the Magyars were obliged to evacuate the territories West of the Leitha (Hungarian:Lajta) River.
Géza arranged the marriage of his son Stephen I of Hungary to Giselle of Bavaria, the daughter of Henry II. He started the construction of the Abbey of Pannonhalma.
Marriage and children
before 972: Sarolt, a daughter of kangar Gyula of Transylvania (? – after 997)
- Judith (? – after 988), wife of the future King Boleslaw I of Poland
- Margareth (? – after 988), wife of the future Tsar Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria
- King Stephen I of Hungary (967/969/975 – 15 August 1038)
- Maria (? – after 1026), wife of Otto Orseolo, Doge of Venice
- Gizella (? – ?), wife of the future King Samuel Aba of Hungary
Kristó, Gyula - Makk, Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996)
Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon (9-14. század), főszerkesztő: Kristó, Gyula, szerkesztők: Engel, Pál és Makk, Ferenc (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1994)
^ His name was possibly "Gyeücsa" or "Gyécsa" in Old Hungarian.
^ The Gesta Hungarorum mentions that Géza's father married a woman "of the territories of the Cumans", but the Cumans had not crossed the Volga River before the 11th century.
from EuWeb
The Magyars were a nomadic tribe who plundered Europe in late 9th/early 10th centuries
One Ügyek; m.Emese, dau.of Pr Önedbelia of Dentümoger; they had a son:
Álmos, *820, +Transylvania ca 895, had a son:
Árpád, Prince of Hungary, +907; he settled in what is now Hungary in about 900, though they continued to ravage western Europe til their defeat by Emperor Otto I in 955. He had issue:
- ...
- A5. Zaltas (Zoltán), Prince of Hungary (907-948)
- B1. Taksony, Prince of Hungary (955-ca 972), *ca 905, +ca 972
- C1. Géza, Great Prince of Hungary (ca 972-997), *ca 945, +1.2.997; 1m: ca 967 Sarolta (repudiated shortly after 975, +after 988), dau.of Prince Gyula of Transylvania; 2m: ca 985 Adelajda (+after 997), widow of his brother Michael
- D1. [1m.] Judith, +after 987; m.985 (div 987) King Boleslav I of Poland (*967 +17.6.1025)
- D2. [1m.] a daughter; m.shortly before 985 Sizzo, Count in Thuringia
- D3. [1m.] a daughter, +after 988; m.987 (he repudiated her 988) Gabriel-Radomir, Tsar of the Bulgarians
- D4. [1m.] Saint István I (Stephen I), Prince of Hungary (997-1000), in 1000 became King of Hungary (1000-38) and the first Hungarian ruler to become a Christian, cr 25.12.1000/1.1.1001, canonised 20.8.1083, *969/75, +15.8.1038, bur Székesfehérvár; m.996 Gisela of Bavaria (*985, +7.5.1065)
- ...
- D5. [2m.] Skolasztika, a nun
- D6. Maria, +1026; m.1009 Otone Orseolo, Doge of Venice
- D7. [2m.] a daughter; m.1005/10 Sámuel Aba, King of Hungary (1041-44), +murdered 1044, bur Abasár
- ...
- C2. Mihály (Michael), Duke between March and Gran, +ca 978/before 997; m.Adelajda of Poland (+after 997) dau./sister of Pr Mieszko I of Poland
- C1. Géza, Great Prince of Hungary (ca 972-997), *ca 945, +1.2.997; 1m: ca 967 Sarolta (repudiated shortly after 975, +after 988), dau.of Prince Gyula of Transylvania; 2m: ca 985 Adelajda (+after 997), widow of his brother Michael
- B1. Taksony, Prince of Hungary (955-ca 972), *ca 905, +ca 972
from MedLands
GÉZA, son of TAKSONY Prince of Hungary & his wife --- [Pss of the Kumans] ([940/45]-1 Feb 997). The Chronicon Varadiense names "dux Geisa, pater B. Stephani, secundus…Michael dux" as the two sons of "Toxin"[275]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska names "Geyzan, Mychlemum et caluum Ladislaum" as the three sons of "Thoxon"[276]. The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "Geysam, quantum ducem Hungarie" as son of "dux Tocsun"[277]. He succeeded his father in [970] as Prince of Hungary. He sent ambassadors to the court of Emperor Otto I, with whom he established friendly relations. Géza was baptised in 974 as ISTVÁN [Stephen] by priests sent by Pilgrim Bishop of Passau, although he appears to have adopted Christianity more for political expediency than religious conviction as he never renounced his pagan beliefs entirely, declaring himself, according to Macartney, "rich enough to afford two gods" (although this alleged quote may represent an inaccurate report of comments by Thietmar, see below)[278]. He continued to use his pre-baptismal name Géza. He centralised Magyar government, based at Esztergom, where his bodyguard consisted of Bavarian knights. The alliance with Bavaria was confirmed after the accession in 985 of Duke Heinrich II, and sealed by the marriage of Duke Heinrich's daughter to Géza's heir in 996[279]. Thietmar names "Deuvix" as father of King István, describing him as "very cruel…when becoming a Christian…he turned his rage against his reluctant subjects [and] sacrificed both to the omnipotent God and to various false gods. When reproached by his priest for doing so, he maintained that the practice had brought him great wealth and power"[280]. The Chronicon Posoniense records the death in 998 of "Geyza princeps Ungarorum"[281].
m firstly ([967], repudiated shortly after 975) SAROLT of Transylvania, daughter of GYULA Prince of Transylvania & his wife --- ([954]-after 988). The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "una…Caroldu et altera Saroltu" as the two daughters of "Geula", specifying that the Sarolt was mother of "sancti regis Stephani"[282]. Thietmar names "Beleknegini, the name means beautiful lady in Slavonic" as wife of "Deuvix", commenting that she "drank immoderately and rode a horse like a warrior" adding that "once in a fit of anger she killed a man"[283]. The primary source which confirms her name and parentage has not yet been identified. She had been baptised into the Orthodox faith by Bishop Hierotheos at her father's court[284]. Her marriage may have been arranged by her father to build an alliance against the more powerful Bulgars[285].
m secondly ([985]%29 as her second husband, ADELAJDA [Adleta] of Poland, widow of his brother MIHÁLY of Hungary Duke between March and Gran, daughter of [ZIEMOMYS%C5%81 Duke in Poland] & his [second wife ---] ([950/60]-after 997). The Annales Kamenzenses record that "Mesco…rex Polanorum…sororem…Atleydem" married "Iesse rex Ungarie" by whom she was mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie"[286]. The Breve chronicon Silesiæ names "Adilheidem" as sister of "primo dux Mesco", adding that she married "Jesse rex Ungarie" and that she was the mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie" born in 975[287]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska records that "Iesse" married "sororem Meschonis ducis…Athleitam", adding that she was a Christian and converted her husband to Christianity[288]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[289], Adelajda was the daughter not sister of Mieszko I Prince of Poland, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. If this is correct, she was an otherwise unrecorded daughter by his first wife (name not known), assuming that Prince Mieszko's marriage to Dobroslawa of Bohemia is correctly dated to 965. Adelajda's birth date range is estimated from the supposed dates of birth of her two sons by her first husband (before his death in [976/78]) and of her three known daughters by her second marriage after [985]. The date range appears chronologically more consistent with her having been the daughter, rather than sister, of Mieszko, but this would be in direct contradiction to the sources quoted above. If she was Mieszko's sister, it is likely that they did not share the same mother, assuming that the estimated birth dates of Mieszko and Adelajda are both accurate. It is probable that her second marriage was arranged in accordance with the Magyar tradition that the oldest male relative should marry the widow of a deceased relative (originally polygamously) and take care of his children.
Prince Géza & his first wife had [three] children:
- 1. [daughter ([969]-after 987). ... m (end 985, divorced [986/87]%29 as his second wife, BOLESŁAW of Poland, son of MIESZKO I Prince of Poland & his second wife Dobrava [Dobroslawa] of Bohemia ([967]-17 Jun 1025).
- 2. [daughter ([971]-). ... m (shortly before 985) [SIZZO] Graf in Thuringia & his wife ---.]
- 3. daughter ([973]-after 988). ... m (987, repudiated 988) as his first wife, GAVRIIL RADOMIR of the Bulgarians, son of SAMUIL Tsar of the Bulgarians & his wife Agatha Chryselia (-murdered Autumn 1015). Prince Géza & his [first/second] wife had one child:
- 4. VAJK (Esztergom [967/75]-Buda 15 Aug 1038, bur Székesfehérvár). ... István received a royal crown from Pope Sylvester II and was crowned ISTVÁN I King of Hungary 25 Dec 1000 or 1 Jan 1001. - see below. Prince Géza & his second wife had [three] children:
- 5. daughter ([987]-). ... m SHABA [leader of the Kabars], son of ---. Comes palatii [Palatine][297] of King István in 1001. Shaba & his wife had one known child:
- a) ABA (-murdered Feldebrö [Jul/Aug] 1044, bur Sáros Abbey). ...
- 6. daughter ([989]-1026). ... m (1009) PIETRO OTTONE Orseolo, son of PIETRO Orseolo II Doge of Venice & his wife Maria --- ([989]-Constantinople 1031). - see below (after the descendants of King István I).
- 7. [daughter . ... She became a nun as SCHOLASTICA. Abbess of Somlóvàsárhely.]
KRISTÓ GYULA SZENT ISTVÁN KIRÁLY (összefoglaló a hosszú tanulmányból) 'A felmenők' részből
- Géza apja: Taksony; Taksony felesége volgai bolgár (esetleg besenyő vagy kazár) nő lehetett. (Bolgár betelepülőkről és Tonuzoba vezérről is említést tesz a cikk, de nem foglal állást G. anyja személyéről)
- Géza felesége Sarolt, Gyula leánya. Géza és Sarolt valamikor a 970-es években köthetett házasságot.
- Gyerekek:
- ism. lány (sz.~970) ∞ 988 Vitéz Boleszló (a lányt nem tekinti a cikk Géza és Sarolta lányának)
- ism. lány (sz.~980) ∞ Gavril Radomir
- Vajk
- ism. lány (sz.~990) ∞ 1009 Orseolo Ottó
- ism. lány ∞ Aba Sámuel
- ism. lány ∞ N (Günther apja) - István Günthernek esetleg anyai nagybátyja volt, de lehet hogy István feleségén Gizellán keresztül voltak rokonok (István nagyobbik legendája) is szól Güntherről, de csak mint István társát említi a mennyek országában, a köztük levő esetleges szoros rokoni kapcsolatról hallgat. Ez azt sugallja, hogy Günther ereiben nem folyt magyar vér.
See also:
tytuł - książę węgierski około 970 r.
urodzony - około 950 r. zmarł - 01.02.0997 r. dynastia - Arpadowie
Gejza przyjął chrzest w 974 r.
Rodzice :
ojciec - Toksys
matka - Kumanka
1 . żona - Sarolta od : przed 0972 r. Potomstwo z tego związku 1 . syn - Stefan I Święty 2 . córka - Węgierka 3 . córka - Maria
2 . żona - Adelajda od : 0974 r. (nie wszystkie źródła podają te małżeństwo) Potomstwo z tego związku 1 . córka - NN
GÉZA 970-997
GÉZA, son of TAKSONY Prince of Hungary & his wife --- [Pss of the Kumans] ([940/45]-1 Feb 997). The Chronicon Varadiense names "dux Geisa, pater B. Stephani, secundus…Michael dux" as the two sons of "Toxin"[275]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska names "Geyzan, Mychlemum et caluum Ladislaum" as the three sons of "Thoxon"[276]. The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "Geysam, quantum ducem Hungarie" as son of "dux Tocsun"[277]. He succeeded his father in [970] as Prince of Hungary. He sent ambassadors to the court of Emperor Otto I, with whom he established friendly relations. Géza was baptised in 974 as ISTVÁN [Stephen] by priests sent by Pilgrim Bishop of Passau, although he appears to have adopted Christianity more for political expediency than religious conviction as he never renounced his pagan beliefs entirely, declaring himself, according to Macartney, "rich enough to afford two gods" (although this alleged quote may represent an inaccurate report of comments by Thietmar, see below)[278]. He continued to use his pre-baptismal name Géza. He centralised Magyar government, based at Esztergom, where his bodyguard consisted of Bavarian knights. The alliance with Bavaria was confirmed after the accession in 985 of Duke Heinrich II, and sealed by the marriage of Duke Heinrich's daughter to Géza's heir in 996[279]. Thietmar names "Deuvix" as father of King István, describing him as "very cruel…when becoming a Christian…he turned his rage against his reluctant subjects [and] sacrificed both to the omnipotent God and to various false gods. When reproached by his priest for doing so, he maintained that the practice had brought him great wealth and power"[280]. The Chronicon Posoniense records the death in 998 of "Geyza princeps Ungarorum"[281].
m firstly ([967], repudiated shortly after 975) SAROLT of Transylvania, daughter of GYULA Prince of Transylvania & his wife --- ([954]-after 988). The Gestis Hungarorum Liber names "una…Caroldu et altera Saroltu" as the two daughters of "Geula", specifying that the Sarolt was mother of "sancti regis Stephani"[282]. Thietmar names "Beleknegini, the name means beautiful lady in Slavonic" as wife of "Deuvix", commenting that she "drank immoderately and rode a horse like a warrior" adding that "once in a fit of anger she killed a man"[283]. The primary source which confirms her name and parentage has not yet been identified. She had been baptised into the Orthodox faith by Bishop Hierotheos at her father's court[284]. Her marriage may have been arranged by her father to build an alliance against the more powerful Bulgars[285].
m secondly ([985]%29 as her second husband, ADELAJDA [Adleta] of Poland, widow of his brother MIHÁLY of Hungary Duke between March and Gran, daughter of [ZIEMOMYS%C5%81 Duke in Poland] & his [second wife ---] ([950/60]-after 997). The Annales Kamenzenses record that "Mesco…rex Polanorum…sororem…Atleydem" married "Iesse rex Ungarie" by whom she was mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie"[286]. The Breve chronicon Silesiæ names "Adilheidem" as sister of "primo dux Mesco", adding that she married "Jesse rex Ungarie" and that she was the mother of "Stephanum regem Ungarie" born in 975[287]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska records that "Iesse" married "sororem Meschonis ducis…Athleitam", adding that she was a Christian and converted her husband to Christianity[288]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[289], Adelajda was the daughter not sister of Mieszko I Prince of Poland, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. If this is correct, she was an otherwise unrecorded daughter by his first wife (name not known), assuming that Prince Mieszko's marriage to Dobroslawa of Bohemia is correctly dated to 965. Adelajda's birth date range is estimated from the supposed dates of birth of her two sons by her first husband (before his death in [976/78]) and of her three known daughters by her second marriage after [985]. The date range appears chronologically more consistent with her having been the daughter, rather than sister, of Mieszko, but this would be in direct contradiction to the sources quoted above. If she was Mieszko's sister, it is likely that they did not share the same mother, assuming that the estimated birth dates of Mieszko and Adelajda are both accurate. It is probable that her second marriage was arranged in accordance with the Magyar tradition that the oldest male relative should marry the widow of a deceased relative (originally polygamously) and take care of his children.
Prince Géza & his first wife had [three] children:
1. [daughter ([969]-after 987). ... m (end 985, divorced [986/87]%29 as his second wife, BOLESŁAW of Poland, son of MIESZKO I Prince of Poland & his second wife Dobrava [Dobroslawa] of Bohemia ([967]-17 Jun 1025). 2. [daughter ([971]-). ... m (shortly before 985) [SIZZO] Graf in Thuringia & his wife ---.] 3. daughter ([973]-after 988). ... m (987, repudiated 988) as his first wife, GAVRIIL RADOMIR of the Bulgarians, son of SAMUIL Tsar of the Bulgarians & his wife Agatha Chryselia (-murdered Autumn 1015). Prince Géza & his [first/second] wife had one child:
4. VAJK (Esztergom [967/75]-Buda 15 Aug 1038, bur Székesfehérvár). ... István received a royal crown from Pope Sylvester II and was crowned ISTVÁN I King of Hungary 25 Dec 1000 or 1 Jan 1001. - see below. Prince Géza & his second wife had [three] children:
5. daughter ([987]-). ... m SHABA [leader of the Kabars], son of ---. Comes palatii [Palatine][297] of King István in 1001. Shaba & his wife had one known child: a) ABA (-murdered Feldebrö [Jul/Aug] 1044, bur Sáros Abbey). ... 6. daughter ([989]-1026). ... m (1009) PIETRO OTTONE Orseolo, son of PIETRO Orseolo II Doge of Venice & his wife Maria --- ([989]-Constantinople 1031). - see below (after the descendants of King István I). 7. [daughter . ... She became a nun as SCHOLASTICA. Abbess of Somlóvàsárhely.]
О Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians (русский)
Геза Унгарски (на унгарски Géza) е владетел на Унгария, управлявал в периода 971-997 г. Той е баща на първия унгарски крал Ищван I. Дъщерята на Геза Маргьорита е омъжена за българския княз Гаврил Радомир, впоследствие се развеждат. От този брак се твърди, че е роден Петър Делян, както и една дъщеря - Агата, омъжена според някои сведения за Едуард Изгнаника.
Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians's Timeline
939 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
957 |
960 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
969 |
Esztergom [967/75], Komárom-Esztergom, Magyarország - Hungary
987 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
997 |
February 1, 997
Age 58
???? | |||
???? |
Esztergom, Principality of Hungary