Historical records matching Françoise Gaudet
Immediate Family
About Françoise Gaudet
Françoise Gaudet
- Born about 1623 in France
- Died about 1699 at about age 76 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
- Daughter of Jean Gaudet and Unknown (Inconnu) Gaudet
- Sister of Denis Gaudet, Marie Gaudet and Jean Gaudet [half]
- Wife of Unknown Mercier — married about 1644
- Wife of Daniel LeBlanc — married about 1650 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Jean Gaudet was born in France around 1575. His parents and precise place of birth in France remain unknown.
In about 1622, Jean married a woman whose name is unknown. The couple had 3 children born in France:
- Francoise, b. 1623. Married 1) unknown Mercier 2) Daniel LeBlanc
- Denis, b. 1625. Married Martine Gauthier.
- Marie, b. 1633. Married 1) Etienne Hebert 2) Dominique Garneau
Around 1652, Jean married a second time, to Nicole Colleson. Around 1653 they had a son:
- Jean, b abt 1653 in Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France. Married 1) Marie Françoise Comeau 2) Jeanne Henry 3) Jeanne Lejeune dit Briard
Jean Gaudet was described by Father Archange Godbout as the Abraham of Acadia, because of his numerous descendents. Through his two sons and two daughters, followed by 22 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren, Jean became an ancestor of something on the order of a tenth of the small settlement at Acadie.
By 1671 Jean Gaudet, age 96, is the oldest inhabitant of Port-Royal. He was living with his second wife Nicole, age 64, and their son Jean. His three oldest children were married.[3] Jean died before 1678.
The largest Acadian family stems from one pioneer named Daniel LeBlanc.
Daniel LeBlanc (c. 1626 - c. 1695-1698) was an early settler of the Port Royal area of Acadia, in what is now Canada and the United States, and ancestor to many LeBlancs.
Daniel LeBlanc was born in 1626.[1][2][3] According to Miss Laise Ledet's paper, his origins are from Martaizé (Loudun), France.[4]
Daniel LeBlanc left France about 1645 for New France and settled on the north bank of the Rivière-au-Dauphin, to the northeast of the marsh at Bélisle, about 9 miles (14 km) up river from the fort at Port Royal and a half mile (1 km) below the chapel of Saint-Laurent.
About 1650, he married Françoise Gaudet, a widow with a small daughter, Marie Gaudet, from her previous marriage.
Children of unknown Mercier and Francoise Gaudet:
- Marie (1645-) md (a) Antoine Babin and (b) Guillaume Lejuge
The family of Daniel LEBLANC and Françoise GAUDET:
[85560] LEBLANC, Daniel (..), ploughman (laboureur), born about 1626 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) or 1627 (rec. 1693), died between serment 1695 and census 1698 Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie)
Him : Origin : would be from Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), but records are missing and there is no trace of that person
(Origine : serait de Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), mais registres lacunaires et aucune trace de lui)
married about 1650, from .. (Acadie)
GAUDET, Françoise (Jean & .. [85509]), born about 1623 (rec. 1671), 1626 (rec. 1686), 1627 (rec. 1693) or 1618 (rec. 1698), died between census 1698 and census 1699 Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie)
Together, they became parents to one daughter and six sons.
- 1) Jacques, born about 1651 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686, rec. 1693) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), died after 1731-05 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie), married about 1673 Catherine HÉBERT
- 2) Marie Françoise, born about 1653 (rec. 1671), married about 1671 Martin BLANCHARD
- 3) Étienne, born about 1656 (rec. 1671)
- 4) René, born about 1657 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) or 1655 (rec. 1693) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), died 1734-01-03, buried 1734-01-04 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie), married about 1678 Anne BOURGEOIS
- 5) André, born about 1659 (rec. 1671) or 1660 (rec. 1686), married about 1683 Marie DUGAS
- 6) Antoine, born about 1662 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), married about 1681 Marie BOURGEOIS
- 7) Pierre, born about 1664 (rec. 1671) or 1665 (rec. 1686) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), married about 1684 Marie THÉRIAULT, married about 1697 Madeleine BOURG
Etienne is believed to have been a navigator who sailed away at a young age and was never heard from again.
LeBlanc became a well-respected and relatively prosperous farmer in Port-Royal.[5] Around 1690, he became a member of a group of six commissioners who were charged with providing administrative and judicial oversight for the colony. Along with his neighbors, he was caught up in the settlement's shifting political fortunes resulting from international conflict between France and England. In 1695, after a regime change, LeBlanc signed an oath of allegiance to the King of England.
Daniel LeBlanc died at Port-Royal sometime between the oath of 1695 and the census of 1698.[6]
By 1755, the descendants of Daniel LeBlanc had created the largest family in Acadia. Le Grand Dérangement (The Great Expulsion) of the 1750s scattered this huge family to the winds. Since most of the LeBlancs lived in the Minas settlements, dozens of them fell into the hands of the British in the fall of 1755 and ended up on ships bound for Maryland, Virginia, and other English colonies down the Atlantic seaboard.[7] Many LeBlancs were exiled to France and then about 1785, along with Acadian families carrying other surnames, left aboard ships for then Spanish Louisiana; some of these LeBlancs gave testimony in France to a Catholic Priest who carefully recorded their oral testimony of who their ancestors were (since the Catholic and Civil records were unavailable, destroyed, or lost due to their mistreatment by the British authorities).
LeBlancs were among the first families of Acadia and some of the earliest Acadians to find refuge in Louisiana. The first descendants of Daniel LeBlanc to emigrate to the colony reached New Orleans in February 1765 with the party from Halifax via Saint-Domingue led by Joseph Broussard dit Beausoleil. After a brief stay in the city, during which one of them exchanged his Canadian card money for Louisiana funds, they followed the Broussards to the Atakapas District, where they helped created La Nouvelle-Acadie on the banks of Bayou Teche. Other LeBlancs came to Louisiana from Acadia via France in 1785. Most of the LeBlancs in Louisiana are direct descendants of Daniel LeBlanc and Francoise Gaudet. It is now estimated that there are somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 descendants scattered over all the continents of the globe, the biggest concentration being in Canada (in the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec) and the United States of America (in Louisiana and the states of New England).
He owned land, livestock, and firearms.
Baptism seen as 09/23/1623 at Martaize, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France, which is not proven.
It has not been proven that the first spouse of Françoise and father of Marie Mercier was named Jean. Stephen White records him as an unknown Mercier.[1] Finding the Gaudet-Mercier marriage record or the baptismal record for Marie Mercier, would offer some enlightenment as would a ship's record showing whether the family came to New France together.
Place of birth
There is no documented proof that Jeanne was born in Martaizé, La Chaussée or in any other village in that region. This assumption is based on the information that her father was listed as a censitaire on the fief at Martaizé in 1634[2] and on Genevieve Massignon’s writings. After having examined the parochial registers of La Chaussée which is located near the village of Aulnay in France, Geneviève Massignon wrote that: "more than half of the entries in the parochial registers from 1626 to 1650 involve the family names which we find among the 53 family names included in the census of 1671 in Acadia: Babin, Belliveau, Bertrand, Bour, Brault (Braude, in the feminine form), Brun, Dugast, Dupuy, Gaudet (Gaudette, in the feminine form) Giroire, Joffriau, Landry, LeBlanc, Morin, Poirier, Raimbaut, Savoite, Thibodeau. In addition, the family names of the wives of the settlers include Chevrat, Gautier, Guion (Dion), Lambert, and Mercier. The names of Blanchard, Bourg, Brault, Giroire, Godet, Guérin, Poirier, Terriot are among the names found in the censuses of the mother of Charles d’Aulnay for her Seigneurie." [3]
The Belle-Isle-en-Mer declarations in 1767 indicated that Acadian descendents of Jean Gaudet's daughters Marie and Françoise came from France with their husbands. [4]
Marie Françoise Gaudet was born around 1623, possibly in France. Her parents were Jean Gaudet and an unknown mother.[1]
She married Daniel LeBlanc around 1650. At that time, she was the widow of an unknown Mercier. She had one daughter Marie Mercier, born around 1645.
Between 1651 and 1670 Daniel and Françoise had seven children: Jacques, Marie Françoise, Étienne, René, André, Antoine and Pierre. They are all listed in the 1671 census of Port-Royal. Daniel, 45 years of age and Françoise, 48 posess 18 cattle, 26 sheep and 10 “arpents” of land.[5]
The 1678 Census reported Daniel and Françoise with 12 cattle & 12 acres [sic], and 3 boys.[6]
In 1686 at Port Royal, Francoise GODOT (sic) age 60 was living with her husband Daniel LEBLANC age 60. They owned 2 guns and were living on 6 arpents of cultivable land with 15 cattle, 20 sheep and 7 hogs. By this time, five of Daniel's and Françoise's sons were married and settled in Port-Royal.[7] Étienne no longer lived there. Their daughter Françoise had died. Within four years, the family's relative peace would be shattered by King William's War (1689-1697) with France.
In 1693, an encounter between the vessel of French privateer Pierre Masisonnat dit Baptiste and an English frigate brought further misery. English investigations into the role of Acadians' assistance of privateer Baptiste resulted in the burning of nearly a dozen homes and three barns of unthreshed grain. In that year, the only remaining LeBlancs in Port Royal were 66 year old Daniel and Françoise and their youngest son Pierre and his family.[8] Were their four sons convinced to move by the raids at Port Royal and the lure of available land in some of the newer villages?
Françoise was listed as a widow 80 living alone on the 1698 census. [9]
She died between 1698 and 1700 in Port-Royal. Stephen White cites the Belle-Ile-en-Mer depositions for the death location.[1][4]
DNA Research
The Mothers of Acadia Maternal DNA project is conducting ongoing research to verify their origins. In 2010, Stephen White reported Francoise Gaudet had a J1b2 haplogroup. I don't know the details re how many of her descendants were tested to support this report. Ongoing test results are also reported here. As of May 2014, 10 descendants have consistently reported a J haplogroup, as have 9 descendants of her sister Marie Gaudet. J haplogroups indicate European origins.
GAUDET, Françoise, born about 1623 (rec. 1671), 1626 (rec. 1686), 1627 (rec. 1693) or 1618 (rec. 1698), died between census 1698 and census 1699 Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie)
Source: http://www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/119/119844.php
1671 Census of Acadia
Daniel LeBlanc, age 45 years, his wife Francoise Gaudet, age 48 years, their children seven, one girl married, Francoise LeBlanc, age 18 years. The unmarried one, Jacque LeBlanc age 20 years, Etienne, age 15 years, Rene aged 14 years, Andre aged 12 years, Anthoine aged nine years, Pierre aged 7 years.
1671 Census
Source: < FindAGrave >
1671 Census (French script)
Source: < Wikitree >
Source: < FindAGrave >
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gaudet-21
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 48 years old which estimates birth c.1623.
- *Bibliographie : Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (White); http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/cea.html; Dictionnaire des Acadiens d'Archange Godbout; Déclarations de Belle-Île-en-Mer
- http://www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/085/085560.php
- https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/136471274/fran_oise-gaudet#add-...
- https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVPS-SB8S
- https://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-10109/wikitree?itemK...
- http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/n/e/l/John-Nelson-NH/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-...
- 7809. Family Search Pedigree Resource File, Compact Disc #4Pin #674139.
- 7810. Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Births, Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001.
- 7811. Heritage Consulting. Millennium File [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. Original data: Heritage Consulting. The.
- 7812. Family Pages for Maxime Roy and Henry Boucher, Family F1395. Mariage - Jean Mercier
- 7827. Yvon Cyr, compiler, Acadian-Cajun Family Trees CD-ROM (PP-9904), [Wolfville, NS: Progeny Publishing, 1999].
- 7828. Family Pages for Maxime Roy and Henry Boucher, Family F1395.
- 7829. Yvon Cyr, compiler, Acadian-Cajun Family Trees CD-ROM (PP-9904), [Wolfville, NS: Progeny Publishing, 1999].
- 7830. Diane P. LaVerdiere & Robert K. Voskuhl, Genealogies of the Catholic Families of Maine, New Brunswick and the Province of Québec, p. 1183.
- 7831. Family Pages for Maxime Roy and Henry Boucher, Family F726. Marie Mercier
- 7834.NOTE @T209@
- 7835. Yvon Cyr, compiler, Acadian-Cajun Family Trees CD-ROM (PP-9904), [Wolfville, NS: Progeny Publishing, 1999], Date of Import: Mar 15, 1999.
- 7836. Census Records of Acadia, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, film no. C-2752 , 1686 and 1693: Port Royal.
- http://larryvoyer.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I71924&tree=...
- Bibliographie : Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (White); http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/cea.html; Dictionnaire des Acadiens d'Archange Godbout; Déclarations de Belle-Île-en-Mer
- http://www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/085/085560.php
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gaudet-14 cites
- White, Stephen A., Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert. Dictionnaire Généalogique Des Familles Acadiennes. Moncton, N.-B.: Centre D'études Acadiennes, Université De Moncton, 1999, Print, p. 666-667; 983-985; 1173 Jean Gaudet (Godet) was listed as a censitaire on the fief at Martaizé in 1634. Martaizé was part of the seigneury of Aulnay, the property of Nicole de Jousserand, who was the mother of Charles d'Aulnay, governor of Acadia from 1636 to 1650. The village of Martaizé and it's environs was called the "fief de Beaulieu" or sometimes "Rallette." The church of Saint-Maurice de Martaizé still exists to this day. The inventory document of Nicole de Jousserand's fief de Beaulieu in the parish of Martaizé, (Archives Départementales de l'Indre et Loire, Série C, Liasse 601, signed before the notaries Messieurs Aubri and Pasquier, at Loudun on the 21st October 1634) states the following: "Je em en la fresche des Godets desclares douze boisseaus froment mesure de Loudun et trois derniers de cens a rente feodalle deue par Jean Gendre, Jean Godet, René Godet le jeune, Francois Godet, la veufve Vincent Besard, Pierre Giroire et Renée Besard sa femme Jean Besard, Simon Joubert les heritiers Pierre Bourg de sauseau et les heritiers Francois Godet par raison d'une piece du terre et signer estant en terre et signer estant en terre est du Rondonay le tout contenant ensemble et tenant deux septiers six boisseaus..." (A "fresche" is an old French word for rent due to the seigneur from his or her fief). Source : New France Geneology Jean Gaudet
- Massignon, Geneviève. "Les parlers français d'Acadie, enquête linguistique", Librairie Klincksieck, Paris, 1962, 2 tomes.
- White, Stephen A. Origins of the Pioneers of Acadia, According to the Depositions made by Their Descendants at Belle-Ile-en-Mer in 1767 English Translation, Publication: University of Moncton, Centre d'études acadiennes; Online
- Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752” Images 3-14.
- Daniel LeBLANC, farmer, 45, his wife Francoise GAUDET 48; their seven children: Married: Francoise 18; Unmarried: Jacques 20, Estienne 15, Rene 14, Andre 12, Antoine 9, Pierre 7; cattle 18, sheep 26, 10 arpents of land.
- Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census
- Daniel LeBlanc & Francoise Godet; 12 cattle & 12 acres; 3 boys: 20, 1658; 17, 1661; 15, 1663
- Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.
- at Port Royal: Daniel LEBLANC 60, Francoise GODET 60; 2 guns, 6 arpents, 15 cattle, 20 sheep, 7 hogs.
- Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 62-108
- Daniel LEBLANC 66, Françoise GODET his wife 76, Pierre their son 28, son of Pierre: Pierre 7, Jean LAFORET servant 15, Marguerite LAPRINCESSE 12; 20 cattle, 35 sheep, 9 hogs, 18 arpents, 3 guns.
- Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1698 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie1698 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 110-166 Francoise GOUDET widow 80.
- New France Geneology Jean Gaudet http://www.newfrancegenealogy.ca/getperson.php?personID=I3699&tree=... See Also :
- Descendants of Daniel LeBlanc, PDF http://www.peterandsally.com/Docs/DescendantReport.pdf
- memorial page for Françoise Gaudet (1623–1699), Find A Grave Memorial no. 136471274, citing Garrison Graveyard, Annapolis Royal, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada ; Maintained by AW (contributor 47829810) . < FindAGrave >
- Mothers Of Acadia mtDNA project: < link >
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_LeBlanc_(settler)
Françoise Gaudet
1699 (aged 75–76)
Port Royal, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Garrison Graveyard
Annapolis Royal, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Memorial ID
136471274 · View Source
Photos 3
Flowers 26
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Francoise was born in about 1623. She is the daughter of Jean Gaudet and unknown mother. She married (1) unknown Mercier in 1644, in Acadie, New France. They are the parents of at least the following:
1) Marie (1645-) md (a) Antoine Babin and (b) Guillaume Lejuge
She married (2) Daniel LeBlanc in 1650, in Port Royal. She was baptized in Port-Royal in 1671, when she was 48 years old. According to the 1671 census, she says she is 48 years, her husband Daniel is 45 and that: "... their cattle has 18 horns and 26 sheep, 10 labour their land arpans in two places." They are the parents of the following:
1) Jacques (abt 1651-aft 1731) md Catherine Hebert
2) Françoise (abt 1653-bef 1687) md Martin Blanchard
3) *Etienne (abt 1656-bef 1686)
4) Rene (abt 1657-1734) md Anne Bourgeois
5) Andre (abt 1659-1743) md Marie Dugas
6) Antoine (abt 1662-bef 1730) md Marie Bourgeois
7) Pierre (abt 1664-abt 1717) md (a) Marie Theriot and (b) Madeleine Bourg
- Etienne is believed to have been a navigator who sailed away at a young age and was never heard from again.
She died in about 1699.
Gravesite Details
No grave markers exist today.
Family Members
Jean Gaudet
Daniel LeBlanc
Denis Gaudet
Marie Gaudet
Jean Gaudet
Marie Mercier
1645 – unknown
Jacques LeBlanc
1651 – unknown
Marie Françoise LeBlanc Blanchard
René LeBlanc
Étienne LeBlanc
1656 – unknown
André Leblanc
Antoine LeBlanc
1662 – unknown
Pierre LeBlanc
About Françoise Leblanc (Français)
Naissance en France
http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/n/e/l/John-Nelson-NH/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-... - 7809. Family Search Pedigree Resource File, Compact Disc #4Pin #674139. - 7810. Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Births, Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. - 7811. Heritage Consulting. Millennium File [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. Original data: Heritage Consulting. The. - 7812. Family Pages for Maxime Roy and Henry Boucher, Family F1395.
Mariage - Jean Mercier
http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/n/e/l/John-Nelson-NH/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-... - 7827. Yvon Cyr, compiler, Acadian-Cajun Family Trees CD-ROM (PP-9904), [Wolfville, NS: Progeny Publishing, 1999]. - 7828. Family Pages for Maxime Roy and Henry Boucher, Family F1395. - 7829. Yvon Cyr, compiler, Acadian-Cajun Family Trees CD-ROM (PP-9904), [Wolfville, NS: Progeny Publishing, 1999]. - 7830. Diane P. LaVerdiere & Robert K. Voskuhl, Genealogies of the Catholic Families of Maine, New Brunswick and the Province of Québec, p. 1183. - 7831. Family Pages for Maxime Roy and Henry Boucher, Family F726.
Marie Mercier
http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/n/e/l/John-Nelson-NH/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-... - 7834.NOTE @T209@ - 7835. Yvon Cyr, compiler, Acadian-Cajun Family Trees CD-ROM (PP-9904), [Wolfville, NS: Progeny Publishing, 1999], Date of Import: Mar 15, 1999. - 7836. Census Records of Acadia, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, film no. C-2752 , 1686 and 1693: Port Royal.
The family of Daniel LEBLANC and Françoise GAUDET
[85560] LEBLANC, Daniel (..), ploughman (laboureur), born about 1626 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) or 1627 (rec. 1693), died between serment 1695 and census 1698 Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie)
Him : Origin : would be from Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), but records are missing and there is no trace of that person
(Origine : serait de Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), mais registres lacunaires et aucune trace de lui)
- married about 1650, from .. (Acadie)
GAUDET, Françoise (Jean & .. [85509]), born about 1623 (rec. 1671), 1626 (rec. 1686), 1627 (rec. 1693) or 1618 (rec. 1698), died between census 1698 and census 1699 Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie)
1) Jacques, born about 1651 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686, rec. 1693) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), died after 1731-05 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie), married about 1673 Catherine HÉBERT
2) Marie Françoise, born about 1653 (rec. 1671), married about 1671 Martin BLANCHARD
3) Étienne, born about 1656 (rec. 1671)
4) René, born about 1657 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) or 1655 (rec. 1693) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), died 1734-01-03, buried 1734-01-04 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie), married about 1678 Anne BOURGEOIS
5) André, born about 1659 (rec. 1671) or 1660 (rec. 1686), married about 1683 Marie DUGAS
6) Antoine, born about 1662 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), married about 1681 Marie BOURGEOIS
7) Pierre, born about 1664 (rec. 1671) or 1665 (rec. 1686) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie), married about 1684 Marie THÉRIAULT, married about 1697 Madeleine BOURG
Bibliographie : Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (White); http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/cea.html; Dictionnaire des Acadiens d'Archange Godbout; Déclarations de Belle-Île-en-Mer
GAUDET, Françoise, born about 1623 (rec. 1671), 1626 (rec. 1686), 1627 (rec. 1693) or 1618 (rec. 1698), died between census 1698 and census 1699 Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie)
Source: http://www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/119/119844.php
The family of Étienne HÉBERT and Marie GAUDET
[44468] HÉBERT, Étienne (.. & .. [84045]), died about 1671 Port-Royal (Acadie)
- married about 1650, from .. (France)
GAUDET, Marie (Jean & .. [85509]), born about 1633 (rec. 1671), 1626 (rec. 1686) or 1628 (rec. 1698) France (bim) (France), buried 1710-07-30 Port-Royal (Acadie)
1) Marie, married about 1666 Michel FOREST
2) Marguerite, married about 1677 Jacques LEPRINCE ou PRINCE
3) Emmanuel, born about 1652 (rec. 1699) or 1651 (rec. 1701), buried 1744-12-01 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie), married about 1678 Andrée BRUN
4) Étienne, born about 1654 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) or 1657 (rec. 1693) Port-Royal (Acadie), buried 1713-11-02 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie), married about 1679 Jeanne COMEAU
5) Jean, married about 1692 Jeanne DOIRON
6) Françoise, married about 1675 Jean COMEAU
7) Catherine, married before census 1678 Philippe PINET
8) Martine, married before 1684 Nicolas BARIAU
9) Michel, married about 1691 Isabelle PELLERIN
10) Antoine, married about 1691 Jeanne CORPORON, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1737-02-25 Anne ORION
1671 Census of Acadia
Daniel LeBlanc, age 45 years, his wife Francoise Gaudet, age 48 years, their children seven, one girl married, Francoise LeBlanc, age 18 years. The unmarried one, Jacque LeBlanc age 20 years, Etienne, age 15 years, Rene aged 14 years, Andre aged 12 years, Anthoine aged nine years, Pierre aged 7 years.
Elle était veuve d'un certain Mercier. Serait la fille de Jean Gaudet et ???. Nicole Coleson, deuxième épouse de Jean Gaudet, n'est pas la mère naturelle de Françoise.
Appelée aussi veuve Mercier
ID: I1417
Name: Francoise GAUDET
Sex: F
Birth: 1626 in France
Birth: 1626
Father: Jean GAUDET b: 1575
Mother: Marie DAUSSY
Father: Jean GAUDET b: 1575
Mother: Marie DAUSSY
Marriage 1 Daniel LEBLANC b: 1626 in France
Jacques LEBLANC b: 1651
Françoise Gaudet's Timeline
1623 |
September 24, 1623
Martaizé, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
September 24, 1623
Martaizé, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
1645 |
1651 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
1652 |
Port Royal, Acadia, New, France
Lille, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France