Immediate Family
About Eudes (Odo) de Saint-Sauveur, Vicomte de Contentin
EUDES (-after 1104). Vicomte de Contentin. ["%E2%80%A6Eudo vicecomes Constantini…" witnessed the charter dated to [1060] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy granted "Brenerias" to the abbey of Bayeux[1874]. Delisle suggests that Eudes was the son of Thurstan Haldup. However, it appears more likely that he was the younger brother of Vicomte Néel [II].] "Eudo vicecomes pagi Constantini" donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 1081[1875]. "…Eudone Luxoviensi…" was named as a judge at the court of William I King of England in the charter dated to [1081] which records an agreement between the monks of Marmoutier and "Gaufridus Nervei filius"[1876]. A charter dated to [1090] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by "Nigellus vicecomes" and "…Eudo vicecomes, concessu Henrici comitis…Eudo vicecomes Sancto Salvatori…Eudo vicecomes…"[1877]. A charter dated 1104 records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by "Nigellus presbyter de Geroville et Rogerus frater eius et Briennius filius ipsius", witnessed by and with the consent of "Eudone vicecomite…", and by "Eudo vicecomes" confirmed earlier donations by "Nigellus frater eius"[1878]. A manuscript at Caen, which commemorates the death of Abbess Mathilde, daughter of William I King of England, names "Nigello vicecomite, Eudone vicecomite" among the deceased at "sancti Salvatoris de Constantino"[1879]. m ROHAISE, daughter of --- (-after 1104). A charter dated 1104 records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by "Eudo vicecomes…et Rohais vicecomitissa", with the consent of "Nigellus presbyter de Geroville [et Rogerus frater eius] et Briennius filius ipsius"[1880].
- [1874] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 30, p. 33.
- [1875] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 40, p. 44.
- [1876] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 42, p. 46.
- [1877] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 45, p. 50.
- [1878] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 46, p. 55.
- [1879] Delisle (1866), p. 204.
- [1880] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 46, p. 55.