Was presumably of age by 15 Jun 1130, when he co-witnessed a charter under which Donald Bishop of Saint-Malo confirmed a donation to the monks of Saint-Martin de Josselin.
Eudon II de Porhoët http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eudon_II_de_Porho%C3%ABt
Eudes, Viscount of Porhoet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eudes,_Viscount_of_Porhoet
Eudon II de Porhoët, également appelé Éon ou Eudes de Porhoët, est né au début du XIIe siècle et est mort après 1173. Il est le fils de Geoffroy, vicomte de Porhoët et de son épouse Hadvise. L'ancien comté du Porhoët est situé au centre de la Bretagne dans la région de Pontivy-Josselin-Ploërmel....
TRANS: Eudon II de Porhoët, also called Éon or Eudes de Porhoët, was born at the beginning of the XIIe siècle and died after 1173. He was the son of Geoffroy, viscount of Porhoët, and of his wife Hadvise. The ancient comté (countdom/earldom) of Porhoët was situated in the center of Brittany in the Pontivy-Josselin-Ploërmel region
The second husband of his daughter Berthe and thus son-in-law of the Duke of Brittany Conan III, he received from him the the guardianship of his grandson, Conan IV. He exercised regency beginning in 1148 and did not intend to restore the ducal throne to his designated title. In 1154, Conan IV allied with his uncle Hoël, who had been ousted from his succession, but, defeated by his guardian, the young duke took refuge in England near Henri II who confirmed him as the possessor of the Honor of Richmond which he had inherited from his father, which consisted of a collection of lands and taxes in Yorkshire.
Conan received English military aid which allowed him to return to Brittany and rally many supporters, but his position as vassal of the King of England provoked a revolt of the Breton nobles under the leadership of Eudon de Porhoët, who, conquered, took refuge outside of Brittany.
Conan IV was proclaimed duke in 1156, but that same year, the peoples of Nantes ran out his uncle Hoël et chose as count the young assistant of Henry II, Geoffroy Plantagenêt, already count of Maine and Anjou since 1156. The count of Nantes left the duchy. Upon Geoffrey's death, in 1158, Conan tried to take back control of Nantes, but he was indebted to return it to Henry II.
Eudon de Porhoët led a new revolt which was successful, but he offered Henry II the pretext to intervene in Brittany with an army that conquered Josselin in 1168. Henry II stripped Eudon de Porhoët of the leadership of Porhoët, then, after another revolt in 1173, of the countship of Penthièvre.
Conan IV abdicated in 1166 and Henri II was restored as guardian of the duchy by the barons while waiting for his son Geoffroy II Plantagenêt, betrothed to the granddaughter of Conan III, Constance de Bretagne, to come of age.
The King of England, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, Count of Brittany, Maine, Toulouse, Touraine and Anjou, became accustomed, during many centuries, of exercising his power in France.
Source partielle
* André Chédeville & Noël-Yves Tonnerre La Bretagne féodale XIe-XIIIe siècle. Ouest-France Université Rennes (1987) (ISBN 2727200122).
* Etienne Gasche, Petite histoire des Rois et Ducs de Bretagne, éditions Yoran Embanner, 2006, (ISBN 2-9521446-7-2)
From Medlands:
EUDES [II] de Porhoët, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Porhoët & his wife Hawise --- (-after 1180). "Gaufredus vicecomes, Eudo filius eius…" witnessed a charter dated 15 Jun 1130 under which Donald Bishop of Saint-Malo confirmed a donation to the monks of Saint-Martin de Josselin[1409]. Comte de Porhoët. He succeeded in 1148 as EUDES Duke of Brittany, by right of his first wife. "Eudo comes" founded the abbey of Notre-Dame de Lantenac by charter dated 1149, witnessed by "Josthos et Alanus fratres comitis, Alanus vicecomes de Monteforti…"[1410]. "Eudo comes" confirmed a donation to Saint-Martin de Josselin, with the consent of "fratrum meorum…Joscii vicecomitis et Alani Ceoche", by charter dated 1153[1411]. "Eudo comes" donated property previously donated by "dominus Gaufridus pater meus" to the priory of Josselin on the advice of "fratrum meorum Joscii vicecomitis et Alani Ceoche" by charter dated 1153[1412]. Deposed by his stepson in 1156, he was taken prisoner by Raoul de Fougères. The date of his death is indicated by a charter dated 1213 under which [her grandson] "Willelmus dominus Montiforten" confirmed donations to Montfort made by "antecessoribus meis...domino Gaufrido de Monteforti...W. avi mei", quoting a charter dated 1180 under which “Gaufridus dominus Montifortis sequens vestigial patris mei Willelmi” donated property with the consent of “uxore mea et filiis meis Rad. Will et Rolando...Eudone comite avunculo meo [identified as Eudes Comte de Porhoët, Duke of Brittany, her brother]...Oliverio patruo meo”[1413].
m firstly (1148 or before) as her second husband, BERTHE de Bretagne, widow of ALAIN "le Noir" de Penthièvre, Lord of Richmond, daughter of CONAN III Duke of Brittany & his wife Matilda, illegitimate daughter of Henry I King of England (-[1162/67). The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the death in 1148 of "Conanus Dux Britanniæ" and records that he had disinherited "Hoellus…suum…filium" and that he appointed as his successor "Eudone Vicecomite Porhoëtensi" who had married "sororem eius Bertam"[1414]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified.
m secondly (Aug 1167) JEANNE [El%C3%A9onore] de Léon, daughter of GUIOMAR [III] Vicomte de Léon & his wife Nobilis ---. Robert of Torigny records the marriage in 1167 of "comes Eudes" and "Guihunmanus filius Hervei vicecomes Leonensis…filiam" but does not name her[1415].
Eudes [II] & his first wife had three children:
1. GEOFFROY de Porhoët (-after 1155).
2. ADELAIDE de Porhoët (-1220). Abbess of Fontevrault.
3. ALIX de Porhoët . Given-Wilson & Curteis states that “Eudo de Porhoët, ex-count of Brittany” claimed in 1168 that the English king, while holding his daughter as a hostage for peace, had made her pregnant ‘treacherously, adulterously and incestuously; for the king and Eudo´s wife were the offspring of two sisters’” (referring to two daughters of King Henry I, one legitimate the other illegitimate, named Matilda)[1416]. The primary source on which this information is based has not been identified. Mistress (1168) of: HENRY II King of England, son of GEOFFROY "le Bel/Plantagenet" Comte d'Anjou et du Maine & his wife [Empress] Matilda of England (Le Mans, Anjou 5 Mar 1133-Château de Chinon 6 Jul 1189, bur Abbaye de Fontevrault).
Eudes & his second wife had [three] children:
4. EUDES [III] de Porhoët (-1231). "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”, and donated property “in Britannia et in Anglia...in episcopate Eliensi...ecclesiam de Fuleburne...”, witnessed by “Herveo de Leon, Herveo filio Comitis...”, a second version of the document dated 20 Jun 1184 recording the consent of “Alano et Guillelmo filiis meis”, and a third version, undated, the consent of “Margarita et Ælizia filiabus meis” (witnessed by “Eudone filio Comitis, Henrico fratre eius, Herveo de Leuns, Daniele Senescallo, Galterio filio Ruelloni...”)[1417]. Comte de Porhoët. "Eudo filius comitis" granted rights to the prior of Saint-Martin by charter dated 1225[1418]. m firstly ---. The name of Eudes's first wife is not known. This first marriage is indicated because Marguerite, the known wife of Eudes [III], is referred to as his widow but not as mother of his children in the charter dated Nov 1248 which is quoted below. If Marguerite had been their mother, the omission would be surprising as Eudes´s surviving children are also named in the document. The chronology of the family suggests that the marriage of Eudes and the mother of his daughters must have taken place when he was already old. If that is correct, there may have been an even earlier marriage which was childless. m secondly MARGUERITE, daughter of --- (-after Nov 1248). A charter dated Nov 1248 records a third division of the inheritance of “monseignour Eun fils le Comte” between "Raol seigneur de Fougieres, Pierres de Chemillé seigneur de Brochessac et Alienor sa femme, et Ollivier de Montauban et Joanne sa femme", including “quand il avendra que le doaire Margarite qui fut femme monseignor Eun filz le Comte escherra après la mort d´icelle, le hebergement de la Ville Jagu et le Plessix”[1419]. Eudes [III] & his firrst wife had three children: a) MATHILDE de Porhoët . An undated charter records an agreement between "Willelmum de Filgeriis filium Henrici de Filgeriis" and "Eudonem filium comitis et Gaufridum de Castro Brientii et Willelmum de Guirchia" relating to the marriage of “Gaufridi de Filgeriis” and “filia prædicti Eudonis filii comitis”[1420]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. Vicomtesse de Porhoët. m GEOFFROY Comte de Fougères, son of GUILLAUME Comte de Fougères & his wife Agatha du Hommet (-1212). b) ELEONORE de Porhoët (-after 24 Jun 1251). Dame de la Chèze. "Petrum de Chemillie dominum Mauritanii et Alienor vicecomitissam de Rohan eius uxorem" reached agreement with the abbé de Sainit-Jacut-des-Iles regarding a construction, by charter dated 24 Jun 1251[1421]. "Joannes dux Britanniæ comes Richemondiæ" confirmed another agreement between “Radulphus dominus Fougeriarum” and “avunculus noster Petrus de Chemilleio et Oliverius de Montauban et pro se et ratione uxorum suarum” as heirs of “Eudonis filii comitis de Caduca” by charter dated 14 Apr 1241[1422]. "Petrus de Camilliaco dominus de Chesia et Alienor eius uxor quondam vicecomitissa de Rohan" confirmed that “Gaufridus de Cadellac miles” granted “feodum...de parochia de Ploemet” to “fratri nostro Thomæ de Camilliaco militi” by charter dated Jan 1246[1423]. A charter dated Nov 1248 records a third division of the inheritance of “monseignour Eun fils le Comte” between "Raol seigneur de Fougieres, Pierres de Chemillé seigneur de Brochessac et Alienor sa femme, et Ollivier de Montauban et Joanne sa femme", including “quand il avendra que le doaire Margarite qui fut femme monseignor Eun filz le Comte escherra après la mort d´icelle, le hebergement de la Ville Jagu et le Plessix”[1424]. “Alienor vicecomitissa de Rohan” donated property to Bonrepos, with the consent of "domino Petro de Chumuleiaco marito meo et Alano de Rohan primogenito et herede meo", by charter dated Mar 1250[1425]. m firstly ALAIN [V] Vicomte de Rohan, son of ALAIN [IV] Vicomte de Rohan & his wife Mabile de Fougères (-1242). m secondly as his second wife, PIERRE de Chemillé, son of GUY de Thouars Duke of Brittany & his second wife Eustachie d'Argenton dite de Chemillé (-[1254/55]). c) JEANNE de Porhoët (-after Nov 1248). "Joannes dux Britanniæ comes Richemondiæ" confirmed the agreement between “Radulphus dominus Filgeriarum” and “avunculus noster Petrus de Chemilly” concerning property of which “habebit prædictus Radulphus duas partes et prædictus Petrus et soror uxoris eius tertiam partem” by charter dated Sep 1239[1426]. "Joannes dux Britanniæ comes Richemondiæ" confirmed another agreement between “Radulphus dominus Fougeriarum” and “avunculus noster Petrus de Chemilleio et Oliverius de Montauban et pro se et ratione uxorum suarum” as heirs of “Eudonis filii comitis de Caduca” by charter dated 14 Apr 1241[1427]. A charter dated Nov 1248 records a third division of the inheritance of “monseignour Eun fils le Comte” between "Raol seigneur de Fougieres, Pierres de Chemillé seigneur de Brochessac et Alienor sa femme, et Ollivier de Montauban et Joanne sa femme", including “quand il avendra que le doaire Margarite qui fut femme monseignor Eun filz le Comte escherra après la mort d´icelle, le hebergement de la Ville Jagu et le Plessix”[1428]. m OLIVIER Seigneur de Montauban, son of JEAN Seigneur de Montauban & his wife Gasseline de Montfort (-after Nov 1248).
5. HERVE de Porhoët (-after Jul 1184). "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”, and donated property “in Britannia et in Anglia...in episcopate Eliensi...ecclesiam de Fuleburne...”, witnessed by “Herveo de Leon, Herveo filio Comitis...”, a second version of the document dated 20 Jun 1184 recording the consent of “Alano et Guillelmo filiis meis”, and a third version, undated, the consent of “Margarita et Ælizia filiabus meis” (witnessed by “Eudone filio Comitis, Henrico fratre eius, Herveo de Leuns, Daniele Senescallo, Galterio filio Ruelloni...”)[1429].
6. [ELEONORE (-5 May after 1243). A charter dated Jul 1219 records donations to Beauport abbey made by "Alanus Henrici comitis filius" dated “anno quo rex Ricardus promotus fuit in regem” [1189] witnessed by “...domina Petronilla uxor domini Alani, Aliena sponsa domini Conani”[1430]. "Conanus, Henrici comitis filius" donated property to the abbey of Notre-Dame-de-Beauport by charter dated 1202, signed by "…Alienor filia comitis Eudonis, Aliz domicella…"[1431]. It is not certain that "Alienor filia comitis Eudonis" was the wife of Conan but her position in the list of subscribers, after Conan´s knights, suggests that this might be the case. If that is correct, Eudes Comte de Porhoët is the only "comes Eudo" who has yet been identified who could have been her father. The fact that her father held a higher rank than her husband may account for her being linked in the document to her father´s rather than her husband´s name. If her parentage is correctly identified, the chronology suggests that she would have been born to her supposed father´s second marriage. "A…vidua quondam Conani filii comitis uxor" settled a dispute with the abbey of Notre-Dame-de-Beauport about "insula de Bigniguez" by charter dated 1214[1432]. "Alienor, quondam uxor Conani filii Henrici comitis" wrote to "Radulpho domino Filgeriis" confirming his donation to Notre-Dame-de-Beauport, dated 1243[1433]. The necrology of Notre-Dame-de-Beauport records the death "III Non Mai" of "Alienor uxoris Conani comitis"[1434]. m CONAN de Penthièvre, son of HENRI de Bretagne Comte de Tréguier & his wife Mathilde de Vendôme (-[1202/14]).]
1109 |
Josselin, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
1133 |
March 5, 1133
Le Mans, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France
1160 |
1179 |
Age 70
La Trinité Porhoët, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
1180 |
1183 |
La Trinite Porhoet,Morbihan,Bretagne,France
1185 |
Age 70
Josselin - Prieuré St-Martin, 56, Brittany, France
1991 |
April 9, 1991
Age 70