Elizabeth Oxenbridge

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Elizabeth Oxenbridge (Puttenham)

Birthplace: England
Death: 1529 (21-22)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Sir George Puttenham, of Sherfield, KB and Alice Puttenham
Wife of Thomas Oxenbridge, Knt.
Mother of Elizabeth Tyrwhitt
Sister of Robert Puttenham, of (Puttenham and) Sherfield; Dorothy Dabridgecourt; Anne Norton; Mary Puttenham; Bridget Bullock and 1 other
Half sister of Audrey Puttenham; Dorothy 'the younger' Aldey and Ursula Puttenham

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Elizabeth Oxenbridge


Elizabeth Puttenham was one of the daughters of Sir George] Puttenham & either his first wife Alice Windsor, or his second wife Rose Gainsford. She must have been born by 1512, and sadly, died, according to the IPM of her husband Thomas in 1540, about 12 years earler [although their daughter is stated to be 11 and up], so either 1528 or 1529.

Vistation of Sussex page 14-15
Godard Oxenbridge of Breade, Knight [3 wives] married Anne, daughter of Thomas Eckingham, knight.
Their son Thomas Oxenbridge, was of Breade, County Sussex. He married Elizabeth daughter of Sir George Puttenham, knight. They had a daughter Elizabeth. She married Sir Thomas Tirwitt of Ketelby, County Lincolnshire, Knight. They had issue; William, Robert, Godard, Edward, John, Ann, Elisabeth, Margarett, Fortune & Katherin.


Elizabeth Puttenham was daughter of George Puttenham and his wife, Rose Gaynesford [1] (according to Visitations) or Alice Windsor, his first wife.

She married Sir Thomas Oxenbridge [1] son of Goddard Oxenbridge and his wife, Elizabeth Echingham.[2] [3] She was mother of his daughter, Elizabeth.[2][3] [4]

Inquisition Post Mortem
Cooper, F.S.A, William Durrant (1856), "Notices of Winchelsea, in and after the Fifteenth Century" (PDF), Sussex Archaeological Collections, VIII, London: John Russell Smith, doi:10.5284/1085173 < PDF > Page 222-223

Thomas Oxenbridge (the eldest son by the first wife) survived his father only nine years; and by an Inquisition p.m. taken at Echingham l 5th July 1540, the jurors 57 found that he held nothing of the king in capite, but that he was seized in fee tail, that is to himself and the heirs of his body, and of a certain Elizabeth, lately his wife, and daughter of a certain Sir George Puttenham, Knight, of the manors of Echyngham and Salehurst in the county of Sussex, belonging to the heirs of Thomas Echingham, Knt., deceased, by virtue of an indenture made between the said George Puttenham, Knt., of the one part, and the said thomas Oxenbridge and Goddard Oxenbridge, Knt., his father; and of an act of Parliament of the 27th year of the king; and that the said Thomas had issue by the body of the said Elizabeth his wife, one daughter, Elizabeth, then alive (and who afterwards married Sir Robert, eldest son of Sir William Tirwhit of Kettleby, in Lincolnshire); and that the said Elizabeth, the wife, about twelve years then since, died; and that the said Thomas Oxenbridge afterwards married a certain Faith Devenysh, daughter of Richard Devenysh,58 and that the said Thomas and Faith were seized of the manors of Monfield and Glottyngham and divers messuages and lands in Monfield, Salehurst, Crowhurst, and Brightling, and of 2 8. rents arising out of Great Okeham and Little Okeham, late Robert Pond's, and Friggetts and Hoddenham, in the tenure of 'fhomas Humphrey; and of 138. 4d. rents of assize out of divers tenements called Solmes, in the tenure of Edmund Roberts in Salehurst; and the jnrors said that the said Faith survived the said Thomas Oxenbridge, and still survived at Huhe11den, Bucks ; and they found that the said 'l'homas was also seized in demesne as of his fee of the manor of Gyles in Bur wash; and that all the said manors, &c. (except the manor of Gyles) went to the heirs of the said Thomas Echyngham ; 59 and that the said Tomas had by the said Faith a son and heir, Andrew Oxenbridge, who was still living; and that all the said manors, &c., in Echingham, Salehurst, Monfeld, Glottingharn, Ockham, Crowhurst, and Brightling, were held of George Earl of Huntingdon, as of his rape and honour of Hastings, by knight's service ; and that the said manor of Gyles was holden of William Wyborne as of his manor of Burwash by fealty, suit of court, &c.; and further, that the manors of Echingham and Salehurst were worth £50 a year clear, and the other lands (except Gyles) £40 a year, and the manor of Gyles 47 8. Sd. a year.

The jurors also found that the said Thomas Oxenbridge died on the 28th March then last, and that the said Andrew his son, at the time of taking the inquest, was five years old and upwards, and Elizabeth, his daughter, was eleven years old and upwards. The son Andrew was of Trinity College,Cambridge, and public orator in 1561; he afterwards became an LL.D., and, adhering to the Catholic faith and denying the Queen's supremacy, was in 1583 committed with othersto Wisbeach Castle, whence he was released on signing an acknowledgment of the Queen's supremacy.60

Research note

Marlyn Lewis has her mother as Alice Windsor but provides Richardson as source.[6] He does not mention Elizabeth Puttenham's mother. [5]

From Kate Meerson's Tudor Women

Elizabeth Oxenbridge was the daughter of Thomas Oxenbridge (1502-March 28,1540), half brother of Elizabeth Oxenbridge (above), and Elizabeth Puttenham (1507-1529). Around 1540, she also married a man named Robert Tyrwhitt, this one the nephew of the one married to Elizabeth's aunt. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt of Kettleby (1526-November 16, 1581) was also at court


  1. Cooper, F.S.A, William Durrant (1856), "Notices of Winchelsea, in and after the Fifteenth Century" (PDF), Sussex Archaeological Collections, VIII, London: John Russell Smith, doi:10.5284/1085173 < PDF >; Page 222-223; or see < Archive.Org >
  2. there was a second (or first) Elizabeth Oxenbridge, the daughter of Sir Goddard and his second wife, Anne Fiennes, and she also married a Robert Tyrwhit, of Leighton Bromswold, the uncle of the husband of the other Elizabeth Oxenbridge. This second pair, had an only surviving daughter Katherine Tyrwhit who married Henry Darcy. "Elizabeth Tyrwhit's Morning and Evening Prayers," by Elizabeth Tyrwhit. < GoogleBooks >
  3. WikiTree contributors, "Elizabeth (Puttenham) Oxenbridge (abt.1504-abt.1529)," WikiTree: The Free Family Tree, (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Puttenham-41 : accessed 22 November 2024).
    1. Pedigrees from the Visitation of Hampshire Page 17: Puttenham Names his father as Robert Puttenham , Archive.Org > Shows daughters Audrey, Dorothey, and Elizabeth (m. Thomas Oxenbridge) as children of wife Rose Gainsford.
    2. Visitation of Hampshire Page 153: Oxenbridge
    3. Visitation of Sussex Page 15: Oxenbridge
    4. Sussex archaeological collections relating to the history and antiquities of the county Page 222
    5. Richardson, Douglas: Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd edn. (2011), 4 vols, Volume 2, page 104, ECHINGHAM 13 < GoogleBooks >
    6. Marlyn Lewis https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p3154.htm...
      1. [S15] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, p. 293.
      2. [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 104.
      3. [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. IV, p. 245.
      4. [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. II, p. 486.
      5. [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. V, p. 225.
    7. See also: Benolte, Thomas; Philipot, John; & Owen, George. The Visitations of the County of Sussex: 1530 and 1633-4. London: The Harleian Society, 1905. Vol LIII, p 15, Oxenbridge.
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Elizabeth Oxenbridge's Timeline

England (United Kingdom)
Age 22