Title: Richmond County, Virginia, Account Book Number 1, 1724-1783 Author: County Clerk, Richmond County, Virginia Page: p. 441-442
Another settlement of the estate of Thomas Jesper, reference is madeto a court order dated 3 Nov 1760.
The purpose of the settlement is to give the "Widow" as she isreferred to in the document, one third of the estate. The children,Thomas Jesper, Daniel Jesper, Mary Ann Jesper and Elizabeth Jesper areeach to pay the widow a part.
It appears from this settlement that Thomas Jesper Senior's widow(possibly Elizabeth Hammond) went to court and contested the will andthe distribution of the estate.
1718 |
Richmond, Virginia, USA
1731 |
September 13, 1731
North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia
1735 |
April 14, 1735
Richmond, Virginia, United States
1737 |
September 16, 1737
Richmond County, Virginia, United States
1739 |
October 30, 1739
North Farnham Parish, Richmond, Virginia, USA
1742 |
December 14, 1742
Richmond County, Virginia
1745 |
November 3, 1745
North Farnham Parish, Richmond, Virginia
1760 |
November 1760
Age 42
Richmond County, Virginia