Edward (Eruera) Harold Dennis Hamon

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Edward (Eruera) Harold Dennis Hamon

Also Known As: "Eruera Hamon"
Birthplace: Te Hapara, Gisborne, New Zealand
Death: November 30, 1941 (21)
Halfaya Sollum War Cemetery, Egypt (Killed in action)
Immediate Family:

Son of Henare (Henry) Hamana Hamon and Riria Maria (Lydia) Hamon
Husband of Winnie Hamon
Brother of Henare Hixon (Henry) Hamon; Hoana Hamon; Awanui Hamon; Eruera Rawhera Hamon; Rei Hamon and 5 others

Managed by: Private User
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About Edward (Eruera) Harold Dennis Hamon

Service number 39202 WWII
28 (Maori) Battalion, C Company
Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Second Echelon
Campaign: Western Desert

Medals and Awards

1939-1945 Star
Africa Star
Defence Medal
War Medal 1939-1945
New Zealand War Service Medal

Eruera Hamon was the son of Henare Hamon and Riria Hamon (nee Sawyer) of Gisborne, New Zealand.

Entered Camp 26 January 1940, embarked 1 May 1940 for Scotland, and arrived in Egypt 4 March 1941.

Wounded in action between 18 and 30 November 1941.

He sketched "The Spirit of the Bayonet" as part of a 2 NZEF art competition. A copy is held by the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

Advice was received by Mr. Henry Hamon, Waverly Street, Gisborne, on Monday, that his son Eruera (Dennis) Hamon, died of wounds on November 30. Private Hamon enlisted at the age of 19 and before leaving for overseas with the main body of the Maori Battalion, was an employee of the Gisborne Refrigerating Company. He was connected with station 2ZM, and prior to his enlistment, acted as announcer for the Hawaiian session. He was a keen follower of sport, particularly boxing, at which lie showed great promise. Private Hamon was wounded in both the Greece and Cretan campaigns and again in Libya, from which wounds lie eventually died. He was very popular with his company.

Gisborne Herald 5 May 1942

Note: The source document (hidden) contains incorrect information. The change of name Summer Rogers doesn't relate to Eruera Hamon.

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Edward (Eruera) Harold Dennis Hamon's Timeline

February 8, 1920
Te Hapara, Gisborne, New Zealand
November 30, 1941
Age 21
Halfaya Sollum War Cemetery, Egypt