public profile
Ancestry unknown but he often claimed as a son of Eberhard II, count in Nordgau
He appears as a villian in the Life of Deicolus, which says he repudiated his wife Adelinda, mingled with whores, then married a nun from Ernstein (Hummer, 235).
Chapter 2. GRAFEN im NORDGAU
Use of the names Hugo and Eberhard suggest that the Grafen im Nordgau were descended from the family of the Dukes in Alsace (Chapter 1) but the precise descent has not been traced in the primary sources which have so far been consulted in the preparation of this document. The use of the name "Matfried" in this family during the later 10th and early 11th centuries suggests a connection with the "Matfriedinger" family who were counts of Metz and, later, dukes of Upper Lotharingia. An indication that this may be correct is found in the reference in the Annalista Saxo to Bruno von Egisheim being "Conradi imperatoris consobrinus" when recording his election as Pope Leo IX[84], Emperor Konrad's mother being the sister of Gerhard and Adalbert Counts of Metz [Matfriedinger]. Too little information is known about the wives of the Nordgau counts to speculate sensibly about where the connection might be.
2. EBERHARD [III] (-after 898). The Gesta Francorum records that "Notingum episcopum et Eburhardum comitum, missos Hludowici nepotis sui [regis]" were "received and heard" at a council held in Feb 858 at Ulm[85]. The Annales Fuldenses also name "Notingum episcopum et Eburhardum comitem" as missi of "Hludowici nepotis sui" at a council "in villa Alemanniæ Ulma" in Feb 858[86]. Graf im Nordgau 888. "Arnolfus…rex" granted property "in pago Mortunouua…in comitatu Ebarhardi in locis Ouuanheim et Baldanheim" to "prespitero…Isanpreht" by charter dated 26 May 888[87]. Graf im oberen Aargau 891. "Arnolfus…rex" granted property "in comitatu Eburhardi in superiore Argowe…in loco Bach" to the church of Strasbourg by charter dated 22 Apr 892[88]. Arnulf King of Gemany confirmed grants of property "in superiori Aragouue in comitatu Hebarhardi" to St Gallen by "nobilis matrona Pirin" by charter dated 26 Aug 894[89].
m ADELINDA, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
Eberhard [IV] & his wife had one child:
Captured by Norsemen and ransomed by his mother.
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps09/ps09_203.htm
Captured by Norsemen and ransomed by his mother.
References: [RFC]
Count of Lower Alsace (ELSASS), Duke of FRIESLAND
Born: 853 Died: abt. 920 murdered poss. Wives/Partners: Adallind (Adelaide) (poss. de VERMANDOIS) ; Adelheid von TRIENT (ped@WC) ; Arlinda de BAS-ALSACE Possible Child: Hugh III (Count) von HOHENBURG
860 |
Elsaß, Germany
875 |
Elsaß, Deutschland (Germany)
885 |
Nordgau, Alsace, France
898 |
Age 38
Elsaß, Germany
???? |
Count In Ortengau
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Duke Of Friesland in Hamelant